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Fareed Zakaria--Global Warming Insurance

tsquire1 says...


Good to have a discussion. I'll try to keep this up with ya, but I'm kinda busy
Lets duel

>> ^griefer_queafer:
Point is, isn't this just merely self-regulation?

Suppose that the leaders pay attention to scientific findings, and they realize that things have to change. Yes, the ‘insurance’ is a form of self-regulation for capitalism to increase industry and corporate markets. But, as is typical of a capitalist, they are trying to make a business out of saving the planet, at the risk of millions of lives.
My friend, Corporations are merely the bourgeoisie in a new form. Corporations are merely organized institutions to serve bourgeoisie interest, an interest in gaining capital.
The regulation is not a true regulation, however. What they are doing here is selling an idea of ‘regulation’. True regulation would be addressing all the points in our economic systems and finding the ‘open systems’ and making them a ‘closed system’, in the permaculture sense. Reduction of waste. Control of production to meet the needs, not the wants. We don’t need to produce thousands of cars that will never get sold solely for the insane and desperate hope that they somehow could.
>> ^griefer_queafer:
Please respond to this question: what if 'growth' as it occurs today, also occurs concomitantly with POSITIVE effects to the planet?
Also, please make 'growth' relevant to our neo-capitalist moment.

neo-capitalist? In what ways have we moved beyond the worker? Are you to tell me that an office worker is not alienated in the cubicle? Are you to tell me that the the sweatshop labor in china, Indonesia, India, etc are not workers? Are you to tell me that nowhere on the planet, workers are paid in slave wages with the boss reaping profit off surplus value? Are you to tell me that workers control their hours, control their pay based on labor and the value of the product?

I think you have some tarnished definitions. Corporations are the logical outcome of Capitalism. Corporations operate on capitalist principles. We do not live in a post-industrial society. Manufacturing and productive have increased substantially, less workers are needed for high-tech facilities, but in the United States and other developed Imperialist countries, we don’t see the worker. We are alienated from them, and we exist as fragmented consumers. We are needed to buy these products so this economy and corporations can continue to exist. Neo-capitalism? Perhaps, but capitalism nonetheless. The changes aren’t as substantial as it may seem. Things have just become harder to see in post-modernism.
So what’s growth?
Destruction of the natural environment, say, the Amazon, for cattle ranches. Increased production to meet an increased demand. This is unsustainable, because Capitalism favors the increased demand. What do corporations want Americans to do? Consume. BUY BUY BUY. This is all very obvious. We see it everyday. Hell, just look at Christmas. Where do the resources come from to make these products and where do they end? We take it from the earth and it winds up in a dumpster or landfill. The resources aren’t returned, there is no equal exchange, energy is wasted in the inefficiency of our system.
Paper pulp released into the rivers. Environmental damage of the Niger River Delta for the oil, with acid rain so powerful it eats the tin-roofs of the shacks were the local villagers live. People that live on that land that don’t get ANYTHING from the energy companies except the corporate hired gunmen to maintain a ‘favorable business climate'. How then, is this 'favorable bussiness climate' POSTIVE for the planet? Its not positive for the planet or for any of us.
>> ^griefer_queafer:
Why is it a short term goal if the idea is to fundamentally change the ways in which 'growth' affects the planet?

But they aren’t trying to fundamentally change anything. They want the Maldives to go under so they can sell them the fucking life rafts! Capitalists/Corporations don’t give a shit about the mass amount of human suffering that will occur. They just want to maintain their profit margin, seize the planets resources, privatize everything, and maintain control over the worker. You are a worker, I am a worker. Even intellect and academia is a commodity that is bought and sold. We are the proletariat. We have a boss, we don’t control our hours, our labor is sold for surplus value, at the cost of our liberties and our security on this planet.

Bombproof Wallpaper.

Croccydile says...

In this test it is quite effective in preventing penetration and subsequent collapse of the wall. the structural integrity would have been compromised of course, but it looks to me like anyone inside a structure so protected would be able to survive and get out to safety.

