Child of Light review (Blog Post)

It's been a while since I've done one of these -- here's the long-awaited (by nobody) ninth episode of Turbo Button Reviews: Child of Light!

The Stanley Parable review (Blog Post)

So I've started a new video game review series, Turbo Button Reviews, and first up is The Stanley Parable.  Which is awesome.  And which you should play immediately. Seriously, if you haven't played it, don't watch this; just play the game.

This embed doesn't seem to want to work, so here's a link: 

Go see LOOPER (Blog Post)

I just saw Looper.  I loved, loved, LOVED it.  Seriously, go see it.  Now.  Might just be my favourite movie of the year so far, and yes, I have seen The Master.


Rian Johnson's epic feud with Jason Reitman (Blog Post)

I saw this on Slashfilm, and it was just too good not to share.  Here's the epic tale of Rian Johnson's (director of Brick and the Brothers Bloom) attempt to end his feud with Jason Reitman (director of Juno and Up in the Air), written by Johnson himself:


So Jason and I decide to bury the hatchet. We met at this Mexican joint Ernie’s up in the valley. Very cordial. He ordered a margarita. And it’s early but I figure what the hell, so I get a margarita too. So whatever, we get a pitcher. And we’re talking. And the pitchers pile up, and at some point it’s now a bottle of tequila and a basket of limes. I don’t think we ate. We might have. So we stumble shit-faced onto Lankershim, and there’s this used car lot across the street. And we both spot this 78 Impala. Reitman starts saying “THAT’s a car.” and I say it back. And for like 10 minutes that’s all we say to each other, pointing at it. So half an hour later we own the car and we’re barreling down the 101 listening to K-EARTH. I can’t trace our line of logic but it made sense at the time to go to Juarez. We got more tequila and some beef jerky and drove for 2 days.

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