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Upside down hamster on a keyboard eating popcorn

karaidl says...

I killed several of these as a child. Seven to be exact. The last two were kind of ironically named - Fatso managed to squeeze his way out of his cage, and we never saw him again. Speedy got out and was caught and eaten by my cat.

Server... on... fire... can't... (Sift Talk Post)

Americans have no right to Habeas Corpus

The Atheist Delusion

karaidl says...

Blast! It seems you have debunked me, sir. Well done! I did not know that, although I still remain skeptical. I find it hard to believe that evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years to make one insignicant change, yet several skin colors were formed in under 5000 years. I don't understand how that could be so speedy, even considering drastic climate/geographical changes.

Also, you forgot Noah's ark, which did not happen 5000 years ago. (I forget the actual estimated time, anyone know?) That would have surely wiped out a good deal of races, and it would be even more improbable for there to be such modern diversity.

And I need to get this out in the open, because people keep getting it wrong - There's no "I" at the end of my name. There is an "L." It's my first two initials followed by my last name, and Raidli sounds like pasta.

Greenpeace Re-Igniting the Nuclear Power Debate

Israeli Escape Rescue System

joedirt says...

Deerrr.. It looks like this "better than an elevator" also works on electricty. But, they might have a backup generator you say. Well why can the elevator have a backup generator.

So, if you can't exit through the fire stairs.. this will save a whole 8 people per floor if you happen to be on one of the five floors it visits in the speedy 10 mins it takes to make one load. Brilliant!!

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

joedirt says...

BGW, the only reason George Washington is blue is because sad sacks like you throw his name around in some kind of I-ride-the-short-bus attempt at patriotism. You better think twice before you start calling people here traitors, because most folks around here are more informed than you, more literate than you, and care a hell of a lot more about the USA than you.

Anyone that parrots semi-retarded, oversimplified talking points about immigration is no patriot or fan of the Constitution (or whatever the last hate buzz-words is - islamofascist, gay marriage, etc.)

Look, immigration has always been what makes this country great. If it wasn't for H1-B, student Visa, illegal workers... this country would not have had a dot-com boom. There are more companies than you can imagine started by immigrants and people you hate. In fact, the US is the only major first world country with positive population growth, which can be attributed to ... guest what? You like your Social Security? Guess what is paying for it when you retire? Illegals who pay in and never collect. Guess what makes your WalMart profitable and running smooth? Guess why your stock portfolio goes up? Guess who picks your fruits and vegetables?

What I initally addressed is the LAPD violation of the Constitution. You would willingly give over your Rights in order to spew some "illegal immigrant" hatred. First of all, the Constitution should strive to protect all humans, anywhere. Secondly, go read some constitutional law. (Obviously other than rights to taxpayer funded programs, protection from deportation, and voting..)

Immigration proceedings are matters of administrative law, not criminal law. (Until Ashcroft and Abu-Gonzales created Gitmo detention centers)

the Bill of Rights applies to everyone, even illegal immigrants. So an immigrant, legal or illegal, prosecuted under the criminal code has the right to due process, a speedy and public trial, and other rights protected by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments.

(US v. Verdugo-Urquidez) Implies the Fourth Amend search and seizures does not apply to non-residents (in the case of border issues)

(Martinez-Aguero v. Gonzales) "aliens stopped at the border have a constitutional right to be free from false imprisonment and the use of excessive force by law enforcement personnel."

(Plyer v. Doe) No State shall…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

U.S. CONST. amend XIV, § 1. (No State shall…deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law[.])

I'm not sure where half-breeds like you learned how to read the Bill of Rights and see where it says "citizens" have the following rights, but I still maintain, this country (and George Washington's memory) would be better off if you choke on a taco.

Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943) Banned Looney Toons

James Roe says...

I think we as a group are capable of seeing this in its historical perspective. I think maudlin is right in saying that their use of black actors for the voices during that time period was probably quite progressive. Does that change its impact now? No probably not, but these shows still came on late at night when I was a kid, anyone remember Speedy Gonzales? I guess the point I am trying to make is that I vehemently oppose sanitizing the past in the name of a liberal PC agenda. We are who we are because crap like this was made and the nation at large grew to find them abhorrent.

If we take it down the net impact is that the educational experience of seeing this piece out of its historical context is lost, however by leaving it up are we promoting racism? I don't think so, I think the conversation in this thread pretty clearly shows that we aren't.

So slow!!!! (Sift Talk Post)

Atty General Gonzales sworn to "uphold" the "Constitution"

joedirt says...

Let's assume even in the most weasel lawyer wording, that somehow Gonzales makes sense about right not being enumerated in original Constitution...

Clearly, the are spelled out in 6th Amendment and why isn't this guy being tried for treason, or at least not upholding his oath of office? I guess the Justice Dept would have to pursue those charges.. *sigh*

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed … and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; [and] to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses."

Jackie Chan vs. Benny "The Jet" Urquidez

Busta Rhymes - Put Your hands Where My Eyes Can See

Farhad2000 says...

Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See is the first single by Busta Rhymes from his second album When Disaster Strikes. It is one of the album's party songs but also carries Busta's clever rhymes and speedy delivery. The song also shout-outs The Notorious B.I.G. ("Then I blitz and reminisce on my nigga Notorious"). This song is one of the many that would showcase the speedy delivery of the eccentric rapper.

The video, directed by Hype Williams, features Busta waking up, getting dressed and brushing his teeth (along with his maids). At the chorus is a well choreographed dance routine which is followed by Busta running with an elephant in glowing tribal African make-up and outfit. It is all a re-creation of the opening of the 1988 Eddie Murphy film Coming to America

- More @ Wikipedia

"Plop plop fizz fizz.. oh what a relief it is!" Alka Seltzer

Feel the Speed? (Sift Talk Post)

Slow? (Sift Talk Post)

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