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Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cost of Space Exploration

Yogi says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

you're so right. I know nothing about being inspired by the mysteries of the universe, or becoming so enthralled that I pursued a masters and a doctorate, not in an effort to get answers, but to ask wiser questions... And I know nothing about the federal government slashing the funding of crucial social programs that have measurable and direct impact on people's lives -- like whether or not they have enough money to eat, or whether or not their child gets the medical attention they need...
And, surely, I've never thought at all about the hundreds of thousands of orbital debris objects from NASA's abandoned or lost equipment or spaceships that are orbiting earth or items as large as 10kg re-entering the atmosphere to fall god-knows-where (to say nothing of all the hardware that was left on the moon).
There's certainly nothing I can say about the ongoing "civil wars" in which our planet is continuously engaged, be it on the basis of race, status, gender, wealth, resources, or just some petty bullshit argument on a website! No, I'm certainly nowhere near smart enough to understand deGrasse-Tyson, or your scintillating brilliance that you demonstrate in your stunning ability to recognize irony versus sarcasm, and knowing just when to let it go.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Trancecoach:
ad hominem will get you everywhere... while I play the tiniest violin for you and Dr. deGrasse-Tyson...

Dude you didn't WIN anything here stop trying to take the high road, you're not smart enough to understand what in the hell he's even talking about.

Yeah don't be an adult, just make shit up so you can win an argument. Do us all a favor and stop trying to be a cynical bastard, you're bad at it.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cost of Space Exploration

Trancecoach jokingly says...

you're so right. I know nothing about being inspired by the mysteries of the universe, or becoming so enthralled that I pursued a masters and a doctorate, not in an effort to get answers, but to ask wiser questions... And I know nothing about the federal government slashing the funding of crucial social programs that have a direct and measurable impact on people's lives -- like whether or not those below the poverty line can still make enough money to eat, or whether or not a child in the urban ghetto has access medical attention when needed...

And, surely, I've never thought at all about the hundreds of thousands of orbital debris objects from NASA's abandoned or lost equipment or spaceships that are just orbiting earth or, at times, plummeting back to earth as large as 10kg, to fall god-knows-where (to say nothing of all the hardware that was simply left behind on the moon...).

There's certainly nothing I can say about the ongoing "civil wars" in which our planet is continuously engaged, be it on the basis of race, status, gender, wealth, resources, or just some petty bullshit argument on a fucking website! No, I'm certainly nowhere near smart enough to understand deGrasse-Tyson, or your scintillating brilliance that you demonstrate in a stunning ability to discriminate between irony versus sarcasm, and knowing exactly the right moment to just let it go.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Trancecoach:
ad hominem will get you everywhere... while I play the tiniest violin for you and Dr. deGrasse-Tyson...

Dude you didn't WIN anything here stop trying to take the high road, you're not smart enough to understand what in the hell he's even talking about.

Reid Hitting Romney Hard Over (Possibly) Unpaid Taxes

shinyblurry says...

The choices today are bad and worse, although I think that Romney has proven experience leading, creating wealth, and governing, whereas Obama..well, we've seen what that looks like. It's clear this country needs to go in a new direction..I wish it wouldn't have to be Romney, but I don't think America can take another 4 years of Obama and survive.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^shinyblurry:
I don't see why Romney should release his tax records. The Obama campaign is simply fishing for more ammunition to paint Romney as a rich elitist, so in effect they are calling for Romney to produce a club so that they can beat him over the head with it. So I don't really see a compelling reason for Romney to do it.
Personally, I'm an independent. I would ask liberals though, if you could stop clamoring for the red meat the DNC is throwing to you for a second and look at the world objectively, how is it that you can come away with any other opinion than that the Obama presidency is a major disappointment? Why would you vote for him again? Can you articulate anything convincing? Obama campaigned in 2008 on hope and change, as a messianic figure who would fundamentally transform this country and fix everything. He said if he didn't it would be a one term proposition. Obviously none of that happened and the country is in even worse shape, and bitterly divided along political, class and racial lines. It has never been more divisive. Instead of hope and change we get slash and burn. Instead of a principled reformer we get a bitter partisan playing dirty politics; ie, a typical politician. Why in the world shouldn't it be a one term proposition? He isn't the man he said he was by any measure, and basically he has run this country into the ground. Don't you have a sense of self preservation?

Quite a number of "liberals" on the sift and elsewhere have stated openly that Obama is a disappointment.
But the real disappointment is that no matter how bad he is, he's still an order of magnitude better than any candidate the republicans put forward.

Reid Hitting Romney Hard Over (Possibly) Unpaid Taxes

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I don't see why Romney should release his tax records. The Obama campaign is simply fishing for more ammunition to paint Romney as a rich elitist, so in effect they are calling for Romney to produce a club so that they can beat him over the head with it. So I don't really see a compelling reason for Romney to do it.
Personally, I'm an independent. I would ask liberals though, if you could stop clamoring for the red meat the DNC is throwing to you for a second and look at the world objectively, how is it that you can come away with any other opinion than that the Obama presidency is a major disappointment? Why would you vote for him again? Can you articulate anything convincing? Obama campaigned in 2008 on hope and change, as a messianic figure who would fundamentally transform this country and fix everything. He said if he didn't it would be a one term proposition. Obviously none of that happened and the country is in even worse shape, and bitterly divided along political, class and racial lines. It has never been more divisive. Instead of hope and change we get slash and burn. Instead of a principled reformer we get a bitter partisan playing dirty politics; ie, a typical politician. Why in the world shouldn't it be a one term proposition? He isn't the man he said he was by any measure, and basically he has run this country into the ground. Don't you have a sense of self preservation?

