Mashable has fun with the "Twelve Days of Christmas. Credits include (spoiler):

Success Kid: Himself (Sam Griner)
Chuck Testa: Himself
Scumbag Steve: Himself
Keyboard Cat: Himself (courtesy of Charlie Schmidt)
Nyan Cat: Himself (courtesy of Chris Torres)
Grumpy Cat: Herself (Tardar Sauce)
Carolers: Brian Hernandez, Annie Colbert, Amanda Wills, Matt Silverman
ERMAHGERD GIRL: Stephanie Buck
Paul Ryan: Alex Fitzpatrick
Ridiculously Photogenic Guy: Eric Larson
Ecce Homo: Chelsea Stark
Hillary Clinton: Lauren Biegler
McKayla Maroney: Zoe Fox
Bronies: Ariel Martinez, Alex Fitzpatrick
Shamed Dogs: Kingsley, Holly, Franklin, Wally
Songwriters: Annie Colbert, Christine Erickson
Singers: Amanda Wills, Matt Silverman
Music Production/Arrangement: Matt Silverman
Video Production/Editing: Ervarn Ehrngel
Video Assistant: Bianca Consunji
Talent Wrangler: Christine Erickson
Directors: Annie Colbert, Matt Silverman

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