Err wait... there was no load on the top of that wall. It seems to me this wallpaper might stop bomb fragments but won't exactly prevent the wall from collapsing under the weight above it. Cool idea, but I have a hard time seeing how this would actually work.

(Perhaps a better demo is if they made a small shack with the stuff, set off an actual bomb in it rather than use a wrecking ball. Why call it bomb proof wallpaper when you did'nt even use a bomb?)

The Bailouts were actually $ 17 Trillion

GeeSussFreeK says...

Ya, the more I read and hear from talking heads about the bail out, the more it seems like it was just a swindle. Been hearing that a majority of the bail out money used by goldman shacks was to buy up depressed stocks. Add that in with all the naked short selling and market manipulation that was going on right before the collapse and I feel like something very very wrong was happening.

Robert Reich On The Public Option (150 seconds)

bobknight33 says...

They wont lower costs. They will end up delaying / cutting services.

Since when does the Goverment make efficent decisions?
Have you been served quickly at the DMV, Welfare office, Employment office or the County health department?

Katerina victims are still waiting for assistance to rebuild their homes.
The Cash for clunkers Where is that money? The people are waiting.

Government does not know how to be efficient or thrifty.

Just today I had to spent $7800 on a custom PC just to replace a$7.00 cable in side it. If I went to Radio shack and bought the cable I would be non compliant and would loose my job. And yes I DO work in Healthcare. I know that the local purchased cable would be just fine. That cost got past directly to the Hospital. But the Government made rules.

How can they serve the peoples needs? They don't know what you need you know what you need. You know what works for you. The decision needs to be yours.

What the goverment can do is:
legislate laws that allow competition across state lines.
Don't drop people when they are deadly sick and need it most.
Cap premiums on those who really need insurance ( preexisting conditions etc) to not more than 10% .
Allow those who get denied treatment the ability to challenge to a independent group that can over rule the insurance companies.
Pick up the COBRA payment when your job is lost.

Greetings from Кыргызстан! (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

qualm says...

Phil Ochs: Cops of the World

Come, get out of the way, boys
Quick, get out of the way
You'd better watch what you say, boys
Better watch what you say
We've rammed in your harbor and tied to your port
And our pistols are hungry and our tempers are short
So bring your daughters around to the port
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

We pick and choose as please, boys
Pick and choose as please
You'd best get down on your knees, boys
Best get down on your knees
We're hairy and horny and ready to shack
And we don't care if you're yellow or black
Just take off your clothes and lay down on your back
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Our boots are needing a shine, boys
Boots are needing a shine
But our Coca-Cola is fine, boys
Coca-Cola is fine
We've got to protect all our citizens fair
So we'll send a battalion for everyone there
And maybe we'll leave in a couple of years
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

And dump the reds in a pile, boys
Dump the reds in a pile
You'd better wipe off that smile, boys
Better wipe off that smile
We'll spit through the streets of the cities we wreck
And we'll find you a leader that you can elect
Those treaties we signed were a pain in the neck
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

And clean the johns with a rag, boys
Clean the johns with a rag
If you like you can use your flag, boys
If you like you can use your flag
We've got too much money we're looking for toys
And guns will be guns and boys will be boys
But we'll gladly pay for all we destroy
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Please stay off of the grass, boys
Please stay off of the grass
Here's a kick in the ass, boys
Here's a kick in the ass
We'll smash down your doors, we don't bother to knock
We've done it before, so why all the shock
We're the biggest and the toughest kids on the block
And we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

And when we butchered your sons, boys
When we butchered your sons
Have a stick of our gum, boys
Have a stick of our bubble gum
We own half the world, oh say can you see
And the name for our profits is democracy
So, like it or not, you will have to be free
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Dr. Dre feat.Snoop Dogg - Still D.R.E. (uncensored)

MrFisk says...

