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Barseps (Member Profile)

Biggest Asshole of the Year Award Goes to.....

Porksandwich says...

>> ^budzos:

No, I'm not afraid I'm going to lose control and shove someone unnecessarily. I haven't "assaulted" anyone since I was twelve.
What I'm afraid of is being in the proximity of people who would "absolutely file assault charges" for something where nobody was really hurt and the guy has already paid the price of looking like a complete asshole in front of the whole world. You would "absoultely" press the issue and try to sic the government on him. Why? Justice? Get fucked.
>> ^Porksandwich:
>> ^budzos:
People like you make me afraid to go out into the world.
>> ^Porksandwich:
Plus, Im guessing his shirt, shorts, shoes, and possibly his underwear. And anything else he dons on his way to the run and after the run will have a big corporate logo on it. So...... yeah. Hopefully some assault charges are in his future to go along with all that ill will he's generated. I don't see how the time frame that happened in could be a misunderstanding, and if he can't deal with the situation of corporate sponsorship of the events....he should stop going.

Is the fear of being sued for shoving people or the choice of not attending things where you may be offended/irritated/whatever and not being able to shove someone?
Hell you can't even put your hands on someone like that when they are on your own property for something as simple as wearing a mascot outfit and trying to hand you something...well NORMAL people can't get away with it at least.
I'd absolutely file assault charges against him if he put his hands on me or my kid (if I had kids) like that. He wouldn't put up with me going out and shoving his teenage kids....double standards are fun.

So he looked like an asshole in front of the world, he chose to do what he did. Him looking like an asshole doesn't negate the fact that he shoved someone, specifically a kid for approaching him and trying to hand him something who wouldn't have been on the track if they didn't have permission from the event.

He doesn't suddenly become a victim because now he looks like an asshole in front of the whole world, the victim is still the person in the mascot outfit being shoved...on camera in front of the same audience.

I think you'd feel differently if he were shoving you on camera and not just shrugging your shoulders and thinking aww shucks the poor runner man looks like an asshole. You have the expectation to not be assaulted by little known people AND well known people. Entitled to your own opinion, even if it does let grown men shove kids around. All intentional, nothing accidental happening in that video.

Biggest Asshole of the Year Award Goes to.....

budzos says...

No, I'm not afraid I'm going to lose control and shove someone unnecessarily. I haven't "assaulted" anyone since I was twelve.

What I'm afraid of is being in the proximity of people who would "absolutely file assault charges" for something where nobody was really hurt and the guy has already paid the price of looking like a complete asshole in front of the whole world. You would "absoultely" press the issue and try to sic the government on him. Why? Justice? Get fucked.

>> ^Porksandwich:

>> ^budzos:
People like you make me afraid to go out into the world.
>> ^Porksandwich:
Plus, Im guessing his shirt, shorts, shoes, and possibly his underwear. And anything else he dons on his way to the run and after the run will have a big corporate logo on it. So...... yeah. Hopefully some assault charges are in his future to go along with all that ill will he's generated. I don't see how the time frame that happened in could be a misunderstanding, and if he can't deal with the situation of corporate sponsorship of the events....he should stop going.

Is the fear of being sued for shoving people or the choice of not attending things where you may be offended/irritated/whatever and not being able to shove someone?
Hell you can't even put your hands on someone like that when they are on your own property for something as simple as wearing a mascot outfit and trying to hand you something...well NORMAL people can't get away with it at least.
I'd absolutely file assault charges against him if he put his hands on me or my kid (if I had kids) like that. He wouldn't put up with me going out and shoving his teenage kids....double standards are fun.

Challenges of Getting to Mars

deathcow says...

>> ^renatojj:

>> ^deathcow:
Anyone who thinks this money is stupidly spent should be keelhauled. Defense and petroleum sucks those kind of funds from Americans in hours.
Huh, look at that. It seems "less stupid than X" passes as smart these days.
I guess in times of record high unemployment is when we need space exploration spending the most. You know, to boost morale!

"Passes as smart?" thanks

The USA defense budget could pay for this entire Mars mission.... in LESS THAN ONE day. The USA annual defense budget is more than the next 15 highest spending countries combined, and many of those countries are USA allies.

