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Female Breadwinners = End of Society

Jinx says...

How important are our biological differences presently? Can gender equality exist if gender roles are inflexible?

Women undoubtably play a very different role now and it is certainly not without problems. Most developed countries have aging populations due to family planning and longer lives, women give birth later in their lives and that creates certain health problems etc. It is important to remember that perhaps women winning bread is as much a product of our developed society as it is a cause. Why should we make ourselves slaves to our biology and chain ourselves to gender roles that have dwindling relavence. Humans are nothing but flexible. Perhaps instead of focusing on what might be lost with women stepping away from raising a family we should consider what society might stand to gain?

MaxWilder said:

I really hate that they bring in (mostly) unrelated crap like abortion statistics, but the core of their argument here is correct.

Yes, correct, in my opinion.

I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately, and if you are rejecting what they say about female breadwinners out of hand, you are not thinking deeply on the subject.

Certainly, every woman should have the right to do with her life as she pleases. Whether that is career, family, or some combination of the two. But I think in the coming years there will be more and more people realizing that the average woman can NOT have it all. While there will be a few exceptions, most women will not be good mothers to their children while working 40+ hours per week, and ANYBODY who doesn't give 110% to their career will not reach the highest levels of that career.

Women need to be taught young that they need to make a choice and prioritize. If you look at young girls, you will see them fantasizing from a very young age about being a mother. You will see women of all ages fantasizing about marriage. And you will see feminists telling them that they are wrong for doing that. You will see society pushing and pushing and pushing for women to choose career over family while giving nothing but lip service to the importance of family. And if you look at the statistics, you will see this is beginning to have an effect on society. More women are postponing starting a family, and some are even working through the height of their childbearing years to the point where they can no longer find a suitable mate to have children with at all.

And if they do have children, the women are not at home to raise them. Sure, they are home for the first few months to a year, then they're back to work and the children are being raised by strangers. Mom comes home in the evening and asks how everybody's day was, exactly the way dad does (assuming dad is still in the family core).

This is not a popular sentiment yet, but I believe that gender roles existed for a reason. Just looking at male and female biology, it is plain to see that (in general) men are equipped for the tasks that require strength, and women are equipped to raise children. And for most of recorded history, gender roles followed biology. I believe we are beginning to see a reckoning. It won't happen in every relationship. And of course I think we should be very careful about judging others. I think you should take this information and apply it to your own life. What kind of a family do you want? Do you want to have two working parents and kids in day care, or do you want one parent to stay home? Are you going to feel more satisfied staying home with the kids, or leaving every day to earn a paycheck? These are questions that nobody can answer but you. I think that absent a serious internal drive, women should gravitate to careers that will give the maximum flexibility so that they can spend all the needed time with their children. I think that we should be teaching our children that they can do anything, but there are certain traditional roles that tend to bring people the greatest amount of life satisfaction. And I think we need to keep doing research and watching the statistics to verify or debunk everything I have just said, because I am fully aware that it is mostly speculation and gut instinct on my part.

Female Breadwinners = End of Society

MaxWilder says...

I really hate that they bring in (mostly) unrelated crap like abortion statistics, but the core of their argument here is correct.

Yes, correct, in my opinion.

I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately, and if you are rejecting what they say about female breadwinners out of hand, you are not thinking deeply on the subject.

Certainly, every woman should have the right to do with her life as she pleases. Whether that is career, family, or some combination of the two. But I think in the coming years there will be more and more people realizing that the average woman can NOT have it all. While there will be a few exceptions, most women will not be good mothers to their children while working 40+ hours per week, and ANYBODY who doesn't give 110% to their career will not reach the highest levels of that career.

Women need to be taught young that they need to make a choice and prioritize. If you look at young girls, you will see them fantasizing from a very young age about being a mother. You will see women of all ages fantasizing about marriage. And you will see feminists telling them that they are wrong for doing that. You will see society pushing and pushing and pushing for women to choose career over family while giving nothing but lip service to the importance of family. And if you look at the statistics, you will see this is beginning to have an effect on society. More women are postponing starting a family, and some are even working through the height of their childbearing years to the point where they can no longer find a suitable mate to have children with at all.

And if they do have children, the women are not at home to raise them. Sure, they are home for the first few months to a year, then they're back to work and the children are being raised by strangers. Mom comes home in the evening and asks how everybody's day was, exactly the way dad does (assuming dad is still in the family core).

This is not a popular sentiment yet, but I believe that gender roles existed for a reason. Just looking at male and female biology, it is plain to see that (in general) men are equipped for the tasks that require strength, and women are equipped to raise children. And for most of recorded history, gender roles followed biology. I believe we are beginning to see a reckoning. It won't happen in every relationship. And of course I think we should be very careful about judging others. I think you should take this information and apply it to your own life. What kind of a family do you want? Do you want to have two working parents and kids in day care, or do you want one parent to stay home? Are you going to feel more satisfied staying home with the kids, or leaving every day to earn a paycheck? These are questions that nobody can answer but you. I think that absent a serious internal drive, women should gravitate to careers that will give the maximum flexibility so that they can spend all the needed time with their children. I think that we should be teaching our children that they can do anything, but there are certain traditional roles that tend to bring people the greatest amount of life satisfaction. And I think we need to keep doing research and watching the statistics to verify or debunk everything I have just said, because I am fully aware that it is mostly speculation and gut instinct on my part.

