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Cracking an ATM in <1 minute

Rick Perry - Weak, Man

shinyblurry says...

You're also commanded by God to impregnate your widowed sister in law and allowed by God to sell your daughter into slavery. You're banned by God from touching menstruating women. You're not allowed to work on a Sunday and those who do must be put to death - I presume you kill firemen and doctors? Don't tell me that us politically correct people have stopped following these commands?

Have you read the bible? I am commanded to do no such thing. What you're referring to is the jewish cermonial and civil law which was only for Israel in that time and place. Please read up on the differences between the old and new covenants.

No no, I don't bash Christians. My mother is a Christian and I love her. I am intolerant of intolerance. I am intolerant of those who claim to be saving souls, yet who bully young men into committing suicide - and what does your Bible say about that? You're not saving souls, you're damning them.

I haven't bullied anyone, and it isn't loving to tolerate sin. It is actually hateful to tolerate it because sin is what sends people to hell. No one should be bullied or singled out, and those who act that way are not following what Jesus taught.

So I presume if your mother is Christian, you grew up in the faith? If so, why did you turn your back on it?

You can be Christian all you want, but if you have a problem with homosexuality, then you don't engage in homosexual acts.

I have a problem with sin, and I will continue to speak out against it as God commanded me.

Oh, and stop bleating about American being founded with Christian ideals. Freedom of religion is in your constitution.

I will stop talking about it when people stop trying to rewrite history.

>> ^Quboid

Rick Perry - Weak, Man

Quboid says...

>> ^shinyblurry:
If you want to say anyone who speaks out against homosexuality is a bigot, I disagree with you. We're commanded by God to speak out against sin and we aren't going to stop obeying God to listen to the politically correct establishment. You and your ilk feel free to bash Christians all the time, so you don't really have much to say about tolerance.
>> ^Quboid

You're also commanded by God to impregnate your widowed sister in law and allowed by God to sell your daughter into slavery. You're banned by God from touching menstruating women. You're not allowed to work on a Sunday and those who do must be put to death - I presume you kill firemen and doctors? Don't tell me that us politically correct people have stopped following these commands?

No no, I don't bash Christians. My mother is a Christian and I love her. I am intolerant of intolerance. I am intolerant of those who claim to be saving souls, yet who bully young men into committing suicide - and what does your Bible say about that? You're not saving souls, you're damning them.

You can be Christian all you want, but if you have a problem with homosexuality, then you don't engage in homosexual acts.

Oh, and stop bleating about American being founded with Christian ideals. Freedom of religion is in your constitution.

The Tragically Hip - Bobcaygeon

bareboards2 says...

Helluva story. Here's the whole thing from Wiki:

The Christie Pits riot occurred on 16 August 1933 at the Christie Pits (Willowvale Park) playground in Toronto, Canada. The riot can only be understood in the context of the anti-semitism, Swastika clubs and parades and resentment of "foreigners" in Toronto, and the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in Germany in 1933.[1]

The riot, which lasted six hours, broke out after a quarter-final baseball game at Christie Pits Park between two local clubs, Harbord Playground, predominantly Jewish, and St. Peter's, a baseball team sponsored by a church at Bathurst and Bloor.[2]

The riot occurred soon after Adolf Hitler took power in Germany and in the midst of the Great Depression. The Toronto papers, including the Telegram and the Toronto Star, as well as the Yiddish journal, Der Yiddisher Zhurnal, reported on how Jews were being dismissed as lawyers, professors, teachers, etc. in Germany, as well as incidents of violence against them. Thus to Jews the swastika represented degradation and physical violence against Jews, and was inflammatory.[3]

