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Life after thirty

eric3579 says...

For me both those things improved DRASTICALLY when i changed to a healthier lifestyle/ diet. My shits and boners are amazing now! Now if i could just figure out how to get my dick to stop leaking right after i take a piss

StukaFox said:

Life after THIRTY?! Y'all can go FUCK yoselfs! Try life after FIFTY when the two greatest joys in life are an easy shit and a twice-yearly erection.

Tim Minchin | Leaving LA

eric3579 says...

Love the use of Zoetropes for the video. Well done.


Check the locks and leave the keys
Mouldy bath masked with Febreeze
Something's dead behind the refrigerator
Some poor fuck will deal with it later

I’ve spent the last ten weeks
Squeezing out the sponge of friendships, plugging leaks
I've talked until there's no more to say
I’m going away
I'm leaving LA
I'm leaving LA

And the tourists say
"Please give me the directions to the Hollywood sign
I always dreamt of coming here to see the Hollywood sign"
But on their way back down we'll ask
"Did you have a good time?"
They'll say "it's just some fuckin' letters on a hill"

I wander through the Bronson Caves
One more OK coffee at the Oaks Gourmet
I'll watch the players at the UCB
Trying to improvise their way out of ennui

Walking trails in the creeping dark
Up to the observatory in Griffith Park
There’s too much light for stars anyway
I’m getting out of this place
I'm leaving LA
I’m leaving LA

And the studio executives who never made a thing
Blaming other for their failures, taking credit for their wins
Wiping the blood of dumb artists from their chins
Singing, "kid you oughtn't take it personally"

On Hollywood and Vine a dime-store Spider-Man
Shouting at a stoned Emma Stone, dressed à la La La Land
And in the distance, in both its glorious dimensions
The sign projects its shadow on the hill

Rushing by machine-gunned cops at LAX
Malfunctioning departure board says we're boarding next
Belt off, shoes off, jacket off, hat
Don't need the attitude, but I quite enjoy the subsequent pat-down
And I’m sat down
As the A380 engine roars
Pushed backwards as this tube of monkeys rumbles forwards

I'm looking forward to another twenty hours on a plane
Nothing but shit films and my brain
I've been going slowly insane
I've seen your sport and I don't wanna play
I'm getting out of this place
I'm getting out of this place
I'm leaving LA

And the actors at Gratitude drinking undrinkable juice
And the agents taking ten percent in their sneakers and suits
And the writers in their Teslas trying to punch up Act One
Driving home on the 101 in the relentless fucking sun
And the needy and the greedy and the hopeless and horny
And the deals done on treadmills at ten to six in the morning
And the Captain's on the PA saying "look for the sign!"
But I find it's just some fuckin' letters on a hill
Just some really ugly letters
On a pretty ugly hill

I'm leaving LA
I'm leaving 'ell

Trump Impeached

geo321 says...

it wasn't the Russians that leaked to Wikileaks that the Clinton campaign rigged the election campaign, it was an internal staffer that was pissed in 2016. The second so called hack of Podesta's emails by fishing by G2 we dont know the origin yet. but we do know the first leak in the election to wikileaks came from a staffer in the DNC to report on rigging.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

No Bob. Wrong again. Some were background witnesses that prove the mindset....removing a top diplomat known internationally for her anti corruption successes in the manner he did it was like like photos of Trump dismantling video cameras the night before he robbed his own bank, they don't prove he did it, and he has the right to remove them, but it's still good evidence he was planning the crime. There were also direct witnesses to his actions, and what the Ukrainians were saying.
We get more direct witnesses today, including numerous professionals who were listening in on the phone calls.

Most leaks have come directly from the Whitehouse, and a never ending stream from Giuliani, but he used them. Secondly, what exactly was he so worried might leak about his perfect phone calls that he needed to create a secret non governmental channel to do foreign policy based on ridiculous false claims from criminal Ukrainians who paid him for access, then hide all evidence behind a top secret clearance firewall? Could it be because the State Department had already debunked both theories thoroughly, or because the payments from Russian tied Ukrainians was totally illegal, as is selling American policy to the highest foreign bidders? Next excuse.

Bob, you know the Republicans aren't asking about the facts or offering a defense, but are only using their time to make false statements about Biden and the witnesses, and to whine about the process they themselves designed, right?

