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No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

newtboy says...

No, it's about law.
Warren Jeffries (EDIT: that's Warren Jeffs) people did all that, on a smaller scale. They weren't their own country, even though they got away with it for decades.
No, but they couldn't indiscriminately bomb Houston and any large gatherings either....not even if Spencer might be there. The first American civilian they kill will start a war...a real, legitimate war.

P.S.. Holy Crap, you might be interested to know that Trump threatened the Mexican president with exactly that logic, your army can't get the bad hombres, so he might send ours there to do it. Lucky us, Mexico decided to not be a nuclear power.

bcglorf said:


Then, you (We) are suggesting legitimizing their claim to be autonomous states by accepting that classification to be able to declare war against them.

I addressed exactly that in my longer follow up to Enoch. I am asking you to open your eyes and look at the reality on the ground. It's not about legitimizing claims to statehood for convenience or opportunity or semantics or whatever. It is that an area of land larger than many European countries was running under their laws. Was paying them taxes. Was under their justice system. Was under their rule in every single manner. At that point you need to recognize the reality and call a spade a spade and start acting in accordance with reality and not just the borders drawn up on somebody's map somewhere.

You want an analogy in America, than have the whole state of Texas under the control of Richard Spencer and his likes. The American police don't go there, because they fear for their lives. Even the American military has stopped pushing in because their losses were too much. Instead the American military is using back chanels to mostly direct their violent terrorist attacks towards the Mexicans. If Mexico gets tired of Texans coming in and killing them, do they have no further recourse than to ask pretty, pretty please to the US to extradite Spencer and crack down on extremists? That is the reality in Tribal Pakistan with the Taliban calling all the shots.

Sheriff Arpaio Concludes Obama Birth Certificate is a Forger

Payback says...

Lulz, looks like he might run for President some day...

"From 2004 through November 2007, Arpaio was the target of 2,150 lawsuits in U.S. District Court and hundreds more in Maricopa County courts, with more than $50 million in claims being filed,[77] 50 times as many prison-conditions lawsuits as the New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston jail systems combined.[78] Allegations of cruel treatment of inmates as well as living conditions have been cited by Amnesty International in a report issued on the treatment of inmates in Maricopa County facilities."

California Cops Lose It Over a Drone

newtboy says...

That place always reminds me of Texas City (a massive oil refinery just outside Houston). It's a 5-10minute drive on the freeway through some horrendous stench. I feel terrible for anyone living within 10 miles of either place.

shagen454 said:

Yeah, that place sucks!! You can smell it coming for miles away and there is no option to just turn up your ac and hope the smell goes away, it's terrible. That place is definitely evil and should be shut down.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Woman almost hits biker by merging, gets caught by cops

newtboy says...

For those who consider the biker's actions excessively aggressive in some way, I offer the story of my father's actual excessively aggressive reaction to the same vehicular slight.
In the 70's, my dad drove a Lincoln Continental....not just a boat but a cruise ship and tank of a car. He also drank heavily and thought nothing of driving drunk...which likely explains (but does not excuse) his actions in this story.

Driving in Houston one night, at a merge a woman refused to let him in when it was his turn. This enraged him, so he followed her for miles until she stopped at a red light. He then crept up to her bumper and shoved her car into the middle of the busy intersection, stalling her car and leaving her panicked. Satisfied with his revenge, he just turned right and left. THAT is what I consider overly aggressive. I thought the biker here was incredibly restrained and handled the situation perfectly.

Stargate Macgyver Gag-Clear & Clean

Geto Boys' Willie D to Ted Cruz: "You Owe Us An Apology"


eric3579 says...

Title, description and video hardly tell the real story.

"But according to the U.S. Marshals Service, there was a bit more to Aker’s story that wasn’t told on air.

According to the feds Aker had a warrant for his arrest and that he had been dodging them for some time.

The U.S. Marshals Service noted Tuesday that they have been given the responsibility for service of civil processes as directed by the federal court system. These civil processes can include summons for individuals to appear in court to address delinquent federal student loans.

"Since November 2012, U.S. Marshals had made several attempts to serve a show cause order to Paul Aker to appear in federal court, including searching at numerous known addresses. Marshals spoke with Aker by phone and requested he appear in court, but Aker refused. A federal judge then issued a warrant for Aker's arrest for failing to appear at a Dec. 14, 2012, hearing," the agency said in a statement Tuesday.

"It is the responsibility of the U.S. Marshals to serve civil processes at direction of the federal courts. These civil processes include summonses for individuals to appear in court to address delinquent federal loans, including student, agricultural and other loans made by federal agencies."

When officials made contact with him on Feb. 11, the U.S. Marshals said that they only sent two agents to his door. They say that when they attempted to arrest him, Aker resisted and retreated back into his home.

