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Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

Sagemind says...

I think I'm doing OK about this.

I say good on George for makeing sure the franchise went to good hands - someone that will propagate the Star Wars brand and create lots of new stuff. That's what I've been waiting for and so have many others. I just don't think Disney would buy Lucasfims so they can run it into the ground. They are going to get as much mileage out of it as they can and it will still be around for our children's children.

I've made plans to go to DisneyWorld in three years so I'll be expecting a crapload of Star Wars related rides and STUFF

The Science of Lucid Dreaming

Trancecoach says...

There's actually a distinction between waking up because one has to urinate and dreaming about having to urinate. While the latter can lead to the former, there's a reason why you don't wake up in order to pee and instead remain asleep and dream about urination...

While the meaning of any particular dream is far too important to take anyone else's word for, it's been my experience that such dreams about urination often have something to do with the feeling/desire to express oneself more freely, and/or to "speak one's truth," as it were, in a free and unobstructed way.

While your mileage may vary, there are frequently multiple layers of meaning to any particular dream (dream image, or dream fragment), but there are also universal themes that tend to come up (which makes sense to me, given that we're all humans in human form experiencing much of the same things, especially -- or perhaps exclusively -- when it comes to the human body).

(P.S. I've take several classes on the topic of 'dream interpretation' and some of the meaningful work has been the result of studying with this man.)
>> ^raverman:

I only remember dreams of needing to pee... and we all know what that means.

Best political ad ever-but then the opponent is weak

CreamK says...

>> ^criticalthud:

2. mostly unrealistic. america is #1 energy hog and neither technology advancements nor more drilling here will solve that or feed that gluttonous thirst. we are dependent on foreign energy, which is partly why we have 450 military bases around the world. We need to reduce need, and to do that, we need to re-examine our role in the world as pure consumers.

Well said. There are number of things that would reduce the power consumption right away. Refine the stupid pollution control that favors higher consumption in vehicles (lower consumption = more pollution per gallon when it should be mileage vs pollution.. now you can make a car that goes 10MPG but "pollutes" less), invest in public transport, invest in renewal sources.. You got huge amounts of land empty that could be used for solar farming, long coastlines to harvest wave energy, enough thermal activity to take energy from there (allthou thinking that USA is drilling to the core frightens me, you people have never been could at moderation...).

It seems to be that the thinking goes: This (particular) renewable source is not enough so we don't do it at all. But step by step, it would start to play a major part in the big picture. And there's endless supplies of solar energy, 250 W/m2 in average taking cloud cover and sun angle in to account.

Scientific Weight Loss Tips

Deano says...

I'm on a weight-loss journey at the moment - here's my take...

I'm following in the footsteps of my sister who's super slim now and very healthy. She's virtually a vegetarian and regularly sees a nutritionist and gets her blood tested (due to a medical problem she's hopefully overcoming).

She eats every three hours and is militant about avoiding sugar. It's the big problem in most people's diets. The mileage from exercise seems to vary for many but she takes regular brisk walks whenever she can and is also now biking.

She gives me good tips all the time, like avoiding the low-fat options. Those will almost always contain a bunch of unhealthy additives and you're better off with the full-fat version.

Finally my standing desk bits just arrived from IKEA. Not looking forward to putting it together...

The Invisible Bicycle Helmet (Some thought it can't be done)

bovan says...

I always use my bicycle on the sidewalk or separate bicycle roads, my average speed is 16 km/h (10 mph), I always look for immediate and potential dangers and slow down near kids and animals as well as turn down the volume on my music when I need to dedicate more attention, I never cross a road unless I have eye contact with the approaching driver, and I have never in my 30+ year life been close to landing with any parts of my body above my knee (since all the crashes I have ever had have been low-speed while trying to break on gravel). (Also my mileage on bicycle since April when the snow disappeared is ~900km.)

Maybe this will come back to haunt me one day, but I'm so surprised that people need bicycle helmets for most of the slow speed bycycling they do when what they need is actually a brain, since everyone I know that has been involved in serious bicycle crashes have been stupid, reckless or just crazy.
Of course if you have to use the roads and live in France, then please do wear one..

Pay attention to the car thats coming instead of cutting. Tap the break a bit instead of going full speed down a hill. Slow down (and show some respect) for your fellow humans and animals.
Avoiding an accident alltogether is always better than being in one with a crappy helmet.

I use a helmet when I go snowboarding and mountain biking though, but it's not a bicycle helmet.

The Answer

White Trashed Knight Rider Car

chingalera says...

..Coot looks like he wanted to get some extra mileage outta those modifications....

