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electric bill has soared after the winter storm in texas

newtboy jokingly says...

And now again...Texas can't deliver power in extreme weather....the kind they always have. I wonder how many will die this time. It's impossible to live in Texas without AC for most people under normal temperatures, and outright deadly during heat waves.

The stars at night, are big and bright,
Deep in the heart of Texas,
It could be 'cause, they don't have lights,
Deep in the heart of Texas

As a side note, estimates are as high as 700 who died in Texas from lack of power, in California that number is 1, and that man died 12 minutes after losing power, he didn't slowly freeze to death.

lucky760 said:

"Yeah boy!

We don't want no socialist democrat bullpucky like over yonder in California!"

Backwards Truck

Parents Read of books from the LCPS Library

newtboy says...

Approved for high school, not for small children. Many high school books deal in explicit detail with murders, torture, kidnapping, being buried alive, dismemberment, etc....but these prudes flip out at the mention of sex. Grow up, repressed little babies. If you want to shield your children from reality, home school them.
If you're ok with the tell tale heart but upset by this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with sleepy hollow but have a problem with this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with mutiny on the bounty but have a problem with this, you have a serious fucking problem. If you're ok with kids reading the bible but have a problem with this, you have an outrageously serious problem you need professional help with.

It sure seems the issue is that they're black girls having oral sex, because the sex couldn't be more soft core and many high school books have sexual components much more graphic than this.

Louie – Misery Is Wasted On The Miserable

Explaining Pink Floyd's First Masterpiece

StukaFox says...

It's impossible to find now, but Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab's Ultradisc of 'Meddle' has a recording of Echoes taken from the original master tape. If the only version of the song you've heard is the muddy version on the original release, the MFSL version is almost like a totally different song. It takes something that's already beautiful and deifies it. It is the absolute definitive version of the song.

Also, David Gilmour's version of Echoes off "Live in Gdansk" is uplifting, powerful and heart-breaking all at the same time. Richard Wright plays keyboard; he knows he's dying of cancer and he knows this is the very last time he and his friend David will play the song together. Gilmour feels like he's pouring his heart out to Wright and together, they give the song, and the legendary keyboardist, the sendoff they both deserve.

Richard Wright died one week before "Live" was released, passing on too early at 64.

One of Trump's Biggest Scams, the Foxconn Deal, Falls Apart

luxintenebris jokingly says...

FOX CONN (like what signal do you need?) bernie madoff smiles up at them now.

yup. would enjoy bk33 or tangled's take on this chess move.

every three-card monte dealer suddenly opened shop outside the WS capitol building on hearing this deal.

remember seeing this unfold, in the news, and thought "aren't they gonna be surprise to see what comes out of that can o' pringles?!"

bad move. morally questionably also. this is the company that had employees committing suicide on site. still could be. like that wasn't a red flag? kill their workers and they'd go easy on a cheesehead? (seriously? if they [at least] visited one of FC's factory wouldn't they've asked "what's those nets for?")

the deal reminded me of the ending scene in 'Angel Heart'... O'Rourke (playing Gov. Walker) and DeNiro (Foxconn or themselves). you know the one? (if you don't ***SPOILER ALERT*** skip the clip)

Colorado Police Break Elderly Dementia Patient's Arm

BSR says...

I often go to nursing homes, hospices and peoples homes to do body removals. One thing that always tugs at my heart is to see the deceased with nearly freshly painted fingernails and toenails.

I look at the end of this video with this woman wearing handcuffs and I see her red fingernails and wonder who painted them for her.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fact check.....
3,500,000 child cases * .008 mortality = 28000 dead children you fucking inhuman monster.
3,500,000 * 10% who have long term disabilities = 350,000 children disabled for life.
Pay up, your ilk being obstinately unsafe caused their disabilities, you should pay to support them for life just as if you were driving blindfolded because Trump said car bumpers make them safe in accidents and you ran over a few, leaving them to die in the streets because getting hurt by a car is fake news.

