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Corvette Burnout - Burns Something Out Allright!

BoneRemake says...

hahahahahaha. if thats a standard, then yea... Goodbye clutch plate.

I do not feel bad for this guy, as he seems one of those people who go out buys an expensive object and has no clue how to use it. When you are doing a brake stand you generally hear squealing etc. from the driven tires. This is just sad that he kept on going with it.

Way to fuck your car up nerd. ( )

** as well he should not have shut the engine off after red lining it like that, haha. the heat just builds up in the core and has no way to dissipate if the engine is not running, S M R T ess em are Tee


Man Drowns - Police, Firefighters Watch

spoco2 says...

Completely with @rottenseed on this. The litigious nature of society now has resulted in this.

Sorry, but THAT'S what is behind this. Your society has made everyone stop and think 'Wait... could I be sued based on the outcome of this?'.

What about all those witnesses? Why didn't any of them help? 'Oh, I was stunned that the firefighters didn't help'... um... why didn't you?

Hell, just LAST NIGHT I witnessed a man being hit by a car (Ok, I didn't see him being hit, I heard the tires squeal beside me, turned and saw him being thrown through the air just after being hit). There were THREE of us who instantly ran to his aid, kept him calm, etc. until police arrived, (which was all of a minute may I add) Others instantly jumped on their phones and called for an ambulance.

Society isn't bad by nature, we want to help, but fucking law suits for pretty much anything being thrown at people who were trying to help are causing good people to stop and consider consequences that shouldn't even exist before they act.

It's fucking sad.

What I Am Legend would have looked like with non-CG monsters

Wisconsin & Anonymous Strike Back!

Yogi says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

In other news - human beings need to respirate oxygen to survive.
I don't think there's anyone particularly amazed at the concept that the unions would continue to squeal like stuck pigs and use thuggery, force, violence, and threats to make sour grape juice. Unions are swaggering around Wisconsin in droves threatening businesses and consumers alike with 'consequences' unless they do what they want. It's hard to say what will happen in the long run, but I really hope all these bought & paid for mafioso sleazebags get what they deserve - a swift kick in the pants.

Yeah got it. You wanna join your fellow Americans in fighting for fairness...or you wanna support rich people as they get richer and hurt the middle and lower classes. Cause for the past 30 years the people have been getting fucked...everyone knows it just ask the Tea Partiers.

Wisconsin & Anonymous Strike Back!

petpeeved says...

"In other news - human beings need to respirate oxygen to survive.

I don't think there's anyone particularly amazed at the concept that the unions would continue to squeal like stuck pigs and use thuggery, force, violence, and threats to make sour grape juice. Unions are swaggering around Wisconsin in droves threatening businesses and consumers alike with 'consequences' unless they do what they want. It's hard to say what will happen in the long run, but I really hope all these bought & paid for mafioso sleazebags get what they deserve - a swift kick in the pants."

Did you get this upset when Wall Street threatened the world with a 'global financial meltdown' if the taxpayers don't cough up ~700 billion to cover their failed ponzi scheme built on CDOs?

Didn't think so.

I'd educate you on how slimy this latest push by the Republicans is to strip the last dregs of leverage from average working Americans but you already know so instead I'll just say fuck you.

Good day.

Wisconsin & Anonymous Strike Back!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

In other news - human beings need to respirate oxygen to survive.

I don't think there's anyone particularly amazed at the concept that the unions would continue to squeal like stuck pigs and use thuggery, force, violence, and threats to make sour grape juice. Unions are swaggering around Wisconsin in droves threatening businesses and consumers alike with 'consequences' unless they do what they want. It's hard to say what will happen in the long run, but I really hope all these bought & paid for mafioso sleazebags get what they deserve - a swift kick in the pants.

Bet He Didn't See That Coming - *SLAM*

Arsenault185 says...

