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Rigging the Election - Video II: Mass Voter Fraud

bobknight33 says...

Not 1 budget passed under Obama,, Republican caved every time with a continuing resolution, Republicans caved on repealing Obamacare.. Republicans cave. Democrats don't.

Democrats had FULL control and shoved OBAMACARE down our throats. No Republican had no say.

Obama is lying Obama decisively in the wrong direction. Claimed 1 trill to implement not running over 2 trill. lower premiums, false, Keep you doctor. All a fraud and a lie.

My sister has Crohn's. I'm not fucking lying. Bitch.

The only Trump will lose is if Hillary puts a hit out on him.

heropsycho said:

It was never sold as the answer. You're flat out lying. It was never sold as that. When the entire debate began, numerous options were presented by Democrats, and they settled on Obamacare. Nobody ever said it was going to be a done deal, everything was fixed.

Said Obama on 3/22/2010:
"This legislation will not fix everything that ails our health care system. But it moves us decisively in the right direction. This is what change looks like. Now as momentous as this day is, it's not the end of this journey."

You're lying. Flat out lying. 100% Grade A BS just flies out of your mouth every time you attempt to discuss anything.

Dude, you're making assumptions I haven't gone through the process. You question OBJECTIVE FACTS! Nobody ever said that Obamacare would result in better outcomes for every single person out there. I'm not introducing what happened specifically to me good or bad, because that doesn't make neither of our cases. It's a systemic change, so it must be judged systemically. The question is did it help most people, not what happened in yours or my cases.

Of course, when you introduced your sister's case, it was so full of crap, you couldn't even make the story up right.

I'm not going to cream my pants when Hillary Clinton blows Trump out in the electoral college. I'm just going to remind you that people like you did this to the Republican Party. Just remember that. You had everything going for you circumstantially in this presidential election, and you caused the GOP to sit on its own balls, nominate Donald Trump, and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

You're gonna get spanked by the most unpopular major party nominee since it's been tracked other than the nominee the GOP itself chose. Well done!

If You Can't Tell, Does It Matter?

Star Wars Mos Eisley recreated in Unreal 4

NaMeCaF says...

If you have the specs necessary to run it, you can download it and play it for yourself here. Warning: it's huge (over 7GB)

This project was an experiment to see how much geometry and textures we could push in UE4 on modern PC hardware, and as a result, it is fairly system intensive. We recommend 16GB of RAM and at least an Nvidia GTX760 or AMD equivalent as the minimum requirements.

For more fluid frame-rate, and/or screen resolutions above 1920x1080 we recommend at least an Nvidia GTX970, or AMD equivalent or higher (2GB of VRAM for Low texture settings / 3GB for Medium texture settings / 4GB for High texture settings / 6GB or higher for EPIC texture settings)

Also, Terrain displacement is a very system heavy feature. Please note that enabling this feature on a GPU slower than an Nvidia GTX980 Ti may cause a significant drop in frame-rate.

Native American Protesters Attacked with Dogs & Pepper Spray

bcglorf says...

You are factually wrong.

What to you count as "before" the war? Jewish population in Palestine at set times looks as below:

1890 had 43,000 making your 8%
1922 had 94,000 making 13.6%
1931, still before WW2 broke out in 39 had 175,000 making almost 17%

As for the nazi's being long gone by 1948, most obviously Hitler was still alive 3 years earlier which is hardly most people's idea of a long time. I'm afraid that even that is but the gentlest error in your statement. Palestinian tensions and revolts were ongoing in the 1930s already. Those tensions broke out into a full blown civil war in 1947.

Th 1970s two state UN mandate is obviously NOT the mandate accepted by Jewish palestinians in 1948. I can not fathom how you honestly make such a mistake? Plainly the UN Partition Plan for Palestine from 29 November 1947 as a proposed resolution to the civil war there is the mandate I meant. Given that it was a proposed resolution to a conflict that was simmering on and off throughout WW2 it hardly seems a conflict in which the Nazi's were "long gone".

