Lay down, sleep my little darling
I'll be nothing when you're gone
Lay down just like in a coffin
Then I'll have nothing but a song
Could I leave you in a coffin for real
And just leave you in a church
Lay down
Leave you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
Lay down
Sleep you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
It's not my turn

Lay down, this pain will be long gone
With the absence of your breath
I know that you loved me
But I can't love you when you're dead
So I'll leave you in that coffin for God
And I'll leave you in the dirt
Lay down
Leave you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
Lay down
Sleep you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
Lay down before me
I know I won't go
It's not my turn

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