I Love My Internet Radio
I had a banner Christmas. Aside from my Aeropress, my favourite gift is my OXX Wifi Internet Radio.

Here's me tuning into a classic rock station in Anchorage, Alaska.
I know all of these internet radio stations are available through my laptop- but it's pretty cool to have a dedicated appliance with presets- I can flip from "Sikh Radio Punjab" to "KINE radio Hawaii" with just a button. We had a relative visiting from Ireland over Christmas- and we tuned in on local AM radio from Limerick- to play during Christmas dinner. It's so cool to have basically a radio that tunes in on every station in the world. (not every station of course - there are some exceptions)
The other nice feature is that it has a DAB mode. DAB is a terrestrial digital radio format that broadcasts locally here in Australia. I don't think it exists in the US (?) but it's like XM or Sirius, except free- no satellites involved, and not as many stations. We use this for when we want to just leave the radio on all day- because the Internet radio does chew into my broadband.

Here's me tuning into a classic rock station in Anchorage, Alaska.
I know all of these internet radio stations are available through my laptop- but it's pretty cool to have a dedicated appliance with presets- I can flip from "Sikh Radio Punjab" to "KINE radio Hawaii" with just a button. We had a relative visiting from Ireland over Christmas- and we tuned in on local AM radio from Limerick- to play during Christmas dinner. It's so cool to have basically a radio that tunes in on every station in the world. (not every station of course - there are some exceptions)
The other nice feature is that it has a DAB mode. DAB is a terrestrial digital radio format that broadcasts locally here in Australia. I don't think it exists in the US (?) but it's like XM or Sirius, except free- no satellites involved, and not as many stations. We use this for when we want to just leave the radio on all day- because the Internet radio does chew into my broadband.
I want one. Thanks for the heads up. Didn't know these existed.
When I move I want to take a siesta from the internet, but I really love my internet radio.
This would be a great compromise.
Apparently no U.S. DAB+ yet.
But you could still use it for the wi-fi radio here.
We got DAB in Denmark, but I don't know about actual Internet Radio.. seems neat.
I'd just like to say: Aeropress ftw!
What stations do you listen to?
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There's just so much choice that I haven't settled down yet. I bop around to the places I've lived in my life- mainly for nostalgia's sake- then just look for random stuff. LA talk radio, over to Japan for some J-Pop. Was listening to some Turkish stations the other day. A bit of Hawaiian music. I'm sure I'll settle on some favorites eventually. >> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
What stations do you listen to?
I also have one of these radios and love it, too!
I tune in to ABCs TripleJ from Sydney a lot. We also play the german kids radio KIRAKA when the little one is around, something we can´t get on the regular radio. And last summer we had fun listening to Jamaican Reaggae Channels while hanging out on the balcony in the summer heat. So much good stuff out there!
Our model is a DNT Ipdio which can also stream audio from your computer through WIFI. The user interface is quite annoying though, there are probably much better options out there.
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