Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across America

The end of Free Speech in America has arrived at our doorstep. It's a new law called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in a clever way that could allow the U.S. government to arrest and incarcerate any individual who speaks out against the Bush Administration, the war on Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security or any government agency (including the FDA). The law has already passed the House on a traitorous vote of 405 to 6, and it is now being considered in the Senate where a vote is imminent. All over the internet, intelligent people who care about freedom are speaking out against this extremely dangerous law: Philip Giraldi at the Huffington Post, Declan McCullagh at CNET's, Kathryn Smith at, and of course Alex Jones at

This bill is the beginning of the end of Free Speech in America. If it passes, all the information sources you know and trust could be shut down and their authors imprisoned. NewsTarget could be taken offline and I could be arrested as a "terrorist." Jeff Rense at could be labeled a "terrorist" and arrested. Byron Richards, Len Horowitz, Paul Craig Roberts, Greg Palast, Ron Paul and even Al Gore could all be arrested, silenced and incarcerated. This is not an exaggeration. It is a literal reading of the law, which you can check yourself here:

This is happening, folks. You're LIVING through an amazing chapter of history right now. You're actually witnessing the downfall of a free nation and the rise of a superpower fascist state. You're actually part of it.

When it's all over, will you look back and realize you did nothing? Or will you now take a stand against tyranny and oppose these dangerous laws and lawmakers who threaten the Constitutional freedoms of you and your children?

 *Click the image below for the complete article:

The End of Free Speech in America?


This means that Videosift would have to remove the Politics channel and discussions regarding politics, government entities, etc. would be forbidden topics.  The Sift would be a purely entertainment site as will the others... by the way.. this would possibly make YouTube illegal or it would be used to locate political dissenters so they would know who to imprison for using the right to free speech.

The First Amendment clearly states:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

For Congress to push this bill is a clear act of High Treason against the Constitution and the people of the United States of America!!!!  This is something a Fascist dictator would decree.  The current administration is quickly moving us to a police state and is declaring war against the people of America.  This is an extreme outrage, we need our troops back on the homefront NOW to protect us against this domestic enemy that is controlling our government."

If this gets passed as law, I will be forced to close my accounts and be completely silenced.  Some of you may like this thought.  Just remember that removal of this basic right to all of us will mean that we'll all have to be silenced eventually.

You will see some of your friends imprisoned.  Your family members may become suspect and possibly imprisoned as well.  Is this the America you know and love?  If it is, then you can pat yourself on the back and maybe you will have a place as an informant for the new fascist regime.    - CP

choggie says...

hey CP, I live in a constant state of frustration as well....wait till they pour out of the cities, looking for safe haven....have to be like Anne Frank's mum n' dad...keep college profs and atheists in the cellar...

blankfist says...

I've known about this Act for a while now. I've been keeping an eye on it. It's a pretty terrifying piece of legislation, and I concur that we're entering a period of massive change in American policy. Currently, our country is in a revolution, but one of quiet, even-headed diplomacy. That will probably change in ten years, though.

rickegee says...

I think that you are all overreacting to this bill.

It doesn't add any new law enforcement powers beyond the already wildly expansive USA PATRIOT. It provides for a nice Commission, and an eventual Report, and perhaps one day a beautiful Center and seems to be an "earmark" project for California rather than the end of civil liberties as we knew them. Hell, federal agencies are not even required to turn over materials to the Commission. Good luck . . .

The key language in the First Amendment is "the right of the people peaceably to assemble." As far as I know, the Politics channel is not cooking plots of violent overthrow of the American system, the War on Terror channel can be withering toward US Policy but Cheney deserves it, and dag is only mailing shirt bombs to the Resistance (for now).

It is simply not traitorous to be opposed to those persons who would foment riot and worse via actions AND words. The First Amendment protects citizens precisely from that situation and this bill does not alter the 1st Amd.

bamdrew says...

Well, I just read it, and its only mildly disconcerting if your group is planning on using VIOLENCE to advance its cause.

Maybe me and Rickegee are not creative enough but I can't read it to include any of the restrictions you've given. Its basically, 'we're setting up a commission (sect. C) and a university center (sect. D) to ANALYZE homegrown anti-U.S. government groups, real-world and online, that have caches of physical weapons or plans to do some sort of violent act on American soil'.

“Any measure taken to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence and homegrown terrorism in the United States should not violate the constitutional rights, civil rights, or civil liberties of United States citizens or lawful permanent residents."

bamdrew says...

Oh, and also, rabble-rabble; government bad; U.S. going to hell in handbasket,... etc.

The next piece of legislation coming out will probably order the killing of Ron Paul, and then I'll understand if some people are upset on the sift.

rickegee says...

I will admit that the clause in the law relating to the Internet had an old-person "what in the hell is all this internets?" vibe to it. However, not all law enforcement measures are presumptively bad as people who break things and hurt different people do, in fact, still exist. But I have worked on that side of the fence and I do claim a bias.

And I will also note that the internet was the second or third best method of drug cartel money laundering (depending on where you slot black market peso exchange) until the federal ML laws were tightened a few years ago and PayPal and similar transfer systems were squeezed and scrunched a little bit by the Feds.

Currently, if you really wish to launder illicit funds, I recommend a hawala.

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