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President Obama On NYC Incident And BP Oil Spill In La.

choggie says...

>> ^marinara:

fuck this video. Obama spends 1/3 of the vid covering his own ass. The fact is the administration wasted a week pussy footing with british petroleum.

He's another talking head that makes folks..FEEEEL better about being totally fucked.-Can you blame the monkeys? They simply gather food for their children, and fuck. Calm down world citizen....Nothing to see here

"It could jeopardize the livlihood of thousands of Americans, that call this place home."

No shit Sherlock!....Yer another sound-bite piece of shit. Ain't about race, morons....s'about awareness.

Sen Dodd (D-Conn.) Differentiates Bailouts and Talking Point

volumptuous says...

When Sen. Mitch McConnell said that the Senate financial-regulation bill meant "endless taxpayer-funded bailouts for big Wall Street banks," he was, knowingly or not, taking aim at a policy that had been jointly developed by Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) (pictured above) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.). The two lawmakers began collaborating last spring, when they started holding joint briefings on the financial crisis. Eventually, Sen. Chris Dodd tasked them with handling the problem of what happens when too-big-to-fail firms, well, fail. He tasked them, in other words, with handling the problem of endless bailouts.

After months of meetings, the two finalized an agreement in February. That's the "resolution authority" part of the bill, which begins in section 201. And in an interview in his office this morning, Warner was not too happy with McConnell's characterization of their work. "It appears that the Republican leader either doesn't understand or chooses not to understand the basic underlying premise of what this bill puts in place."

"Resolution," Warner continued, "will be so painful for any company. No rational management team would ever choose resolution. It means shareholders wiped out. Management wiped out. Your firm is going away. At least in bankruptcy, there was some chance that some of your equity would've been retained and you could come out in some form on the other side of the process. The resolution that Corker and I have tried to create means the death of the company. The institution is gone."

Another element of the Republican critique concerns the $50 billion "orderly liquidation fund" that the FDIC will raise by taxing the banks. The idea of this fund is to create holdover money so the bank doesn't collapse while regulators are trying to unwind it. Sen. Richard Shelby, the ranking Republican on the Banking Committee, called it a "slush fund" and said that “the mere existence of this fund will make it all too easy to choose a bailout over bankruptcy.”

"Again," says Warner, "it's either that they don't understand or they choose not to understand. There's nobody in the financial sector who believes this. They'd laugh at the proposition that $50 billion is enough to get you through the resolution process if a couple of firms go down. What we've heard time and again is that the challenge in a crisis is to buy enough time to keep the lights on for a few days till you get the FDIC in here. You could make it smaller. Corker and I spoke about $25 billion. But this is funded by the industry."

"And here's the hypocrisy of the Republican leader's comments," continues Warner. "I can guarantee you that if there had not been some pre-funding, the critique would've been: 'Look at these guys! They've left the taxpayers exposed! What's going to keep the lights on for these few days? It's going to be Treasury funds or Federal Reserve funds. The taxpayer will be exposed!' ”

"If you haven't spent time with these issues," Warner sighed, "it's easy to pop off with sound-bite solutions that don't work."

Barack Obama plays Modern Warfare 2

geo321 says...

Of course it's a a cpu soundboard.

em>>> ^handmethekeysyou:
Proof that even the highest ranking of politicians talks in sound bites in the television age.>> ^Unsung_Hero:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I can't believe people talk to a sound board.

What sound board? Didn't you read the title... he's actually playing MW2! He just has a very limited vocabulary.

Barack Obama plays Modern Warfare 2

Jacques Fresco: Society and the Scientific Method

rougy says...

^ That was one of the quotes that stuck out in my mind, too.

I'm not sure I agree with you regarding the Middle East. I don't know if you're familiar with the Iraqi blogger "Riverbend" but during the hot days of the war, the picture that she painted of Iraq was significantly different than the...sound bites we were fed in the U.S.

The Sunni's and Shiites weren't nearly as hostile to each other as we'd been lead to believe, which makes me think that a lot of those car bombings were CIA false flag operations.

If the USA had the desire to bring real cultural or political change to the Middle East, it probably could over the course of ten years. Wouldn't change everything, but we'd see progress. Setting up puppet governments and privatizing every resource that has any value doesn't spell progress to me.

However, helping the Middle East is the last of the war machine's concerns.

Sarah Palin Book Signing - Meet The Fans

Chris Wallace's Hard-Hitting Questions for Rush Limbaugh

choggie says...

