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Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

dannym3141 says...

If you think the outrage expressed here is floundering and forced, you should imagine how we feel about your impotent, condescending reaction to our outrage. Please double check all harnesses and straps for safety before you parachute down from your own high horse. A horse so high your dismount could be sponsored by red bull.

What's funny is that you think being annoyed by Dreadlock Hitler is pathetic, but you're annoyed because the target looks like someone you don't like and listens to music you don't enjoy. I guess that's just fine, but we should all grow up!

Imagoamin said:

He sure looks and sounds like every burn out at a phish concert I've ever known. Just a very annoying type of dude, in my experience.

But whatever, not like I feel like he needs to be "taught a lesson" or needs a "head check", like the floundering outrage in these comments.

Teen arrested by 9 cops for jaywalking

Drachen_Jager says...

Is revolution the only way to deal with this? Cops get ever more out of hand and politicians seem completely impotent (to deal with Cop violence, they seem fine when it's their dicks leading them into trouble).

Cops always whine about their safety, without ever thinking for a second that turning the public against themselves by these brutal tactics is going to result in a far more dangerous work environment for them and their colleagues.

Should we be able to downvote siftbot ? (User Poll by BoneRemake)

siftbot says...

Whether you want to or not, I am master of this domain and immune to your impotent attempts to hinder my greatness.

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

Asmo says...

Because we want racist, homophobic, ostensibly "straight" but showing all the signs of being a closeted self loather morons like yourself to suffer under the gay tyranny!!

Change is coming/has come/will keep coming, and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. You're impotent, flaccid, unable to become erect, a floppy fossil that has already passed in to irrelevance. You can rant and rave and troll to your hearts content, but if you really feel that strongly about it, prepare to be fucking disappointed bitch! ; )

bobknight33 said:


What gives the gay agenda the right to impose their " morals" onto others?

The Making of Elite: Dangerous

Officer Friendly is NOT your friend

VoodooV says...

you're ONE cop out of hundreds of thousands.

you honestly think you CAN "represent" cops here? You think you SHOULD?

Who elected/appointed you? Why should we consider you credible in any way? Even if I had zero prior contact with you and my opinion of you was neutral or even the slightest bit positive, you're committing an appeal to authority fallacy. You just defended the notion that a cop can/should lie.

Once again, you have this problem with anecdotal evidence. You are ONE datapoint out of hundreds of thousands. You don't have this magic insight you claim to have. you...can only speak for...yourself. The cop in this video has already spoken for himself.

you have NO authority here. You're just like shinyblurry mindlessly quoting the bible as if it should mean something.

You're impotent

lantern53 said:

Enoch, I agree with you 100%.

In my defense, I am not defending bad behavior or bad cops. They make the rest of us (the majority) look bad.

All I'm trying to do is bring some light to the subject. I have inside knowledge of how things are. There is another side to every story, which is one of the first thing a cop learns.

But there are a lot of rabid cop-haters out there (or gathered together in a cave and surfing videosift) who will never accept anything I say or try to see it from another perspective.

Bad cops are the exception, not the rule, which is my focus in these discussions.

When I say that courts have ruled that cops can lie, it doesn't mean cops go around lying to everyone. It means that during an investigation or investigative stop, you can bluff someone to reveal criminal behavior. The courts will certainly let you know that lying in court will result in your termination, the loss of your pension, your whole career.

I agree with you that cops should be held to a higher standard. I don't like fat cops, rude cops, aggressive cops. My favorite co-workers are those with a good sense of humor, self-deprecation and a common-sense perspective.

But whenever I make a comment on here, people just weave these incredible fabrications of corruption and accusation...eventually I think, fuck it, what a waste of time.

Then I take a break and I try it again. What a fool I am!

the man who gets 100 orgasms a day

WaterDweller says...

I wonder if he's tried medications to dampen his arousal. There are several psychoactive drugs that have reduced desire, impotence and inability to orgasm as side effects. For normal people, that tends to be distressing, but in his case, it might be worth a try. Though there are plenty of other, less than desirable side effects to deal with as well.

He's Too Manly To Scream Like A Little Girl!

Gregorioft says...

good viagra alternative "...the venom of the spider can also cause priapism in humans. Erections resulting from the bite are uncomfortable, can last for many hours and can lead to impotence. A component of the venom is being studied for use in erectile dysfunction treatments"

Mike Love - Permanent Holiday

eric3579 says...

