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Apollo Moon Landing Site Photographed HD

EvilDeathBee jokingly says...

>> ^ponceleon:

Where is Marbles to tell us this is all fabricated and just part of the 9/11 conspiracy?

They're really devoted to this charade, creating more "evidence" just to try and support this conspiracy from 50 years ago. You'd think they wouldn't bother anymore

Apollo Moon Landing Site Photographed HD

9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out - Trailer

Duckman33 says...

>> ^ponceleon:
The conspiracy continues!!!

What does that have to do with 9/11? Only an idiot would think we didn't go to the moon. And sorry to say, not all people who don't fall lock-step in line with what we are told by the media and the government believe everything is a conspiracy. You are just as bad as the atheist idiots that lump all religious people in with Christians/Muslims/Jews/etc. that have extremist views. News flash: NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME! How many times do people have to be reminded of this?


Watch that and tell me there's nothing fishy going on here.

Apollo Moon Landing Site Photographed HD

9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out - Trailer

9/11 Firefighters confirm secondary explosions in WTC lobby

mxxcon says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^marbles:
>> ^EvilDeathBee:
rolleyes You don't believe there are levels of severity to conspiracies? Basically you're saying that your paranoid, delusional nonsense idea that the US government planned 9/11 causing one of the worst disasters in American history, if that were an actual conspiracy you would equate it's severity to some police officer falsely arresting someone and planting evidence up them, and having the station cover it up? Are you retarded? Oh right, you believe in all this 9/11 cover up horse shit. I suppose the US faked the moon landing too. Don't forget your tin foil hat.
Brilliant reply. So what are the levels of severity to conspiracies? I need to know this because I'm retarded/believe in 9/11 cover up horse shit. Or better yet, just define conspiracy for me.

aaaand, ignore
i'm this close || to doing the same w/ him

9/11 Firefighters confirm secondary explosions in WTC lobby

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^marbles:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
rolleyes You don't believe there are levels of severity to conspiracies? Basically you're saying that your paranoid, delusional nonsense idea that the US government planned 9/11 causing one of the worst disasters in American history, if that were an actual conspiracy you would equate it's severity to some police officer falsely arresting someone and planting evidence up them, and having the station cover it up? Are you retarded? Oh right, you believe in all this 9/11 cover up horse shit. I suppose the US faked the moon landing too. Don't forget your tin foil hat.
Brilliant reply. So what are the levels of severity to conspiracies? I need to know this because I'm retarded/believe in 9/11 cover up horse shit. Or better yet, just define conspiracy for me.

aaaand, ignore

9/11 Firefighters confirm secondary explosions in WTC lobby

marbles says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

rolleyes You don't believe there are levels of severity to conspiracies? Basically you're saying that your paranoid, delusional nonsense idea that the US government planned 9/11 causing one of the worst disasters in American history, if that were an actual conspiracy you would equate it's severity to some police officer falsely arresting someone and planting evidence up them, and having the station cover it up? Are you retarded? Oh right, you believe in all this 9/11 cover up horse shit. I suppose the US faked the moon landing too. Don't forget your tin foil hat.
Brilliant reply. So what are the levels of severity to conspiracies? I need to know this because I'm retarded/believe in 9/11 cover up horse shit. Or better yet, just define conspiracy for me.

9/11 Firefighters confirm secondary explosions in WTC lobby

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^marbles:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
I dunno about you guys, but i'm convinced. This is such a conspiracy, there is no other explanation at all.

Such a conspiracy? Is there levels of extremity to the word "conspiracy" now? I understand how the word has been unjustly maligned by ignorant tools where you're not even conscious to what you're saying, but this all out confirms it.

*rolleyes* You don't believe there are levels of severity to conspiracies? Basically you're saying that your paranoid, delusional nonsense idea that the US government planned 9/11 causing one of the worst disasters in American history, if that were an actual conspiracy you would equate it's severity to some police officer falsely arresting someone and planting evidence up them, and having the station cover it up? Are you retarded? Oh right, you believe in all this 9/11 cover up horse shit. I suppose the US faked the moon landing too. Don't forget your tin foil hat.

"The most hated woman in America" Madalyn Murray O'Hair

bcglorf says...

>> ^SDGundamX:

Pope Paul VI, the pope at the time of the moon landings, had a lot of things to say about the event--pretty much all of them positive judging from this article. I can't find any record of him demanding missionaries be sent into space to convert other life forms. Anyone have a source?
In fact, the only thing about space missionaries I could find was this opinion article... which turns out to be a heavily slanted gross exaggeration of this actual news story which itself is clearly a humorous take on the subject and certainly not any sort of "announcement" from the Vatican.
I didn't know of this woman before this vid. I'm very grateful to her for helping getting prayer out of schools. I'm sickened by the way she died. But I get the feeling from this vid and the other one @xxovercastxx posted that she was hated as much for her extremely confrontational attitude as for her atheism. She's like a forerunner of Hitchens.

