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This Black Box Reads RFID Cards in Your Pocket - LPL

AeroMechanical says...

If you're willing to spend a bit more, there are lots of industrial RFID readers that fit in a similar footprint (though requiring mains power), with ~100+ meter ranges that can process tens of thousands of tags per second.

Of course, nobody even a little bit serious about security treats the contents of the tag memory as a secret. On the other hand, there are tons of vendors (particularly in the IOT space), that don't care about infosec at all.

Home Defense: Using Household Items as Cover

We're Collectively Using Escalators Wrong

AeroMechanical says...

Yeah, one of my biggest fears is that on my deathbed I will lament the 45 minutes of precious life I wasted by not walking up escalators or constantly changing lanes on the freeway.

Life Hack: Breaking off security tag...

True Facts: Frog Fish

The Dingo Fence

This has broken me - Smarter Every Day

What Happens When A Woman Abuses A Man In Public?

AeroMechanical says...

Fair enough, but these are separate issues, I agree with the premise of the video. But, while it would be a mistake to assume that men cannot be victims of abuse, it would also be a mistake to assume general equivalency. Take, Weinstein for example. Once he'd isolated his victims, they had to handle their situation with the added fear that he may physically overpower and rape them. With the gender roles reversed, the situation would in most cases not be the same. There is an extra dimension that needs to be considered resulting from the biological fact that men are bigger and stronger than women. I believe you do need to consider gender, even though it would be nice if you didn't.

What Happens When A Woman Abuses A Man In Public?

AeroMechanical says...

Eh, their overall point is certainly valid, but in the situation with the woman assaulting the man, I would not be greatly concerned for his physical safety (which, granted, is assuming he doesn't have some kind of physical disability, which isn't a great assumption). Being bigger and stronger, he has the option to extricate himself while staying purely on the defensive, whereas a woman being assaulted typically doesn't have that option without assistance from a bystander. I don't think we want to over-equalize everything to the point where we overlook that underlying all male-female interaction is that if it somehow degenerates to violence, the male will most likely ultimately control the outcome

The Enormous Spreadsheet that Runs the World's Mail

AeroMechanical says...

It definitely should not be a spreadsheet, but I'd be willing to bet it actually is and that everyone that works for the UPA hates it with a passion.

Fairbs said:

I bet it's a database and not a spreadsheet

Evo-Devo (Despacito Biology Parody) | A Capella Science

Rotary Jails and Accidental Amputations

NICEST Car Horn Ever- DIY

AeroMechanical says...

I like it.

In the situations where I would use my horn to avoid an accident, I'm usually too busy driving to take a hand off the wheel and sound the horn. If someone on the freeway is merging into my lane and about to collide with me, it seems I'm much better of braking and actively avoiding the collision myself rather than blowing my horn and counting on the other car to stop merging.

In my experience, aside from "excuse me the light is green", all horns actually communicate is "fuck you." For many those two are also the same thing. Personally, I don't have enough emotional investment in other drivers to want to swear at them with my horn.

Quantum Mechanics (Now with Added Ducks) - exurb1a

AeroMechanical says...

I dunno about that. There's lots of scientific evidence for quantum mechanics. It was disagreement between experimental results and theory which lead to the development of quantum mechanics in the first place. There have definitely been repeatable experiments demonstrating quantum entanglement, for instance.

String Theory, now, that's where you've got your unprovable assumptions. Whereas quantum mechanics at least has a big "we don't know why this is" hole in the middle, the string theory guys would just posit the existence of a bunch more dimensions to make the equations work.

Not that I actually understand the mathematics of any of it, mind you.

Spacedog79 said:

Quantum physics makes extraordinary claims and at the same time asks us to lower our standards of scientific rigour by accepting unprovable assumptions. You can have one or the other but never both.

Quantum Mechanics (Now with Added Ducks) - exurb1a

AeroMechanical says...

Because you look at your duck, you see that it's feet are sticking out of the water and you say to yourself, "aha, that means the other duck's head is out of the water."

And you're right, but, that's all you know (which is neat, but not useful). Moreover, it's not until either you or your buddy with his duck in Andromeda actually looks at their duck that the ducks actually take on their state. So you unfortunately cannot attach any significance (and thus information) to the state of a couple of ducks.

newtboy said: WHY can't duck buddies be used to make intergalactic phone calls?

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