Fuck Rush Limbaugh...the jeets who listen to him are just as ineffectual as the people who decry him as a fucking hobby...Whens the last march anyone participated in??...Senators and Congressmen throw their junk mail away like anyone else-(Word to the folks who think I pick on certain users on this site: since it seems that the climate is such)

Limbaugh is a diversion. Chris Wallace??, Hard hitting questions?..Those cheesy edits make me dizzy. The news is turning into sound bite rhetorical bullshit no one should be forced to abide-That's the internet news for ya....Bullshit. Issues? Talk Radio has its ad revenue getters, and whatever news program puttiing 2 money-makers together for money's sake, has theirs. Money made on programming people what to think about, how to think about it, when to think about it, why it's important to......etc.

Alan Grayson on Bill Maher

PostalBlowfish says...

>> ^HadouKen24:
I like Grayson's populism. I suspect it's far more genuine than the faux populism of the Republican leadership. But let's face it: his sound bites are pretty vacuous. Not as vacuous as the stuff put out by the Right (death panels? lol), but still ungrounded in any real critical thinking.
I say this as an independent, though one strongly in favor of a public option.

As much as I would tend to agree that civility is needed--Mr. Grayson is not helping in that regard--and although he is exaggerating (about the kindest way to put it), as long as Republicans are resisting without being constructive his ultimate point is fair. A lack of a plan might as well be a plan to cause what the absence of any reform would allow to happen.

Whatever happens, if Republicans brought a constructive debate, and even if it went largely ignored, it would be far more helpful to move forward at least SEEKING to compromise and get something done. So far it seems Republicans are only interested in compromise that removes elements of the Democratic plans, and that's not really compromise.

I too speak as an Independent (mildly Libertarian), and I too am in favor of the public option. Free markets work best with healthy competition, which is not what they have right now in this particular sector. Force them to really compete, and maybe eventually we can even pull back on the public option completely after we have spurred diversity and true competition in this market.

Alan Grayson on Bill Maher

HadouKen24 says...

I like Grayson's populism. I suspect it's far more genuine than the faux populism of the Republican leadership. But let's face it: his sound bites are pretty vacuous. Not as vacuous as the stuff put out by the Right (death panels? lol), but still ungrounded in any real critical thinking.

I say this as an independent, though one strongly in favor of a public option.

Bachmann: Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh's 2% Are Critical Mass

Nithern says...

"...exists exclusively in the minds of extremists who oppose conservative stances."

So, anyone who opposes the conservative stance, MUST be an extremists? Wow, what logic you have Winston...

"It is perfectly rational to support punishment and justice of guilty adults..."

So if that's true, your FOR Mr. Bush being executed for lying to the USA over any number of issues that effected us from 2000-2008? Like those WMD's in Iraq? I doubt it, Winston. Your for punishment and justice, so long as the guilty parties are liberal and/or Democrat.

"...while defending the right to life for the most innocent of all humanity."

Yes, under 'conservative values', we created two major war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. Put tens of thousands to the sword, including those whom carried child not born. All in the name of 'Defending Truth, Justice, and the American way!" You call wars (yes, plural) 'defending the right to life'?

"The only so-called 'contradiction' exists when individuals look at the issues only through the simplistic, biased filter of exclusively left-wing groupthink."

Oh yes, because RIGHT-wing groupthink can not exist in reality. I think the video above, Winston, blows your arguement out of the water.

"Over 58% of the country opposes..."

Where does this statistic come from exactly? Yes, please publish the source. Otherwise, I will publish the correct percentage of the USA, who opposes the current president. Not surprisingly, this number, just happens to be the same as those who voted for Mr. McCain in 2008. Coindence?

"It is not Limbaugh/Beck that are 'driving' the country. Limbaugh and Beck are merely echoing what the majority of Americans are feeling."

Fortunately for the MAJORITY of Americans (since the majority voted for the DEMOCRAT, and Democrats won, a good portion of the House and Senate), you are quite incorrect, Winston. Beck/Limbaugh simply dumb-down the information to small bites to conservatives. This is due, mostly in part that most conversatives really do not have much of a solid education on topics like 'health care', 'economics', 'law', 'biotechnology', 'energy conservation', and 'wisdom'. They do not really think their audience could handle a serious conversation on any of these topics (and they are right...sadly). The conservative talk shows matra is to use small sound bites, rather then lengthy concepts that require someone to ponder on the merits. Go listen to NPR when it talks about an arguement currently effecting the USA. The average conservative would switch the channel, as the arguements 'for' and 'against', quickly out paced their educational level (note: this has nothing to do with one's education level, i.e. bacholers of Science, Masters, or Ph.D.).

