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How to Surface a Submarine in the Arctic Ocean

Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions

Sam Harris on Science and Morality

Sam Harris on Science and Morality

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

vil says...

It would have been a rare occurence indeed for the head of a science project to share the accolades with a student. She was second on the original paper.

Also remember this is a Nobel prize for physics, so it is very much to be had for the scientist who starts the project, creates the equipment, sets goals, is reserved when the student finds something new but then listens to her, the hypothesis and confirmation part is important and was not ms. Bells work...

So yes, the astronomical observation and discovery of the first two pulsars is hers.

The Nobel prize for physics for the discovery of pulsars went to the two scientists that contributed the most to the confirmation of the rotating neutron star hypothesis. IMHO rightfully.

Could a student have been included, man or woman? Unlikely.

newtboy said:

Kind of..

Can You Trust Science Too Much?

Can You Trust Science Too Much?

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

vil says...

OK I will take a risk on this one. Every scientific breakthrough is supported by scientific personnel who run experiments and collect data. The head of the laboratory or institution gets to interpret the data and get the Nobel Prize. That is how teams work in science.

Its even in the video, getting the discovery discovered is a lot of tedious work, someone has to find the anomalous signal, that is great, someone else then gets to state a hypothesis about what it means, which when it proves to be right gives them the prize. Seems fair. Even if its just one on one student and professor, unless the student comes up with a fundamental concept, just noticing an anomaly does not make a Nobel Prize laureate of the student. Even if his line of search is originally against the opinion of the professor.

Now arguably in this case Ms. Bell made a bigger contribution than just collecting data and if you juxtapose that with how women were treated back then, its a nice story. But if she were a man in the same position there would be no Nobel Prize either. And possibly no compensating prize years later.

And yes she deserves her prize, I believe.

Overcoming your fears

moonsammy says...

The only silver lining in this whole goddamn debacle. With any luck they'll immediately become a permanent minority party at the federal level, and at the state level within a few years. Frankly that needs to happen (ideally via voter abandonment of the party, rather than through viral attrition), as the anti-science assclown brigade has made it clear they'll be no help with climate change. It'll be the same fucking pack of lies and denial of obvious objective reality, except with more flooding, fire, extreme winds, and with much less food. It's going to be a clusterfuck of horrific consequences, within a few decades. Unless the anti-sciencers get the reins of power stripped away.

BSR said:

My guess is that there will be fewer Republicans available come next election. Keep on keeping on!

Overcoming your fears

newtboy says...

The Delta variant is just as infectious from the vaccinated as from the not vaccinated, but +-90% fewer vaccinated seem to catch it and at least 98% fewer require hospitalization. It is far more transmissible, and in the unvaccinated seems to have higher mortality rates than previous variants. Vaccinated and non vaccinated may be totally infectious but have no symptoms.
That means wearing a mask after getting vaccinated is still good science and proper public policy based on current knowledge. Masks protect others from the wearer , they don’t protect wearers from the unmasked sneezing or coughing. They aren’t signs of fear or weakness, they are signs of recognizing a civic responsibility, something the Right wing called a virtue before following Trump into the darkness.

If more people had gotten vaccinated, the delta variant might not have been a problem. Just like if more people had masked up and distanced early, COVID might not have been 1/10 the problem it has been. Now, thanks to anti science conspiracy theorists who refuse public health orders we have Delta and likely have an epsilon variant coming by fall and get to go back to full quarantine with no vaccines.

You don’t attack using germ warfare by infecting your own country. 🤦‍♂️

TangledThorns said:

Still wearing a mask after getting vaccinated? Yeah... CDC, WHO and Beijing Biden are all morons. Meanwhile China is laughing for winning in germ warfare.

Covid Scientist Arrested For Honest Evaluation Of Florida

newtboy says...

It totally agree, @eric3579. Who can be trusted? It's harder to know every day.

My take....
Jones is right about the science, false negatives imply you've never been exposed when you have been, so people believe they cannot transmit the virus when they may in fact be infectious, which can lead to reckless nondistancing behavior and infections because they assume they're "safe"... also even a good (not false) positive antibody test does not mean they have meaningful immunity nor does it mean they aren't infectious as this woman claims. It only means you've developed some detectable antibodies to the virus. Period. Both misconceptions are big concerns. "Which is bigger?" seems like a silly fight.

The problem is, no matter what the test says, people think it means they're safe to be around. A negative test...."I never had it so I can't spread it, gimme a kiss"...a positive test..."I had it but beat it so I'm now immune and can't spread it, gimme a kiss". Neither is correct.