Well over 570000 dead Americans you Anti American enemy of the people.
32000000 cases * 10% long term side effects like severe permanent heart, lung, brain damage = 3,200,000 disabled people created.

I think it's fair to say most readers here hope you're next. No one is more deserving of infection, no one is more deserving of severe permanent disabilities, no one is less deserving of a vaccine or hospitalization. I hope your children bring it home day 1 when school restarts.

Ask Brazil how following your plan has worked....better yet, put your money where your mouth is and move there, unvaccinated, and let us know.

Fake news made too many ignorant morons fight against public health measures, costing us over 1/2 million deaths and well over $5 Trillion in unnecessary expenses that could ALL have been avoided with adult, serious leadership we sorely lacked for a full year plus until January.

Bob, you ARE fake news. Dangerous, deadly, and costly fake news.

BTW, it costs about an extra $2.2 million to raise a child with disabilities, and an EXTRA $3,175 to $5,853 per month for adults - keep in mind they mostly have no income and don't add to the gdp, so add the average $61,224 cost of living in the US and you have over $120000 per year per person (3200000 disabled so far) you get a recurring yearly cost of your "ignore the danger and get to work/school" plan cost of up to $3.84 e11 ($384,000,000,000) per year so impossible cost to bear. Granted, not every person with permanent damage is totally disabled, so being generous assume only 10% are....still $38,400,000,000 PER YEAR at current average cost not including children. That doesn't include direct cost of hospitalization for covid, from $51,000 to $78,000, nor the loss in gdp from 3.2 million earners gone.
Fuck your $5 Trillion....most of which went to businesses.

bobknight33 said:

Facts checked.

"Seventeen states and DC reported more than
500 cases per 100,000 children.."

"Mortality (44 states and NYC reported)*•Children were 0%-0.8% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 20 states reported zero child deaths"

{{ ie 100 to 99.2% of child covid cased lived}}}

"In states reporting, 0%-0.3% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death.."

{{ ie 100 to 99.7% of child covid cased lived}}}

Facts checked.
KIDS are ok to go to school = also all people under 70 ( unless u have some condition) should go about your business.

Were are at about 5 trillion in payouts to keep kids / people home for 0/03% death rate.

Fake news scared tooooo many people.

More on those pesky vaccine passports among other things

StukaFox says...

You don't want a vaccine? Lovely. We will be canceling your health insurance. Since you've chosen to be a complete cunt, we've chosen not to pay for your utter cuntiness.

I work in health insurance. The three biggest contributors to the price of insurance are:
1: fraud (doctors are notorious for this)
2: general waste (upbilling; unnecessary tests that are only performed to keep the fucking ambulance-chasing lawyers from filing malpractice suits because someone got the shits from an antibiotic)
3: PREVENTABLE HEALTH ISSUES. This includes obesity, smoking, not exercising, not getting annual checkups and atrocious dietary habits as first-order issues. If not corrected, these lead to more expensive and longer term second-order issues: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, vascular disease. These issues start a feedback loop with the second-order effects cause immobility which contributes to increasing first-order effects which amplifies second-order effects -- lather, rinse, repeat.

Now add a good case of Covid to that mix. If you end up on a ventilator for two week, there's a mil-plus in hospital bills: someone has to either pay that (welcome higher insurance rates!) or the hospital has to eat it (welcome even HIGHER insurance rates!) You can bitch all you want about the cost of healthcare in America, but you're paying for every dumb, entitled asshole who spouts shit like MUH FREEDUMS!! when asked to do basic things to protect themselves and others.

tl;dr: your idiot views of what the actual fuck "freedom" is ends at my wallet. Fuck you and get your goddamn vaccine. And put down the Cheetos while you're at it.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

scheherazade says...

You are projecting.

