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Why Obama Now - Simpson's animator weighs in

st0nedeye says...

70% of all taxes are paid by the wealthy

That's because the "wealthy own 90% of everything.

Reality check, jackass:

You, and I and everyone else reading this, pay a higher RATE of taxes than multimillionaires like Mitt Romney.

Ole' Rmoney paid 13% federal tax, you and I should be so fucking lucky.

Suspect Dies In Police Car After Cops Ignore Calls For Help

Yogi says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I hate to say it, but Cenk summed it up pretty good. He can see it both ways. How many times have cops had to put up with bullshit stall tactics, it's impossible not to become jaded on this stuff.
still yeah, they could have driven him to the hospital and he could have been saved. If someone was faking it, a doc or a nurse could see that right away.
homicide though? nah. At best, it was negligence or just a plain ole accident. The biggest crime I see here is the coverup.

Negligence is better than homicide? I don't see it, either way the guy is still dead. Look I get being jaded is something that happens, it's happened to me plenty. I still have to go do my job though, what else am I gonna do? He's not going to escape, I don't have anything better to do, he's my suspect, he's important whether he's guilty or not guilty.

The point is do your job, just like the cops in the Casey Anthony case that got a call from someone who claimed to have found the body of a baby. I don't care that you don't believe him, you have something better to do? Take a drive and INVESTIGATE! Care about your fucking job.

Here's a story of another situation. I worked at Raging Waters once, and we were shown a video to scare us into being vigilant. A little girl went over to a lifeguard at a local pool and told him that there was a small boy at the bottom of the pool. The lifeguard told her that it was nothing more than a shadow that was always there. The little girl decided to go get her parents, so she walked home. They walked back and brought their video camera. When they got there they were just pulling a small boy out of the pool who had been under for maybe 10 mins. His stomach was bulging with water, his last seconds were probably terrifying. I watched that water very carefully all summer, because that wasn't going to happen while I was around.

Suspect Dies In Police Car After Cops Ignore Calls For Help

VoodooV says...

I hate to say it, but Cenk summed it up pretty good. He can see it both ways. How many times have cops had to put up with bullshit stall tactics, it's impossible not to become jaded on this stuff.

still yeah, they could have driven him to the hospital and he could have been saved. If someone was faking it, a doc or a nurse could see that right away.

homicide though? nah. At best, it was negligence or just a plain ole accident. The biggest crime I see here is the coverup.

Mitt Romney's Debate Performance: "Mostly Fiction"

bareboards2 says...

If the tax cuts are indeed revenue neutral as Rmoney keeps claiming....


If paying lower taxes will prod the "job creators" into making more jobs, and they aren't going to be paying less tax, then this won't do a dang thing, right?

This is such nonsense, I can't hardly stand it.

I got some mail from Obama today. Don't usually read it. Did today. Saying the same ole thing about Republicans not having a plan, or at least not willing to share it. Here's a paragraph that made me laugh:

"And that's because they've got the same plan they've had for 30 years: Tax cuts, tax cuts, gut a few regulations, and then give some more tax cuts. Tax cuts when times are good. Tax cuts when times are bad. Tax cuts to help you lose a few extra pounds, tax cuts to improve your love life."

Sex sells, ya?

Philadelphia Cop Sucker Punches A Women

TYT - Romney: Why Don't Airplane Windows Roll Down?

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^lantern53:

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

This is just one from a whole page listing stupid things obama said, per good ole google

*clap* *clap* *clap*
So for the first time, there's an actual defense for one of the stupid things Romney says; that it was just a joke, but instead your first instinct is "attack the other guy!". Well done. You should be on Fox News

TYT - Romney: Why Don't Airplane Windows Roll Down?

KnivesOut says...

You're right, as long as only 10 people died, it's not a tragedy.>> ^lantern53:

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

This is just one from a whole page listing stupid things obama said, per good ole google

TYT - Romney: Why Don't Airplane Windows Roll Down?

skforty says...