Quite a number of "liberals" on the sift and elsewhere have stated openly that Obama is a disappointment.

But the real disappointment is that no matter how bad he is, he's still an order of magnitude better than any candidate the republicans put forward.

Reid Hitting Romney Hard Over (Possibly) Unpaid Taxes

shinyblurry says...

I don't see why Romney should release his tax records. The Obama campaign is simply fishing for more ammunition to paint Romney as a rich elitist, so in effect they are calling for Romney to produce a club so that they can beat him over the head with it. So I don't really see a compelling reason for Romney to do it.

Personally, I'm an independent. I would ask liberals though, if you could stop clamoring for the red meat the DNC is throwing to you for a second and look at the world objectively, how is it that you can come away with any other opinion than that the Obama presidency is a major disappointment? Why would you vote for him again? Can you articulate anything convincing? Obama campaigned in 2008 on hope and change, as a messianic figure who would fundamentally transform this country and fix everything. He said if he didn't it would be a one term proposition. Obviously none of that happened and the country is in even worse shape, and bitterly divided along political, class and racial lines. It has never been more divisive. Instead of hope and change we get slash and burn. Instead of a principled reformer we get a bitter partisan playing dirty politics; ie, a typical politician. Why in the world shouldn't it be a one term proposition? He isn't the man he said he was by any measure, and basically he has run this country into the ground. Don't you have a sense of self preservation?

New Zealand security guard attacks skaters and breaks board.

enoch says...

and then after a hard day of walking around protecting the property of other people,this minimum wage crusader walked to his 1994 honda civic only to find the tires slashed,windows busted out and his seats shredded.

mess with the skater but never his board.

Conan O'Brien reviews "Minecraft"

50 Shades of Grey the Audiobook, read by Gilbert Gottfried

Ellen DeGeneres reads-slash-mimics 50 Shades of Grey

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Dubstar, "Not so Manic Now"

What knife fights are really like

SDGundamX says...

This video confirms what I already suspected.

Back in high school me and a bunch of other students who got high enough PSAT scores got invited to go down to the Naval Academy in Annapolis to experience a weekend orientation of the academy. I bunked with a guy from Texas who was a black belt in karate. At the time I was really into Tae Kwon Do and we got to talking about martial arts in general. One of the other guys in our room asked us how to deal with an attacker with a knife and the karate guy without pause answers, "Run."

Everyone laughed until he lifted up his shirt and showed us this ugly red scar that goes from one side of his belly to the other. Apparently, some guy had talked trash to him out on the street one day and instead of walking away he faced off against the guy. The knife came out so fast he said he never saw it coming. He got hella lucky in that the slash wasn't deep enough to hit his internal organs and that the other dude just took off running after getting the one hit in, but he was still bleeding everywhere. Some other people nearby called an ambulance and got the kid to the hospital.

Years later, my brother and I got into mixed-martial arts and used to practice defending against knife attacks. We'd wear cheap white clothing and used red markers to simulate the knife. What we learned really quickly is that even if you successfully disarmed the simulated attacker, when you looked down you had probably been cut in at least 3 different places during the attempt.

So I agree with everything in this video. Someone comes at you with a knife, you're not necessarily fucked but you need to accept that in all likelihood you're going to get cut... and that even if you succeed in incapacitating the attacker there's still a good chance you'll bleed out from the cuts you took in the process before medical attention arrives.

Bill Moyers Essay on Saving Libraries

Porksandwich says...

Local library here is pretty good, you can do almost everything online and get a fairly good selection of books online. For those not online you can have them transferred to your local library for pick up...along with a lot of other stuff.

Their main branch is kind of a pain to go to because it's downtown and the parking situation sucks at times, with fairly expensive parking lots or meters. And it houses some things you can only get see on those premises such as family trees and rare books/etc.

They updated the online catalog software to suit what people wanted just recently.

They run a whole lot of learn-to classes, speakers, etc. I haven't seen any of those I was particularly interested in, but still cool to see them make the effort. I think their primary crowd on these are more in the older age brackets or kids.

I believe they could offer a more robust online selection, but I have this nagging feeling that the book publishers discourage this via pricing and weird restrictions that they may not be able to comply with or unwilling.

Libraries are a pretty big opponent to restriction of freedoms to the individual granted under fair use. Without fair use they probably wouldn't exist....and we know the copyright groups have been actively pushing for more restrictions on fair use. I wouldn't be too surprised if they were behind library budgets being slashed dramatically in many locations. The budget for libraries is probably paltry compared to a lot of other things that didn't get axed.

Zero Punctuation: Diablo 3

kceaton1 says...

Torchlight 2 should be interesting considering it'll be released for 20$ on the first day and also have multiplayer.

One thing that might hurt Diablo 3 in the long run is the inability to mod the game, due to the online nature. Unless of course Blizzard allows users to create a non-sanctioned clone version that can run along side it and not allow people to put their items up for trade, but still have to connect, but they can mod to their hearts content.

Modding really could open this game to a much broader and I would say better world of a gaming experience. But, BUT, we have to wait for the big blue names in the sky to make a decision on that.

Unless of course people make modded off-line versions that work... But, Blizzard would probably put a patch on your computer looking for these mods and ban your account if found knowing them... Oh well...

I have faith someone else will get the hack & slash RPG genre going in a good direction eventually; the Torchlight 2 guys have a good chance as they were the ones that did work on Diablo 2. And, now that they have money from the first Torchlight they can broaden their horizons. We'll see. Diablo 3 is still a decent game, but it feels like they held FAR too much back that will inevitably be in the expansion--which is probably almost done (as Diablo 2's expansion was almost already included with the original game; with the art and other resources ON the game disc!).

Slash: My last words to Axl Rose

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