Marriage takes the honesty away from a relationship.
It's no longer me and you.
It's me and you and uncle sam.
I want *consensual* relations where me and my partner set our rules, not some 3rd party, and not when the rules are stacked against me.

Congratulations to your brother. Lucky him.

I never said women don't work.

I said that men make more personal sacrifices for their work - a true statement about men as a group. Exceptions don't alter the rule.

Yes, women under 35 out earn men now. And as legacy earners retire, we will be facing a situation where women out earn men at any age. Preferential admittance and hiring tend to have that effect. It's by design.

And women don't get paid less for the same work - the studies saying that don't account for hours worked and don't provide any breakdown of job title. E.g. Women doctors get paid less - because the type of doctor they choose to be is more likely to be a pediatrician than a heart surgeon or anesthesiologist. But within each category of doctor, per hour worked, and per year experience, their income is essentially identical.

And you don't need to be a home maker to get paid in a divorce. Just make less than your partner.
Historically the divorce rewards scale higher for women given mirror situations.

Why would I want to deal with a 50/50 split when I brought 90% of the assets into the marriage? A 50/50 split would set me back decades. I just want to keep my stuff, I did pay for it after all, which cost me money, which cost me time, which cost me life.

And why should /anyone/ have their life supported by anyone else?
(*context=spouses. Not interested in some bad faith out of context argument bringing up children or retirees supported by taxes, etc)
Are you able bodied? Then get working.
Is it tough? Too bad.
It's harder for both people supporting themselves alone, you aren't special. You were in this situation before you got married, you can go back to it.

In any case, the homemaker job argument is senseless. There are benefits (time with kids), and there are pitfalls (hole in your resume). You make your choice, and you deal with the consequences.
You are paid by the home over your head and the money you're given while you are a home maker. What other job do you get to leave and still be paid. People act as if the working partner was just chilling this whole time. Where are the working partner's continuing post divorce benefits?

I have no mindset about women. More projection.
I couldn't care less if I marry a stripper with 2 kids - so long as in the event of a divorce we go our separate ways with ZERO obligations to one another.

I have a mindset about the dangers of divorce, and the fact that most marriages end in divorce, and most divorces are initiated by the female partner.
I am on average more likely than not to face a divorce.
Hence the risk reduction by being more 'picky'.

I am in a nearly 20 year happy relationship - unmarried.
She's the boss of the relationship. And I'm fine with that because I *consent* to it. I can always walk away if I decide otherwise.

So long as laws and family court are how they are, I won't even consider marriage.


newtboy said:

So weird seeing people disagree with you and offering various examples of marriages that contradict your blanket statements and then you go off spouting shit about subjective pitfalls some minority still experience after being married as if those outcomes are the only possible outcomes or even the norm.
What you two mean to say is DIVORCE is win win for the woman and lose lose for the man, still dead wrong but at least it's the point you two are trying to make.

Objectively, by the numbers, in terms of who benefits if the marriage ends, it's neither in no fault states.

It's asinine of you two to assume the man always has more assets, and more earning power. It's maybe true on average but it's trending away from that, and it's absolutely not in every instance.

My brother won. He got full custody and child support. No alimony for either. In Texas, a non no fault state where the woman is assumed to be the primary child raising parent.

Really, you still think most women don't work? Are you still living in the 1960's? My wife works, has since before we met in 92. I retired in early 2000's. If we divorced, I would get alimony.

I've known plenty of women who lost in marriage, not sure where you come up with that, and for over 1/2 the population, divorce is 50/50 split of marital assets, no winner.

It's only men in fault states who caused the dissolution of the marriage or don't fight for custody that get screwed as you describe. Most of us tossed out the system you describe decades ago. Most of us understand that while women still get paid less for the same work, that's no guarantee she makes less than her husband. As for "marrying up".... plenty of men do that too. Even if your significant other is a homemaker, they contribute enormously to the marriage, at one point they determined the jobs a homemaker does would cost over $80 K per year if you hired people.

