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Romney's Abortion Record: Spin vs. Truth

NetRunner says...

Sorry, I'm just used to seeing comments on basically every one of my videos that is either pure Republican argle bargle (Kenyan Muslim Socialist blew up the debt, so who cares if Romney is a snake who will say or do anything to get elected!), or some backhanded comment that damns Obama with faint praise from more liberal and independent minded people.

I thought your comment was one of the latter. Sorry I jumped all over you for it.

>> ^A10anis:

There are NO contenders of any worth to take on Obama. There, you clear now of my initial meaning? I'm done, JEEZ.

most epicly filmed glowsticking video you will ever see

Ryjkyj says...

OK, my last comment was an attempt at humor, but as a person with almost thirty years of experience swinging around toys attached to the end of strings, I feel I have the authority to lay down the law a little bit:

First of all, "Poi" started as a traditional art form but has grown into something completely different. There are many different styles, techniques, levels of performance and materials used. Someone who is "serious" about Poi (aside from being a douche bag) might consider "fire Poi" to be the ultimate goal. Obviously, this girl would burn her arms of if she attempted these tricks with fire. But her "art" uses a child's toy, and her techniques are appropriate for that purpose. She's actually got some interesting and even fairly unique stuff going on here.

Obviously the "world peace" video intro is a little over the top but I would say her facial expression is the look of someone who's focusing, not necessarily entertaining. All in all, I'd say she's pretty talented.

I just feel that it's my duty to point out that the only real marked difference between this girl and the million other "Poi-glo-spin-light-fire-sticking" idiots is this: She's the only one on youtube who seems to have a friend with a "passion" for using a light-meter and a decent f-ing camera.
>> ^doogle:

Some don't like her.

most epicly filmed glowsticking video you will ever see

most epicly filmed glowsticking video you will ever see

spoco2 says...

>> ^soulmonarch:

"This was filmed to show the passion and art of glowstringing and sticking, to show peace, love, unity and respect."
...whew, okay. Now that's out of my system. Cool video though.

I couldn't take that at all seriously either. It's very humorous to see how much import people ascribe to certain things.

'This was filmed to show the passion, and the art of tying my shoelaces, to show peace, love, unity and respect'

most epicly filmed glowsticking video you will ever see

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

This stuff:

I would like to see comment formatting done with simple markup rather than HTML. It would make trimming down or breaking up quotes easier and would be much easier in general for less technical users.

I was against threaded comments when it was brought up a while back because we rarely got that many comments on a video. Now I'm thinking it's justified or will be in the near future.

I would like the floating/pinned comment box idea to be polished. At the very least make the setting sticky. Even better if it was a pop-out deal like the IM function.

We don't need *beg or *requeue anymore, we've got *promote. Adjust the power point cap so everyone can use it, if necessary. Please don't make us requeue our videos every 8 hours to keep them alive. Let masochists like @Sarzy get their abuse elsewhere.

If we must continue down the road to MMOVideoSift, please take extra care not to work against quality with new features. I'm still convinced that this has been a big part of the dip in variety over the years.

Give us a "page scraper". Let us submit any URL, like we can do with youtube, and let @siftbot scrape the page for valid embeds, presenting us with a list to choose from. Think of it the same way you pick a thumbnail when you share a link on Facebook.

Make tags show on-hover so as not to give away spoilers (without requiring us to leave valuable tags out).

How about some super tooltips?

Here's some small tweaks that I think would be nice.

On the advanced search screen, the options for Search Type should be "Videos", "SiftTalk", "Comments", and "Blogs". In other words, take "Search" out of the text. That way you can tab into the field, press V, S, C or B and keep on tabbing.

Status doesn't have enough options to warrant the awful multi-selector widget. Just give us some checkboxes.

Why so many people are endorsing Ron Paul for President

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^renatojj:

Irrelevant. It doesn't matter his personal opinion on abortion, his political opinion is that it's not a Federal issue, it's a state's rights' issue because it's too controversial. So whether people like abortion or not, they have the choice of taking it up with their local governments.

Tell that to a woman who gets raped in a state that decides it doesn't like abortion. Or to a husband whose wife dies because the state they live has chosen not to allow a medical intervention that chooses the life of the mother over the child.

Allowing states to make their own decisions on fundamental human rights is tantamount to allowing tyranny of the majority.

>> ^renatojj:

Irrelevant. It doesn't matter his personal opinion on evolution. If I were a Christian, I'd have trouble dealing with the theory of evolution too, because I'd believe in a book written by God that says the universe was created in 6 days. I don't see how would that negatively influence him as a president or his policies.

>> ^renatojj:

Denies Global Warming, "There is no convincing scientific evidence..."
He does believe that global warming claims are a FUD tactic for environmental regulations at the Federal level.

It displays a lack of critical thinking. It goes to the heart of his decision making process. Do you really want a president that suspends reason when it goes against his beliefs?

