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Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

surfingyt says...

IMO they will raise rates. the economy will stall. they will be forced to increase purchases of equities and reduce rates (again). the fed will not let another 2008 happen however they will make the crash that much harder. the house of cards has been built for a long time over many administrations and its waay past the point of any attempt at recovery. delaying the pain will make the pain even worse but when it comes crashing down USD will be gone forever and alternatives (like metals and yes BTC) will reign. you will have time though as petrodollar is king at this point other nations will fall before us. make your time.

The simple tool that can open most US stores

spawnflagger says...

compare this to computer security flaws - typically the researchers that find the flaws disclose them to the public a few weeks after notifying the vendor.

but with the physical lock industry, this is a flaw that's been around for decades, that they refuse to fix because it would cost an extra $0.25 in metal for each door.

The simple tool that can open most US stores

newtboy says...

Unless they have intent to use them, or have knowledge that that’s what they’re made for, no? That’s what it says in the law, isn’t it?

“ Every person having upon him or her in his or her possession a picklock, crow, keybit, crowbar, screwdriver, vise grip pliers, water-pump pliers, slidehammer, slim jim, tension bar, lock pick gun, tubular lock pick, bump key, floor-safe door puller, master key, ceramic or porcelain spark plug chips or pieces, or other instrument or tool with intent feloniously to break or enter into any building, railroad car, aircraft, or vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, or who shall knowingly make or alter, or shall attempt to make or alter, any key or other instrument named above so that the same will fit or open the lock of a building, railroad car, aircraft, vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, without being requested to do so by some person having the right to open the same, or who shall make, alter, or repair any instrument or thing, knowing or having reason to believe that it is intended to be used in committing a misdemeanor or felony, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ”

I have this opinion, (that police (and some prosecutors) will ascribe intent to anyone in possession of any tools, even those with other uses, so they wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for tools that are clearly purpose built breaking and entering tools having been advertised as such and with no other use,) because I watched a friend be arrested in the 80’s for having a screwdriver and pliers in their backpack that the police called “burglary tools”. He did not have a history of burglary. The case was dropped when they instead charged him with <.5 grams of marijuana for some crumbs found loose in the bottom in his backpack and sent him juvie for 6 months. (I think he was on probation, I know the police wanted to charge him with anything….and did.). I was accused of having lockpicks once because I had picked up a few metal brush bits from a street sweeper in a parking lot and police saw me pick them up, arrested, then released me on site when the supervisor showed up and heard their story.

I think the last sentence of that paragraph puts him in danger, since he clearly has reason to believe at least some of the burglary tools he sells to the public are going to be used criminally.

I don’t want to see you give someone advice that could get them in serious trouble, I know you would feel terrible. You might be correct, technically without intent to commit a crime they’re legal to own, but in reality police and prosecutors decide your intent and I don’t trust them one whit.

eric3579 said:

My understanding is that it is legal for anyone to purchase and possess lock picking tools. Seller does have to obtain info regarding purchaser, but just basic stuff.

Here are the California codes regarding such tools.

Caught in the middle of a rock fall

spawnflagger says...

you'd think with such a high incident rate, they would come up with a safer route/solution? even a large metal shield they could crawl under seems like a no-brainer. like a turtle shell - could tie it to that rope and send it back over to the next climber.

maybe the local emergency-helicopter-pilot economy depends on these "thrill seekers" ?

Music intertwined with skate video is brilliant

BSR says...

As a kid I used to use my sisters metal roller skates to make a skateboard. I'd nail one skate on the front and one on the back of a piece wood that was long enough to hold the skates end to end. It would last about 2 - 4 days before the nails gave out. Had a lot of scabs on the knees and elbows.

Climbers rope in chipper accident simulation Cal-Line

C-note says...

I remember watching the news about 10 years ago where some 6 year old kid in CT accidentally got pulled thru one of these things. I have a paper shredder that automatically stops if my finger touches the metal paper feed. I wonder if they can add that to these things?

Travelling to Muff Fair to compete for "Queen of Muff"

noims says...

Say what you want about the Irish people, but we do have great placenames.

I'm very proud that when I was in a metal band (The Bubonic Duck-Fuckers from Hell, no less) we played a single gig, and it was in a town called Kill. We knew we'd peaked, so we retired.

BSR (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Greenville Ca, 8-5-21 After Burning To The Ground Overnight

Boston Cop Brags About Driving Through Crowd

moonsammy says...