Yes, Mr. Obama, does not speak to conservatives this way. He believes, through being intelligent, educated, and patient, he can reach their more noble side. But as evidence has shown us, conservatives really dont have a noble side (as we saw with town hall meeting this summer). He speaks in a way, most conservatives can not understand on their own (with exceptions, like, well, you). Conservative talk shows, Mr. Beck, Mr. Hannity, and Mr. Limbaugh, then take what the president said, change it in to something vile, and then, dumb down the information to dispense to conservatives.

It REALLY happens that way, Winston. I hate to be the one, to tell you, the God's honest truth. And yes, there are liberals, whom are quite fantical and ignore sound wisdom, to promote the president's concepts and goals without thought. Fortunately, they are a smaller number, then there are 'thinking' and 'wise' conservatives in the USA.

The Militarization of the Police Force

Nithern says...

I *know* this will be long. But understanding things should never be allowed to be reduced to sound bites and short sentences.

Police raided a school as an exercise? Not even some warrents? Sounds like some individuals whom need to be held accountible for their jobs. Which could be fines, jail time, lose of job, and so on. People make mistakes, and do dumb things. Can you honestly say you haven't done dumb things in your life so far?

The narrator is trying to use fear, to get the proper response out of you, the audience. To some degree, as with posters above, he succeeds at the task. He uses a collection of words and phrases, and links them to imagery, sounds, and even old pictures. In ways, this concept is known as NLP, or, Neuro-logical programming (look it up in wikipedia, its both fascinating and scary stuff).

Police have to keep up with technology and tactics, as their duty in our country, is to up hold the law. The legistators create laws, the executive signs such law in to effect. Its the law enforcement (i.e. the police, FBI, and other local/state/federal agencies) whom maintain the law. The justices decide on whether the laws are within Consitituional limits, or if they breach them. All these sets of checks & balances do not work, if the citizens of the country let in to the fear this narrator wants you to feel. I know the police in my town. Friendly bunch whom work very hard to keep things normal and safe. They are very much studied and watched. We pay them very well, and make sure they have the proper tools to do their job correctly, honestly, lawfully, and to be responsible.

The 'police state' effect, that the narrator talks about, did come in to effect during the Bush Administration. The US Patriot Act was passed in to law very quickly, shortly after Sept. 11, 2001. One of its passages allowed the goverment to circumvent the 4th Amendment, allowing the White House to 'spy' on over 300 million Americans. This was conducted in an effort to catch and eliminate "...those whom are a threat to our country." This narrator does not hold Mr. Bush, nor the White House accountible to each and every time, this action took place.

If I recall the issue of military 'APC's for Waco, Tx correctly. The Branch Davidians were holed up in a central structure compound with numberous fire arms. Now, this by itself was not illegal. The agents conducting the warrents and arrests initally were met with the civilian sold version of the Barrett M82A1 'light fifty' rifle. This weapon, to my knowledge, is a single shot weapon (the military version can fire rounds from a magizine....I think?). I'm sure the gun nuts on here could inform us, of the gun's name. Anyways, this weapon, like its military cousin, could blow holes through armored police cars. The APCs were used to conduct operations and hopefully bring the matter to a non-violent conclusion. As the history books show, this did not happen. But the police, and FBI, did not racket up their skills and tools in a vacuum. After the event was over, there were a number of studies on the issue, and people held properly (depending on one's viewpoint I guess) of their actions and inactions that led to the events.

If you, the citizen really are consern about the nature of the police or law enforcement, then why not go visit the police. Talk to them, become active in your community and seriously look at how a police state could be formed, and take proper, legal, honest action to oppose it. Believe it or not, the police I know, are AGAINST a police state. And they are in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (since, some of you conversatives think us Mass residents are all commie, liberal, socialistic, islamic happy, tree hugging, yuppy, homosexual liking, religios hating, psych-paths....did I leave anything out?). In fact, thsoe whom are liberal REALLY are against the police state. We voted to remove Republicans at the federal level, out of office (since the Bush admin *IS* Republican).

Finally, recall its Thomas Jefferson that said, (paraphrasingly) that if we are afraid to speak our minds in pursuit of our nations freedoms and equalities, then we allow tyranny to win.

US healthcare reform -NewScientist

TheFreak says...

>> ^gtjwkq:
^ If the private healthcare market wasn't so strictly and arbitrarily regulated, it would have much smaller administrative costs.