Gunrock, I'm pretty sure what you said would be true. You do indeed have some anger management issues, and I used to say the same thing about decking someone. But when it happens to you - its like time just slows down, but not untill your hit. The 1/2 second between impact and the end of the resulting wreck seems to drag - but the sudden realization your about to get ass-smashed by some dickhead driver unfortunately happens WAY to quick. Then your brain does this weird thing to put itself back in sync with the rest of reality and you loose sight of beating that dues ass with your broken off exhaust pipe.

When that shit happened to me, I did get the courtesy of squealing tires, and I thank God that I didn't have a car in front of me because I'm sure I'd be dead or severely fucked up. I had room to get on the throttle and pull into the intersection a little bit before he hit me, so I was able to keep it upright, as I was already in motion.

And it doesn't matter what your riding. My bike is really loud, and I was wearing a bright yellow reflective riding vest and still got creamed. fact of the matter is, pay the fuck attention to the road.

Bet He Didn't See That Coming - *SLAM*

Mammaltron says...

Yeah that puts in perspective the internet theory of pointing your bike at an escape route when you stop.

It's just not going to work when they don't even have the decency to lock their brakes up and squeal their tyres for 3 seconds before hitting you.

When the Leaker Gets Leaked: Irony of the Year Award 2010 (Blog Entry by silvercord)

Screaming Woman In A WRC Rally Car

IAmTheBlurr says...

>> ^Asmo:

>> ^IAmTheBlurr:
She's screaming because that car is basically a roller coaster that's not on a track.

I don't buy it, there is almost zero shuddering in the camera, they aren't bouncing in the cockpit at all, no evidence of powerslides (heads slapping back and forth)...
I'd say they are on a flat track and she's just skitzing out.

It looks like it's the acceleration that's getting to her, she's relatively calm in the corners, and only squeals a bit in on decel. I'm sure that the amount of noise from the car being gutted is probably unnerving her too. Most people just aren't used to their senses being assaulted in any way, seemingly especially her because it definitely doesn't look like he was doing anything crazy

I wonder how she'd react if she was in Ken Blocks car

How "Avatar" Should Have Ended

kasinator says...

They were told why they were destroying their trees, multiple times in fact. But yeah, if there is't a squeal, assume pandora gets glassed with nukes.

The Most Terrifying Video Game Ever

ChosenOne says...

>> ^Shepppard:

We then went into a building, but the door lead to a small landing you had to take a ladder down from. So, we walked over and hit the "use" button. The camera looked down and spun around as the main character positioned themselves properly to descend, only to hear one of those violin squeals and see the little girl standing RIGHT there looking down at us.
Scared the absolute shit out of use, we both had our backs pressed against our chairs, and just sat there going "FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...."
Good fun.

LOL the exact same thing happened to me.. first game to nearly knock me off my chair. Some days not a good game to play alone but hopefully you played through the whole retail game, multiple times at that.. you'll be surprised how often that little girl was watching you. Lots of good hair raising moments in that game.

The Most Terrifying Video Game Ever

Shepppard says...

The scariest thing I've ever really played was the demo for F.E.A.R.

My friend and I were in a smallish room with the curtains closed (which was in retrospect, silly, because the night was overcast anyway) and sitting maybe 5 feet from the t.v. with a surround sound system.

We went in not knowing anything about the game.

Walking through the demo we went through a sewer and some little girl crossed ahead, so we went to see what the hell she was doing there and nothing.

We continued on and a few other weird things happened, but nothing major. We ended up in a combat situation where we spent a small while fighting the enemies and getting very immersed in the combat aspect.

We then went into a building, but the door lead to a small landing you had to take a ladder down from. So, we walked over and hit the "use" button. The camera looked down and spun around as the main character positioned themselves properly to descend, only to hear one of those violin squeals and see the little girl standing RIGHT there looking down at us.

Scared the absolute shit out of use, we both had our backs pressed against our chairs, and just sat there going "FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...."

Good fun.

Naked MILF playing Rock Band

Don't stand below a V22 Osprey!

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