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"Look Up" a poem about Social Media

ChaosEngine says...

Not really. @Xaielao is saying that the author of the poem is vastly overstating the extent of the problem.

Honestly, I've seen more videos complaining about this behaviour than I have actual evidence of this behaviour. I dunno, maybe it's a generational thing. My friends and I will occasionally use our phones while socialising, but generally it's along the lines of "what time is the movie we're going to see" or "what's the weather looking like for our road trip tomorrow", and very occasionally "did you see <friend who lives overseas> just had a baby?". I don't think we've ever sat around separately browsing.

Can people be rude and obnoxious with their phones or with social media? Of course, but the problem is not phones or social media, the problem is assholes. Take away phones and social media, and they will just find another way to be assholes.

Like right now, I'm going to be an asshole and explain to @Xaielao that when you're posting your opinions, you should use correct fucking grammar!

Yogi said:

Yes that's true and that's the point of this, to suggest that this isn't the way we should be interacting to one another. You understand the premise but don't think it applies, and then you apply it accurately? Did you read what you wrote?

Moyers | P. Krugman on how the US is becoming an oligarchy

ChaosEngine says...

Can we have one discussion on economics without the libertarians derailing it with their nonsense? No-one wants it. Get over it. The rest of the world has learned from history that libertarianism is a fucking disaster when actually implemented.

Earning $200k isn't actually that big a deal. Yeah, you're well off, but you don't have the kind of unbelievably obnoxious level of wealth that the 1% have.

@RedSky 70% isn't hyperbole. Top marginal rate in the US in the 50s was actually 91%.

Ultimately it's an incredibly short sighted position. America has systematically destroyed it's middle class and over time will remove it's own market. Keep going down this track and eventually China owns you.

David Mitchell on Atheism

JustSaying says...

While I agree with what NDT said in the linked video and the points made here (by Mitchell especially), I must also point out that it's quite understandable that some atheists turn out to be obnoxious douchebags. While people like Hitchens might be prime examples of that we shouldn't forget how the other end of the religious spectrum looks like when it comes to extremety and obnoxiousness. Let's not forget, nobody straps on an explosive vest to prove there is no god.
I take douchebags over murderers any time.

newtboy said:

I agree, that's a much better road to take. You get much farther with mutual understanding if you don't go off on a tangent of insulting and name calling, that tends to close ears and minds.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

lantern53 says...

Homophobia exists in one species.

Ok, so does classical music.

Why do people dislike homosexuals?

Let's have an honest conversation about homosexuality.

One: it's a repellent thought for most men to think of one man fucking another man or sucking his dick.

Two: Priests

Three: homosexual child predators (I know there are hetero predators too...they are also disliked)

Four: Images of gay men parading down the street with red codpieces, dog collars, etc

Five: gay men flinging semen out of 2nd story windows (you can google for the pics if you have the stomach for it)

Six: gay men act strange, limp wristed etc

Now, I'm not even going to cover gay women. I don't think most men care much about gay women except the butch ones. The lipstick lesbians are a big part of straight porn, so...

Also I realize that there are many gay men who are responsible and don't engage in obnoxious gay behavior, and I know there are hetero men who engage in obnoxious behavior.

But the bottom line is, to most straight men, gay behavior is offensive. Keep it in your bedroom and to yourself.

Ruin Your Day

shatterdrose says...

You say you aren't looking at them sexually yet you follow it up with how seductive they are?

Point is, which you seem to purposely overlook, is that staring is a LOT different than observing. Checking someone out is fine and dandy. Staring, obnoxiously, at a women's breasts because it sexually excites you as she's breastfeeding is just plain juvenile.

So again, if you think they should be okay with you staring at their body, why aren't you letting yours hang all out for them?

Thumper said:

If you think looking at tit's is a sexual advance I would imagine you live in northern Alaska where other "people" aren't even near you. How do you walk around in society? Do you dictate what everyone is allowed to look at? If you really "treat people as people" you should tolerate what other people decide to set their eyes upon. People like you would have us all become androgynous clones so that no one is different than the next. I like diversity - which is another reason tits are so seductive - they come in all shapes and sizes, they're like fingerprints or snow flakes. You should look into your Scopophobia. I imagine as the world becomes increasingly more populated it will be intolerable.

Welcome To Flock TV- Christian Television & Entertainment Vi

Don't call Busta Rhymes Ignorant

Drugged Up Youth Pastor Freaks Out On National TV

Quboid says...

Even his t-shirt is obnoxious. "Keep calm and" needs to die.

@budzos - I think it's all part of the ego trip that this sort of video is. Not just everything wrong with internet soapboxes but everything wrong with atheism too. This guy's nothing to do with me!

How to Coil Cables

Stormsinger says...

If there is an ego and a lack of respect being demonstrated, I'd have to say it was mostly on your part. There is nothing inherently superior to physical labor, and far far fewer who are even capable of intellectual ragging on someone who prefers to spend their time on the latter stupid, not to mention obnoxiously judgemental.

carnivorous said:

Not only are the children of this new generation lacking in basic life skills, but they also have no respect. You are a prime example. Is your ego this large in real life, or do you have delusions of grandeur due to the anonymity that the internet provides? A well rounded individual should be able to both use their brain and perform menial tasks. It's not a choice of one or the other. So you took a break from reading and built a fence. Goody for you. A little exercise - what a chore. That's right, pay someone to work for you so you can sit around on your lazy ass all day. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks for adding to the discussion and proving my point.

Model Strips Topless at NYC Rooftop Bar

Engels says...

One thing is pearl clutching because of public breastfeeding or whatever. That stuff's dumb. Dressing up in lingerie and posing with yer tits out at a private dining establishment? Ya, that's obnoxious and should probably be fined.

R.I.P. Joe Biden

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

ChaosEngine says...

You seem to labouring under the misapprehension that I was ASKING them. I told them to give it to me. If they hadn't, I'd have had them thrown out of the cinema.

And actually there is a legal precedent for this, it's called "ex turpi causa".

Besides, apply a bit of common sense here. If a kid hits a baseball onto your property, you don't have to gIve it back to them straight away.

These kids are self entitled little fucks (especially the un-self-aware idiot who whined about it being "so obnoxious... Stealing people's stuff")

Frankly, they were lucky, that THREE of them managed to overpower a small, middle aged lady. If the manager had been a bit more physically intimidating, this would've ended very differently.

Confucius said:

Lulz....since when can you legally confiscate anything anywhere even if its on your property? (BTW she was a building manager not an owner)

But sir...i didn't steal their wallet. I CONFISCATED it. Carry on then....

You're lucky you were able to bully those laser-pointer KIDS into giving you their pointer. They could have easily told you to buzz-off. Then What? Then you could have either awkwardly sat back down or you could have been the 'crazy lady' in a movie theatre.

The only legal thing to do is have a chat and if that doesn't work, call the authorities.

Cartoon Heros

Seth MacFarlane imitating Adam West and Kermit the Frog.

Michel Parbot Empire Strikes Back lost documentary excerpts

NicoleBee says...

This is amazing. It's so nice to listen to these people talk seriously about the work without gushing grotesquely all over themselves as obnoxiously as the extras material on the first trilogy dvds

The audio can use some cleanup, but I'll take it

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