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The Most Costly Joke in History

transmorpher says...

I have not agreed that my position is wrong on the performance and capability designs of the F-35 and modern air combat. Please read the rest of my post above.... I'm still saying that dogfights have ended with WW1. I've never said we don't need ANY dog fighting capabilities. I'm saying that it's never the primary design idea of a modern fighter jet. You still have a cannon for back up. Just like soldiers have a side arm and a knife. Just in case you do get caught with your pants down or the main weapon fails at a critical moment.

I have agreed on the waste of money aspect of course. I'll also agree that if test goals are being downsized to accommodate flaws, then that's just terrible. If it's not able to perform to it's design then it's useless.

The F-4 != F-35. I can see why people draw parallels. But that only works if you ignore that absolutely everything on the planes is different, the adversaries are different, and stealth is requirement for survivability. You don't use stealth planes in the way you use an non stealth plane. Have you ever heard of a sniper wearing a ghillie suit run across the open battlefield with a sword or pistol? There were so many tactical mistakes in Vietnam as well. The conditions in which that article talks about are also different. Those planes were flying low and slow for a bombing run. Because they didn't have laser, gps guided bombs, infrared fire and forget air to ground missiles or cruise missiles back in those days. You don't get fog at 40,000 feet. They had to fly that low to get a visual identification of their bombing target. That does not happen anymore either. You scream past at mach 1 above the clouds and the bomb hits where it was programmed to hit. Also the phantoms missiles were unrelaiable. That hasn't been the case since the 80s. And their training was poor. None of that is true these days, and has not been true since the 80s either. That's why every single fighter plane apart from the F-16 (which is made mostly as an export product anyway) has been created to fight at long range primarily. The F-15 which is the main air superiority fighter for the US, is heavy and has a worse maneuverability than any Russian plane. But it's still the most feared plane, with no loses in combat. The article you linked even says that. So it's basically contradicting itself. At the start it says, F-4's lost because they couldn't maneuver, and ends with therefore the US made the F-15 which has worse maneuverability than the Russian planes lol.

Edit: doesn't count as a reputable source for anything, including basic sentences, spelling and punctuation.

Edit2: Here is an article from an actual F-35 pilot that says the F-35 dog fights better than a F-16 since they keep tuning the fly-by-wire parameters.

So even if it came to a dogfighting encounter, the F-35 is still the best plane in the US arsenal for dogfighting.

newtboy said:

Well there YOU go.
I'm not sure if you're aware, but WW1 ended well over 25 years ago, so your repeated contention that 'dogfights ended in ww1' so we don't need any dogfighting capabilities is clearly 100% wrong. I hope you'll stop repeating it now, as it's ridiculously annoying to have a conversation with someone who agrees that their position is wrong, but continues to stand on that position nevertheless.
and (the last one mentioned here is INSANE)

I hope you've also arrived at the position now that, if they have to change the testing parameters/minimum acceptable requirements to turn massive fails into 'success' that it fails miserably and can't possibly ever be prepared for real deployment and has become nothing but a massively expensive, poorly preforming jobs program.

The Most Costly Joke in History

transmorpher says...

The F-35 can't maneuver as well as an F-16. But F-16 can't maneuver as well as P-51 from World War 2.

There hasn't been a dog fight since the first world war. Even in WW2 it was about strategy, positioning and team work. It had very little to do with plane performance, expect for when there was a huge gap like the invention of the jet plane.

Air combat for the last 60 years has been about situational awareness first and foremost. And the F-35 has this nailed.

It's like saying that modern soldiers don't have any sword fighting skills. It's completely irrelevant. You wouldn't use a sword against a camouflaged sniper. The F-35 is a camouflaged sniper, hiding in the trees. Who would silly enough to run through an open field with a sword? Or even a pistol? The sniper will have killed you before you even know you are being targeted.

Now the people making the F-35 are probably incompetent in delivering a plane on time and on budget(either that or they are milking it). But the plane once finished, will be a winner.

