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Hidden Camera: Jim Jefferies exposed for deceptive editing

newtboy says...

....he says devisively.

Since Faux and Murdoch invented the current partisan fake news industry, and other bastions of right wing media are Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Alex Jones, all three bat shit crazy or insanely hard core drug addicts....or really sound silly whining about leftist media, especially since what you're complaining about and seem to be comparing to right wing 'news' is actually leftist comedy.

Edit: That said, I never liked J.J., and I do think this is a chicken shit move by him.

NaMeCaF said:

Not surprised in the least. Leftest TV always does this.

The left and mainstream media do more to divide us than anyone else.


Longest time to spin a billiards ball!Guinness World Records

Sagemind says...

As a child, we found Guinness World Records something interesting.
Today, I find most of these records very trivial.
I feel like anyone can get a Guinness World Record - all you need to do is invent something measurable and do it first.

How Rwanda Built A Drone Delivery Service

Pete Drake & his talking steel guitar - "Forever"

newtboy says...

Best Frampton by years with this, but Wiki says Alvino Rey and Gilbert Wright each invented different versions of the effect separately in 1939. All news to me.

Let's Talk About That Gillette Ad...

bcglorf says...

I'm reluctant to agree too much with each other, especially on something that's apparently controversial. That said, a simple string of Trump tweets and finishing with his "grab them by the p****" audio would have been more powerful. You don't have a more cut and tried example of "toxic masculinity" sitting at the top of the patriarchy than him. If you invented the example 5 years ago people would have derided it as too outrageously over the top and calling for something a little more realistic.

newtboy said:

I thought they should have included Trump publicly bragging about....well, every single bad behavior mentioned and then some.
He is in the position of exemplar in chief but has utterly failed to live up to it for even a single second. This could/should be directed right at him.

It did seem to me they directed this at all men, a few of whom they think act appropriately sometimes. I identify with the guys stepping in, and I still think this ad targeted my gender, not a few bad actors, and much worse it implied these bad behaviors aren't perpetrated by women, which is just ridiculous and false.

BMX But Not As You Know It | Home w/ Tim Knoll

Tom Cruise Hates Motion Smoothing

Sarzy says...

YES! Whoever invented motion smoothing is a monster. It's the worst thing to happen to cinema since colorization. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't turned on by default, which means that a whole bunch of people who aren't tech-savvy wind up leaving it on and then wonder why movies look so weird.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Vox: Why gamers use WASD to move

diego says...

I have a very hard time believing thresh invented/mainstreamed WASD.

First, well before quake there were games that required mouselook, probably most notably descent and xwing type games. (Joysticks were expensive, uncommon peripherals for the most part). I clearly remember playing both of those games with a keyboard / mouse setup like today, and that feels like it was around 2 years prior to quake's release.

Second, as a diehard quake junkie who practically camped outside the store to get my hands on the game, from the very beginning there were many sites dedicated to qtest (the beta), and the very first thing those pages trafficked were cfg files from all the people arguing which control method was best. (then came skins, maps, quakeworld, mods, machinima, etc). I would say WASD was pretty well established well before Thresh won his ferrari- I dont have any statistical data or anything, and I think its cool that carmack included his .cfg file in later releases, but I highly doubt he was the first to use it / that people used it because they wanted to imitate him.

China Flies Drones Disguised As Birds To Spy On Citizens

Liberals 'Drag' Kids Into Early Sexualization

bobknight33 says...

KKK was a Democrat invention and Nazi were fascist just like the Democrat sided antifa.

newtboy said:

Sure, @bobknight33, but when right wingers bring their children to violent Confederate, KKK, and Nazi rallies, those are good people teaching their children about the real world, and it's perfectly reasonable for them to teach their children to violently hate who they do.

I suppose you would like to have some government regulations imposed on parenting so everyone is required to do it as you see fit, right?

A Scary Time

ChaosEngine says...

You can totally be against both. Most reasonable people are.

What you shouldn't do is assume that they are both equally bad and equally prevalent (important note: I'm not saying @bcglorf is doing this.... but other people are definitely doing this).

Obviously, a false accusation of rape is a terrible thing. In the most extreme circumstances, it can lead to having years of your life taken away in prison. But sexual assault is a life sentence, you will carry that to your grave.

Second, as I've pointed out before, the idea that we're seeing an epidemic of false accusations is not supported by evidence. The numbers are hard to come by, but it's not even 1% of actual rapes (nevermind lesser sexual assault like groping, etc).

Finally, where is the abandoning of proof and evidence? Show me someone who has been convicted of sexual assault without any evidence. There's a big difference between accepting an allegation is worth looking into and convicting that person.

If a woman (or a man) comes forward with a claim of sexual assault, they are entitled to be taken seriously. That doesn't mean their alleged assailant is guilty though.

IMO, the real issue here is one of deflection. Trump and his cronies are basically inventing this narrative of victimhood where women are on the lookout for men to falsely accuse of rape, which is patently bullshit.

bcglorf said:

Can I be against both rape AND false accusations of rape? Can I be both scared of abandoning proof and evidence AND for the safety of women?

newtboy (Member Profile)

Reinventing The Car Tire Using Coil Springs

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