Here's the thing: if average citizens didn't have guns, I'd be right pissed if the cops carried them.

I can't speak for the whole of whatever the fuck you think "liberals" encompasses, but here's my take on guns & cops: the constitution allows for guns within well-regulated militias. It was just worded really, really poorly. I mean, read 2A - it's practically authentic frontier gibberish. But the words "well-regulated militia" are definitely in there. And it makes sense - they were trying to secure a bold new type of governance. They needed to be able to defend that, and there was no immediate plan for a standing army. So local, reasonably well-supplied militias, which weren't a bunch of bumblefucks shooting at whatever whenever, were a pretty real need. Where we're at *now* with guns is so fucking far from what the founders could've possibly conceived, that to think they'd approve of it is absurd. I mean, maybe a few of them (they were quite the diverse bunch of white male landowners, in all sincerity), but those with solid military experience likely would've been horrified.

Having said that, it's fantasy-land nonsense to think the prospect of completely eliminating recreational guns in the US in the near term is viable. Hunting armaments will (and perhaps should) remain common for a long while, so be it. I see handguns and non-hunting long arms (or those that are excessive for it) as of significant negative value to society, they can all fuck right off into a metal recycling center or the armory of a well-regulated militia. Perhaps keep some at firing ranges for recreational target practice, with competent professional supervision, and with reasonable regulations in place.

Cops should have firearms in their armory, up until such time as we're living in a Star Trek-like utopia of blissful peace. Humans are largely cool, but some of us are dangerous fucksticks. Have cops pull guns for calls that seem like they'll be needed, and rely on less-lethal options as much as possible. Oh, and stop using the less-lethal options as fucking compliance-obtaining shortcuts. Don't fucking tase or use chemical spray when it isn't needed, they're not for the cops' convenience but to avoid more severe harms from occurring. Officer Friendly should be the order of the day, and any substantial deviation from that should be met with termination and arrest, with consequences no less severe than a non-police citizen would see. No more bad apples, no spoiled bunch.

Hey, thanks for the rant opportunity! Us liberals need to practice our high horsing from time to time. And just like God, we all love you. You specifically, you goddamn sexy hater.

TangledThorns said:

Yet liberals believe only the police should have guns.

Lamb | Official Trailer

newtboy says...

Um....did they....what did

PS, notice the reflection in the lamb’s eye in the thumbnail. It looks a lot like “The Metal” in that Tenacious D video.

Schoolboy Arm Wrestling compilation

Schoolboy Arm Wrestling compilation

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

BSR says...

Some of the more recent United States Governmental statistics indicate that about 2% of elementary schools in the U.S. use metal detectors, 7% of middle schools, and 10% of high schools. This is a fairly low number, with literally only 1-in-10 high schools utilizing metal detectors within the country. Aug 13, 2019
I understand that "probably" all school shootings have been committed by real students. Students with hatred issues, respect issues, power issues or whatever. She got away with acting as a student and penetrating the security or lack of it. Granted I can't see just anyone getting away with her plan by "acting" as a student but she was able to gain unfettered access.

With 3D printers getting more sophisticated, metal detectors are not a catch all. I also think there can be better ways to recognise mental issues earlier to reduce the threat of would be killers. It's not foolproof but after a shooting there were usually signs of a violent nature of the shooter before hand.

Yes she may be a criminal but she was unarmed and had no violent intentions and was aware of the risks of her actions but still felt more was needed to be done. I believe more needs to be done keeping the public safe from people that want to cause harm just because they have the power to do it. That includes bullies who don't pick up guns but rather create rage in innocent people.

My initial comment was due to @jimnms comment which seemed to imply the woman was merely an attention whore and overlooked what her real intentions may have been.

EDIT: I also think your decision to not have children and perhaps grandchildren could have a HUGE impact on reducing the number of children killed or wounded anywhere in the world. If only...

newtboy said:

If true, and she pleads guilty to whatever charges they levied, then maybe, but if she fights them in court that altruistic assumption is out the window and she gets another strike for wasting the court's time (and our money) on a case she knows she's definitely guilty of.

We assume she's being honest and this was just a security test, but more than one mother has murdered their daughter's high school rival. I'm not willing to take a criminals word when they suggest they were only trespassing as a public service, not falsifying their identity to hide from crimes they're planning.

I don't think school shooters have ever disguised themselves as students when they weren't...and she didn't bring a gun sized piece of metal through the metal she wasn't testing against how easy it would be for armed intruders, only unarmed imposters.

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