The other thing is, the F-35's will always be part of a force of other planes in a large scale conflict. If for some reason it does come down to dog fighting - e.g. if there are just tons of cheaper planes going against it (with suicidal pilots) that they simply cannot carry enough missiles, then the rest of the enemies would be mopped up by F-15, F-16s , F/A-18s etc.

A Revolver That Fires More Than 25 Cartridge Types

Keanu Reeves Gun Practice

SFOGuy says...

For me, it's remarkably difficult to consistently hit something the size of a serving platter at 15 feet over iron sights in a moving/standing stance with a pistol. Even more so as you switch weapons and their sight pictures (which I learned is the way the different back and front sights on a weapon should line up to hit something at various distances from the shooter).

I agree; I feel this is much harder than it looks at first glance.

John Wick was a remarkable different movie.
He's good when he goes dark.

rancor said:

Guy's got skills. I did a little bit of pistol-only (just called "Practical Shooting") but they discontinued it at the local indoor range. It was sad because it was pretty popular. It's real tough to stay at all accurate while you're moving.

Maybe it's obvious but it differs significantly from "target shooting" in that you just have to hit the target. No bonus points for hitting the bullseye (there is no bullseye). Penalty time for missing or taking an extra shot.

Keanu Reeves Gun Practice

rancor says...

Guy's got skills. I did a little bit of pistol-only (just called "Practical Shooting") but they discontinued it at the local indoor range. It was sad because it was pretty popular. It's real tough to stay at all accurate while you're moving.

Maybe it's obvious but it differs significantly from "target shooting" in that you just have to hit the target. No bonus points for hitting the bullseye (there is no bullseye). Penalty time for missing or taking an extra shot.

7 Absurd Uses of DLC that Will Make Your Blood Boil

JustSaying says...

I just wait until they throw in the DLC for free in GotY packages or it becomes really cheap in some sale. Most of the time I don't care about the DLC anyways as it's quite often MP stuff (Call Of Duty for example, never bought a single piece of DLC for those). I don't like 13 year old sexist racists, so I do SP only.
If it's worthwhile stuff (like the Skyrim add-ons or the extra Mortal Kombat characters), DLC is fine but if it's shit like horse armour or an extra pistol nobody needs, I'll ignore it.
I only get mad when the publisher fuck with the customers. The only reason I forgave Square Enix the Missing Link DLC fuckery is because it was really great.

The Oregon Standoff, Explained In 3 Minutes

scheherazade says...

I listened to an interview with some connected folks to this situation a few days ago, and there's a bit more to it.

(I don't remember any detail, but the gist was ...)

The ranch is directly adjacent to the refuge, and the government has been trying to grow the refuge.

The government has been trying to get the particular rancher's land for a while, offering to buy it, and generally making living there inconvenient, to encourage him/them to leave.

There was some funny business with the arson charge, like there being some hunters on the land that had a different account of the events, and their account was at odds with what the government asserted happened.

Folks have the opinion that the arson charge was a convenient way of dialing up the 'get out of town' message - and so this occupy whatever response is some sorta backlash. Something like : "You want us to leave so you can have our stuff? Oh yeah? Well why don't YOU leave and we'll take YOUR stuff?! Take that!"

Also, the group has not been isolated. People and media come and do all the time, and the group makes daily statements to the media. One reporter noted that he has only seen one person carrying a firearm the entire time (a single man with a pistol in a holster), and everyone else has no firearms on their person (regardless if they have any in general, they aren't walking around armed).


Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

shang says...

insane, back when I was in highschool there was no cops/guards/etc

We even had a smoking section, and guns could be brought on campus.

For smoking section you just needed a letter from parents that they knew you smoked. and on recess the smokers all hung out there.

To bring gun to school, it was during any hunting season. You had to have note from parents that they know. The gun had to be visible, either gun rack in back window of truck or in passenger seat. Rifles and Shotguns only no pistols.

You had to have your Hunter's Safety Course card, Your Hunting License both on you to give copies at office.

You had to leave your vehicle keys with the front office and submit to random vehicle search of the hunter's vehicles only.