Yet... not the right time to spend any money on scientific efforts. We should probably cancel these stupid Mars programs and give Lockheed/Haliburton another TWELVE HOURS of defense budget. Understood... thanks for schooling me on what smart is. Go Romney?

60 - Numberphile

radx says...

In addition to the Egyptian theory stated above, I'd like to add the Sumerians into the mix. They invented the sexagesimal system (base 60) and used a unit of length called the "beru". A beru is about 10km and, given a walking speed of 5 km/h, was also used as a unit of time by the Babylonians later on, measuring in at 120 minutes. Since an average day is 12 beru long, it fit rather nicely into their base 60 system and corresponded equally well to the 12 moon cycles in a year.

The Egyptians used seasonal time, meaning their hours didn't have a fixed length -- a mix of seasonal and proper hours was used. The Babylonians, however, used "hours" of a fixed length (~120 minutes), which the Greeks split in half to end up at 24 hours a day.

Or maybe not, can't remember.

Additional tidbit of information: if a positive integer has more divisors than any smaller positive integer, we call it a "highly composite number".>> ^lampishthing:

Anybody know why there's 24 hours in a day? Apart from it being two twelves...

60 - Numberphile

ReverendTed says...

>> ^lampishthing:

Anybody know why there's 24 hours in a day? Apart from it being two twelves...
Ok, so supposedly day and night were divided into twelve because of the 12 moon cycles in a year, or maybe it was because Egyptians liked counting in 12s as much as the Babylonians liked 60. Then there's this guy who proposes a variant on my completely fabricated-on-the-spot theory. So, sounds like we might or might not know the answer to your question.

60 - Numberphile

ReverendTed says...

>> ^lampishthing:

Anybody know why there's 24 hours in a day? Apart from it being two twelves...
Similar to other units of measurement based off the human body (e.g. feet), the resting human heartrate is around 60 beats per minute, so around one beat per second. Using their preference for 60, we start with 60 beats and call it a minute, then up from 60 minutes to set an hour, and find that it comes out to 24 of these "3600 second" hours in a day. Once you've got that there are roughly 24 hours in a day, you can set your mark by that and work backward to define seconds more precisely.

When you've gotten to end, you're confronted with the fact that just because something makes sense, that doesn't mean it's true. (i.e.: I have no idea, and will probably post back once I find out the truth.)

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

Ryjkyj says...


This is kind of weird, but I've been meaning to ask you for a while (in fact, I might have already asked you this and been so high or something that I don;t remember).

So, when I was around twelve or so, in 1992, I went to an O.M.S.I. camp in central Oregon down by the South Sister. There was a kid there with me, who's name I don't remember, who first introduced me to Duckman via the original comic. When teh camp was over, I bought the comic from him for ten bucks or something and I still have it to this day.

By any crazy, astronomical-chance-in-hell, could that have possibly been you?
In reply to this comment by Duckman33:
Cool, I live in Springfield actually but I just met a girl that lives up there, so who knows what the future holds. : I'd definitely go up for a siftup though if one happens to occur.

In reply to this comment by Ryjkyj:
Just moved back a couple years ago. That's one more person for the inevitable Pacific NW siftup... that will happen someday... maybe.
In reply to this comment by Duckman33:
This guy is a regular on the Portland Trailblazers after the game show called "Talkin' Ball". Never thought he was very funny. But now I can see why, he can't cut loose on that show like he can here.

P.S. Didn't know you lived in P-town Ryjkyj.

60 - Numberphile

Watsky- Who's Been Loving You?

eric3579 says...

I know my momma loves me
I know my poppa loves me
I know the camera loves me
I can tell my brother loves me
I know that Boston loves
And San Francisco loves me
I love the city back,
I just can't help it, it's so lovely

I'm in my lucky underwear, i'm feeling debonair
If it's a lonely trip to heaven, I'm already there
I'm in the bedroom i'm like stepping like I'm Fred Astaire
I make it happen, battlerapping at my Teddy Bear
When I was twelve I'd leave my door open a crack
afraid if getting busted sneaking porno on my mac
I guess I was a freak
Until I got caught last week
(who's been loving you?)
I was reading Booker T, I threw the book at me
I go for the lookers but they never look at me
I would get a hooker if I could unhook her bra
I'd be looking soft as soon as she took her top. off
let's go rolling in a broken winnebago
stop and smoke a bowl out of a hollowed out potato
It's hash now, but it's hash browns soon
(who's been loving you?)