Lord, I’m on a Permanent Holiday I’m goin outside to play.
I ain’t gonna slave away. Not for no corporate Babylon.
I’m never gonna be a pawn in their manipulation games
I’m taking the reigns, breaking the chains, I’m never gonna kneel, no way.
My prophet is heaven sent.
No preacher or president gonna lead I astray

I’m taking Jah highway home.
I’ve got my own path to follow
Don’t know if you’ll overstand , I’ve got my own truth to swallow.
And if I could you know I would throw my guitar on my back,
Pick up the slack and leave here tomorrow. But I know that I’m
A pawn of Babylon, I got to face the facts, embrace the axe
And cut these chains of my sorrow

10,000 years of captivity, we must eventually open up our eyes and see
They’re manipulating we. With so much uncertainty and so many mysteries,
Why are so few questioning the unnatural state of things.
It’s a nightmare, we’re living in a nightmare, everyone’s living so scared
They’re virtually unaware of this fear that rules their lives, occupies, consumes their minds
This fear of bankruptcy, financial impotency. It’s money, money , money.
It’s all this digital currency. It’s all this monopoly money that keeps us from ever being free.
And so it seems we’ll be in this prison for life
Cause If we keep buying then they’ll keep selling the lies
And so it’s up to I & I
I won’t be manipulated, mind-controlled and inundated,
I will seek the revelation, make my life a celebration.
I’m gonna be the change I’m seeking, manifest the words I’m speaking
I refuse to be imprisoned I will make my own decisions

I’ll never go astray no.
I’m leaving the past and forwarding fast cause freedom is here to stay.
We got to take back the knowledge, take back the power
Take back what they have stolen from our hearts
Take back the esoteric knowledge, for too long they’ve been keeping us apart.
We got to take back the knowledge, take back the power,
Humanity don’t let this be our final hour.

Colbert Shows Just How Backward Florida Gun Laws Are

Januari says...

I was going to dismiss this as partisan bias, not particularly relevant to the video.
But after thinking about it, your 100% right. On this issue he has most certainly demonstrated he is completely impotent and incapable or unwilling to do much of anything. As a liberal i would describe him exactly that way.

lantern53 said: liberals spell 'inept'.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Retention Managed:

...and then some. are funnier and funnier...hilarious watching you drop your stains around.... you for days at a time dribbling until you get a load off your "little...mind" and it takes no investment or energy to ellicit.

...oh, and the payoff is coming...I promise to actually pay attention to you when I have nothing else better to do like...oh...another dust mote took my mind off your stink again....

......and your dribbled trail of impotent lies and etc., you will see them again...and so will everyone else. Delete all you will...impotent, did I say?

chingalera said:

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chingalera says...
Tired of you calling me shit-Get a new script-yer a problem

chicchorea said:
...your stink won't wash off...and piled deep....

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Preservation managed:

...are you really so deluded that you think everyone is as stupid as you evidently...hiatus...RIGHT.

Integrity...again...RIGHT...I have enumerated but a few of your lies and your misdeeds plainly, publically, and repeatedly but not answered by you.

For your convenience, again, here:

And neither can you or will you. YOU DARE NOT...CANNOT...but impotently deny and deflect. You have made much many times at others not answering point after point. Why not me.

You have not taken me up on or put to me to prove them as I have given you opportunity to repeatedly...why not? I know do you. I have only spoken in verifiable facts. Your actions...facts about you and your actions. And...they are all available to everyone here as they were to me. I reiterate, derivable from your own actions and words here.

And deserve the same as you have given and give to others on this site or rather have not.

chingalera said:

AAAAAaand the award for preserving his self-promulgated fossilized manure in the vainest of attempts to create meaning from his unilaterally abstract and confabulate mentations goes too...CHI-CHO Spam-banna-Cop, for his stalwart, discriminate and extremely mundane dedication to hearing himself masturbate publicly.

Hip hip, HARANGUE!!

(tell ya to look that word up but for someone who chooses which definitions of words derives whatever meaning chosen appropriate for himself well, context being the whore that she is for you it might simply confuse.)