At that time, the Jewish community in Toronto was predominantly poor and working class. They were also the subject of discrimination and were excluded from summer resorts outside of the city. Jewish families and youths in particular would therefore cool off during the hot summer months by staying in town and going to the predominantly Anglo Beaches area in order to swim. This resulted in complaints and resentment from some local residents. Some of the locals formed "Swastika Clubs", which openly displayed the Nazi symbol to express their displeasure and make Jews feel unwanted.[4] The leaders of the Swastika Club initially insisted that the swastika had nothing to do with Hitler. They said they merely wanted to keep the Beach clean. After a meeting with Jewish leaders backed by City officials, the Swastika club agreed to drop its symbol and its name. At that point, several of the members joined the Swastika Association of Canada that was much more open about its links to Hitler.[5]

The night of the riot was the second game between Harbord and St. Peter's. Two nights earlier, at the first game of the series, a swastika had been displayed. Police were warned that there could be trouble at the second game, but those warnings were ignored. After the final out of the second game, Pit Gang members displayed a blanket with a large swastika painted on it. A number of Jewish boys and young men who had heard about the previous Swastika incident rushed the Swastika sign to destroy it, supporters of both sides (including Italians who supported the Jews) from the surrounding area joined in, and a fight started.[6]

The Toronto Daily Star described the event the next day:
“ While groups of Jewish and Gentile youths wielded fists and clubs in a series of violent scraps for possession of a white flag bearing a swastika symbol at Willowvale Park last night, a crowd of more than 10,000 citizens, excited by cries of ‘Heil Hitler’ became suddenly a disorderly mob and surged wildly about the park and surrounding streets, trying to gain a view of the actual combatants, which soon developed in violence and intensity of racial feeling into one of the worst free-for-alls ever seen in the city.

Scores were injured, many requiring medical and hospital attention... Heads were opened, eyes blackened and bodies thumped and battered as literally dozens of persons, young or old, many of them non-combatant spectators, were injured more or less seriously by a variety of ugly weapons in the hands of wild-eyed and irresponsible young hoodlums, both Jewish and Gentile".[7]

No one was killed in the riots. There was criticism of the police for not being ready to intervene, as they had been during previous potential problems in the Beach area.[8] After the riot, Mayor Stewart warned against displaying the swastika and there were no further riots.[9]

The riot revealed the xenophobic attitudes toward Jews and other non-Anglo immigrants among Anglo Canadians. Jews represented the largest minority in Toronto in 1933 and were thus a target of xenophobic residents.

In August 2008, a Heritage Toronto plaque was presented to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the riot.

Evil Men Of History: Caligula

US Soldiers Tell The Truth - The Real Heroes

Yogi says...

We have put our young men in an impossible situation and act surprised when they kill innocents. It happens in every war, the answer is don't have unnecessary wars.

Foreskin Explained with Computer Animation

moodonia says...

I dont buy the argument that it had any practical health benefits in the bronze age or anywhen else. It was a massive way to show god whose side you were on by cutting a lump of your(or someone elses) penis off. Performing surgery circa 6,000BC on a newborn (or adult) with a sharpened stone is not going to increase anyones chances of survival. Look at the African tribes that carry out the same ritual today, the families have to wait to see which of the young men even survived the surgery, nevermind the ensuing infections.

If it was a detriment to survival we wouldnt have one, other mammals wouldnt have them, they are there for a reason and has been said for decades about circumcision "Its a cure searching for a disease". The latest attempt to find a disease is the AIDS/STD studies in Africa, none of the findings of which have been borne out in further studies.

I have yet to hear of a boy dying because he didnt have a circumcision, but I have heard (locally) of a baby boy who died as a result of a circumcision, an african immigrant whose mother was following her religious/tribal custom while living in Ireland for example.

I was loling when I first did some reading about this stuff online, so much hysteria about foreskins from people who dont even know what a normal penis looks like flaccid or erect, about how much special maintenance they require etc. (none), propaganda as far as I'm concerned.

My 2 cents

Young Men Having Trouble w/ Women, School? Blame Porn

ghark says...

