So nerds, tell me about your Ipads

So, I recently made the little side business I've been buidling for a few years into my main business. It's going very well.
I'm not a gadget nerd like some of you and like to learn about products from personal experiences. I hate reading web articles about shit as I'm dyslexic and it's a pain in the ass.

I want a little device to streamline things at my wellness center. I think the Ipad might be it. And would like all your nerdy opinions about it.

In my head, I want a smallish (but not too small) portable device to:
1. load all my spa music on, plug into some speakers and go
2. keep track of my appointments, schedule and client info (phone numbers, email addresses)
3. load games on it for my kids to play on days they have to be up at the center with me.... and possibly play movies off of netflix?
4. track all of my monies (business accounts, personal accounts, etc)... possibly load quick books or something similar?? pay business related and personal bills, etc etc
5. access the wellness centers online booking/register software
6. order business supplies online while at work checking my stock (yes, the center has wifi)
7. keep to do lists
8. possibly keep notes/charts on my clients
9. it'd be super cool if i could load pictures of my clients postural analysis testing and track progress visually, but its not really necessary... just think it'd be cool
10. be able to quickly access/look up information about various conditions and pathologies my clients might have that I'm not familiar with and find out contraindications or techniques that would be helpful to them.
11. load my audible books/kindle games and books on to to entertain me on slow days/trips (love to plug it into my car and hear my audio books on my drives to houston)

I know I could do all this on a laptop but I'd really like it to all be on one handheld device I can carry around with center with me and stick in my backpack and bike to work/home with easily. Also, if It's being used to entertain my kids while they're stuck at work with me, is it still a business expense?? Any other things I should know about??

so nerds and nerdy apple fan boys... what do you think?
Is the Ipad what I need or am I dreaming up something that hasn't been invented yet?

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