He's got the oscilloscope modified for hypothetical negative energy conversion..

That display in the center is so positioned to interface with the the invariance of the speed of light created by compensation for inference, and I'm only guessing here, that those buttons on the steering wheel/alignment cradle are some sort of Michelson-Morley interferometer.

Got a great deal onnit but he won't be able to keep a wormhole stable in an open perimeter....good try though, looks like someone helped their kid win a pre-school science fair!!

Lamborghini Show Off Fail

gorillaman says...

>> ^renatojj:
if you pay $200,000 for a Lamborghini, you end up with a Lamborghini. I'm sure some people think a Lamborghini is valuable, otherwise they wouldn't pay $200,000 for it.
Now go find someone willing to dump $200,000 to pay five people to dig and refill holes. Not so valuable.
You can compare anything to paying people to dig and fill up holes and call it economic vandalism, check this out:
Building the empire state building took 40 million dollars in the 30's, that's like paying 1000 people $40,000 each to spend a year digging and refilling holes. Nothing of value has been produced. You just end up with a tall pile of concrete and glass that is in no way distinguishable from thousands of holes in the ground filled with dirt.

A $200,000 sports car has essentially the same value as a $1000 second-hand runaround. They both perform the same functions at about the same efficiency, except the old banger gets better mileage and probably breaks down less. The only people who see more value in the Lamborghini are animalistic simpletons who can't control their instinctive compulsion to flaunt status symbols.

Is this your guiding social principle? Whichever endeavours produce something shiny enough to enflame the passion of a five year old are worthwhile? Dollars spent on pet grooming do not have an equivalent economic benefit as dollars spent on communications infrastructure. This naive doctrine of 'everything has value that can tempt enough morons into paying for it' has to be destroyed.

Timing Belt - the Forgotten Belt

braschlosan says...

>> ^savethecirclepit:

I am in the cylinder head business. This issue and overheating are the top reasons to prompt an engine to be torn down. I have seen some pretty catastrophic engine damage when these things break. We actually have units that come in where the valve hits the pistons, breaks and on the next stroke takes the broken pieces and jams them into the cylinder head.
Don't stretch the mileage out on these things if the book says 60,000 change it at 50-55. Also don't be cheap and just get the belt changed. I know it seems like video is just trying to sell you extra parts but it is good advice to change the belt tensioner and the water pump. Always go for the "timing set" rather than just the belt. It will seem like a lot of money 300-500 bucks to get this done but when you figure the alternative 2000-4000 bucks or maybe even an entirely new engine, that cost will be minimal. I have seen too many people get burned by trying to cut corners and be cheap. Don't let this happen to you.
If you have any questions about this:

I prepare cars for the track but in a previous life I was a grease monkey and I can confirm everything ^savethecirclepit wrote.

That and chains stretch over time so even if the book says its a non serviceable item find out when others have had to change it and do the same.

Timing Belt - the Forgotten Belt

savethecirclepit says...

I am in the cylinder head business. This issue and overheating are the top reasons to prompt an engine to be torn down. I have seen some pretty catastrophic engine damage when these things break. We actually have units that come in where the valve hits the pistons, breaks and on the next stroke takes the broken pieces and jams them into the cylinder head.
Don't stretch the mileage out on these things if the book says 60,000 change it at 50-55. Also don't be cheap and just get the belt changed. I know it seems like video is just trying to sell you extra parts but it is good advice to change the belt tensioner and the water pump. Always go for the "timing set" rather than just the belt. It will seem like a lot of money 300-500 bucks to get this done but when you figure the alternative 2000-4000 bucks or maybe even an entirely new engine, that cost will be minimal. I have seen too many people get burned by trying to cut corners and be cheap. Don't let this happen to you.
If you have any questions about this:

Obama Endorses Same Sex-Marriage

shinyblurry says...

This isn't really a surprise; he endorsed it back in 1996 but has pretended otherwise until such time as it was politically convenient. This was actually politically inconvenient; it was introduced at an akward time, in an akward way, probably a lot earlier than he had planned, and he won't get much political mileage out of it. It will also serve to divide his base and galvanize conservatives. It's pretty much a lose-lose for Obama, except for the increased donations from the gay elite in hollywood and elsewhere.

I think everyone can figure out where I stand, but I've come to realize that these social issues are really just symptomatic to the larger issue of an apostate church failing to show the love of God. There is also the coming tribulation and the increase of sin in the world. The state is not going to be able to control sin or legislate it away. It is a spiritual battle, one the church must fight by being obedient to Christ, and one a compromised church cannot win.