>> ^renatojj:

Was also the ONLY vote against a ban on Lead in childrens' toys
Correct, as the linked article points out, he "frequently votes against measures expanding the federal government's reach". It doesn't mean Ron Paul is in favor of lead in children's toys, only that there are other more effective ways to ensure that children's toys don't have lead in them. Leave the Federal government out of this.

I picked this one because it was the most obvious, but it applies to many of your other arguments too. Here is the central problem with libertarianism.
Libertarians want to protect the little guy (people and by extension, businesses) from the big guy (government). This is a noble proposition, but they have the business and government on the wrong sides of the equation. What they fail to understand is that most people want to be protected by government from the activities of profit-motivated systems.

>> ^renatojj:

Thinks Sexual Harassment shouldn't be illegal
Correct, not at the federal level, that is a states' issue. Whatever else he said on the subject is irrelevant.

So it's ok for, let's say, New York to legalise sexual harassment? See comment above re tyranny of the majority.

>> ^renatojj:

Believes that the Panama Canal should be the property of the United States
Don't know what to say about that. If it was built with US taxpayer money, maybe it should? Idk.

It's not on your sovereign territory. Lots of stuff was built with the help of US tax payer money. Doesn't mean you still own it.

>> ^renatojj:

Has associated with the founder of Stormfront, a White Power/Nazi Website
This is bullshit. A picture of them together just implies they conspired to stand in front of a camera.
Keeps their donations
And does nothing to prevent their association with his campaign.
Also, bullshit. Taking their money means he accepts their support, it does not mean that Ron Paul supports them. Like Ron Paul explained many times, it would be impractical to do a background check on all the hundreds of thousands of people who support him and send him money.

The fact that he took the money in the first place is not the issue. I fully appreciate the impracticality of checking the origins of donation money.
However, once he was made aware of it, he still kept the money.
There are two explanations for this:
1. He agrees with their message and will use the money to further their goals.
2. He disagrees with their message but will use the money anyway.

1 is hateful and 2 is disingenuous.

>> ^renatojj:

Introduced legislation, twice, that would allow schools to re-segregate.
Endorsing the removal of federal regulations and the freedom that comes with that is not an endorsement of what people or states do with these freedoms.
Would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Very easy to misinterpret. He's partly against the Civil Rights Act regarding the regulations on private individuals and businesses that are open to the public because they reduce individual liberties. Makes sense for a libertarian to say such things.

Again, why is it ok for some states to allow segregation? Paul is demonstrating he does not regard these fundamental human rights as universal. He is saying that as president he is ok with allowing part of his citizenry to discriminate against other members of his citizenry.

If he feels that he is not in a position to make a call on that (and most people would see this as a solved problem), why the hell does he want to be president? The whole point of government is to make the lives of the people better through legislation (either enshrining or restricting freedoms).

Why doesn't he say that states can decide for themselves about free speech or gun control? And the answer trotted out will be "because they're constitutional rights". You know what? As great as the constitution of the USA is (and I believe it is a fantastic document that is an example to all nations), it's not perfect. Women, black people and homosexuals thankfully no longer occupy the position they did at the time of it's writing. The 4th amendment knows nothing of the internet. It should be a living document, updated with the times.

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

BoneRemake says...

stupid siftbot screwed that up.


"Please do not down vote a video because you dislike the Sifter who submitted it; this is entirely unacceptable. Instead, vote solely based on the quality of video content. If down voting or any other member privilege is intentionally misused, the offending member will be temporarily banned for no less than 2 weeks. A second offense will result in a permanent ban. "

You vote for the video content, nothing else. Thats what piss' me off sometimes when people say things like " upvote for the title alone" ... You know who you are.

VOTE ON CONTENT. Nothing else.

Comprehend ?


>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
I was ready to argue with you--then I read the second paragraph--then I read the late addition. You are assuming the downvotes are automatic; using what? You don't know why anyone downvoted (except me--see comment above).

Your downvote is a blatant violation of Siftlaw. You ought to know better. Don't worry; nothing will be done because nobody likes QM. Siftlaws are only there to protect popular users.
I suspect the others are as well but we can only speculate since they haven't posted confessions.

If it is so blatant you should easily be able to show me the written word of the law.
If you can not then your statement is libel.

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
I was ready to argue with you--then I read the second paragraph--then I read the late addition. You are assuming the downvotes are automatic; using what? You don't know why anyone downvoted (except me--see comment above).

Your downvote is a blatant violation of Siftlaw. You ought to know better. Don't worry; nothing will be done because nobody likes QM. Siftlaws are only there to protect popular users.
I suspect the others are as well but we can only speculate since they haven't posted confessions.

If it is so blatant you should easily be able to show me the written word of the law.
If you can not then your statement is libel.

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

quantumushroom says...

Why even I have well-wishers, cronies, and siftquaintances.

