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Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

newtboy says...

So, you must also think that battered women 'caused this to happen' by not capitulating to their husbands/boyfriends, huh?
You must think those innocent people released from Guantanamo 'caused this to happen' by not making up some terrorist activities to admit to when being tortured?

Sitting quietly is not a crime that requires violence...EVER. The disruption this has caused is exponentially greater than the disruption caused by not leaving class. The proper thing to do would be 1. talk to her and explain that by not following the officers instructions, she's forcing them to expel her and she won't ever be returning to class after today and 2. if that doesn't work, call backup. This bodybuilder cop, Ben Fields, is well known as "Officer Slam" at the school, this is not the first time he's been sued over excessive force, not even the first time he was caught on camera, but this time he was caught strangling and throwing children across the room by the neck.

There's absolutely no excuse for the violence from that officer. They are now trying to claim she hit the cop so his actions were OK...but want us all to ignore that she was flailing and accidentally touched him only AFTER being lifted by the neck with another hand reaching between her legs. In my opinion, it's fine to stab anyone doing that to you when you were simply sitting. Stab them in the eye with your self defense. I think I might have attacked that douchebag beating up a girl if it had been in my class....and probably paid for it later, but that's better than just sitting by and watching. I couldn't live with myself if I just sat and watched that BS.

Again. I hope she gets paid, and he never has another dime to his name, because she's going to win this lawsuit big time.

artician said:

Yeah seriously, see:
"Did it go too far- yep but the student caused this to happen."

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Not a single amendment to the Net Neutrality bill passed, so we're stuck with a piece of shit legislation full of loopholes.

What you hear is the sound of my forehead slamming into my desk, repeatedly.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Teen arrested by 9 cops for jaywalking

Esoog says...

No, he did not get arrested for jaywalking. No, he wasn't slammed to the ground for no reason at all. That description couldn't be more slanted, and is complete BULLSHIT.

The 16 year old didn't comply when asked to do something. He cussed at the cop and told him “Fuck You, I’m not stopping for you,” and continued to struggle and fight.

If he had done what he was supposed to (not walk in the bus lane, and not argue and fight with the cops) then he wouldn't be in that situation.

He's an insubordinate asshole, and that woman needs to STFU and let them do their job. Enough of the slanted bleeding heart bullshit.

East Texas Cozy Coupe drifting

Esoog says...

Looks fun, but that's a head injury waiting to happen. I just picture something catching a wheel, and that little head slamming into the concrete.

Teen arrested by 9 cops for jaywalking

newtboy says...

Anyone who's read my comments knows I'm not a big fan of the police these days, but they were totally in the right here, and the description is absolutely ridiculous BS IMO.
People who try to make a police misconduct case out of this should think first and realize that offering this as evidence of police misconduct/abuse minimizes ACTUAL misconduct/abuse. There was NO "brutal beating", no choking seen, no stomping, no 'swarming by 9 officers', no 'slamming to the concrete', no 'arrested for jaywalking', just a teenager acting a fool and ignoring commands, pushing and kicking officers, and grabbing their weapons, all of which didn't end well for him when he's arrested for resisting arrest and refusing to comply with a direct lawful order from a peace officer...he'll be incredibly lucky if another charge for assault on a police officer isn't coming.
I wonder, what alternative actions do those complaining about this think the police SHOULD have taken? Just let him walk away indignantly? The law simply doesn't work that way.

Jaywalking may not be an arrest-able offence, but refusing/ignoring an officer's lawful command to stop certainly is, so is resisting when the cop tries to control/arrest you (like pulling the cop's hand off your arm, pushing the cop, or grabbing the baton that has yet to hit you).
The kid only gets hit with the baton (in the video) when he grabs it with both hands and tries to wrestle it away from the cop, as the cop wrestles for control of the weapon, the kid gets grazed in the face. When the other 4 (not 9) officers take control, he continues to fight with them and is taken to the ground.
As to his being a kid, he certainly thought he was adult enough to ignore/fight with the police. As far as I could tell, they all used restraint (compared to the normal dog pile and face kicks we've seen in the past in this kind of situation). I really don't think this video is going to help that 'kid' in court.
I'm somewhat surprised they didn't go after the woman screaming for interfering with a police action, or at least command her to move away. Telling the kid to stay seated (and ignore the command to get on the ground) sure seems to meet the criteria in my eyes.

Jon Stewart Trashes CNN on 'Larry King Live'

Retroboy says...

This will get slammed but I have to point out that Larry King is starting to look a lot like an Oompa Loompa.

The relevance is it's kinda hard to take him seriously.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

Mordhaus says...

looks like she said something he didnt like so he slammed her into chair, she kicked in response, and then extreme force is used.

just an average day for a cop

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

lucky760 says...