...and you add a video from rabid nutbag Jordan why? His animated blatherings were only designed to confuse and obfuscate, and had no logical bearing on the procedure. His rapid fire naming players only works on morons who can't follow along, anyone with an iq above 80 understands Songland was revising his testimony because others testified he was lying. Taylor recalled having been told by Songland's staff, Mr Morrison, about Songlands conversations with Mr Yarmack, a Ukrainian official, about meetings with Zelensky and Pence (and what he told Yarmack was the meeting was conditional on an investigation announcement over Biden, not Burisma or corruption, and it was cancelled because there was no such public announcement). Mr Morrison would testify the same, so Songland had to admit the conversation happened. Hilariously, until that admission, Songland was your guy, now you guys pretend you can't follow one sentence if it has 5 names in it. This from the guy who brought you Benghazi, numerous closed door secret investigations over nonsense with zero evidence or corroboration. *facepalm

Btw, Zelensky had a scheduled interview to announce his Biden investigation in a quid pro quo for the funding release, but the illegal funding hold and related extortion was discovered publicly first and the scheme fell apart days before he gave the interview, which he cancelled as soon as the funds were released and the extortion plot ruined. If he wasn't being extorted, he would have had that interview anyway.

Funny how they repeatedly use their time to complain about not being allowed to ask questions (a total lie btw) in closed door sessions or to make false accusations against others like Biden or Schiff instead of asking questions about this case....even the Republican lawyer. It's like they have no defense....oh, wait.

Keep laughing. I know Jordan being the best you've got gives me a chuckle. Rational people see him as the total nutjob he is.

bobknight33 said:

I'm not crying I'm laughing my ass off over the democrat special. Only hearsay witnesses.

State department pissed that they weren't used. With all the leaks no wonder Trump bypassed this group.

Your drinking Shift Koolaid and being killed by facts.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

bobknight33 says...

I'm not crying I'm laughing my ass off over the democrat special. Only hearsay witnesses.

State department pissed that they weren't used. With all the leaks no wonder Trump bypassed this group.

Your drinking Shift Koolaid and being killed by facts.

newtboy said:

Lol. Oh Bob. I see you didn't get that help you are crying out for.

Schiff isn't the one saying it.
It's the over a dozen Trump administration officials, you know, like the people who gave him a million dollars towards his election campaign to then be installed in his cabinet with zero experience, people that he now calls never trumpers...them, and idiot Trump himself who released a heavily redacted call summary, called it a transcript, and inexplicably left in the parts where he insisted on investigations into political rivals (and no one else) in exchange for releasing congressionally approved aid.

If Trump drained the swamp, it was only to turn it into the world's largest and most ecologically disastrous sewage holding pond.

Great job? On what? Destroying our international standing and standards? There he IS simply the best. Sucking up and capitulating to our enemies while abandoning and distancing our allies? Yep, better than all the rest. Lying to the American people? Better than anyone else. Running a criminal administration for his personal enrichment? No one else could pass the test.

If you call his disastrous work a "great job", what will you call his removal? The best job ever? You are so delusional that just last week you claimed Republicans run the house and Democrats run the Senate so you could blame our badly flawed paperless voting system on those evil Senate Democrats. *facepalm

Wasted billions on 70 miles of new wall.....that's really replacement fence that can be cut through in under a minute with a reciprocating saw, and only where barriers existed. Great. Increased illegal immigration exponentially. Great. Tax cuts/government welfare for the rich but not the needy that exploded the deficit and debt. Great. Failed trade agreements that have cost tens-hundreds of billions only to put us in a far worse position than before he started. Great. Zero investment in infrastructure. Great. Total decimation of environmental laws.
Great. Abandoning our best allies against terrorism to cozy up to dictators. Great. Best of all, he's widened the divide in America more than all administrations in the last 150 years combined, and recently began calling for preparation for civil war if he's not re-elected. Great.

Um...if he's removing deep state operatives, why are they all his people being jailed? More than even any two term administration ever, beating Nixon's indictment and conviction rates in under two years, before the Mueller fallout. Indeed, in that time he has had more than twice the convictions of all Democratic administration officials since 1970....again, before most Mueller convictions. (It bears noting that Republican officials are convicted at a rate >91 times that of Democrats).

