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Seth McFarlane on his feud with Jon Stewart

messenger says...

I guess I don't know enough about the context, or I'm not connecting the dots. Care to help?>> ^gwiz665:

Consider the context.
>> ^messenger:
Weak sauce from MacFarlane. I'm with Morgan on this one 100%. Since when does Family Guy have to apologize for crossing the line? Is there any other reason to watch that show besides seeing how much too far they take a joke? They make an art out of it. I'm disappointed MacFarlane is that afraid of Stewart, and of his publicist too, apparently.

Seth McFarlane on his feud with Jon Stewart

gwiz665 says...

Consider the context.
>> ^messenger:

Weak sauce from MacFarlane. I'm with Morgan on this one 100%. Since when does Family Guy have to apologize for crossing the line? Is there any other reason to watch that show besides seeing how much too far they take a joke? They make an art out of it. I'm disappointed MacFarlane is that afraid of Stewart, and of his publicist too, apparently.

Sasha Baron Cohen's new character: Lord Monckton

messenger says...

Nope. He really got me. I believed it 100%. Poe's law indeed.

And kudos and thanks to the OP and all the commenters to that point who kept the ruse going. What a brilliantly conceived and executed stunt.>> ^arghness:

>> ^messenger:
This interviewer is an asshat. He should never have pressed Cohen to break character. Weak sauce.

You realise it's not really Cohen? Maybe you forgot the sarcasm checkbox?

Sasha Baron Cohen's new character: Lord Monckton

Sasha Baron Cohen's new character: Lord Monckton

Seth McFarlane on his feud with Jon Stewart

messenger says...

Weak sauce from MacFarlane. I'm with Morgan on this one 100%. Since when does Family Guy have to apologize for crossing the line? Is there any other reason to watch that show besides seeing how much too far they take a joke? They make an art out of it. I'm disappointed MacFarlane is that afraid of Stewart, and of his publicist too, apparently.

Dane Cook confronts Louis C.K. about joke stealing

Yogi says...

Dude...this got real. I liked Dane Cooks routines just fine...made me laugh, never thought he was stealing something and if he did so what? If you want to hate an artist for lifting something from another artist then just hate all art.

Seriously though I should start watching this show...I tried it before and it bugged me how awkward it was but if it has more real shit like this I could totally get into it.

EDIT: Dane is totally fucking right about that box thing. Getting an envelope is weak sauce.

The Office Recut as an 80's Sitcom

Bibleman Vs. Insulting Jewish Stereotype

quantumushroom says...

And yet here you are, risking a cat-astrophe. And you obviously know nothing about Mr. T.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Exposing insulting jewish stereotypes? Check.
Now if the rest of liberalsift would refrain from wishing death upon Israel in favor of hamas.

The new avatar suits your love of brutality, military dictatorship and propaganda quite well. Of course, your propaganda is comparatively weak sauce. At this point, cp420 and BillOreilly's arguments seem comparatively like something out of a Harvard debate class.

teaparty candidates deny seperation of church and state

bmacs27 says...

Man, if Cenk Uyger wholesale signed on with MSNBC, I'd lose what shred of respect I have left for the guy. NPR, fine, at least they show some independent thought, but really... MSNBC? He's gonna join the proud ranks of Joe Scarborough, Chris Matthews, and Keith Olbermann? Weak sauce Cenk, weak sauce.

Great Moments in Democrat Racist History: FDR

NetRunner says...

Yeah, pretty weak sauce. He's also factually wrong on how many terms FDR had -- he actually won a 4th term, though he died 3 months into it.

Then you got Truman, who desegregated the military...

GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

So..... because 25 people died in the seventies, vaccines should not be mass produced and distributed by the government?

You must admit that as arguments go, this is pretty weak sauce, not to mention a fairly dull-witted position for a professional doctor to take. The problem is that he does not approach medical issues with the mind of a doctor, but rather with the mind of a partisan politician, conforming to a strict set of anti-government principals that are indifferent to the general well being of the public.

In reply to this comment by GeeSussFreeK:
That he doesn't oppose them, but being as they can cause harm potentially, they are best left to be negotiated by a doctor and the patient. The third party of the government isn't really needed as the side affects of certain medicines can endanger life and limb. And more over, just like pot and drugs, I should have a right over my body which includes what I don't want in it.

Personally, I'm all vaccinated, but a government crack down on putting stuff in me would be a pretty extreme thing. Though, maybe I missed your point entirely.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
How so?

In reply to this comment by GeeSussFreeK:
This is also relivant

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
>> ^Crosswords:
>> ^BoneyD:
Who was the Republican? Ron Paul?

Ron Paul would never vote for government run/backed anything.

Not exactly true, but he would never of voted for this. Let us not forget he is Dr. Paul and not Esq. Paul, as a tried and true doctor, his words should carry a bit more weight than his lawyer and lobbyist counterparts.

If Ron Paul's opposition to vaccines is not enough to convince you that he is a quack, then nothing will.

Teacher Caught Slapping Autistic Kid

The Arrogance of Clergy (Awesome rant)

Duckman33 says...

>> ^all4naught:
>> ^gwiz665:
The reality is that relilgion is an outdated mechanism, which should have been rooted out long ago.

And, is that a scientifically verifiable fact? Or is it an opinion which is not provable, but should be believed, oh, faith?

Since when is faith an opinion?

Weak sauce.

PS I love this guy. But not in a gay kind of way.

Richard Dawkins interviews creationist Wendy Wright

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