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Should we bring back CaptainPlanet420? (User Poll by blankfist)

Drax says...

The one guy I never caught why everyone was down on was Bill'O.. I always thought he was being rather funny by being super sarcastic.. but then so many people took him serious I started to wonder if he wasn't being sarcastic, till at least the next post by him where Id tell myself, "Ok, he HAS to be being sarcastic.".

That was around the time I signed up though, so maybe I missed some other crazy antics of his.
*quirks head and shrugs*

HARDBALL-does rhetoric cause violence? YES

enoch says...

that did clarify your position better.
but it ignores my point.
change banter to rhetoric and we can go have a beer.
i agree that violence is a part of human nature.
many times fear-based and an instinctual defense mechanism.(same?)
my point in posting this video was to bring to light the rhetoric which can,and historically DOES, incite violence.
what you and i are doing right now is banter.
a light hearted debate with no real goal other than to understand each others position.
the rhetoric i am speaking of DOES have intention,and by your last comment i think you agree with me.
the intentional provocation of strong emotions using slanted and biased information to conform or manipulate a person or persons.
we could throw rhetoric all day,but we dont have 6 million people hanging on our every word.
and not armed with historical knowledge,critical thinking skills and a modicum of intelligence.rhetoric is a mighty powerful tool to manipulate the masses into whatever your message or agenda may be.

oh..and i never vote for my own videos until they are sifted.
it's just a quirk of seems self-serving to me.
i do thank you geejussfreak for your thoughtful response.
it did clarify some points for me.

Windows 7 Makes Me SOOO DAMNED HAPPY!!! - Commercial

Raaagh says...

>> ^deathcow:
I've been running Windows 7 x64 in a virtualbox session for a week now.
First blue screen - I found it ran a bit slower when I allowed it access to all 8 CPU threads (i7 processor = 4 core + 4 HT) So I changed virtualbox settings to only give it 4 cores. Blue screen, unrepairable. Rebuild.
Second bluescreen was trying to find audio drivers for Intel motherboard (again through virtualbox). This I used windows restore point for and it did restore. Still no audio though.
I think these are both my fault, as its a bit unfair to fluidly adjust the number of CPU in your system and expect Windows to compensate. And, virtualbox audio drivers are a bit weird I guess so i cant fault it there. Still, a bit disheartening to see blue screens still, you would have thought they would have at least changed the color to get away from the stigma of it : )
On the plus side its very responsive even though running in a virt machine. I am able to play HD video for example. The core i7 cpu has VtX extensions which I suppose help a lot. I am not used to all the new interface quirks yet.

well, you are running thro virtualisation.

Apparently you can put it on shite little netbooks, that impresses me.

Windows 7 Makes Me SOOO DAMNED HAPPY!!! - Commercial

demon_ix says...

^ deathcow: I've been running 7 RC as my work machine for the past 4 months and I'm running x64 at home now for a couple of weeks. I have yet to see a blue screen at all.

The issue could be that VirtualBox still isn't working 100% with 7 (I'm guessing you're running the machine as a Vista type), but I've had the RC on VBox before I decided to trample my XP work computer with it, and it worked fine for me.

As for the quirks, I suppose I'm used to them by now, which was the main reason I installed the RC to begin with - to get used to this new experience, though I work in IT support, so I need to know this system to be able to support it.

The official public release is in a month, and most hardware vendors will have official drivers out by then (Toshiba still have Beta-labeled drivers only, which makes my Toshiba-laptop crowd wary of upgrading), but I haven't had a driver problem with any of the older machines I have it running on by now, so at least on that category, it > Vista

Windows 7 Makes Me SOOO DAMNED HAPPY!!! - Commercial

deathcow says...

I've been running Windows 7 x64 in a virtualbox session for a week now.

First blue screen - I found it ran a bit slower when I allowed it access to all 8 CPU threads (i7 processor = 4 core + 4 HT) So I changed virtualbox settings to only give it 4 cores. Blue screen, unrepairable. Rebuild.