So while everyone could go to their cars at recess, or if you had extra empty elective, some of us juniors would drive up to Hardees before lunch and grab fast food then be back before 4th period started, but the hunters had to leave their keys with front office and they could not retrieve them until end of school.

So much more freedom.

Smoking was banned on campus for students only my 10th grade year, but Teachers had the smoking lounge in building. There was a teacher's lounge on each hall, the back hall F where weight lifting, welding, home ec, and vocational classes were was where the teacher's smoking lounge was. Most students friendly with teachers could sneak in there and smoke anyhow.

crazy times.

I had a 84 Camaro and kept a flare gun under seat my dad owned a boat and had couple extra flare guns. So I had that for some crazy reason thinking if someone attacked me, at point blank range I'd put on a huge firework show

Then there was the stereotypes that were proven right not wrong.

The jocks hung out together, the headbangers/smokers hung out together, the nerds, the band folks like me as my senior year I was drum major
and the blacks stayed together all in separate cliques at lunch and recess and before/after school.

stereotypes even went further.

the only highschool girls with babies (during time I was there I stress) were black girls, they had to build a daycare from the old mechanic shop behind the highschool for them. And even though this was the early 90s in the south, you'd hear over the Intercom every 6 months "All Black female students to gym at this time please" where they'd get lectured on abstinence, or condom use, and std's and such.

the only time rest of the student body went through that was in 10th grade they'd take the boys one day, and girls the next day.

We had a blast though as the guys, the protection/std talk was given by one of the football coaches, and during the talk with the guys and showing various "shock images" of std's on penis on the TV, when he got to the "sex ed" portion, he flipped in a Nina Hartley porn intro where a nude Nina Hartley showed the correct way to place a condom on. haha was hilarious looking back before "political correctness" went out of control.

I loved highschool and college.

Graduated high school in 94, got associates in 96, took year off then got bachelors in computer science in 99.

But 89-94 (our highschool here in the deep south is 8th through 12th) most are 9-12, but not here. It's still 8-12th here. So it's nothing seeing 12th graders dating 8th graders. Freaky yea, but not unusual.

If you got into a fight, if a coach was around he'd let the fight finish, unless it got a bit too over the top then they'd break it up. You didn't get suspended, you lost recess privileges usually 3 days plus the starter of the fight got 10 licks of the paddle in principle office, the other only got 1 to 3, or if person was just dominated and got ass kicked you just got detention.

Kids didn't act up at all most times. And the reason was Corporal Punishment. Not private paddling either.

Once I was having a bad day, me and "highschool" sweetheart were having a bit of a spat. We sat next to each other so we were bickering a bit during class. Teacher had yelled at me to shut up and do the work. I sighed "Leave me the fuck alone"

bad move.

She called me to front of class and I got 5 licks of paddle in front of everyone. They'd stick finger in your belt loop and yank it up tight to put that extra sting on it. Embarrassing as hell! Even female older teachers who didn't paddle hard, it was just too embarrassing to get paddled, so kids behaved.

And of course if you refused paddling which you could but you'd take a zero for the day's work. few of those in a semester and no matter how hard you worked you were flunking that semester.

But the system worked.

It wasn't until they went crazy insane on political correctness, stopping corporal punishment, and putting cops/rent a cops/guards in schools and after the No Child Left Behind was signed into law, they severely dumbed down kids forcing the smartest to learn at the slowest kids pace. Doc's prescribing SSRI's like candy to kids in MASSIVE quantities, that schools in today's culture are crazy.

Guns with History

StukaFox says...

I don't want to ban guns, but I would like to see the following:

1. License gun owners like Germany licenses drivers. Six months of classes, followed by multiple exams.

2. Mandatory psychological examination for any person wanting to purchase a gun.

3. Require that a minimum of $1,000,000 death or dismemberment insurance be carried at all times.

4. Automatic 25-year sentence for ANY crime involving a gun.

Limit guns to:

- Shotguns: Single-barrel breach-load.