I had the chicken pox twice. If a chicken pox antibody test existed, I would have tested positive after the first round and assumed I couldn't get it or transmit it afterwards, but that would have been wrong even though the results weren't a false positive. Instead, because people suck, my parents and teachers just assumed I was "safe" and sent me to school sick and may have caused an outbreak.

Both of her claims here rely on most people completely misunderstanding what the results really mean, and people completely ignoring the possibility of false results. Sadly that's proper to assume.

Interesting how she puts it, she says Jones wasn't asked to fudge any data, just maybe present it in a way that made Florida's public covid numbers look better in the run up to the election....or another way to say that is she was asked to fudge the data....if I recall she claimed she was instructed to hide large numbers of cases in categories not included in the public presentations with the intent to create a false perception of a major downturn in cases under the "open up and unmask" plan.

Wasn't the "private data" she's accused of handing to the press the unadulterated anonymous covid numbers....not really private as it's public data collected by the government for public health reasons... and not personal data as she implied. That's what I recall the charge being....maybe there's more.

The rest is unverifiable and /or personal tabloid did they point the gun at her kids or just menace them with the guns, did she get pregnant with her student, etc. Not germane to her claims about Florida's verified misrepresentations, and inappropriate attacks against the messenger instead of the message, imo. Distasteful to me, but besides the point.

How Police Protect And Serve

newtboy says...

“This family”?
This isn’t one case, Bob. It’s department policy and has been for a long time.

Agreed, it SHOULD be a big payday for these families… unfortunately that’s at taxpayer, not the police’s pension fund’s, expense….but so far in the years of this practice if the victims got anything it doesn’t seem to have payed enough to get the local government to stop it, or enough to excuse blatant and rampant abusive harassment of law abiding citizens as standard policy, even a revenue generator.

How much is the daily harassment of your children, wife, co workers, family, friends, and business contacts at their work and in their homes late at night for years by dozens of aggressive armed men trespassing and peeping in windows and threatening arrest and continued harassment if they can’t come inside to “talk” at 3 am, all because they know you….without you ever being convicted of a crime….worth?….guaranteed none of the victims of this policy have been paid that much.

It is nice to know you at least say you don’t support DeSantis style policing…so I guess you don’t support his candidacy?

Also interesting you love to dismiss constant violent civil rights violations like this by just claiming the victims will get a huge settlement and that makes it ok (most don’t, police have immunity from all but the absolute worst illegal violations, they don’t even pay to repair the doors they destroy breaking in homes with no warrant or the pets they kill while trespassing and spying on citizens….not even for the innocent people they murder when breaking into their homes at 3 am, and when they are brought to account, they often fight cases for decades first, forcing the victims to sue them over and over and over and over....expensive lawsuits against city hall that most victims can't afford to start)….but when it’s a public health issue where they’re considering forcing you to not become a biological viral lab, stopping you from mutating new viruses to release in America, suddenly your rights to be dangerously idiotic and anti science are sacrosanct, no amount of money could make up for a little ouchie, fuck those other people you kill and disable.
Anti vaxers should not only be denied insurance, but also be forced to pay for treatment of their victims.

bobknight33 said:

Looks like a big fucking pay day for this family.

Who else but @newtboy to post this.

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

newtboy says...

And today it came out that Fox, where every talking head denounces science and vaccination and calls the vaccine passport nazi Germany where they demand your papers, that Fox, requires all those same talking heads to either show their vaccine passport or get tested daily, mask up, and social distance, you kno, those other instructions they claim are straight out of Nazi Germany.
Yes, the nazis are complaining that other people might get the same low level of safety that they enjoy.
BTW, all those talking heads are vaccinated, Carlson actually weaseled his way into early vaccination before it was available to the public, and now tells others to not get it (but never admits he got it first with no complications).
Guaranteed OAN and Newsmax are doing the same thing.
They’re all lying to you, Bob. They don’t care about you one bit, they care about your vote and money, not you.

bobknight33 said:

600000 dead is only a 2% Death rate.
Another way of saying it 98% survival rate.

And if you are younger than 60 it more like 99% survival rate.

So should you be forced or else be punished in some for or fashion for a 2% death rate?

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

newtboy says...

Holy shit, you’re a moron….an incredibly dangerous, deadly, irresponsible, pro death moron.

600000+ is more dead Americans than were killed in every war back to the Civil war combined. We should never have gone to war then, even when we were attacked. No enemy has ever come anywhere near 600000. By your logic, Pearl Harbor didn’t matter, protecting Korea didn’t matter, the war on terror didn’t matter, no war mattered…why should another nation or people be punished for under a 2% American death rate?