"The situation escalated when Aker verbally said to the deputies that he had a gun. After Aker made the statement that he was armed, in order to protect everyone involved, the deputies requested additional law enforcement assistance. Additional deputy marshals and local law enforcement officers responded to the scene. After approximately two hours, the law enforcement officers convinced Aker to peacefully exit his home, and he was arrested without further incident," the agency said in a statement.

The statement from the U.S. Marshals noted that here in Houston some 1,500 people have been identified for not appearing in court to address outstanding federal student loans.

These are likely extreme cases that have been drawn out for some time though. It's still recommended that debtors pay back their loans as quick as they can.
A judge has now issued warrants for the arrest of these people. Marshals say that every attempt is made to inform individuals of their initial summons before it comes to what Aker faced. "

Sagemind said:

Apparently, he was arrested for failing to appear in court, which is a federal offense in the US. The swat type brigade that showed up to arrest him, was because he refused to go, and told them he had a gun.

The real story here, is that a private company is being allowed to use Federal agents, at the people's expense for their own profit.

I think that's the sum of it.
Anything I missed?

HOW IT WORKS - Bamboo Scaffolding

One More Way China's Beating America....Traffic

Top 17 Yogi Berra Quotes (Sift Talk Post)

chicchorea says...

Thank you...a few I haven't heard in a coon's age. Yankee Zen.

I had forgotten that he coached in Houston for three years in the 80's.

Oh my god

newtboy says...

You remind me of the time my grandmother, at 91 years old, was walking her small dog on Memorial Drive in Houston (MAJOR street, up to hundreds of cars per minute). She tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and fell hard on her face, smashing it badly and knocking out some teeth. She ended up crawling well over 2 blocks on hands and knees in full view of the street (no bushes or trees obstructing the view), bleeding profusely down her face, and not a single car stopped to help. That was over 6 years ago, and it still boils my blood that so many people are so uncaring/unhelpful, and it makes me think these are likely the same people that beg for help at the slightest discomfort in their own lives.
Sometimes I just hate humans.

lucky760 said:

Not at all joking.

If it was staged, then I rescind my remarks about this particular video, but the sentiment in general still stands.

I find it atrocious when people do little more than stand around laughing at someone who is in legitimate need of assistance or at least compassion from their fellow human beings.

I think that is probably lacking more in America (where so many people are so arrogant, selfish, self-centered, and entertained by and numb to the suffering of others) than many or most other first-world civilizations.

Ex-cops smoke weed

newtboy says...

I'm pleased for you. My experience has differed. I was charged at 16, and again at 18, for minor personal amounts, well under a gram the first time.
I also have had 18 cops surround my car to drag a single meek 90 lb 16 year old kid off to jail for .2 grams of weed in his back pack (about 1 bong hit of dust) in California... and he was in for 4 months (his parents insisted). They had to search SO hard to find anything to get him for, they were obviously intent on taking him. (Oddly, they let me go on my way with 3 bongs, 5 pipes, and 15 empty schnapps bottles in my car....I was 17.)
I've also been ticketed for drawing a 4" long line of sidewalk chalk on a sidewalk. That cost over $200, for using the product as intended in front of my own home.
My brother, on the other hand, had a 16th birthday party with 300 kids and 12 kegs, and my dad hired the Houston police as 'security' to 1.stop drunks from driving away and 2. stop other cops from busting the party (that's how it was done in the 80's, pay them and they look the other way...probably still applies)
It's nice to hear about reasonable cops existing, I just seem to not run into any.

cason said:

I can remember at least 5 occasions growing up off the top of my head, where that exact thing happened. No charges, just buds ground into the pavement. I was even at a house party once where an officer asked the host to bring me a hammer so as I could smash my own paraphernalia, and again, no charges.

"Wild is the Wind" by David Bowie

ulysses1904 says...

I saw him on that 1978 tour in Houston. I was actually hoping for a repeat of his Station to Station tour from 1976, his show at Madison Square was amazing that year. But he changed it up, played songs from Low and Heroes with a large ensemble of musicians, including Adrian Belew. He always put on a good show.

Stormsinger said:

I was going to toss out some time around his "Low" tour, based on his dress. At least, this is virtually identical to when I saw him perform. I was kind of let down at first, having expected/anticipated a Ziggy Stardust kind of show.

But only at first...he quickly convinced me that appearance means little with Bowie.

Why do competitors open their stores next to one another?

newtboy says...

That reminds me of the last time I was in downtown Houston, there was a street intersection with 3 starbucks, 2 on the corners, one one door down. I thought it was insane, but maybe in the morning and lunch they all fill up?

ant said:

How about same exact stores so close to each other! At my former workplace, there were two/2 99 Cents stores next to each across the street. LOL.

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