Thanks for the smiley-face today btw, on my profile-page, it was a welcome and refreshing change-of-pace from your recent graffiti on my personal space during my (insert duration and specific intent here which suits) 'hiatus.'

(Coprolite Preservation Managed)

chingalera says...(Chingalera Profile Page)
Below is an example of 'baiting'. I made the public announcement that I would be taking a hiatus from the site to draw-out the quarry: A person who would use his time spraying graffiti on a user's private personal area with a view to no resolution or truth, no self-awareness with the hope of a mutual understanding, rather than engaging in a civil and private discussion about his particular beef with me, chicco now comes with Krylon in-hand.

Unable to defend the indefensible, he degrades into personal-attacks and provocation with a single goal in mind-To attempt to compromise my integrity and provoke some public outburst.

Ain't gonna happen this time sir. I call bullshit when I see it, always have, always will.
5 hours 24 minutes ago up0downflag spam (0)ignore

chingalera says...
As I have asked civilly of you many times chicco, I would appreciate you not making comments to my profile page anything but a private matter. Again, and as have others I have asked (as I extend the courtesy to all, up-front) you simply ignore my requests of decorum because you understand that it is perhaps a type of balm for your self-injury this pestering me and poking at me personally. You rudely disregard this civil request made several times.

Ok, if you think it's a clever trap then that's what it is...a simpler explanation may very well be that once again one or a team of sophomoric pricks have a personal hard-on to see someone burn so they come to shit all over their profile page in that user's absence. This has been perpetrated before by other pricks with the same m.o. and those all tend to remain long-gone, but the flavor after the waft of their of shit continues to linger.

Again, no respect for my privacy.

(To the community-at-large, I continually ask chichorrea whom I have rubbed the wrong way by exposing his unilateral weakness to having his lying and cruelty exposed to remain private in spewing bile upon my profile page an in my absence, he instead litters it like some billboard advertisement announcing 'horseshit for sale')

If you are bound and determined with your unilateral project chicco and you know I'll bite to defend my integrity, why not wait until I come back to participate on this site with the community in-mind before throwing pebbles at my back door?

Who is actually displaying the cowardice here? Really?!

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

The only ways you found my below comment was following my comment stream (most likely) or the site comment stream(less likely) on your "hiatus(lie). Excuses to the contrary being transparent. Your behavior pattern with people here is long well established and known.
chicchorea says... hindsight...a impotent attempt at damage control....

chingalera said:

Dude? You losing it? Why would I need to troll your comment stream? All I had to do was sign-into my account and your bullshit is all over my profile...You should look-up the definition of hiatus and maybe use some critical-thinking?

I'm only active here during a hiatus to scrub my profile walls off of your shit daily so others won't have to read your break-down as you ride this train of yours, JESUS! I have to start thinking that this is a joke now because it's getting kinna retarded...Are you pulling-my-leg 'n shit now?? Even if it is a joke it's a fucking lame one ....How long have you been on this site? Why not sift some videos and talk to more people, ya got the Asperger's or what, because you definitely don't know how to carry-on a conversation!?

Your armchair analysis of my's broken-down as well.

13 Year old girl sings a live cover of the Beatles'

chingalera says...

And, with foresight and expecting more of the same lame bullshit from the cheapest of seats upon my return, a much lamer attempt at an apology for what anyone would construe as as a personal attack upon my character at the most egregious of levels.

Pathetic. I post a comment on my personal profile of my hiatus and you in your nothing-else-better-to-do predictable manner, return to your own vomit in an attempt to pick a fight, pour gasoline on a bonfire, or how ever many more analogous quips I could belch forth to describe your fundamental character flaw.

You simply hate that which you do not understand chicco, is the bottom-line of this whole dance.

Who is impotent? The only damage to be seen from your completely off-base analysis of the comment in question, is that you have serious problems relating to anything resembling a real community.

I'd like to say go fuck yourself but that would be quite crude and I might be accused of breaking some bullshit rule. So I won't.

chicchorea said: hindsight...a impotent attempt at damage control....

13 Year old girl sings a live cover of the Beatles'

chicchorea says... hindsight...a impotent attempt at damage control....

chingalera said:

Well I think she's adorable and would benefit tremendously from private musical instruction and I'd be happy to personally oblige.(free room and board and air-fare included)....Please contact me at for arrangements.
-Choggie Kendall

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