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The Existence Forecast

The Temptations - My Girl ( 1964) rare footage video

Job training failure at Alaskan Salmon Cannery

makach says...

I recently visited a slaughterhouse where they are in the beginning of the season. They unalive 3k+ animals daily.

I am not a vegetarian, and I have a deep understanding that we need food to survive, and that meat is important part of our diet.

Nevertheless, this hit me hard in multiple parts.

First, just listening to all the animals outside inside trailers.
Secondly, contemplating their imminent fate.
Third, what does this do to your psyche if you are the one unaliving x amount of animals each day.

Life is precious. I'll be first in line the moment we figure out how to grow proteins and carbs in laboratories.

Phooz said:

Yeah... animals aren't over farmed at all. Fuck all ya'll carnists! The amount of dead fish there is so fucked up it's wild.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Like the Bible….and now dictionaries in Florida….

…just like math books (no bob, they didn’t contain CRT, what they showed you when making that claim was a separate worksheet from another state that had been discontinued years earlier), science books (because they mention biology and gender), history (95% of history needs redacting to your ilk because you’re ashamed of your history).

The right has abandoned knowledge because it makes you snowflakes uncomfortable to have reality taught to your children. It’s going to make red states have a race to the bottom. Texas and Florida are already importing foreign teachers as fast as they can because American teachers won’t abuse their students by teaching them under these insane right wing snowflake rules. Soon those parents will pull their kids from school completely because they ain’t havin’ little Johnny lurnt no librul facts by no imgrant.

Damn lurnin is just fer leftists… facts, figures, history, and reality.
Seems Jesus is just for leftists too, no surprise, Jesus was a MAJOR leftist by today’s standards. You would insist he be cancelled immediately.

bobknight33 said:

Banning leftest gender bending bullshit book is a good idea

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

luxintenebris says...

pardon if misinterpreting the 98% figure...

but most killings are done by the gun owner - on themselves.

suicides are annually #1 in gun deaths.

the life you may save might be yours - especially when men use guns for suicide far and away more than women. couple that w/a quarter of Americans say they have experienced some form of mental illness in their lifetime. in addition, the percentage of citizens wanting gun control eclipses the former stat: meaning a significate number of crazies see the need also.

which begs the question - how nuts do you have to be to want nuts to have guns?

on the 2nd Amendment, personally interpreted this way... (imagine that).

bobknight33 said:


You can not have a military automatic weapon.

2nd 98% of killings are done by inner city thugs and yet the left only focus on suburban , school, theater killings .

Left wants to make it harder for people to buy legal -- The real problem is the illegal guns that are doing most killing - destroying families . cities. soles

The left has no desire to truly address this issue in their cities.

Beto finds little to laugh about and says so

cloudballoon says...

Too many far-right, birth-loving but life-hating people takes everything they hear literally on Fox/AON, their brains don't have the facility to process figurative thoughts. So, between the imagery of a person getting shot (which they dream & love to see all the time) and a person literally bedding his mother.... yeah, the latter IS more offensive.

BicycleRepairMan said:

Its so strange that you can describe and discuss the murder of children with a machine gun, but the moment you say "motherfucker", thats the explicit part that "some may find offensive"

Maybe its time to grow the fuck up?


mram says...

That was pretty funny.

But it's deflection. Orange man still bad. I can explain why. Ask me.

And you have yet to show how orange man not bad. Orange man break law. Orange man lie. Orange man flail over a bunch of stories.

I never took documents.
The documents I took weren't classified.
The documents I took were declassified when I removed them.
I was never asked for the documents.
I gave all of the documents.
I gave the documents that were asked for.

Interesting word soup there and some absolute contradictions given that the moment Orange Man left office - and he did leave office - he wasn't supposed to have any documents. So you know... party of law and order, but not when I do it, right?

By the way, as I do work with the government, there is no magic wand to declassify documents, even for the POTUS. Declassification of records of any kind is a documented and methodical process, not a whimsical adhoc "nah lets not do mcdonalds, I want burger king" choice.

Yeah ... "uh oh!"

Looking forward to your talking points, once Faux and Friends figure out the most inflammatory angle.

bobknight33 said:

"This is what indoctrination looks like"

lucky760 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I wondered how you automated choosing phrases….I guess you didn’t, that’s how! I suppose another thanks is in order then, one for creating it, another for keeping it going! Double thanks!
Yeah, I probably play 5 a week on average. The short ones get hard!

I hope you can figure out a way to automate it completely, or at least to the point where you just need to authorize it’s choices once a week. I would hate you to burn out and for it to die.

lucky760 said:

You're still playing it?!

Awesome my friend. Thanks so much for the feedback!

It's become a bit of a burden because I still manually create every puzzle, so every night near midnight I start frantically trying to get the next puzzle ready.


"A Fourth Car Absolutely Buggered!" - Deadly Mexican Street

Cocaine in the Ukraine

newtboy says...

Lol. Well, I did figure out WHY you need to repost this over and over, and why you just can’t stand that it won’t stay posted. Distractions only work if they’re in your face, and you need some serious distraction from the daily proof that Trump and his cult tried first election fraud then a violent coup against America to hold onto power, and that you are complicit in that and still support it.
Don’t be bitter, you know you’ve said you think I’m smart and informed. I know this is just sour grapes talking.