>> ^Reefie:

Surprisingly interesting - gave me insight into my fellow men which is always helpful. I'm a guy but I see other guys as being different to me in the way they think and behave, whereas I'm much more in tune with women, their thoughts and their needs.
Mind you haveing said that, choice between watching the Superbowl on a big screen in a bar full of hairy sweaty guys or being able to partake in a sexual encounter with a very desirable female partner, the latter wins every time Jennifer Lopez doesn't quite cut it as an example of a desirable woman, sorry J-Lo!

completely agree! I didn't realize the numbers were quite that skewed in favor of girls though, maybe it's time we form a man's club for manly men that have given up their porn? OH wait..

College Graduates use Sugar Daddies To Pay Off Debt

Porksandwich says...

This is what Matt Damon is referring to by MBA thinking. Some people are defined by their jobs, some people aren't. I always thought it was rather insulting when people want to find out "Who are you?" in the sense of more than just your name, they ask "What do you do?" in the sense that your job/daily activity is the end all be all of what you contribute.

You are essentially saying that if you find a spot in a career path that you enjoy, excel at and are love to do and are still there 5 years later, you are doing nothing with your life. Even if you raise a family, volunteer, involve yourself in other people's lives........instead of spending your time looking for career advancement because that's what we should value. It's not specifically a bad thing, but it's something a lot of people would be utterly miserable doing. Live to work versus work to live type mentality.

Besides there are jobs that have to be done in society for it to run that are seen as menial "do nothing" jobs. With one hand you are accepting the services they make possible and with the other you are slapping them in the face and telling them their contribution is nothing. Waste management (Garbage truck operators (lots), landfill operations (few)), Waste Water Treatment facilities, road crews, farmers, etc. All of these jobs their progress and contribution to society can be measured daily if so desired, and the majority of those jobs are looked down upon and seen as unskilled labor. Yet they are necessary for the "noble"/desirable/rich professions of doctors and lawyers to even function. They would do away with those jobs if they could, but instead they work to cut the costs associated with matter how necessary they are. Earnings and cost are something to be considered, but they are not the end all be all of what keeps a society functioning. There are a lot more grunt jobs than there are management/white collar jobs.

>> ^chilaxe:

It's not that my lazy liberal friends are living up to human potential in less economically rewarding ways, it's that they're doing nothing with their lives and they're almost exactly the same as they were 5 years ago.
What they don't understand is that building an extraordinary career is our greatest intellectual challenge and the only reliable way to consistently grow via real, sink-or-swim personal challenges.

Regarding the women in this video... I think it's a cognitive bias (that I've been prone to in the past) to view women having sex outside of committed relationships as being 'more immoral' than when men do it. The women are free agents able to do their own cost/benefit analysis, and young rationalists would seem to have incentive to trade erotic entertainment for economic and personal resources.
Personally, I enjoy dating older women because they're more advanced in life and career and thus have more stimulation to offer. I've noted in the past that young women seem to have an advantage in this regard over young men... it's easier for young women to date older, more advanced men and thus they can grow as individuals faster.
>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^chilaxe:
@NetRunner "Why should [economic efficiency] get such a powerful say in what sorts of intellectual pursuits I can engage in?"

You're free to follow whatever pursuits you wish, as long as YOU pay your own way.
My lazy liberal friends who majored in "feel-good" subjects and are doing nothing with their lives aren't living up to their human potential, so I think your philosophy of potential is backwards. I have an upcoming reunion, and I'm kind of dreading it because I know they all live unchanging lazy liberal lives, and I've been constantly personally and intellectually challenged through pursuing an ambitious career.

Again, you're not seeing my point. Economic success != living up to human potential in my book.
These young women are maximizing their economic potential by whoring themselves out. Are they maximizing their human potential by doing so? I don't think so.

College Graduates use Sugar Daddies To Pay Off Debt

chilaxe says...

