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Lifesize Human Foosball

AeroMechanical says...

I used to like foosball until in college where I had to play against the German students. They were serious and had rules and stuff. You weren't supposed to spin the little men all the way around, which was really hard to come to grips with. Also, trying to jab your opponent in the nuts with the other end of the bars was frowned upon. It took all the drunk-strategy out of the game, IMO.

Cow Cow Boogie

newtboy says...

Dude...Really?!? Then you need to get a grip and a sense of humor, AND go to anger management classes if something fun, cute, and hilarious like this costing you...what...3 seconds of your precious day is going to prompt you to violence. I mean...DAMN! What if it's a black belt bovine? (hope hope hope hope)
Stay the fuck out of my grocery store then....please. I don't want to have to knock all your teeth out for punching old women who (also) slow you down. ;-)

mxxcon said:

1) Very annoying music.
2) I got to grocery store to buy my shit and get out..If some dumb cow blocks my way and makes me spend any more time there than I have to i'll punch it in its giant inflatable head.

Ellen Dance Dare Gone Wrong- With Cops

newtboy says...

Again, cops are not unique in dealing with dicks and the damage/messes they create, but they are unique in dealing with them with violence regularly (not always, because all cops are not the same).
I agree, your reaction does seem a bit like the Deblasio thing, a man who made one comment that, while based in reality, was not a compliment to cops. Because of that one non-supportive comment, cops now claim he's anti-cop and is supporting cop killers. It's so insanely ridiculous, it reminds me of the 3 year old that can't have another cookie and so throws a tantrum screaming "you hate me, you never give me anything, you're always a meanie and doodoo head, and I hate you now forever". I wish cops would get a grip and see that someone who points out an obvious flaw is not an enemy.
I've posted many a pro-cop video. If there were more of them, I would post more of them. Sadly, there are far more videos of cops doing something wrong than there are of them doing something really good. If you feel the good done is under represented you are free to post any 'cop doing good' video you can find. I think you'll find they are in short supply, and most are produced by PR campaigns. I have a theory why, but it's only an assumption so I'll keep it to myself.
I would point out that, in this video, I stated from the start that everyone here is being a dick....including the dancer.

lantern53 said:

There are plenty of people who believe all cops act this way. Read online comments and you will find them quite easily. And your statement that responsible people find ways of dealing with stress w/o losing it on occasion is simply naive. I'll bet you're the first to agree that PTSD is a real syndrome with soldiers. it's the same for cops. A lot of people deal with assholes you said. Well, cops deal with them, get puked on by them, see their blood and the chaos they create, slip in their piss and get their spit on their uniforms.

Newtboy posts all these videos but he'll tell you that he doesn't believe all cops act this way. He is rather like Mr. DeBlasio, who wants to say one thing out of one side of his mouth, then say something quite different out of the other side. He is no fan or admirer of the police, he creates this scenario that all cops are power hungry racists and you end up with dead cops because people with mental problems see this picture and extrapolate it to include all cops everywhere.

Charlie Brooker's 2014 Wipe

dannym3141 says...

This is the only thing i look forward to about new years. Lol at max clifford "mimicking a human".

A-FUCKING-MAZING bit at the middle about non-linear rule based on confusion. God, god i wish everyone could get to grips with that. That's everything i ever wanted to say about politics.

It's even got a rap-off between david cameron and alex salmond.... we're not even done!

Telling Stories - The Manipulative Power of Stories

lv_hunter says...

Those the old spoon analogy seems pretty dumb, why not just grab the shaft of the spoon to shorten the length?

Like a big 2 handed swords where you can grip above the cross guard to shorten then swing length.

TYT - NO Indictment for Ferguson Cop

dannym3141 says...

You're 100% spot on, and that along with systemic corruption from top to bottom of politics and business (..but i repeat myself..) is going to be the legacy of this era - the Age of Deception. We MUST look good, we CANNOT afford to admit wrong.. these are phrases that should be anathema to politicians and public services, but they are words that literally define the modern statesman.

And as the supposed greatest amongst us, people flock to their example and are rewarded for doing so. We need both a psychological revolution, so we stop the rot of our civilisation, but also a physical one, because those in power are absolutely not going to relinquish it or even reduce their grip.

Why on Earth should we allow people who show themselves to be incompetent continue to hold the reins? We need a way to hold these people to account for their words and actions.

Trancecoach said:

The status of the police is bound up with the perception of the value of the entire public sector. The police are the “thin blue line,” long perceived as the most essential and irreplaceable function of the state. Now that this perception is under pressure from public opinion over what happened (and is happening) in Ferguson (and many many other places around the country), a shift in intellectual opinion that's been developing for decades is gaining traction.

What’s at stake here if not the very foundation of public order as we know it? If government can’t do this right -- if the police are accomplishing the very opposite of what they claim to accomplish, namely, to "protect and serve" -- if they are, in fact, undermining the public's security rather than providing for it, (and this is widely understood to be the case, time and time again), then we have the making of not only an ideological revolution, but an authentic turning-point in the history of politics.

Security is not the most essential function of the state; it is the most dangerous one, and the very one that we should never concede lest we lose our freedom altogether. The "night watchman" is the biggest threat we face because it is he who holds the gun and he who pulls the trigger should we ever decide to escape from their "protections" and provide for ourselves.

Catapult Base Jumping

Barseps says...

" To paraphrase my favourite princess, the more you tighten your grip, the more it will slip through your fingers"

Sounds like my type of woman........... umm...... where is this quote from exactly?

Catapult Base Jumping

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I do feel for your predicament, I can tell you put a lot of hard work into this.

