My second favourite band in the world, belt out this brilliant tune. All about the type of girl I cannot stand (and actually the type of guy who falls for it, just as bad) which is the majority of the clubbing community really, pfft...

It's ever so funny, I don't think you're special I don't think you're cool
You're just probably alreyt (alright), but under these lights you look beautiful
But I'm struggling, I can't see through your fake tan
And you know it for a fact that everybody's eating out of your hands

What do you know?
you know nothing
But I'll still take you home

Fancy seeing you in here, you're all tarted up and you don't look the same
I haven't seen you since last year and surprisingly you have forgot my name
But you know it and you knew it all along
Oh you say you have forgotten, but you're fibbing go on tell me I'm wrong
I fancy you with a passion, you're a Topshop princess, a rockstar too
You're a fad you're a fashion and I'm having a job trying to talk to you
But it's alright, put it all on one-side,
everybody's looking, you've got control of everyone's eyes
Including mine

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