What you really meant to say.....No matter what Trump says it is guaranteed to be a lie.

Media Calls Baghdadi AUSTERE SCHOLAR?

newtboy says...

Asinine whining.

As was written in the obituary being referenced, he was once an austere religious scholar. The quickly changed headline was a cut and paste mistake, which was immediately replaced with "extremist leader". Get over it idiot snowflakes. No matter what the WaPo does, these morons will twist it to try to make it seem negative.

Now, @bobknight33, please explain why Trump notified the Russians ahead of the operation but ignored his lawful obligation to notify Congress. The answer is obvious, he believes he works for Putin/ the Russians and not America. His moronic excuse, that congress would have leaked it so he couldn't tell them, is not only just dumb, it's wrong and illegal, and doesn't make a whit of sense since he did tell our enemies-Russia and Syria. If congress had leaked anything about the secret operation before it was declassified, he could and would have insisted the DOJ prosecute them for releasing top secret info....and exposing top secret information is something Trump has done repeatedly, once directly telling Russian ambassadors top secret information that did irreparable harm to ongoing intelligence gathering against Daesh, then declassifying it after the fact.

Which mistake makes zero difference, and which is an intentional attack against American law, our government, and the constitution?

RIP Ants

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Could Earth's Heat Solve Our Energy Problems?

newtboy says...

Please site your sources for this information.
I'm assuming they mean the estimated radiation from a properly functioning nuclear power plant and not the average actual radiation, which includes meltdowns, leaks, transportation accidents, etc. I can't imagine any geothermal plant ever contaminating like Chernobyl or Fukushima did.

It bears noting that coal ash is apparently 3-6 more radioactive than properly functioning nuclear power plants emit for the same energy generation, and it gets absorbed both directly from particles and indirectly in food and water.

Spacedog79 said:

Don't tell the environmentalists how much radiation geothermal releases. It is many orders of magnitude more than a nuclear power station and if they were held to the same standard they would never be built.

Expo 86 - Something's Happening Here VHS (1986)

The Left Wing Turned on Julian Assange w/ Abby Martin

ChaosEngine says...

The left are also kinda down on the whole sexual assault thing at the moment too.

Personally, I have very little problem with the leaks thing, but Assange himself seems like a pretty unsavoury guy.

370 Federal Prosecutors Would Indict Trump For Felonies

If Fox News Covered Trump the Way It Covered Obama

newtboy says...

Oh Bob, comparing apples to turd sandwiches again I see.

Let's see the other video comparing the Republican's position in 98 to their position today....oops, I guess you forgot they were insistent that it ALL be public when it was about Clinton, including destroying uncharged individuals like Lewinsky, grand jury testimony, finances, taxes, etc. Back then it was unconscionable that any snippet of information Starr found be kept private, the public had a right to know everything they can about the president, today they argued the Barr report was the end all, no need to open the redacted Mueller report at all, forget letting anyone see it all even in closed session and absolutely not the public, ever....and the unredacted report should probably be destroyed before it leaks.

Just duh, Bob. You're grasping again.

bobknight33 said:

Jerry Nadler In 1998 Contradicts Everything Jerry Nadler In 2019 Has To Say

Mueller Report: 9 Odd Things About the Barr Letter

newtboy says...

All 9 make sense when you remember Barr was chosen for this position in order to protect Trump from the findings, specifically because he repeatedly proclaimed Trump immune from prosecution and the investigation illegal, politically motivated, and purely partisan before being considered for the position.

The "summary" from Barr replaced the clear, sanitized summaries the investigators wrote themselves and included with the report with the intention being their summaries would be released immediately with no need whatsoever to redact them. This has so angered the professional investigators that they have told acquaintances (who then told the press) it's a pure partisan whitewash, totally misrepresenting their findings and the evidence....and that there is clear, damming, prosecutable evidence of obstruction.
Note, there were zero leaks from this team until they were forced to defend the contents and summaries of the investigation from partisan lies and attempts to misrepresent and hide the findings.

Don't believe the known liars, we don't know a thing until the entire report is public...only propaganda from a dishonest administration.

What happens when you SHOOT a Water Tower

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