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Rick and Morty visit: Shaun of the Dead

Terrorized seal makes tough choice

Hella Pursuit, Ditches Coat, Gets Away from Cops

bareboards2 says...

It's a known thing among women in business meetings. She says something, convo continues, man in room repeats it, gets the credit.

Happens so much, it makes the list of top most annoying things about being a woman in a business meeting.

Interesting point about generational norms. It would be very very cool if this kind of nonsense comes to an end. [Edit -- now that I re-read your comment, I see you were making a different point. Which actually reinforces the "woman in the business meeting" meme. A younger man doesn't have status, all women don't have status. Yep. Sexism.]

I wondered about the helicopter reporter -- I got the feeling that he thought he was being congratulated on tracking the guy down and working so well with the pilot. I could be wrong, it was very subtle the miscue. He was justifiably proud of their work in the chopper -- somehow I got the feeling he was expecting THAT compliment, not something that had had happened ten minutes in the past.

draak13 said:

Very well pointed out.

I don't know if it's sexism; do you think the same thing would have happened if his co-anchor was a younger guy?

Shame on the helicopter reporter for not redirecting credit. That said, I don't know how many of us are evolved enough to redirect the credit to where it is due.

The Viral Experiment - The Woolshed Company

dannym3141 says...

I've seen a few of these on the sift at least, and I remember a number of us were sceptical. A lot of the time you don't want to be the party pooper that ruins it for everyone by whinging about something being fake.

I think a lot of the time people call things fake but can't quite explain why they think it is too, and I put that down to a subtle reading of things like:
- how likely is that to have happened?
- were the actors behaving within normal parameters for the context? (people hanging around with cameras or props, bears chasing people when they normally wouldn't)
- was there anything to gain out of a successful video? (associated youtube channel)
- did people hit cues and say things that were too perfect?
- if you can't see a cut, can you see an obvious place for a GOOD cut that you missed?
- how hard is it to fake?

What with humans being sociable animals and our evolutionary success is tied to interacting with other humans, I think by and large we're pretty good at spotting bullshit. It takes a very very good fake to trick the majority.

Instant Karma For Road Raging Mercedes Driver

eric3579 says...

Although the Mercedes driver had no clue what he was doing i do hate drivers willing to lay on their horns when a beep beep is just as effective. I think people who go overboard like that are probably giant angry douche bags and add to the problem when a more subtle response would have a much better outcome generaly.

The video is quite funny though as no one got hurt.

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

Barbar says...

I'm far enough away from these issues to admit that I don't have anything like concrete knowledge on the subject, but I feel like I should mention some of the more obvious counterpoints to some of the things he's said in this video. Otherwise I'd get that dirty echo chamber feeling, and no amount of showering seems to wash that away. Could be I'm just a masochist, though, who enjoys arguing.

I think there's racism in every culture. I think it's often much more subtle than described in the video, often even subconscious. I also think that modern western culture is among the least racist cultures to have ever existed, despite our many complaints.

I guess I'll talk about Libya first. The west (the white people he was talking about) is continuously demonized for supporting tyrants and the like. Yet when they participate in overthrowing a clear example of a extravagant super villain tyrant, they are demonized for that. I'm not saying they didn't have other motives, I'm just saying that it's an example of a tautology. No matter which choice they make they are labeled racist.

Now, when beleaguered folk make a desperate attempt to dangerously cross a sea, well knowing the risks they are incurring, it is again the fault of the Italians for not rescuing then with sufficient alacrity. Yes, many of them are coming from countries the west had a hand in destabilizing. But it would be pretty racist for you to demand that the Italian navy take full moral responsibility for the actions of other western nations, simply because they are white too. Also, if the only number you pay attention to is the number that drown, your bias is showing.

Next the issue of the Commonwealth. It seems absurd to expect the UK to treat former colonies populated by citizens that had moved there the same as former conquests that have since shrugged off the yoke of empire. The justifications for this discrimination would seem to be a combination of racism, cultural chauvinism and sober pragmatism. The latter two factors clearly scale with the gap between the culture of the colony in question and the home country, and probably ought to in some sense.