Maybe my opinion of Hitchens is inflated, but all I know about this woman is what she says in this video. Compared to Hitchens she(like most of us, no slight intended to her) is left looking like an incoherently rambling little child with a speech impediment.

"The most hated woman in America" Madalyn Murray O'Hair

SDGundamX says...

Pope Paul VI, the pope at the time of the moon landings, had a lot of things to say about the event--pretty much all of them positive judging from this article. I can't find any record of him demanding missionaries be sent into space to convert other life forms. Anyone have a source?

In fact, the only thing about space missionaries I could find was this opinion article... which turns out to be a heavily slanted gross exaggeration of this actual news story which itself is clearly a humorous take on the subject and certainly not any sort of "announcement" from the Vatican.

I didn't know of this woman before this vid. I'm very grateful to her for helping getting prayer out of schools. I'm sickened by the way she died. But I get the feeling from this vid and the other one @xxovercastxx posted that she was hated as much for her extremely confrontational attitude as for her atheism. She's like a forerunner of Hitchens.

Alex Jones: Thousands of Astronauts Died 4 Fake Moon Landing

csnel3 says...

You can call Alex Jones a paranoid nut case and say that all his fans are loonies, but almost immediatly after he tells the world that thousands of astronauts died faking the moon landing , He is accused of bicycle theft.

Alex Jones: Thousands of Astronauts Died 4 Fake Moon Landing

Yogi says...

>> ^marinara:

this guy is a moron, and so is anyone who listens to him.

Pretty much the same thing you said for my Max Keiser video; you're repeating yourself, Empire.
I have alex jones channel in my youtube subscriptions, I love his coverage of the TSA gropings, the IPhone privacy questions, and his interviews of people like Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, and Paul Craig Roberts.
You just assume that he is talking garbage because he's not a "respected" journalist.
You may say i'm a moron, but at least i don't wear my ignorance and prejudice like a badge of honor.

How about Alex Jones meets Noam Chomsky for a debate. Then we'll have to ask why Noam is soo bad at researching these important Astronaut mortality related issues of our time.

Alex Jones: Thousands of Astronauts Died 4 Fake Moon Landing

Duckman33 says...


first of all, don't even DARE to try to somehow compare what I said to some sort of racial slur. It is not, and it's not even in the same league, and you should be fucking ashamed of yourself for pulling that one out of your ass.
Secondly, there is a GRAND CANYON of difference between someone who doesn't believe everything the media outlets and governments put out there, and someone who thinks the moon landings were faked, that there is some vast global conspiracy, that there are reptilians, etc. There's a whole universe of shades of gray.
If you think he's a nutcase, then I really don't understand you. you certainly felt attacked, because I said people who listen to him are morons, just like him. And that's what he is A MORON of EPIC proportions. And people who buy that shit are so as well. (well, actually he may not be an actual moron, just someone who preys on the stupidity, and gullibility and ignorance of others).

A generalized statement about a certain group of people is a generalized statement. I was using those as examples of generalized statements people make about certain groups of people. Not comparing your statement to bigotry.

Actually, you didn't say "people who listen to him are morons", you said this: "Conspiracy theorist are all idiots. Seriously. At least as bad as religious extremists. Bullshit evidence for bullshit beliefs."

That's a generalized statement saying that everyone who is a conspiracy theorist is an idiot. So yes I felt personally attacked and insulted. Just because someone is a conspiracy theorist does not mean they believe in all the ignorant conspiracy crap floating around on the internet or everything Alex Jones or any other idiot like him says, etc. One must have common sense. And yes he's a parasite. He makes money off of other people's ignorance. He's no different than a televangelist as far as I'm concerned.

Alex Jones: Thousands of Astronauts Died 4 Fake Moon Landing

EMPIRE says...

first of all, don't even DARE to try to somehow compare what I said to some sort of racial slur. It is not, and it's not even in the same league, and you should be fucking ashamed of yourself for pulling that one out of your ass.

Secondly, there is a GRAND CANYON of difference between someone who doesn't believe everything the media outlets and governments put out there, and someone who thinks the moon landings were faked, that there is some vast global conspiracy, that there are reptilians, etc. There's a whole universe of shades of gray.

If you think he's a nutcase, then I really don't understand you. you certainly felt attacked, because I said people who listen to him are morons, just like him. And that's what he is A MORON of EPIC proportions. And people who buy that shit are so as well. (well, actually he may not be an actual moron, just someone who preys on the stupidity, and gullibility and ignorance of others).

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