Second bluescreen was trying to find audio drivers for Intel motherboard (again through virtualbox). This I used windows restore point for and it did restore. Still no audio though.

I think these are both my fault, as its a bit unfair to fluidly adjust the number of CPU in your system and expect Windows to compensate. And, virtualbox audio drivers are a bit weird I guess so i cant fault it there. Still, a bit disheartening to see blue screens still, you would have thought they would have at least changed the color to get away from the stigma of it : )

On the plus side its very responsive even though running in a virt machine. I am able to play HD video for example. The core i7 cpu has VtX extensions which I suppose help a lot. I am not used to all the new interface quirks yet.

Rick Steves travel show in Iran (aired Jan 2009)

curiousity says...

>> ^westy:
Lol if your going to struggle to be understanding if your religion takes its TXTS literally. or you base you morality on something written 4,000 years ago.

Did you watch it? Your comment comes off like an angry teenager lashing out at their favorite thing to insult.

I understand your point, but I think the struggle to be understood consists of so much more than the religious aspect. Every culture has it's own quirks. I live in the Northwest section of the United States and it amazes me the difference in culture just within the US. I've been very lucky in life and have had the opportunity to travel to several places. I traveled to the USSR and Lithuania in the early 90's. Wow - what an eye opener for a high school student! Later I was able to travel to Australia, several countries in South America, and the Middle East. It is amazing how different cultures are. I firmly believe that the best thing for any person, for personal growth, is to be placed in a foreign country either by themselves or in a very small group. Suddenly they are the weird ones not conforming to the normalities of the culture they are visiting. A whole new world of empathy opens up and you realize why statements about turning the "whole Middle East into a glass parking lot" are infantile and ignorant.

Doggy Gets the Evil Eye...

poolcleaner says...

I love dogs and cats equally. Both have silly quirks that make them spazzes, and each has a jealousy of the other for different reasons. Keep the dogs outside and the cats in, for one -- dogs want in and cats want out. Such an interesting dichotomy. If you've never owned both a cat and a dog at the same time, do it. (With an open heart for both, or you're certain to have problems.)

This video was awesome and true to life.

Constantine-lucifer confronts gabriel (spoiler)

dannym3141 says...

SPOILERS IN THIS POST (for the devil's advocate)

>> ^gwiz665:
I thought this whole scene was freaking great. I always love the Lucifers. Same thing in The Prophecy where Viggo Mortensen plays him.
I liked Gabriel through the whole movie too.

I absolutely *LOVE* the religion warring in the modern day type films, they really appeal to me. And like you, i have a massive crush on these lucifers. I think john abruzzi (lol) does a great job in this film as lucifer, there's something almost reptilian about his looks to kick off with, and the way he speaks reminds me of G-man from the half life series. It's just all great.

And aragorn was pretty good as well, i'll admit, but i think you missed on one of the greatest showing of the devil in modern times - pacino. Don't get me wrong, i think pacino has been a bit of a hasbeen for a long time, his heart just isn't in the job anymore and he's become a stereotype of himself. But in "The Devil's Advocate", he hits the nail RIGHT on the head. Before you realise he's the devil, he comes across excellently. You know there's something wrong with him but you're not quite sure what, because although he's a nice guy with the people you see him with, he has odd quirks and mannerisms that blow the cover of 'normal guy'. And finally when he shows that he's the devil, his attitude is just fantastic.

Oh, and as for this film - i loved it, i thought it was one of the better films of the time that didn't recieve a lot of attention (at least, over here). Never read the comics.

XBOX 360 Project Natal: No Controllers required

spoco2 says...

Based on this cnet article the system is confirmed as an addon for the 360

Microsoft Xbox Senior Vice President Don Mattrick did state that Project Natal would be compatible with every Xbox 360. But he didn't address how much it would cost, or whether it would be backward compatible with older Xbox 360 games. And afterward, Microsoft could not provide any additional details about the technology.