The incarceration thing is tougher to poke holes in, and clearly a much more touchy subject. Once could argue all sorts of justifications for why more members of ethnic minorities are apprehended, but it's nebulous and smells of bias and chauvinism, at best ending in a chicken vs egg conundrum. But once you're in police custody, I think can agree on demanding a higher level of equality of outcome. So I checked out a charity called Inquest who had compiled pretty comprehensive stats on police custody deaths since 1990. Here's a link:
To summarise, since 1990, ethnic minorities have made up a total of 153 out of 1557 deaths in police custody, or roughly 10%. Given that they currently make up 13% of the population, that seems to be well within an acceptable range of results, so I was confused at first. Then I thought maybe he had misspoken and had meant to say state custody, or inmate deaths. So again I looked for some numbers, and again Inquest had the most comprehensive data, broken down by year and ethnicity etc. Again here's a link:
It shows 453 out of 3963 prison deaths are suffered by ethnic minorities. This seems almost perfectly in line with the 13% population of said minorities. So again, I'm a bit confused by the point he's making.

All of that said, I think I agree with the sentiment of his presentation, which perhaps confuses me even more.

dag (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

Just got around to reading The Quantum Thief, which you recommended about a hundred years ago in one of the 'what are you reading' threads. Thought I'd send a little note of thanks since I really liked it and don't think I would have come across it on my own.

Constructing a sort of crime novel around the subtle implications of technologies that don't exist yet must be difficult work. When a break in the case comes about because the detective realises that, oh of course, since the thief used the key to his encrypted external memory to steal his identity, that must give him access to recordings of the thief's activities during the few minutes of the impersonation, and what's this, he used a quantum entangling drone to beam only one stolen minute of Time away from the victim, there's only one thing that can mean: to the resurrection house! - well it's a step above bootprints in the flower bed isn't it? And calling time-rich nobles 'millenniaires'...mmm, juicy.

Street Musician inspires Dancer, encouraged by her father

bareboards2 says...

For the record, I don't think @Drachen_Jager said anything wrong, or racist, or inappropriate.

He stated a fact. Period.

It took eric with his broader vision to point out the subtle thing going on.

I say this as someone who did the exact same thing. (And now I'm going to add to my caption and change the title.)

We are doomed to a future of mediocrity

Kubo and the two strings trailer 3

Bionic limbs are becoming more...human...(surprise reveal!)

TheFreak says...

From my perspective, I noticed his gate was odd but it was subtle enough that I put it down to him being slightly awkward or eager or something.

Bit by a Gila Monster

Jinx says...

"He got me, he bit me"
"Are you sure?"
"Well, no, sexual dimorphism is quite subtle in Gilas, but "it" seems so impersonal."

Garry Shandling - Tonight Show with Johnny Carson - 1981

Project Blue Beam Whale Hologram in School Gymnasium

RFlagg says...

All the kids were watching to the left of where the action was happening, enough so to throw me off completely from the illusion, though some do follow it to the center as it goes on. If this isn't added in post, I'd guess this is using something akin to the Dubai video above, and like the video projections on buildings. They map the space, then when the audience is there, project the image live to a monitor, which is what the kids were watching to the left.

Basically it is an improved version of the goal line and projection seen on American Football games. That technology has come a long way with far more information being displayed on the field of play.

This would be a natural progression the technology and I'm surprised we don't see ads and the like on the field while watching a game. While American Football is filled to the brim with ad space, one of the problems American TV has with the "beautiful game", soccer here and a few places, football to most of the world, is the lack of ad time. I wouldn't be surprised to see mini ads playing around the action. Joe the Cameraman just keeps the action to the left half of the screen, and the right half has an ad on the field... perhaps starting off subtle, could be tied to the video monitors on the sideline of the fields that are already showing ads. Just amp that up... not a future one really wants to see, but I'd guess it is coming as more people ad skip.

clinton and sanders clash during feb 4th democratic debates

dannym3141 says...

I know this isn't going to change the world (almost certainly), but it moved me a little bit to see that point made on such a prominent stage and so bluntly. If this doesn't happen soon, i don't see how our species can thrive. There is currently so little regard for the consequences of our actions.. and Hilary probably believes what she says, that it never affected her. But subtle changes to priorities here and there add up over the years. As smart as she must be to be a presidential candidate, lobbyists can buy 'experts' to sound convincing and come up with selective ways to show data, or just buy more access to a politician and get more time to put their point across.

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