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Video Of Police Using Sound Trucks To Disperse G20 Protestrs

bcglorf says...

>> ^Hybrid:
Check out how oppressive the police come across in this video: - Watch from around 7:10 and wait for the robotic warning from the sound truck a minute or so later.

Wow, the police officers stand there for the entire linked video right until the end were a loudspeaker on the truck politely asks everyone to leave the immediate area or they will be arrested. Those overbearing monsters, police officers threatening to arrest people that refuse to clear a street when ordered to. Next thing we'll be seeing videos of the people actually being arrested as well...

And I love the guy with the mega phone chanting this is not Tehran for awhile. I'm sure the reformists really appreciate having their struggle marginalized by comparing it to this non-incident.

Zakaria PWNS Iranian Regime Mouthpiece

Iran Protests courtesy of the CIA

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Iran, election, protesters, police, tehran, neda, election, cia' to 'Iran, election, protesters, police, tehran, neda, election, cia, media' - edited by notarobot

Massacre in Iran. Protesters Beaten. Thrown Off Bridge.

imstellar28 says...

"Iran has executed its Tiananmen Square. Baharestan Square has become synonymous with barbarity, cruelty, massacre and inhumanity.

An Iranian blogger (whose URL I will not publish) live blogging from Baharestan Square in central Tehran today captures but brief glimpses of the unimaginable horror that took place today. Bus loads of protesters were stopped and unloaded from their buses by "black-clad police" and literally herded. When the massing was sufficient, as the barely controllably distraught Tehran caller to CNN described first hand, hundreds of the regime's Basij thugs poured out of an adjoining mosque and commenced a massacre with axes, clubs, guns and gas."

"Massacre at Baharestan Square in Iran
Protests continue in Iran today as thousands clashed with police – with one of the bloodiest confrontations happening in Baharestan Square. A newly posted youtube video of the clashes in the Teheran Square details the violence and utter chaos of the situation.

The video shows protesters carrying away a man, bloody from the torso up. It is unclear whether the man is alive. Another account of what many are referring to as the Baharestan square massacre appeared on CNN.

“All of a sudden some 500 people with clubs and woods they uh came out of [unintelligible] mosque and they pulled into the streets and they uh started beating everyone and they tried to beat everyone on [unintelligible] bridge and um throwing them off of the bridge. They beat a woman so savagely that uh, she was a drenched in blood. Her husband who was watching the scene he just fainted. At first people were brave that booed the security forces but they were beating people like Hell, this was a massacre.”

On Twitter, “Persiankiwi,” a regular poster who’s been documenting the protests since they began, says he has to remain on the run for fear of capture and torture. He says “in Baharestan we saw militia with axe chopping ppl like meat - blood everywhere - like butcher.”

A million silent, peaceful protesters in Tehran, Iran

Mashiki says...

>> ^imstellar28:
Why is there nothing about Iran in the top 15?!?

Good question. I killed my other clip, I'm glad to see at least one making it in.

Personally I believe it's because people would rather focus on what's 'here' to them rather than what is 'there' to them. Things like this don't effect them, they don't care. Most people don't understand politics, so they don't care. Really, most people don't understand anything beyond their own personal bubbles.

Since they don't get involved, when something happens they do the only thing that comes naturally. They lash out and pretend that they do care. Different story when you're in a theocracy or a dictatorship, but democracies? How are these 30-50% electoral voting pools doing these days?

A million silent, peaceful protesters in Tehran, Iran

deedub81 says...

I think you both mean that they want an Islamic Republic in a country without corruption which their votes are accurately counted.

>> ^Payback:
>> ^Farhad2000:
The people of Iran don't desire democracy, they desire a representative government where their votes count.
I think we are projecting the desire of democracy on them.

Huh? WTF do YOU think democracy means? Maybe if you said "western style" democracy...

A million silent, peaceful protesters in Tehran, Iran

curiousity says...

>> ^conan:
I hope you do all know that those people are followers of Mussawi. It's not like he's the modern, progressive, pro-western type of guy. First of all he's just the lesser of two evils and don't forget the real power in Iran isn't the elected government but the Ayatollah, who is not elected but chosen by a group of Mullahs and stays in power until he dies.
The thing here is that there may have been manipulations in the election. That's a terrible thing and i hope those are uncovered. But even if so and if Mussawi is put in power, not much will change. There will NOT by any means be a change of course in the Iran like many seem to think.

Pro-western or patsy? Remember this is a country that remembers very, very well how the US overthrew their democratically elected government in 1953. Also in 2007, the US approved 400 million for funding covert operations aimed at Iranian regime change. Pro-western is too much to ask. I think settling for not anti-western would be acceptable.

The Ayatollah and government end up sharing power, but I agree that the Ayatollah has more power. However, remember it was the outrage of the people that causes the Ayatollah to reverse his initial backing of the election results to call for an investigation into the election.

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

supersaiyan93 (Member Profile)

A million silent, peaceful protesters in Tehran, Iran

millertime1211 says...

Yeah, here in america the police would be fighting with the feds over who gets to fire the first teargas/rubber bullets/taser.

>> ^Psychologic:
The most striking part of this video is the audio. There's no yelling and no violence... just people walking down the street peacefully.
The government can't label them extremists or mobs so they can't justify aggressive action against them. Last night Anderson Cooper said it appears that there are police protecting the demonstrators from the republican guard. This really is an amazing situation on many levels.

A million silent, peaceful protesters in Tehran, Iran

Lodurr says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
The reason why democracy will fail in Iraq: The people did not demand it.

I don't think B follows A in that statement. I'm not positive the democratic Iraqi state will succeed or persist in its current form, but it's premature to predict its failure based only on the difference between "demanding" democracy and eagerly accepting it.

A million silent, peaceful protesters in Tehran, Iran

Payback says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
The people of Iran don't desire democracy, they desire a representative government where their votes count.
I think we are projecting the desire of democracy on them.

Huh? WTF do YOU think democracy means? Maybe if you said "western style" democracy...

EDD (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

A million silent, peaceful protesters in Tehran, Iran

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