Which time?
It was discarded the first two times because it’s terrible vitriolic propaganda attacking the family of politicians, people who have no political position, put out by the same people who said for 6 years that family was off limits, even though every member of his immediate family was forced into top government positions despite being totally unqualified and incapable of getting security clearance.
The third time it was discarded because you are spamming it repeatedly, trolling the sift by reposting it over and over and over, and me directly through comments too, and weren’t smart enough to not telegraph that you were doing it to harass me….specifically against sift rules.

Why am I not surprised you don’t understand? Following rules or laws doesn’t make any sense at all to you.

I hope this brings you understanding, but I somehow doubt it will.

bobknight33 said:

Those "with " brains. Clearly this is not you.

why was it discarded?

What lame ass BS reason?

Ameca and the most realistic AI robots. Beyond Atlas.

JiggaJonson says...

I'd be doing weird promotion if I were you too, given:

New Tesla factories losing billions of dollars, Musk says

Fox Hosts Slam Elon Musk Over Tesla Layoff Comment, Twitter Dealings

Elon Musk: Tesla plants in Austin and Germany are losing ‘billions of dollars’

You really got it all figured out @bobknight33

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...

I’m against it, it’s a crime.
I believe in work visas, refugee status, and legal immigration. I believe in a system of charging employers who hire illegal immigrants to skirt taxes, wage laws, labor laws, etc. harshly enough to make it not worth the risk (like take the company/assets of repeat offenders, and using the money collected to fund the immigration and naturalization department and figure out how to supply labor without forcing people to be criminals to get a job.

Sadly those systems are broken.

Because those systems are completely broken and don’t serve the needs of either the immigrants nor the employees that need their labor, we have a massive illegal immigration problem because we have a massive labor shortage issue.

There is a parallel, but it’s not the same thing. We have (or had until recently) a strong well defended democracy, and an enormous population and landmass compared to 1917-48 occupied Palestine, and they had only a fledgling government when the Jewish war refugees they invited started inviting and facilitating a flood of illegal immigrants with a plan to take over the small country. Most of our illegal immigrants are here to make money to take home, I’m unaware of any efforts to return Texas (pre-breakup) to Mexican control like 40’s -50’s Israel.

IMO, Israel is like if 2/3 of Texas became “Tex-Mex” by force, a new country where only those of Mexican descent have rights, a vote, can own property, etc. and white Texans are forced to live in NW Texas under guard struggling to find food and water with Tex-Mex constantly squeezing them into smaller and smaller areas.
Strangely enough, you will note that those same flag waiving anti immigrant (not just anti illegal immigrant mind you) far right wingers are staunch supporters of Jewish Israel….almost like they don’t know history….wait…

bcglorf said:


I have to ask your stance on illegal aliens within the USA today in that case, since you seem to use it as a derogative against 1930/40s Jewish refugees fleeing Europe for Palestine...

Feels to me the confederate flag wavers stance on illegal immigrants in the US parallels the picture you're painting of 1930s/40s Palestinian immigration closer than you maybe like to admit.

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

surfingyt says...

Police are not obligated to protect us. Why there's so many bootlickers like bewb I can't figure.

newtboy said:

Edit: it now sounds like Uvaldi police waited quite some time before entering the school, with videos of parents pleading with them to do something, during which time the murderer shot down 19 children and two teachers. So much for armed security being the solution…that only works if they act, which is rare.

Oliver Stones thoughts on why Putin invaded Ukraine

StukaFox says...

I don't believe this was ever about taking Ukraine with the Russian military. I believe this is about destroying Ukraine and squeezing Europe's energy-dependent balls until the EU cracks under the economic pressure caused by the sanctions. This is already happening with Germany whimpering to Daddy Vladdy for all that precious, precious oil and gas. "Oh, we gave Zelensky a billion euros!"; yeah, and you gave Putin 25x that in oil/gas purchases.

The mealy-mouthing and dissembling has already begun, most shamefully from the New York Times, who is calling for Ukraine to make "hard choices". "This isn't capitulation" -- fuck you NYT, yes it is.

I had honest hopes that the western powers would show some spine and resolve, but as soon at their economies started to feel a little pain, the number of fucks given for Ukrainian lives went to zero. Russian is going to rape and murder its way from Odessa to the Belarus border until the western powers figure out some way to make it all Zelensky's fault or force him to cede massive amounts of Ukrainian territory before any real economic pain felt.

The worst part is that Finland and Sweden are going to be granted NATO membership, but Ukraine still is denied. Why are these two the hills NATO is willing to die on and Ukraine not? If NATO isn't willing to risk nuclear war over Ukraine, what happens when the tip of a single Russian boot touches Finnish soil? What happens when Finland then calls for Article 5 and the rest of NATO suddenly realizes shit just got real? What happens when it's time to shit or get off the pot; put up or shut up? Either NATO charges into the teeth of a potential nuclear war, or NATO is shown to be a paper tiger. If someone sees a middle ground, I'm interested in hearing it.

(Incidentally, NATO's Article 5 is pretty porous. A-5 doesn't say every NATO nation commits whatever forces are deemed necessary by the whole to defend against an aggressor. Instead, it says that in the event of A-5 coming into play, each member will take "such action as [the member state] deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area."

Notice the whole 'each member' and 'deems necessary'? Yeah, to quote a popular movie 'I don't think this mutual defense pact means what you think it does'.)

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