This is/was an ugly video about an ignorant fool spouting off, using language that, based on modern Orwellian British Law, would have him arrested. Since it's France, who knows?

Is he drunk? Bullshit, he's drinking Coke.

I wonder why society--the liberal half--thinks a free pass should be given to a minority who threatens violence? What does a White liberal do when an individual thug of color threatens his family? "Now kids, this man is an economically-disadvantaged oppressed person of color. Watch Daddy hand over his wallet to atone for the sins of of our evil exploiting race."


>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
I was ready to argue with you--then I read the second paragraph--then I read the late addition. You are assuming the downvotes are automatic; using what? You don't know why anyone downvoted (except me--see comment above).

Your downvote is a blatant violation of Siftlaw. You ought to know better. Don't worry; nothing will be done because nobody likes QM. Siftlaws are only there to protect popular users.
I suspect the others are as well but we can only speculate since they haven't posted confessions.

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:
I was ready to argue with you--then I read the second paragraph--then I read the late addition. You are assuming the downvotes are automatic; using what? You don't know why anyone downvoted (except me--see comment above).

Your downvote is a blatant violation of Siftlaw. You ought to know better. Don't worry; nothing will be done because nobody likes QM. Siftlaws are only there to protect popular users.

I suspect the others are as well but we can only speculate since they haven't posted confessions.

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

Jinx says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^Jinx:
>> ^kir_mokum:
i'm sorry but if you can't see the difference between racism coming from white people and racism coming from black or indigenous people then you need a lot more education. probably in the fields of history and psychology.

I don't really think there is a difference. I had nothing to do with black slaves or the exploitation of an indigenous population, and nor did my parents. Or their parents. Sins of our of great great grandfathers? This guy is no more justified in attacking the colour of my skin than a Klansman or a Nazi.

Still, this is a drunk throwing insults at strangers. Its not exactly a lynching by men in white capes. I'm not sure what QMs point here is. That we view racism differently coming from a Black guy than from a White guy? I think we all know and understand why that is.
Oh, and shame on the automatic downvotes.

I was ready to argue with you--then I read the second paragraph--then I read the late addition. You are assuming the downvotes are automatic; using what? You don't know why anyone downvoted (except me--see comment above).

I'd like to know what your argument against the first paragraph that my second then negated.

Automatic was the wrong word, it was not my intention to imply the downvotes were baseless, or purely based on that fact its QM. Influenced perhaps, but then thats as much his fault for making tactless (at best) video descriptions. Regardless, you needn't justify your prerogative to downvote to me.

I didn't upvote the video because I did not find it entertaining or illuminating in any way. The comments are somewhat more interesting and made me wonder if the video was quite so pointless afterall.

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^Jinx:

>> ^kir_mokum:
i'm sorry but if you can't see the difference between racism coming from white people and racism coming from black or indigenous people then you need a lot more education. probably in the fields of history and psychology.

I don't really think there is a difference. I had nothing to do with black slaves or the exploitation of an indigenous population, and nor did my parents. Or their parents. Sins of our of great great grandfathers? This guy is no more justified in attacking the colour of my skin than a Klansman or a Nazi.

Still, this is a drunk throwing insults at strangers. Its not exactly a lynching by men in white capes. I'm not sure what QMs point here is. That we view racism differently coming from a Black guy than from a White guy? I think we all know and understand why that is.
Oh, and shame on the automatic downvotes.

I was ready to argue with you--then I read the second paragraph--then I read the late addition. You are assuming the downvotes are automatic; using what? You don't know why anyone downvoted (except me--see comment above).

Worst Persons - Countdown 11-8-2011

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Looks like it really is just you, sorry to say. The way you described it, it sounds like it's just the CSS that your browser is ignoring.

One thought is maybe you accidentally changed your browser to use No Style instead of Basic Page Style under View < Page Style.

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
Like i said I did turn off my ad blockers and even disabled all of my addons after the install. idk what the deal is but for now im dealing with ads and using chrome. If you're not having any problems, and no one else i know is it must just be me but idk what the deal is. I havnt installed anything new. hmmm *scratches head*

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Have you tried disabling any ad blocking software you might have running? Do you have javascript disabled?

Can you install Firebug and see if it's reporting any errors?

Can you take a screenshot so I can see what you're seeing? Sounds like an issue on your computer. I've been using the site on several computers (and phones) today and haven't had any issues. When did your problems start?

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
I'm having a lot of problems surfing the site with Firefox specifically. I turned off all addons and reinstalled and still they persist.

Problems include:
Lack of formating (everything right aligned and not layed out on page and no background just white)
Unable to see comments - When i click on comments it takes me to comment box but i still cant see them.
Sift lounge not working.

I also reinstalled Flash and Java just incase that was the issue. But if i switch browsers (on Chrome now but I also tried on IE) everything is fine.

Just heads up, idk what the deal is.

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