- Pistols: 6-shot rotating cylinder; hammer-cocked firing mechanism. No semi-automatic pistols.

- Rifles: Single-shot, bolt-action.

This is commercially available without a license

AeroMechanical says...

Flamethrowers aren't considered weapons and are legal to own, though against the Geneva convention to use on people. Really, though, they aren't considered weapons because they aren't very useful as weapons (compared to say, a shotgun or rifle or pistol or a even a bow) unless you happen to have a guy with a machine gun in a pillbox who is in your way, they're not terribly useful.

Barseps (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

FYI here's the list if you haven't already seen it ...

1 Wilco - Foxtrot
2 Neil Young - Harvest
3 Leonard Cohen - Songs of Love and Hate
4 Radiohead - In Rainbows
5 Pink Floyd - The Wall
6 Sex Pistols - Nevermind The Bollocks
7 The Velvet Underground & Nico
8 The Ramones
9 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds -The Boatman's Call
10 Elvis Costello - This Year's Model
11 Jay Z - Blueprint
12 Nilson –Schmilsson
13 George Harrison - All Thing Must Pass
14 Paul Mccartney - Mccartney II
15 Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica
16 Bob Dylan – Blonde on Blonde
17 Paul Simon – Paul Simon
18 Beck – Sea Change
19 Elliot Smith - Figure 8
20 Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run
21 The Clash - London Calling
22 Backstreet Boys - Millenium
23 Ringo Starr - Beaucoups of Blues
24 Patti Smith – Horses
25 Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers
26 Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA
27 Tom Petty – Damn The Torpedoes
28 Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days
29 Michael Jackson - Thriller
30 The Smiths - This Charming Man
31 Tom Waits – Rain Dogs
32 Morrissey, The Best of
33 U2 - The Best
34 David Bowie - Aladdin Sane
35 Kalle Mattson - Avalanche

Two identical cards show up in high stakes poker game

AeroMechanical says...

This is obviously pansy high roller poker. As soon as the hand was revealed, chains and knives and pistols should have been produced by all the players. At the very least, the dealer should have a sawed off shotgun duct taped under the table.

Nobody knows how to make good TV anymore.

AITD: Illumination Preview — The Priest II

EMPIRE says...

for fucks's sake. How do these people still get to use IP's like this?

dual pistols - check

Ion Cannon attack from the skies - check

generic monsters - check

Did any of these idiots ever play the original game?

AITD: Illumination Preview — The Priest II

Funny Airsoft Hostage

Chairman_woo says...

If it was laying there and you quickly grabbed and used it straight away to get a few shots off in the heat of the moment most people would probably be cool with it, but it'd be very situational (and you really need to be at least acquainted with the person and what kind of attitude they'd have).

It very rare that it'd come up anyway though as once they are dead, they are generally going to be walking off to the re spawn and will want their gun back to do so (and most likely still have it in sling/holster/hand).

Main exception is when something like medic rules are in play and people have to sit down and wait to be revived. If you can camp a downed enemy & ask nicely you might well get away with it. But it'd be very poor etiquette not to at least ask them. Most these guns are £2-300+ (some pushing 1k) and quite precious to people so you wouldn't appreciate some randomer you know nothing about grabbing it and going rambo.

At a small close knit site it does happen, less so at a bigger less personal one. I'd be a bit fucked off if someone I didn't know grabbed one of mine and started using it, but depends on the situation and their attitude to it.

As for a battery, only if they expressly offered, very unlikely unless you know them and they are carrying a spare compattible with yours. Realistically you just treat it as a catastrophic weapon jam and get on with it. (there will be spare batts back at base). A lot of people are using Gas powered rifles now also which adds to the logistical problems with that.

But as you saw, at that range his pistol did a perfectly serviceable job anyway! (I often switch to pistol in buildings anyway, much more weildy)

SFOGuy said:

So, it's not ok to take someone else's gun?
Or to take the battery from his dead buddy's gun (assuming compatibility) and click it into his?

Never done Airsoft

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