Seem to me though that the clever marketing move would have been to go with the flow on this. To paraphrase my favourite princess, the more you tighten your grip, the more it will slip through your fingers.

tancredemelet said:

Hi there, I am the base jumper appearing in the video, can you remove the catapult video PLEASE?
I guess you record it from the net, there was a LEAKAGE, this video was not supposed to come out before we release a full movie about the story.
Please can you erase it ASAP?
I am very annoyed people don't respect our work on this project by sharing a video with no rights and not even saying from who it is coming from. There was 30 people for one month to build the catapult and I worked 6 month to organise all project, we wanted to keep this secret before the official full movie is released...
Thanks for your cooperation

The Daily Show - Bill O'Reilly Interview on White Privilege

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Detroit firefighters use soda cans to get emergency alerts

SFOGuy says...

At one point, the City of Detroit was too poor to buy them toilet paper.
I stopped by the station in this video and gave them a donation.

The documentary "Burn" covers the whole story in an incredibly gripping manner.

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

Lawdeedaw says...

The only problem I have here newtboy is the concept of escalation. You are obviously not in Law, so here is a bit of schooling. Ever wonder why cops use tazers on people who just passively resist (Like holding or bracing to prevent cuffs from being applied?) Or how it "takes" seven cops to "subdue" someone? It's actually practical and less violent. 1-A fun fact is that the longer a confrontation goes on for the further it escalates. By doing nothing you are letting it get further than by doing something. This means that there is a definitive time to stop trying to talk and start acting. 2-Those "escalated" methods are really lessor force than others. The more a body moves the greater the chance someone gets hurt. That means you A-Place someone on the ground as soon as possible, B-Immobilize him as prudently as possible, C-Get him in cuffs.

Don't get me wrong, abuse is abuse. But if you see a cop punching a person's ass to get him to let up on his grip, for example, that's not brutality. If you see a cop curbstomping someone, yeah, that is. Because more movement is involved.

newtboy said:

If you have no reason to believe they may be corrupt, then you simply haven't been paying attention.
For the action of the cop to be self defense, you must take his word as truth and ignore the witnesses (granted, they have not been consistent) and you must accept that it's the right method to attempt to manhandle a person for jaywalking (the reason for the stop in the first place) and that it's the right thing to do to escalate a confrontation from a fist fight directly to firearms, ignoring the other options made available like pepper spray, tasers, batons, and backup. If the officer was truly in fear, he only needed to shut and lock his door to be safe, how is that hard?

Your reading comprehension is terrible. He said clearly that it's NOT reasonable or condonable, but is understandable as a misguided attempt to 'lash out' at the system that keeps you down.

I saw lots of white people on TV rioting and looting too, but they don't count because they don't further your (seemingly racist) theories, right?

It seems you've ignored the majority of the protests that have been responsible, civil, and peaceful in favor of focusing on the minority of trouble makers (that insert themselves into ANY mass protest these days) and blame their actions on the entire community (while knowing that most of the rioters are not from the community but have traveled there in order to riot and loot).

As the one's in 'charge', is it not the police that have the responsibility to display 'responsible behavior'? I thought it was your position that behavior works on a trickle down system, where the behavior of the top is emulated all the way down...does that not make this the police chief's fault?

Kevin Ward Jr. hit and killed by Tony Stewart

Sniper007 says...

Here's a counter theory by another racer:

"I haven't seen how Stewart handled the car preimpact. That said, those vehicles require speed for what little grip they have, as it's largely generated by the roof fin, and they don't really steer so much as surf. If you watch the cornering style it's a full on drift. That makes twitch steering pretty ineffective - you steer from the back which requires heavy throttle.

You don't see Stewart's approach ( at least on the vid I've seen ), and the fishtail post impact I would attribute to the impact itself. His approach does not seem consistent with trying to spray the other driver with dirt ; that would have to be a at a high angle relatively speaking and he seemed to come in straight.

It's possible that Stewart intended to kill, but I really think it's highly unlikely. When you're racing you have a lot to deal with, and whilst under a yellow flag undertaking is typically verboten and in theory you should be slowing down, but in reality you are always looking to get the drop as soon as the yellows disappear. To that end you're scanning the track looking for disabled vehicles.

You're not scanning for drivers standing in the middle of the track - the assumption would be that the driver stays safely secured in the car, or they hop the barrier. If that can't happen for some reason, it's the job of race control to red flag the race.

My personal theory, based on incomplete footage - I'd like to see in car footage from Stewart ideally - is that Stewart just didn't see him in time to make any effective attempt to miss. It's a night race, and Stewart would have been concentrating on the disabled vehicle to his right. There's not much about Ward's outfit that would attract attention - from Stewart's perspective, black helmet, black racesuit, against a dark dirt background. These vehicles don't use headlights, so there's nothing to offset the glare of the spotlights.

In a perfect world Stewart would have seen and avoided, but ultimately Ward put himself in a fucking stupid position and paid the price. I'm not surprised to see lack of remorse on Stewart's part ; Ward shouldn't have been there, plain and simple.

Anyhow, that's my thinking on this - I don't know or follow anyone in that type of series, so I'm claiming to be bias free here. Racers know that motorsport is dangerous, so you do what you can to mitigate risk, not increase it by orders of magnitude.

Edit : Looking at it a few more times, it's also possible that Stewart was trying to rotate the car around Ward - throttling up and steering right would have pushed the back away from Ward, which might have made the outcome different. I still say it's a Darwin."

Spartan Warrior - French Girls

3 Year Olds Death Grip

lucky760 says...

Seems totally real to me and totally something my kids would do if given the chance (and if they did I'd totally crapmapance).

She was likely gripping with not only her hands but also the back of her legs, methinks.

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