It's not that my lazy liberal friends are living up to human potential in less economically rewarding ways, it's that they're doing nothing with their lives and they're almost exactly the same as they were 5 years ago.

What they don't understand is that building an extraordinary career is our greatest intellectual challenge and the only reliable way to consistently grow via real, sink-or-swim personal challenges.

Regarding the women in this video... I think it's a cognitive bias (that I've been prone to in the past) to view women having sex outside of committed relationships as being 'more immoral' than when men do it. The women are free agents able to do their own cost/benefit analysis, and young rationalists would seem to have incentive to trade erotic entertainment for economic and personal resources.

Personally, I enjoy dating older women because they're more advanced in life and career and thus have more stimulation to offer. I've noted in the past that young women seem to have an advantage in this regard over young men... it's easier for young women to date older, more advanced men and thus they can grow as individuals faster.

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^chilaxe:
@NetRunner "Why should [economic efficiency] get such a powerful say in what sorts of intellectual pursuits I can engage in?"

You're free to follow whatever pursuits you wish, as long as YOU pay your own way.
My lazy liberal friends who majored in "feel-good" subjects and are doing nothing with their lives aren't living up to their human potential, so I think your philosophy of potential is backwards. I have an upcoming reunion, and I'm kind of dreading it because I know they all live unchanging lazy liberal lives, and I've been constantly personally and intellectually challenged through pursuing an ambitious career.

Again, you're not seeing my point. Economic success != living up to human potential in my book.
These young women are maximizing their economic potential by whoring themselves out. Are they maximizing their human potential by doing so? I don't think so.

Your Yard Is EVIL

legacy0100 says...

Perhaps it is from a Anglophone cultural distinctive to keep a large area of uninhabitable lands near your home?

"Julius Caesar, in his famous account of the Gallic Wars of the 50s BC, provided readers at home with a blood-curdling description of the Germanic tribes he encountered in battle:

'The various tribes regard it as their greatest glory to lay waste as much as possible of the land around them and to keep it uninhabited. They hold it a proof of a people's valour to drive their neighbours from their homes, so that no-one dare settle near them. No discredit attaches to plundering raids outside tribal frontiers. The Germans say that they serve to keep young men in training and prevent them from getting lazy.'"

- Taken from:

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...


In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Hah. You mean this cop out?

"It's okay to vertically body slam a happy sober man into concrete, but goddamnit it is NEVER acceptable to horizontally body slam a sad drunk woman into concrete!"

You're clearly full of shit old lady.

And another prime example of how we humans compartmentalize the most awful shit in order to justify our indefensible positions.

..santorum stain..

>> ^bareboards2:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since November 7th, 2007" class="profilelink">MaxWilder, the fact that she ended up bleeding and disoriented, with chipped teeth, and the cop retired rather than being fired makes this different from a vid where young men are bellowing loudly and healthily as standard take-down procedures are used.
Slamming anyone into a concrete wall is not standard takedown procedure.
Thanks for asking a coherent question without ascribing meanings and intentions I don't hold.
Nooky for you, young man, nooky for you!

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

bareboards2 says...

@MaxWilder, the fact that she ended up bleeding and disoriented, with chipped teeth, and the cop retired rather than being fired makes this different from a vid where young men are bellowing loudly and healthily as standard take-down procedures are used.

Slamming anyone into a concrete wall is not standard takedown procedure.

Thanks for asking a coherent question without ascribing meanings and intentions I don't hold.

Nooky for you, young man, nooky for you!

dag (Member Profile)

smooman says...

i think its pretty safe to say that damn near every Sifter is opinionated (myself included, for sure). The difference being that while we may be heartily opinionated most of us arent blowhards and have the clarity to articulate these opinions graciously and civilly (and at times sarcastically) which is what brings me back here every day, personally. Im sure you'll agree

In reply to this comment by dag:
I don't think much of your quest to keep this on the front page. I don't think it's good for the community to keep a post on "cunt punching" at the top of the site so it's the first thing that new visitors see. I think you're doing a disservice to the Sift and our community.

