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newtboy (Member Profile)

surfingyt says...

Actually I now see that I replied to the wrong comment. I was attempting to reply to BSR but must have messed up. Sorry for the confusion.

newtboy said:

Yes, I see that.
My point being the training masks don't do a thing for covid beyond training the body to operate with air resistance. It's a big issue, people who don't care about safety ignoring reality to "comply" with mask mandates by wearing fishnet masks or other non filtered front discharge masks, then pretending they don't understand the difference.

I doubt these kids had trained with them anyway, they're more for high level athletes, so in this case they were not especially prepared to compete wearing effective covid masks....but likely neither had their competitors.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

bobknight33 says...

I can understand that false policy of F off and die. That was what fake news and late nigh pushed.

Trump policy was come in the correct legal way. Period
Trump was slammed for putting kids in Obama made caged. But fake news didn't tell you that part.

Biden created this problem and it is biting him in the butt.
I"m sure more video is out there that is equal or worse that this Biden mess.

*specific* policies or actions did the Trump administration take or promote............... He told them to come the legal process way and started wall , and enforced current laws to keep this mess from occurring.

moonsammy said:

See, my distinct impression of the Trump administration's policies and actions surrounding immigrants at our southern border was that it... wanted them to fuck off and/or die. "Remain in Mexico" was abhorrent. Family separation was a humanitarian disaster.

What *specific* policies or actions did the Trump administration take or promote which should make me believe they cared? That they had even the tiniest shred of humanity regarding people who've suffered enormously and struggled to reach what they hoped *might be* a less shitty life for themselves and their children?

"Come in legally" is fine, so long as we live up to being the beacon of hope and freedom that we like to think we are. Which would require allowing in a LOT more refugees than the Trump admin tolerated.

Ever read the poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty? It is beautiful, and if the US can manage to live up to it for a change then perhaps we'll have made America great, for the first time.

StukaFox (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Not sure what you point is.

Media is mess largely because of GE buying NBC. Before this news was a public service paid for from other program profits. News was not a money maker. When GE bought NBC GE argued that news should also a money making show.
News slowly morphed into the mess we have today.

And to you comments. FOX is 1 right leaning VS 6+ all late night + all Hollywood left pushing media. So who did this hurt most?

StukaFox said:

Not only did he abolish it, but it was one of the highest priorities of the GOP once Reagan came in. Haynes Johnson writes extensively about this in his frighteningly-prescient book 'Sleepwalking Through History'. The GOP was already following the lead of Roger Ailes (later of Fox News) after he polished the turd named Nixon and the GOP understood if they controlled the narrative, they could stay in power. Newt Gingrich, and the shitshow that followed, was the natural extension of Ailes's methodology. Abolishing the Fairness Doctrine will be studied for centuries as one of the single greatest acts of self-destruction in world history.

Damn I messed up we gotta go bald

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

And "It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer."

He's got a funny way of helping that along by voting to aquit. But what? Some dude on twitter says the opposite of the actual vote cast. I guess believe the rando' from twitter.

So what if the prediction about securing impeachment = 100% false (since impeachment not secured), I believe it anyway! - Probobly you

bobknight33 said:

Dreaming my son.

what about this..
Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Dreaming my son.

what about this..
Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer.

newtboy said:

There's no evidence nutjob John Sullivan posed as a pro Trump supporter in any way besides being there. He claims to be a journalist, and anti police brutality activist...and has a company that seeks croudfunding based on those claims.

There's absolutely zero evidence he's Antifa, and no real indications he's affiliated with BLM in any way besides believing in their slogan. The closest I can find is....

“I was worried about people recognizing me and thinking that I was Antifa or, like, BLM or whatever,” he told the outlet. “The entire time they’re yelling, ‘F— Antifa! F—, BLM.’ I’m not saying I’m Antifa, by any means. But I definitely believe Black Lives Matter.”

BLM says he is not a member and has no affiliation with them.

So again, how does one BLM supporter (not member) filming the riots somehow prove your claims of an army of militant Antifa directing and instigating the pro Trump violence?

How Marvel Actually Makes Movies Years Before Filming

cloudballoon says...

All the previs in the world can't make bad scripts into good movies.

I enjoyed the early Avengers movies (the Ironmans and the 1st Thor & Capt), then the later ones are all bore-fests.

Why are they dumb? For me MCU movies have the tendency of the second 3 heroes are on screen together the action gets dumb.

Super busy VFX bores me to death, there's rarely any emotional payoff in those scenes. And all these previs does is to make a busy mess of action shots. Meh...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Isn't he insane enough without you giving him a unibomber pep talk?
Christ sake, another mess I have to straighten out

I was just com---

-+3#-$(" c
Bob. This is Q. I can't tell you my location but rest assured, wait and stay the course. People thought that biden winning was the big steal, but no, it's much bigger than that. It all goes back to obama's birth. Follow the placenta. That's where the truth will uh oh

Coming here to see if he'd coming to his senses yet, oh well.

BSR said:

Oh come on. You probably bought yourself some guns and are getting sick and tired of shooting clay pigeons. All that money you've spent on weapons going to waste while you wrestle with the urge to use them for what you really purchased them for.

I get it though. "No gun. No respect." -Grand Canyon

Off-duty firefighter rushes into restaurant to put out fire

Doorman honest truth about a guy taking 4 bouncers on...