>> ^lantern53:

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

This is just one from a whole page listing stupid things obama said, per good ole google

That article reported 10 dead initially, the text of the article now says 11, and it turns out maybe 12 died now. There is a big difference between misspeaking the data you hear from your earpiece or PR guy (or even brainfarting and saying 10k when you mean 10), and not understanding why windows don't open up in airplanes.

Daily show has it right though, Obama is the luckiest man right now...he's not doing anything right to win it, but most likely will, because Romney "blew out his ACL".

TYT - Romney: Why Don't Airplane Windows Roll Down?

lantern53 says...

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

This is just one from a whole page listing stupid things obama said, per good ole google

Banned iphone 5 Promo

bmacs27 says...

The marketing is hyperbolic. That doesn't mean that macs didn't actually get fewer viruses or crash less often than the windows machines of that era. It's annoying when people won't see through the marketing to the truth. It is a better product. It's just not that much better.

This comment on screens is interesting. OLEDs aren't my favorite display technology, although for a mobile (short lifespan, small size) they are probably a good choice. I agree, people should pay more attention to the blackness of blacks, dynamic range, etc. I really like LED backlit TVs for this reason. Even then, the entire room is often illuminated by a screen displaying solid black.

>> ^Quboid:

How black is the IPS screen's black? This is something I never hear discussed yet is more important than the difference between 300 PPI and 330 PPI. An AMOLED screen showing black in a dark room is invisible, as it should be, while my back-lit monitors and TVs throw out almost enough light to read with.

NY Times Tech Blogger Makes Fake Movie Trailer to Propose

Freaky Labia (LaciGreen)

Freaky Labia (LaciGreen)

Jeep Grand Cherokee Moose Test - The Full Story

jimnms says...

@Stu If a kid runs out in front of your Jeep, are you going to "pink mist" it too? It should be renamed to the high speed avoidance test. We have lots of deer down here and they say the same thing about deer too, to just hit the breaks and take the hit. Of course that never happens as you instinctively want to avoid the crash, so we get a lot of good 'ole boys rolling their trucks over swerving to avoid hitting a deer.

@charliem and @MilkmanDan Jeep removed weight not added. They worded it strange, but read it again, it says "Jeep-Chrysler loaded the car with 470 kilos (1 036 lbs), 132 kilos (291 lbs) under the official maximum payload." The previous tests were performed at the maximum official payload the car can carry.

It looks like Jeep could fix it with a suspension upgrade. The Jeep compared to the other two vehicles rolls farther into the turn and bounces where the other two roll into the turn without the bounce.

Oculus Rift: The first truly immersive VR headset for games

Drax says...

Let me first say, I'm happy to see this. Any push on getting 3D gaming into the hands of more people is a good thing. However...

From their website: Resolution: 1280x800 (640x800 per eye)

Hmm, this is why I went with the Asus 1920x1080 Lightboost monitor over the Sony OLED head mounted display (added benefit: the monitor's a lot less dorky). While I hear the black levels on the OLED are incredible, it's a 720p display.. and I've read owners already regretting the "low rez" of the unit.

3D may not be everyone's bag for movies, but it's great for immersive gaming. Titles like Skyrim and Witcher 2 are freaking awesome in 3D.. but that low a rez is hard to go back to unless the unit's cheap(ish). At least with the monitor it serves well for gaming and everything else, and if a game doesn't work in 3D you get the 120hz, which is really nice for fluid gaming. These head units use 60hz per eye because there's no nead to flip between two images.. each eye gets it's own.

I'll be interested to hear how the huge FOV affects the experience though.

And for anyone getting into stereo gaming with an NVIDIA set up, this web site's invaluable. Someone figured out how to modify shaders in just about any game, and the community here modifies games to make them close to perfect in 3D, even some that were unplayable...

edit-Alright, just read this in their FAQ

"While it’s true that the developer kit uses a relatively low-resolution screen (1280x800), we promise it delivers a compelling, immersive 3D experience. And to be clear, we plan on improving the resolution of the screen for the consumer version. Stay tuned for more details!"

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