I'm not planning to do anything about it - because I think that too would be against the spirit of our community. Just want you to know that I think it's a pretty shitty crusade you've picked to foist onto us.

And inch-by-little-inch we succumb to being more like YouTube - the preferred hangout for opinionated young men looking to make some noise. Congrats to you and Gwiz both.

>> ^LarsaruS:

Wow! The white knights are out in force in here... "Let's save the poor females!" seems to be the battle cry of choice in here and it is ringing loud and true! Seeing as how all females needs to be saved from the big bad real world! or perhaps people should let other people take responsibility for their own actions and not be fucking enablers for the misogynistic opinions of the females-can't-take-any-damage-and-are-not-responsible-for-their-own-actions-and-can-therefore-not-face-any-consequences-of-their-aforementioned-action

s crowd of white knights (and ladies who both wants to eat the cake and keep it) in this thread. Some of you are no better than the mob in the "How can she slap" video who absolutely pummel the guy for hitting back since hitting women is absolutely forbidden but hitting males is A-OK... Shame on you!
Also: Welcome to the 21:st century... Equality Bitches. Don't you like it? Equal rights, Equal responsibilities, Equal consequences.
White knights are like the T-Rex, just stay still and they will move on... Too bad I feel like running down the road with a flare today...
promote again because a lot of you guys/gals really need to get that 10 foot pole out of your butt... They are having a good time playing a stupid game and since she lost she gets smacked in the groin. Big Fucking Deal!!!!!!1111111oneoneone
(Prepares for the righteous charge of the Knights in White)
PS: To the Haters: 1 2 3 and last but not least 4

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

gwiz665 says...

Pfft. You need to lighten up, dude. We are nothing like youtube. I had no ulterior motive to this, so don't put intentions into my actions. I have no desire to see VS turn into youtube, liveleak or any of the crappy sites. VS is what it is, and that's better than basically all other videosites.

This is just a stupid video. We have plenty of them. So ease up. That goes for everyone in the thread.
>> ^dag:

I don't think much of your quest to keep this on the front page. I don't think it's good for the community to keep a post on "cunt punching" at the top of the site so it's the first thing that new visitors see. I think you're doing a disservice to the Sift and our community.
I'm not planning to do anything about it - because I think that too would be against the spirit of our community. Just want you to know that I think it's a pretty shitty crusade you've picked to foist onto us.
And inch-by-little-inch we succumb to being more like YouTube - the preferred hangout for opinionated young men looking to make some noise. Congrats to you and Gwiz both.
>> ^LarsaruS:
Wow! The white knights are out in force in here... "Let's save the poor females!" seems to be the battle cry of choice in here and it is ringing loud and true! Seeing as how all females needs to be saved from the big bad real world! or perhaps people should let other people take responsibility for their own actions and not be fucking enablers for the misogynistic opinions of the females-can't-take-any-damage-and-are-not-responsible-for-their-own-actions-and-can-therefore-not-face-any-consequences-of-their-aforementioned-action

s crowd of white knights (and ladies who both wants to eat the cake and keep it) in this thread. Some of you are no better than the mob in the "How can she slap" video who absolutely pummel the guy for hitting back since hitting women is absolutely forbidden but hitting males is A-OK... Shame on you!
Also: Welcome to the 21:st century... Equality Bitches. Don't you like it? Equal rights, Equal responsibilities, Equal consequences.
White knights are like the T-Rex, just stay still and they will move on... Too bad I feel like running down the road with a flare today...
promote again because a lot of you guys/gals really need to get that 10 foot pole out of your butt... They are having a good time playing a stupid game and since she lost she gets smacked in the groin. Big Fucking Deal!!!!!!1111111oneoneone
(Prepares for the righteous charge of the Knights in White)
PS: To the Haters: 1 2 3 and last but not least 4

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