And also that SDKs are already going out:
On-stage at E3, Mattrick said that the Project Natal software development kits had just gone out. This means that while most of the video game world is in Los Angeles this week for the show, few people have had a chance to see it.

One who did get a sneak peek at Natal is Epic Games Design Director Cliff Bleszinski, the visionary behind "Gears of War."

"I had a chance to be hands-on with (Natal) a couple weeks ago," Bleszinski told CNET News, "and it was damned fun." But even Bleszinski said he hadn't gotten his hands on a SDK yet, and wasn't able to say anything about the development process.

I think you'll find this is far more real and possible than you have necessarily thought before.

I don't doubt there'll be annoyances and quirks with it, but by and large, I certainly, certainly welcome this as a direction to head in

Hannity: Obama The Elitist Likes.....DIJON!!! Shock! Horror!

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:
Wow, attacking him on his choice of condiments. Can the Neo-Cons get any more desperate as their platform succumbs?

Well when you have no basis for attacking his policies, all you can do it attack his quirks. This is just this weeks teleprompter bullshit.

Coming from Hannity I was half expecting him to equate Dijon mustard with socialism. It did originate in France after all.

VideoSift 4.0 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I'd like to see the FAQ get a makeover with the help of some of the creative talent on this site. Between the ranking system, invocations, posting rules and all of the weird and awesome culture/mythology we've built up over the years, it's a fairly complex place. It would be nice if the FAQ were more fun to read and explained more of the cultural quirks of the site.

The rules could be done in the style of an airplane safety brochure. The discussion of power points and rank could be described as if it were some type of fantasy RPG and done in the style of an old PRIMA strategy guide (invocations as spells, etc.). Maybe we could even coax one of the filmmakers to do an old classroom filmstrip style instructional video.

Continuing with the gamer theme, it would also be fun to have a set of xbox style 'achievement points' for achieving particular tasks (getting 100 votes on a video, sifting 3 vids in a day, etc.)

Would love to hear ideas from others on this.

I'd like to see nested comments too.

I Need To Meet This Man

Truth says...

Chris-Chan has made it to Videosift and become viral without him realizing it.

He is a partly autistic man-child who claims to be creator of Sonichu (Sonic and Pikachu mashup) and does lots of retarded but lulzy stuff.

All you need to know about him, you can find here

"I would totally hang out with him. I've watched a lot of his videos now, and the guy is super smart and has a lot of weird and interesting quirks and interests in his life."
I don't you would after getting to know him a lil better.

I Need To Meet This Man

volumptuous says...

I personally think the guy is awesome.

I laughed at this the same way I laughed at the ppl in "Trekkies". It's not their nerdiness or in the case of CCW, their handicap, but their personality and their presentation. It's not a mean spirited thing, rather how fucking kickass this guy is.

I would totally hang out with him. I've watched a lot of his videos now, and the guy is super smart and has a lot of weird and interesting quirks and interests in his life.

Should We Restore JUST Vote Counts to ALL Videos? (User Poll by lucky760)

drattus says...

I ended up with a quirk or two also, but in all it's a great job and I'm glad to see this much. It's better than anyone expected just a few hours ago.

As far as I can figure the older stuff was restored intact but without newer votes, newer stuff put together best they could. That gives a couple of odd results it seems but for the one I cared about I never expected to see 10 votes on it again and it's got 53 of the 62 back. I'm happy enough given how in the dumps I was about it before.

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

drattus says...

Small quirk in the scheme of things but I just noticed that although the last video I sifted, shows up on my "Highest Rated Videos" list it doesn't show up on my sifted videos list itself. I haven't added up votes or anything but I'd guess they are ok, it just isn't showing up on my sifted list as far as I can tell.

I'd guess if it happened to that one it might have to others recent vids as well so when you've got the rest sorted out you might look into it if you get a chance.

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