Oh for sure, check me out
It's still Dre Day, A.K.
Before I chrome the lot, can't keep it home a lot
'cause when I frequent the spots that I'm known to rock
You hear the bass from the trunk when I'm on the block
Ladies, they pay homage, but haters say Dre fell off
How? My last album was "The Chronic"
They want to know if he still got it
They say rap's changed, they want to know how I feel about it
Dr. Dre is the name, I'm ahead of my game
Still, puffing my leafs, still with the beats
Still not loving police (Uh huh)
Still rock my khakis with a cuff and a crease
Still got love for the streets, repping 213
Still the beat bangs, still doing my thang
Since I left, ain't too much changed, still

Since the last time you heard from me I lost some friends
Well, hell, me and Snoop, we dipping again
Kept my ear to the streets, signed Eminem
He's triple platinum, doing 50 a week
Still, I stay close to the heat
And even when I was close to defeat, I rose to my feet
My life is like a soundtrack I wrote to the beat
Treat my rap like Cali weed, I smoke till I sleep
Wake up in the A.M., compose a beat
I bring the fire till you're soaking in your seat
It's not a fluke, it's been tried, I'm the troop
It's "Turn Out the Lights" from the World Class Wreckin' Cru
I'm still at it, After-mathematic
In the home of drivebys and ak-matics
Swap meets, sticky green, and bad traffic
I dip through then I get skin, D-R-E

It ain't nothing but more hot shit
Another classic CD for y'all to vibe with
Whether you're cooling on a corner with your fly bitch
Laid back in the shack, play this track
I'm representing for the gangsters all across the world
(Still hitting them corners in them low low's girl)
I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap
Try to be the king but the ace is back

Dr. Dre be the name still running the game
Still got it wrapped like a mummy
Still ain't tripping, love to see young blacks get money
Spend time out the hood, take they moms out the hood
Hit my boys off with jobs, no more living hard
Barbeques every day, driving fancy cars
Still gonna' get mine regardless

Radio Shack TRS 80 Commercial

Radio Shack TRS 80 Commercial

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

youdiejoe says...

It worked for me for 16 years...then, not so much. I thought it was "the thing to do" but luckily in todays society marriage is not a forgone conclusion for people wanting to shack up or have kids. I have learned to never say never, but I'm pretty sure that I will not remarry.

Marriage is a construct of the church and sanctioned by gov't around the globe. These are two bodies it seems you have "issues" with anyway so I would think long and hard on that.

Meet Peter King who lives in a tiny house.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'buildings, house, tiny, awesome view, stuff nation, poetry shack' to 'buildings, house, tiny, awesome view, poetry shack, makes you wanna drink beer' - edited by calvados

Meet Peter King who lives in a tiny house.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'buildings, house, tiny, awsome view' to 'buildings, house, tiny, awesome view, stuff nation, poetry shack' - edited by calvados

Meet Peter King who lives in a tiny house.

Meet Peter King who lives in a tiny house.

csnel3 says...

Here in Oregon we call them "shacks" or if you build it behind your house its called a "shed". Ted Kaczynski had one of these in Montana, He called it a "Cabin". Either way you call it, Beware of people who live in them...especially if they have dug a basement.

Edarem (the guy who loves 30 Rock) Conducts Brahms

stumpyjoemcgee says...

He's a sex offender.

"Noticed many had wondered of whereabouts of Ed Muscare. In October 1986, I was in the Navy in San Diego when a local news item was aired on TV. To make a long story short - Uncle Ed was arrested for the molestation of several young boys as well providing them with drugs and alcohol. Story referred to him as "local cult tv star". Story also had video of the actual arrest and it was indeed our Ed. As cops were bringing him out of the house (a rundown little shack in bad part of town), the handcuffed Ed came right up to the camera, bared his teeth and let loose with a loud growl, then laughed to beat all hell. Always the showman that guy. It so happened that a fellow shipmate from KC area was there with me at the time to verify that it was the Ed Muscare I remembered from my youth. Haven't heard a word since the initial report of arrest as I was discharged two weeks later. "

When Lightning Strikes!

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