I know that Jesus loves me
I know that buddha loves
The fucking easter Bunny
and the ghost of gandhi love me
I know that santa loves me
I think my Aunties love me
I know my Grandma loved me
she thought I was handsome trust me

this insanity, that's heredity
it's my family, we can let it be
wish I pretended that mom and dad are dead to me
But i love my dad, that motherfucker read to me
my first words were "where's the love?"
mad smug, assed up on a bearskin rug
fashodo, mom'll show you the photo
(who's been loving you?)
I do embarassing better
I could wear a pink sweater
with a pair of slick pleather pants
derelicte e-va-ry day and it's well known
that I hop off stage with my cell phone
fake a dropped call when everybody's near me
and shout "I love you mom!" so everybody hears me
I need to and true nothing new but
(who's been loving you?)

Even though I owe them money
I think it's pretty likely
that my whole family loves me
My lovers tend to like me
I know my homies love me
My teachers loved to hate me
The haters love to fuck with me
the fickle love me lately

I'm a percussionist. I never knew guitar
it's cheesy, but I'm stunting like a superstar
it's easy man I'm hopping out a moving car
call me weezy cause I'm coughing at the hookah bar
I don't do cigars, but I got hella game
I can make a lady out of styling gel and cellophane
so you can yell my name, I make the bed frame move
(who's been loving you?)
me and my better friends are heading to the town strip
if they don't let us in we'll never take roundtrip
because I took an hour picking out my outfit
and then I took another slicking down a cowlick
and I like house sitting, but fuck it now's different
I'm going out and there ain't a bouncer for cowtipping
So I'ma tear this joint up
And i'ma party till the hoofs point up
(who's been loving you?)

this is for Charles Barkley
This is for Poison Ivy
This it's for Draco Malfoy
And it's for Bill O'Reilly
This is for Ned Mencia
It's for the corporate lawyers
it's for the backseat drivers
And for my friend Ann Coulter

How to Iron a Shirt

A10anis says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

What is the point of ironing a shirt ? I have not ironed a shirt i think in twelve years, I still do not know why I did it.
Oh I get it, its for presentation. To whore your "style" to other peoples eyes. I am not paid to look good ;/ Business types and I are so different.

So, you don't "whore your "style" to other peoples eyes?" (whatever that means) Do you buy clothes that you think are presentable for different occasions, or do you just wear any shit, in any condition, that comes to hand? Do you not shower, do your hair, teeth etc, or is that, also, anathema to you? Respecting yourself, and others, is part of what makes an individual. It has nothing to do with your perceived notion of "business types."

How to Iron a Shirt

BoneRemake says...

What is the point of ironing a shirt ? I have not ironed a shirt i think in twelve years, I still do not know why I did it.

Oh I get it, its for presentation. To whore your "style" to other peoples eyes. I am not paid to look good ;/ Business types and I are so different.

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

First ever 1080 on a skateboard - landed by a 12 year old!

Irish President calls Teabagger Michael Graham a wanker.

quantumushroom says...

Irish O'bama is ignorant of Tea Party ideals. One cannot expect a Eurosocialist to understand a healthy fear of government power, the sole reason our American government is divided in TREES.

"It is said by the proponents of government-run health care that 47 million people go without health care in the United States. For example, during the so-called Cover the Uninsured Week event in 2008, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi issued a statement declaring that this is the “time to reaffirm our commitment to access to quality, affordable health care for every American, including the 47 million who live in fear of even a minor illness because they lack health insurance…In the wealthiest nation on earth, it is scandalous that a single working American or a young child must face life without the economic security of health coverage.” This is more deceit.

"In 2006, the Census Bureau reported that there were 46.6 million people without health insurance.

About 9.5 million were not United States citizens.

Another 17 million lived in households with incomes exceeding $50,000 a year and could, presumably, purchase their own health care coverage.

Eighteen million of the 46.6 million uninsured were between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four, most of whom were in good health and not necessarily in need of health-care coverage or chose not to purchase it.

Moreover, only 30 percent of the nonelderly population who became uninsured in a given year remained uninsured for more than twelve months. Almost 50 percent regained their health coverage within four months.

The 47 million “uninsured” figure used by Pelosi and others is widely inaccurate."

--Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny

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