Read up on Haj Amin al-Husseini, he led the Arab revolt in 1930's Palestine. He later bounced his way to Nazi germany and in 1941 declared
Germany and Italy recognize the right of the Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish elements, which exist in Palestine and in the other Arab countries, as required by the national and ethnic (völkisch) interests of the Arabs, and as the Jewish question was solved in Germany and Italy.

So no, I don't believe you can really honestly say that the Arab-Jewish tensions that led civil war in Palestine occurred in an environment were the Nazi's were a distant memory.

Noam Chomsky - Who rules the world now?

radx says...

I was reading Chomsky the other day on the train. Rogue States. Hadn't read that one in nearly a decade.

Anyway, something made me laugh. Remember all the ruckus about Trump's statements regarding the use of nuclear weapons?

Well, compare it to a 1995 USSTRATCOM document called "Essentials of Post–Cold War Deterrence". Chomsky had some fabulous quotes from it. Go ahead, google it, read the abstract. And then tell me again why Trump's statements are supposed to be crazy. It's not crazy. It's official fucking policy. Just like ignoring ICJ rulings or UN resolutions.

A rogue nation indeed...

Terrible scenes as mountain torrents destroy houses in China

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

Babymech says...

Are you insane? Being a dissatisfied customer doesn't give you the right to commandeer a place of business - that's some crazy level entitled bullshit. If she doesn't get the service she expects, she can down-rate him, she can ask for her money back, she can make a report to the BBB, and she can sue him / Uber for her money back and whatever damages she can prove. She doesn't get to hijack his place of business.

The implications of what you're saying would completely screw over any sane conflict resolution - if I don't like the movie I can stay in the theater until they show me a better one, if my drink was poorly mixed I get to stay in the bar past closing time, if the milk I bought was bad I get to demand that my complaint is resolved by duel in the Kroger dairy section... no. Just because you bought a service does not mean - even if you were screwed over - you get to decide that the place of business now becomes a place of arbitration for your dispute. Take that shit to the proper channels.

As for screaming at her - he terminated their professional relationship at that point, and it was just two private individuals in conflict. Maybe it's 'smart' to kiss up to assholes, but it seems absurd of you to Monday morning quarterback him given that when we didn't see the ride. If he'd used physical violence in any way that would be a completely different story, but you're allowed to scream at people while waiting for the cops or other help.

ChaosEngine said:

Except that he didn't deny her service. He'd already accepted her as a paying customer.

Elon Musk Explains Why We're Probably Living In A Video Game

Toph is Blind

moonsammy says...

Such a good series. Episodic cartoons are fine and all, but I loved that Avatar presented a well-planned, multi-season story arc that actually had a satisfying resolution. Shows, animated or live action, rarely seem to have a decent ending, but both Avatar and Korra nailed it in my opinion. If you've written it off as a show for kids and not watched it, do yourself a favor and get to it. If you need an excuse, find / borrow / steal a kid or two first (but really, no excuse should be needed).

Hodor makes fun of Apple in Samsung ad

Hodor makes fun of Apple in Samsung ad

cegli says...

The Galaxy Tab S2 (and the iPad) has a 2048x1536 (not 1080p) screen, but it's not the resolution they're bragging about. Samsung uses OLED screens, which offer far better picture quality than IPS LED. The contrast, color reproduction, and viewing angles are way better than any IPS LED screen.

Display Mate rated the S7 screen rated as the best they'd ever tested. ([url redacted] I really want to get an OLED TV someday, but they're so expensive... Someday...

Edit: It won't let me post urls, so you'll have to google the display mate review I guess...

jmd said:

Uhhh... your shit is 1080p like everyone elses, fatty. i tablet is just fine.

Computer Nightmares, China USB hub kills PC by design

chaos4u says...