Cracked Chiropractor Commercial: Is This For Real?

choggie (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Ok so, been a month and 3 weeks, and shagen454

ChogBlog 1

Ok so, been trying to figure out the best way to inspire myself musically without the use of my un-damaged vocal range, with a go-to musical instrument battery I know my way well-enough around to use as a framework for a studio-I can get sounds outta anything, have access to any rudimentary keyboard but am flexible with strings, woodwinds, bass. Now you have to understand if yer mind interprets a musical instrument as some outer-space device requiring a manual or instruction via direct-transmission in order to fire: I can coax pleasing tones from vegetables. What I need is a new kick. I can go for miles rendering compositions only I want to hear with a guitar, harmonica, saxophone-IO crave arrangements, and bass and drums..

Can Keep great time and love percussion, vibes, marimba, steel-drum but never had a set to wail on worth a fuck till now: Same as it ever was….

Worlds’ the oyster, and fuck the dumbshitz, I have access by nature of incarnation and geographical locale and resources to make anything happen-Goin’ for percussion and bass, and solo-Only I can work with a band of miscreants, those dwelling inside my own head, be-damn! The logistics of other fleshapoids in the way for the task of rendering!!....Why bother? Make it and take it to musicians I don’t have to fuck with-Maybe I should have been Quincy Jones fucking adopted white baby…..

Shootin' for a fat stack 'o pearly-white Slingerlandz, maybe Ludwig-Need 2 stellar floor toms and oh fuck....adding shit already-!

shagen454 said:


Bitter Pill - Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us Part 1

renatojj says...

@00Scud00 if businesses collude to keep prices high, their enemy are other businesses not profiting from that collusion. Getting into the fold cuts into their profits.

Big businesses use government to regulate the market and skew costs in their favor, raising barriers of entry to competitors.

If government is removed from the picture, yes, it's one less person to bribe. It also removes all those barriers, and all unfair advantages big businesses currently enjoy.

With free markets, as with most freedoms, it's not all unicorns and rainbows, quite the opposite. There will be plenty of abuse and unfairness to go around. However, being free from a mountain of laws and bureaucracy, without anyone to come crying to, begging authority to right all wrongs, society will be more flexible, creative, responsible, and inclined to solve problems on its own. People are better at solving problems than bureaucrats, and they'll more likely do so if they have to do it themselves.

It's like the internet. I believe most problems on the internet today can be solved technologically. Is that magical thinking? I don't think so.

Sure, there's a role for a few legal rules, but they should always be kept to a minimum. Let people figure things out creatively, without resorting to violence. Add too many laws to the internet, and it'll be bogged down. People will try less to come up with creative solutions, and resort more to petitioning their representatives.

I resent the insinuation that I use free market as a mantra. I'm trying to clear its name. It currently enjoys a terrible and undeserved reputation.

Craziest Glider Low Pass Compilation

rich_magnet says...

1) Water is ballast. It makes them more efficient when gliding, but they dump it to lighten up for landing.
2) Gliders are tougher than they look. Look into glider aerobatics some time. They also need to have flexible wings as the wings are so long.
3) The one in the dirt is presumably an "out-landing" - one that didn't make it back and needed to land where it could. The spin? (Hopefully) aerobatics.

Awesome Folding Chair

kulpims (Member Profile)

Ninja Woman

ChaosEngine says...

I've haven't had enough experience with it to give an informed opinion. I've seen people practice it, but never with an opponent. That doesn't mean it doesn't work though. As I said, I don't really want to give an opinion on something I have only a passing familiarity with.

To expand on what I said earlier, I have no idea if this woman has any legitimate martial arts background or not. Her website lists "extreme martial arts" which makes me dubious, and "qualified martial arts instructor" but it doesn't say in what style, or whose accreditation she's qualified with.

It's quite possible she could kick seven shades of shit out of me, but I wouldn't call what is demonstrated in this video martial arts.

She's still pretty awesome though. I would kill for that kind of flexibility and co-ordination, but I'm old now.

Ninja Woman

Living Alone in the Wilderness for 40 Years

probie says...

This looks really interesting but unfortunately, I'm gonna have to brush up on my Russian. No subs.

Really interesting read! It's amazing how flexible people can become in adapting to their surroundings. Chasing a deer through the the Siberian outback in the dead of Winter with no shoes? Daaayum.

Volvo Trucks - Emergency braking at its best!

Stormsinger says...

I wouldn't have thought the traction would be there to break that fast. I couldn't have stopped the old semi I drove that quickly (with or without warnings). Granted, that was a few decades back though.

Physics must be more flexible than I thought.

Impactology aka Amazing Orange Goo

Sniper007 says...

Right, they've been making wearable protective equipment with this material for a while, and it can be useful where flexibility is an absolute must, but only in conjunction with other materials that actually absorb impact. The orange goo does not absorb impact. It just gets really hard, like a piece of metal. How many cases out there do you see that are 100% metal? None. Any hard cases always have a soft portion to them, to actually absorb and distribute forces. It sounds like the orange goo has the worst of both properties (or at least, the worst times) in this application. I imagine this case has another layer in between the orange goo and the phone.

Here's an example of where this goo might actually be a really good idea: a flip phone or a laptop that needs to open and close. You can wrap the hinge in the orange goo, and that way if an impact does ever occur, it will prevent all the stress from damaging the hinge.

Fastest Way to Drink Water

dannym3141 says...

I've crushed a bottle lengthways and i'm pretty sure my diaphragm is nowhere near capable of the force i had to use to do that to it, if that says anything.

I know you can quite easily suck a bottle into a squashed shape with your mouth, but that's sideways (in which it is flexible) rather than lengthways.

The Super Supercapacitor

probie says...

Welp, there's your power source for your flexible e-paper. Figure out how to work photovoltaic panels into the mix and you can charge it while you're reading it.

I envy our youth.

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