Moose VS Bubbas in a Truck

Roof Mattress Refuses To Fly Away.


EMPIRE says...

I was gonna say something like "what's the mileage on that puppy?" to try and be funny, but then I realized, it has no mileage. The whole gas tank get used just to start it up. It never goes anywhere.

Blankfist's new sock puppets (Sift Talk Post)

PlayhousePals says...

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^silverpoint16:
I am still of two minds about whether I want to anything to do with this site any more. We have been harassed and our characters assaulted. Most of you appear to now believe we are who we say we are. Some of you do not. That's fine. You are entitled to your opinion; however, the harassment and personal character assaults need to stop.
Thank you to all of you who looked at the evidence and drew their own conclusions.

I've been pretty level headed about this entire thread until I read this. For some reason, the way you worded that just set something off in me.
Let me make something clear to you from the start:
You're going to take some flak.
Videosift is a fantastic place full of MANY different opinions on many different things. We come from all over the world and generally are considered a community rather than an outright forum. Since there's less people than youtube, we can basically actually talk TO one another. You'll see the same names leaving comments and upvoting on many different videos, joking around, etc. And as such, you're eventually going to do or say something someone doesn't like.
We have Winstonfield_pennypacker and Quantummushroom as die-hard republicans that on basically any political video you'll see them say something (at least I consider to be) stupid and that'll spark an argument, and then two videos later you'll see QM say something that'll actually make you laugh out loud.
On religious videos we have many heated debates, the sift as a whole is generally considered Atheist, and will argue til they're blue in the face about certain topics.
On police videos there's a few of us (myself included) that don't instantly hop on the "COP IS IN THE WRONG, FUCK DA PO PO" bandwagon, and will generally be caught in a debate or argument about it.
Essentially what i'm trying to say is.. We're not youtube. You're not going to be a blank face in the crowd, you have a personality, you have ideals, you have your own mindset, and here you'll get to express it amongst others. But be prepared to have others not always agree with them.
So, if you want to just blend in, say what you want, and make sure your feelings don't get hurt, go ahead and leave.
If you want to be a part of something that with the bad, also comes a world of good, then stay. Enjoy our little community. Just be prepared for what that entails if you do.

I like much of what you posted here. If I read correctly, you and I seem to have many things in common: Not a Republican? [check] Atheist? [check] Maligning Cops? [my Mom was the very first female police radio dispatcher in this major metropolitan area and my Dad was the booking sergeant in the city jail ... let's just say I agree that *they* aren't all bad and leave it at that] Couldn't wait to move out of the house when I turned 18? [check] though your mileage may vary, I just had to toss that in there.

Regarding your generalized description of YouTube I can only relay to you MY experience with it. I joined in July 2006. It was the only social network I belonged to up until this past year. In January 2011 I submitted two videos for a contest and to my delight, one was selected for the project. It was then that I discovered how much I enjoyed the experience of making videos so started from scratch with a little Kodak PlaySport camera. I eventually bought some software and began to teach myself editing. I may not be one of the big players on the tube, but I did find out that there are some truly wonderful, REAL people there. I was steadily attracting viewers and subscribers worldwide and that morphed into an actual online community for me. I've experienced many gratifying interactions through collaborations, comments and banter and have found a good number of folks that I've come to admire and respect. Some have become very good friends. I never once felt like a blank face in the crowd and found great joy in supporting and encouraging those that impressed me. My goal was and is to tailor my comments to relate to the subject matter at hand and, more often than not, attempt to infuse a bit of humor as well. Rarely will you see anything generic from me [unless I'm really, really tired]. That being said, I certainly would never expect ANYONE to BE like me ... I fully appreciate and embrace diversity. However, I don't engage in bullying, deliberate rudeness or intimidation because, like most folks, I have a lot of stress in my life and the time I get to spend away from it on the interwebs is my coveted escape.

All of the above came crashing down for me personally when Google took over YT and changed everything to the dreaded NewTube. Seemingly overnight my progression of new subscribers simply ceased. Views diminished and everything has basically ground to a halt. I still have and treasure most of my core supporters but much of the community aspect has diminished to the point where Ive found myself searching for something more rewarding on the side. VS was recommended to me and in the first couple of days after signing up I was duly impressed. It is by far the best community site I've experienced yet.

Is it a double standard for me to support the friends who have also joined and are currently the only people I know here? I sure hope not. My goal was and is to earn the respect of others already established in this community through my participation and conduct. Not a one of us intended to take over what you have here ... at first blush it appeared to be an exceptional place to be. Time will tell. I have hope.

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