@GenjiKilpatrick - Just to clarify, for me it's not a matter of treating police brutality as acceptable. It's a matter of being prepared and reacting the best possible way for self-preservation given the reality of the situation.

It's not that you should comply with unreasonable requests or brutal behavior because it's acceptable. It's unacceptable (morally) that so many officers act that way, but rebelling against such officers won't improve your situation and will likely end up with your face slammed into the floor or similar.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Okay, so.. To start *deeep breath* ..

#1 - Conflating frequency & social norms is the first flaw in your weak sauce argument/opinion/whatever.

Norms are essentially social boundaries.
They ensure a certain level of compliance & conformity in a group.

The frequency of a behavior doesn't determine a norm.
Social acceptance does.

If informal rules are accepted & practiced by enough of the group, it's a (the) norm.


#2 - Because police brutality is practiced & accepted enough.. it's the (a) norm.

A fact proven by comments like this from @lucky760..

A comment that illustrates those exact informal, unwritten rules of compliance.

Completely accepting that "well, of course cops on a powertrip clearly can't control themselves. What did you expect?".

Or comments from jerkfaces like Lantern53 (who is a cop), usually:
"Most people who get shot by the police deserved it."

Because in his child-like brain, only "bad guys get in trouble"..

So if a cop is beating you half (usually all the way) to death.
You must have done some "bad guy stuff" to start.

Which brings us to..

#3 - Your disgustingly ignorant, disingenuous denialism.

"Let's *scoff* pretend that everyday, for every brutal beating you hear about..

There's another even more violent murder..

That's ONLY 365 excessive force murders a year!

That's NOT representative of all 1 million police officers."

...@_@.. just ..@_@... Because:

A) As an "angry black man" who is distinctly enraged by police brutality..

I certainly don't need or appreciate you - a racially illiterate white male - pullin' the fuckin' race card.

"What if I made these generalizations about black people? Hmm? *pouty face* Woodn't da make you a wittle upset?"

THAT SHIT HAPPENS CONSTANTLY. Especially on the internet.

In fact, @BoneRemake has accused me of sellin' out or whatever because..

Most of my recent activity on this site has been a very pointed, belligerent direct response to the stupid shitty cuntbag comments of Videosift's resident racist jingoists.. @bobknight33 & @lantern53.

The latter of which is a police officer of 30 years.

B) Of course not EVERY SINGLE police officer or police interaction is violently excessive.

The point is - it's fucked up that videos like this appear on a regular basis. With little to no punishment for the officers involved.

Sure there are lots of good people in the world..

{Main Point} That means absolutely nothing when you're specifically illustrating & discussing the shitty, bad people in the world. {Main Point}

So yeah, i definitely don't need you and your patronizing AS FUCK white privilege apologist rhetoric to tell me..

"You know, not ALL cops are bad."

Yeah.. i know. Would you also like to tell me about how:

"Every interaction I've had with Law Enforcement has been benign and/or pleasant."

"I've never been followed around a store for fear I might steal something."


oohlalasassoon said:

I'm not the apologist you think I am by the way.

So, let's presume your statement that this happens everyday is true. In fact, let's double it, and say for every incident you hear about, there's another that goes unnoticed, and is worse. You're saying the egregious actions of 2 officers per day, is indicative of the type of day MOST cops lead on a daily basis, i.e. : the norm?

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

Asmo says...

This girl could have landed a kick square in his balls and his response would still not be proportionate or appropriate. Charge her with assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest and give her some time in a cell, done. That's the punishment for doing something as stupid as kicking at a police officer after she was arrested. Picking her up and slamming her teeth first in to the ground was in no way appropriate.

But I get what you're saying. It's like being in a small boat with a large shark circling under it. You don't do anything to provoke it because if you do, it will end you.

lucky760 said:

The only thing I'll say is: Hey, stupid people. Don't even feign a strike in a police officer's direction. You're very likely going to get your shit fucked up because the officer has all the power and is probably not able to wield that power as anything more than a lowly animal.

Such officers so incapable of restraining their superiority/god complex should not be in a position of total physical control over suspected criminals who, by virtue of the fact that they've been taken into custody, may be likely to be disobedient little shits.

lv_hunter (Member Profile)

Black Privilege Explained

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

newtboy says...

One more douchebag in uniform. Is there another kind?
I'm guessing someone will say this is both justified (she kind of kicked in his direction, so of course slamming her face to the ground as hard as possible is the appropriate reaction...if you wear a uniform) and also excuse this as 'only the bad act of a single officer, not representative of all others, most of which are good people'.

I'm betting all who read this can guess exactly how much respect I have for either of those tired arguments.

"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

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