Iran Tries to Pacify Protesters With Lord Of The Rings Marathon (really)

When I first read this on my news tickers i thought it was an Onion headline that I had misappropriated to slashdot.  Truth is stranger than fiction my friends, I'm worried that we're only a few steps away from drugging the water in order to "Keep people safe" (in Iran anyway)


Iranian state television's Channel Two is playing a Lord of the Rings marathon in an attempt to keep people inside watching hobbits and not protesting in the streets. Normally people in Tehran are treated to one or two Hollywood movies a week, but with recent events the government hopes that sitting through a nine hour trilogy will take the fight out of most. Perhaps this was not the best choice in films if you want your people not to believe that "even the smallest person can change the course of the future."

Lord of the Rings

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rougy says...

Most of the Muslim hard-liners probably never watched the films due to some religious restriction about moving images.

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