Please attempt to offer more than prepackaged Conservative anti-reform sound bites.

If you intend to make the point that regulation is the cause of rising health care costs then supply some supporting evidence. If all you're going to do is make arbitrary hyperbolic statements then you're not doing anything to change anyone's opinions.

Hannity Holds His Own "Fair & Balanced" Town Hall Meeting

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^shiner_man:
What exactly was unfair and unbalanced about this?

While I think I heard sincere discussion and opinions. Fox would never ..not push their agenda.

Minute 6:13 " Are you mad as hell? " Asked sort of aggressively.. does that seem a bit like fishing for a sound bite or somethin'?

"See, people ARE really mad
and that's why it's perfectly acceptable
to shout at other citizens
in the middle of civil public forums. =]"

Or maybe that's just how it seems to me..

Heh, plus when they said " Rush Limbaugh tells you the truth " everybody boo'ed. lol>_< !

Reporters On Their Own Failures As Journos

bcglorf says...

Well, I'm going to go ahead and get down voted, but I'm just stubborn that way it seems.

The main stream media's epic failure is not adequately covered in this sound bite. The summary at the end talks about the 'truth' finally coming out. All the media hacks talking points all discuss their failure in coverage in the past tense, as though they've corrected themselves. That simply isn't true. The media is still failing as badly as ever at covering anything related to either the Iraq or Afghanistan wars.

So far I'm safe and think we are agreed. I would attest though that the media has not only failed by being too ignorant and lazy in looking at America's policies, statements and decisions. They are also failing just as badly at presenting the situation of the people in Iraq under Saddam's rule. They are failing just as badly at covering any number of human catastrophes happening around the world. Al Jazeera just recently was the only major outlet to cover the revelation from escaped North Korean elite guards that the North's well known program for testing chemical weapons on humans is not limited to adults, but includes testing on children as well. Note the current tense, it means even today there are children somewhere in North Korea in a glass gas chamber being killed with nerve gas while a 'scientist' times how long it takes them to die. Meanwhile CNN can't be torn away from the latest on MJ's funeral plans to bother mentioning anything amiss abroad.

There is a very uncomfortably gray world out there that the mainstream media just can't be bothered to cover because the public can't be bothered to watch. This sound clip looks like it is not so much addressing the problem of bad media coverage, but trying to pretend that the bad media coverage proves that the war in Iraq was evil incarnate. It looks to me like instead of digging deeper to reveal the complexity of the world, it is instead just trying foist an alternative easy answer and simple explanation. In reality, it just proves that the war, good or bad, was covered miserably by the media, and in fact still is being covered miserably by them. To me that makes the media the absolute worst source to base any good/bad decision on.

What's worse, to me a 'documentary' peddling a different set of easy answers and simple explanations is just another part of the bigger problem. That problem being that people are uncomfortable with a complicated world that doesn't have clear cut good or bad solutions. That means people often prefer simple or easy answers to the truth when the truth makes them uncomfortable.

Eyes Wired Shut: For Schapelle Corby

Zeus says...

"I will confess that I'm not going to read a 42 page document about it"
"go and spend ages reading that and then come back to me"

Can't you people see? You have been fed sound bites: I point you to more detail and real information and you can't be bothered.

Fine: but to then say she's guilty? That is wrong and very nasty (she is dying and needs people to be bothered!). If you can't be bothered to read the evidence and information you haven't got the background to make such a vicious comment.

The videos are 'emotive rubbish' but the sound bites carefully fed by the media to subdue opinion are ok? FFS.

And the media on Oz? LOOK:

LOOK AT IT. LOOK! This is real.

Stating the media will do anything but smear just shows again how ignorant you are: ignorance created by a refusal to actually be bothered to look at the facts.

This is defineily the last video that I will post here. For some reason I expected intelligence: people who might actually consider and use what is between their ears. Instead look what I get: 'Can't be bothered, the media will do it, she must be guilty because.... well I can't be bothered'.

It is pathetic, it really is. You learn and know NOTHING unless you make the effort. If you can't be bothered, your opinion is worthless, because it stems from an empty mind.

I am sorry, but that is true, not just here, but in life.

And I do think you are "a heartless, uncaring bastard" as you put it yourself (because you are). But more: your words suggest that you are not very bright. People who are CAN be bothered to learn and understand, and don't spew out hurtful and damaging comments on the basis of self confessed ignorance of a topic. They can be bothered to read before they speak. Their words are therefore worth listening to.

Definitely no point in posting here again though given the ill considered responses.

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