All you mac people are so snowed or blind or just desperately trying to justify your money being wasted on a inferior product.

any thing can be done faster on a proper pc (proper meaning it uses the latest processor memory ssd and graphics card)

but the trouble comes from people when they get on pc they get cheap and expect to do their video editing in virtual dub (not knocking vdub by the way)

or try and find some other video tool they can use for free . they wont buy a proper video editing software package nor will they buy proper software tools for their jobs . they try and use free alternatives or try and pirate the software.

but when they use mac they by the video editing software and the tools they need .

it is such bs, macs are weaker hardware weaker operating system and a weaker overall tool . but since people have invested so much money into them they unjustly justify there purchases by derailing the pc as a lesser platform.

when it is not true.

pcs, can have dedicated storage that outperforms and also stores more than any mac can dream of .

pcs can be all self contained no need for plethora of external drives hanging form 4 may be 3 or is it 2? soon to become one port hanging off your mac in a needless chain of wires.

pcs can have higher resolution and better monitors better user input, better configuration options, and backwards and forward compatibility with previous and next gen software.

but no, mac users over shadow this with the base argument that their $1500 mac is some how better than the $300 desktop they love comparing to .

but when it becomes price point vs hardware mac users have no ground to stand on as they are using , even in their newest machines 3+ year old hard ware and even on a refresh they are already 1 year behind in technology.

mac is nothing more than a placebo for those who failed at using windows computers .

they constantly compare a custom 1500 dollar computer with a locked in user experience to a 300 dollar walmart special with a completely open user experience and lament the windows based product as inferior.

when in actuality it is the mac that is the inferior product.

did you know that your $2000++ mac has a 5400 rpm hardrive in it configured to work with 128gb ssd in such a way that if either of the two fail your entire data set is trashed?

yeah ... thats a well built product .

Whole Foods Anti-gay Slur

newtboy says...

If he wants credibility, he probably should have made this video when you noticed it, not after going home, calling them, waiting for a reply, and being denied. He also probably should post the video in better resolution than 144p. It's hard to tell if it's even in the same writing and/or color with this terrible quality, so impossible for me to decide if I think he's a liar that did it himself and posted it in low res to hide that, or if I think he actually had this happen to him. I hope others will also reserve judgement until better evidence one way or the other surfaces....although I see the poster has made his opinion clear with the tags. EDIT: OK, there is clear evidence out there that this was a fraud, see below.
This is *controversy if it really happened, and also controversy if it didn't and he's a liar looking for his 5 minutes of fame.
No vote without more info. If it's been debunked, lets see that debunking.

All that said, it wouldn't be surprising in Austin. Yes, there are many tolerant people there, but still plenty of intolerant people for this to not be out of the question.

iPhone SE - The Best 4 Inches You Will Ever Receive

RedSky says...

It's one of those rare cases where I think it's fair to say that Apple is offering something that is good value.

$400 if you don't plan to use a lot of apps / load music, movies etc on it, for the 16GB version outright is a pretty good deal. The A9 processor tops many benchmarks against top of the line Android phones. That plus 2GB RAM puts it on par with the 6s/Plus. The resolution is fine for the screen size, since the DPI is above 300.

If you are fine with or prefer a smaller screen and want the iOS app store, it really is a fair deal. Yes, something like the Xiaomi Mi 5 still blows it away on the Android side, but if you exclude Xiaomi, I think it's very competitive with the more mainstream Samsung / LG / Sony competition which will not include a top tier processor at this price range.

Comedian Perfectly Shuts Down Heckler

eric3579 says...

And its all those questions that made me enjoy it. I'm pretty sure this is what the video creators were going for. A big wtf. Also the video is from ClickHole ( ClickHole is a satirical website from The Onion (wiki).

watch it here for a better resolution. I was quite focussed on the audience (specificly a pattern in blinking) and was wondering if this was all edited. Looping the footage and adding in finger lengthening and camera shake(to hide small movements which would expose looping) after the fact. The comedian also doesn't budge after he starts pointing (even after the crowd starts to clap at the end). Also it's possible the audience was just in on it and was asked to not move, but id put money on lots of editing to make the video.

Sagemind said:

To top it off, I have NO idea what that even is. Is it his finger? Is it computer generated?
Why is it so slow? Why does the crowd go silent and not move? The action resumes when the "appendage" touches the guy... people erupt, then it starts to get smaller again/
What is it?

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