With your opinion about women and marriage, I doubt you need to worry about the kind of woman who would marry you. The ones who accept the outdated misogynistic patriarchal mindset you show aren't the ones with much to offer, the desperate and insecure who will take whoever accepts them. They might resemble the women in your descriptions. Treat women better and you'll attract better women.

What makes you think you are some prize that only a near perfect woman would be acceptable to? It sure sounds like you're alone now. How is making the perfect the enemy of the great working for you?

Again, many states have changed the law to no fault, 50/50 splits with no prenup. Hard to be more fair. You complain about issues most Americans evolved out of.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

BSR says...

"The force is strong with this one."

Even death cannot remove either of you from each others heart.

"Live long and prosper."

StukaFox said:

I don't agree with you on this one, Bob.

My wife and I have been together since 1995. In that time, we've both dealt with issues in our lives that might have lead to the deaths of either one of us had we not been together. We've been through hell and kept each other on our feet when we felt like we couldn't walk another step. We've been there for each other in the absolute worst moments of our lives.

On the other side, my favorite memories always include her: the first time we saw the Eiffel Tower together; hiking together in Henry Coe State Park; nights in Mendocino and dinners at Brouwer's. A thousand thousand little things where she's brought happiness into my life. How much joy I experience just holding her hand!

Men lose everything? Have someone look at you when you feel like absolute human shit -- like you're the tiniest speck of worthlessness in the universe -- and say "I love you." Someone who doesn't just rescue you from yourself, but lifts you up into the pure light of happiness and joy, is the absolute affirmation of goodness in the human heart.

I say this with all honesty, with no malice and no sense of superiority, just one human being to another: if something happened to you that makes you feel the way you do, if someone hurt you that bad, then I wish it were within my power to lift that from your heart and soul. No one ever deserves to have love turned to hate, least of all you.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

StukaFox says...

I don't agree with you on this one, Bob.

My wife and I have been together since 1995. In that time, we've both dealt with issues in our lives that might have lead to the deaths of either one of us had we not been together. We've been through hell and kept each other on our feet when we felt like we couldn't walk another step. We've been there for each other in the absolute worst moments of our lives.

On the other side, my favorite memories always include her: the first time we saw the Eiffel Tower together; hiking together in Henry Coe State Park; nights in Mendocino and dinners at Brouwer's. A thousand thousand little things where she's brought happiness into my life. How much joy I experience just holding her hand!

Men lose everything? Have someone look at you when you feel like absolute human shit -- like you're the tiniest speck of worthlessness in the universe -- and say "I love you." Someone who doesn't just rescue you from yourself, but lifts you up into the pure light of happiness and joy, is the absolute affirmation of goodness in the human heart.

I say this with all honesty, with no malice and no sense of superiority, just one human being to another: if something happened to you that makes you feel the way you do, if someone hurt you that bad, then I wish it were within my power to lift that from your heart and soul. No one ever deserves to have love turned to hate, least of all you.

bobknight33 said:

Marriage is a win win for the woman.

Lose Lose for the man.

Woman have nothing to lose. Men lose everything.

Mom struggles with quadruplets

BSR says...

My first impulse is to give mama time rather than present a threat to her babies.

*ponders a bit. Visualizes mama ripping my heart out to set an example for other bystanders.*

Yeah... I'm sticking with that.

noims said:

If the bystanders had only got out of their cars to help, this video would have got far more hits from people who love to see a bit more heart.

I have to say, I love the kids' gait as they start to trot across the road though.

Mom struggles with quadruplets

noims says...

If the bystanders had only got out of their cars to help, this video would have got far more hits from people who love to see a bit more heart.

I have to say, I love the kids' gait as they start to trot across the road though.

Biden, Illegals, detained, fail.

BSR says...

"The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand."

Love is not complete without grief.

"You know you got to go through hell before you get to heaven"

newtboy said:

I would grok the meaning and state "thou art god"

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