Rocket Sled Impact Test In Slow-Motion

mxxcon says...

It got smashed the fuck up! That will teach the Russkies if they mess with America, we will send more rocket sleds against their inert nuclear weapons!

Buttle said:

It's not clear to me what this says about our Nuclear Weapon Stockpile. What was in that inert dummy nosecone, and how did it do?


BSR says...

Nobody should mess with a man that wants his pussy back.

Never pictured Bob Odenkirk as this kind of character after his role in Breaking Bad. Gotta watch this one! AND Christopher Lloyd too!!

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

BSR says...

It's like republicans need a babysitter to keep them from jumping on the couch and scribbling on the walls with crayons. Not to mention the shaving cream mess.

newtboy said:

Oh no.....say it ain't so.....

A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three officials briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee.

Richard Hopkins’s claim that a postmaster in Erie, Pa., instructed postal workers to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day was cited by Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) in a letter to the Justice Department calling for a federal investigation. Attorney General William P. Barr subsequently authorized federal prosecutors to open probes into credible allegations of voting irregularities and fraud, a reversal of long-standing Justice Department policy.

But on Monday, Hopkins, 32, told investigators from the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General that the allegations were not true, and he signed an affidavit recanting his claims, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe an ongoing investigation. Democrats on the House Oversight Committee tweeted late Tuesday that the “whistleblower completely RECANTED.”

Hopkins did not respond to messages seeking comment.

This liar was cited in numerous Trump lawsuits as the best most direct evidence of fraud....they've got nothing.

Surprise surprise surprise. 🤦‍♂️


newtboy says...

His personal lack of planning, lack of concern, and total ineptitude caused it. Because he isn't a leader, he shirks responsibility, but the responsibility is his, personally.

And he did it again, 17 more of you chumps were hospitalized for heat stroke/exhaustion after another super spreader rally yesterday. When fire trucks and paramedics showed up to help the people collapsed on the ground, Trump actually suggested they might be the enemy attacking his crowd, saying "lets find out if they're friend or foe, and if they're foe let's take care of this", telling the crowd to attack the first responders who were trying to save their lives if they suspect they might be non cultists... he's so incredibly clueless and irresponsible, and he doesn't care if you die as long as you vote for him first.

How many have had to be hospitalized after Biden rallies? ZERO.

At this point, it's a certainty that his Petri dish events have killed at least hundreds by infecting thousands, in every state he visits there's a corresponding massive spike in cases and deaths a week or so later, contact traced back to his rallies every time. This is forcing new lockdowns and has already overrun the medical system in many areas.

Side note, he's socialistically dumping the problems on the first responders in the areas too, having made no plans or contingencies for these foreseeable fiascos, costing the local towns tens of thousands to millions in unrecoverable tax dollars to clean up his messes, and he still hasn't even paid for his rallies from 2016 in most cases, costing dozens of cities millions each for events he put on with the agreement to pay for them, agreements he consistently welches on.

As for his idiotic herd immunity plan guaranteed to kill at least 8 million Americans and likely to kill more like 50-75 million thanks to a total overrun of the medical system causing a lack of treatment for most, virologists have determined the immunity it might give the population wouldn't last one year before the virus mutates enough to reinfect everyone, starting the pandemic cycle over.

But you fell for the idea because you a low IQ tool.

And this is you guy you voting for?


bobknight33 said:

Like Trump personally left them there.

BS news and you fell for it because you a low IQ tool.

And this is you guy you voting for ?

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

bobknight33 says...

Large scale election fraud is being pushed by democrats not by BOSS Trump. Trump just points it out. Just wait till the mess starts after the election. It will be a train wreck and every one know it.

MEGA Landslide 2020 and democrats are trying desperately to cheat to cause mayhem, confusion, distraction from this very fact.

Trumps base is growing and is larger that 2016. More from every demographic.

newtboy said:

Another lying Trumpanzee twit.

Leave American politics to Americans, Russian troll.
Trying to ignore and deny Trump's blatant racist past and present to steal a future is not sane.

Democrats gave up racism at the same time Republicans adopted it when they went with the Southern strategy to court southern racists. They never stopped.

Republicans were caught committing state wide voter fraud in California by placing fake drop boxes across the state so they can steal and toss out mail in votes, just one of the dozens of cases of Republican massive voter fraud, not any cases of Democrats committing massive, or miniscule vote fraud. Liar.

Democrats haven't cheated, Republicans keep getting caught red handed almost daily on a massive scale. Today it was the California chapter of the Republican party that committed dozens if not hundreds of felonies trying to steal ballots by the tens of thousands, each charge comes with a four year sentence, and it took hundreds to try to pull off this election heist.

Large scale election fraud is the only way dumb Donald can win, being as he's double digits behind Biden and slipping, that's why he's publicly called for illegal voter intimidation at the polls, illegal double voting by any Trumpster, and advocates stealing ballots and destroying them like he lied about Democrats doing in the debate, but we all knew instantly it was all lies even before the fact checkers. If he could win without cheating, why do Republicans keep cheating for him? Why does he keep begging you to cheat for him?

Go home Dmitry. No one here cares about your foreign interference attempts, you're way too dumb to sound credible...or even American. You barely sound like English is a second language, you would fail any English class on earth, even lower school Russian to English one. You are NOT smarter than a fifth grader.


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