Islamic terrorists too….they only killed 3000 on American soil…why on earth would you punish them, that’s only .5% of COVID deaths, a nothing burger, but your ilk loses their minds over Arabs and Muslims, so much you tried to ban them, remove their civil rights, and murder them at random because you can’t tell the difference between a Shiek and a Daesh warrior. Why, Bob, if 600000 dead is a nothing burger, would you care a thing about 3000? Must be a different skin color/different belief prejudice thing.

You still want to investigate again and prosecute Clinton over 4 deaths in a hostile foreign country she wasn’t responsible for….but 600000 on American soil on the Cowardly Liar’s watch…. nothing to see here.

BLM was responsible for approximately 6 deaths at protests last year (right wing attackers were responsible for around 13 including the police they murdered to blame on BLM), and you want to ban and prosecute BLM members but not proud or boogaloo boys….but 600000 deaths, >90% of which were easily avoidable with just minimal leadership instead of the denial and blame shifting we got…fugehtabowdit!

And immigrants, they now have 600000 empty slots to fill before adding a single person to our population….open those borders and ring the dinner bell.

Only 2% of people tossed off fourth story roofs die, another way of saying that is 98% survive. I’ll be right over to throw you and your children off a fourth story roof….you won’t press charges because only a 2% chance of death each shouldn’t be punished, right?

Yes, absolutely, if there’s a 2% death rate (I’m pretty certain it’s rising), and one unvaccinated idiot gives it to 50 more because you morons also won’t mask up or social distance, you just murdered someone and wasted around $4000000 to try to treat them. Like an arsonist that kills and maims people, you should go to prison for life.
Now consider you dumbshits are creating an epsilon variant that’s not effected by vaccination and is FAR more transmissible and deadly….you ARE the Wuhan lab creating another pandemic. You and yours are guilty of what you accuse China of doing, intentionally creating and releasing a deadly pandemic….because you’re fucking idiots. You think the Chinese involved should be executed….so logically so should anyone that refuses vaccination and gets COVID. That’s 99% of all COVID cases now.

Should you or someone else be punished for just one murder? If so, you get it and you are just trolling stupidly…if not, I’m going to need your address and to have that in writing with your signature, notarized and signed by a judge….then I’ll be right over to save you from a tiny shot with a much larger shot.

How many trillions did 18 months of COVID cost America alone? >$16 trillion IF it ends this fall….And you’re advocating another round or two. Are you and the other anti science dummies willing to put your entire net worth in escrow to pay for the damage your ignorant obstinance causes? I’m certain not, republicans NEVER accept responsibility for their actions….never….so stop the insanity and man up, or be a pariah, ostracized from society in a cell.

*************Trump said it’s not only safe, it’s smart and patriotic. Are you saying he’s lying to you, or that you aren’t smart or patriotic? If you only answer one question, make it this one.*************

There’s an over 10% hospitalization rate at an average of $80000 (some cost millions and still don’t make it) and of those hospitalized, 80+% had neurological symptoms, 50% had encephalopathy, and far more than twice as many had permanent brain damage as died…plus heart, lung, muscular, etc. disabilities, plus many losing one of their 5 senses permanently….why should the government pay for your choice to be irresponsible? Waive your rights to assistance now, it’s socialism anyway.

Then there’s the Petri dish angle….every non vaccinated asshole is a place for the virus to mutate enough that vaccination is made moot….and we are right back to April 2020 with another 600000 likely to die before any help, another year of businesses closed and social distancing at a minimum. Absolutely anyone making that possible, endangering hundreds of thousands of lives, permanently disabling at least twice that many Americans, killing another 1000 + children (the Delta variant already effects children much worse than the original) and severely disabling tens of thousands more, and orphaning hundreds of thousands, deserves life in prison or firing squad. Then let’s talk about the unintended abortions….getting COVID while pregnant is a near guaranteed death of the fetus….since when are you uneducated idiots pro abortion? Make no mistake, refusing to vaccinate causes unwanted abortions.

So again, absolutely you should be forced to vaccinate or be forcibly quarantined, and forced to pay the full cost of treatment for anyone you infect through willful negligence, and prosecuted for cases leading to death and permanent brain damage, and pay for lifetime care for the disabled, and not have your care paid for because it was 100% your choice….in fact no care at all, your ilk should never take up a bed needed by a child that couldn’t vaccinate, children are over 20% of cases, and while they don’t die as often, they still get permanent brain, heart, lung, and other damage at high rates.

What are you so afraid of, little baby? Republican women have much bigger balls than Republican men….they aren’t afraid of a tiny prick, they see them all the time.

bobknight33 said:

600000 dead is only a 2% Death rate.
Another way of saying it 98% survival rate.

And if you are younger than 60 it more like 99% survival rate.

So should you be forced or else be punish in some for or fashion for a 2% death rate?

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