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Kevin O'Leary on global inequality: "It's fantastic!"

Trancecoach says...

Try as I may, I just don't care about wealth inequality. I care about poverty, but I really don't care about how much money a rich person has. And I may care about government redistributing money one way or the other (usually from the bottom up), but about "inequality," per se, I really don't care.

Praxeology shows you what a just environment for the maximum wealth of a society should look like. Thymology shows you why inevitably some people will make more money than others in a fair playing field. When inequality results not so much from thymological differences but from praxeological distortions, then you should suspect foul play.

Too often, anti-inequality folks ignore thymological differences while trying to distort/impose praxeological laws to force compliance, a recipe for certain failure.
Still, much of the world has been coming out of poverty, a testament to the power of commerce and its ability to bypass governments altogether.

Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes!

dannym3141 says...

Unbelievable. Our world is being run by imbeciles and the corrupt.

There are people out there in the world that dedicate themselves to learning information, refining methods, trying to make things better for everyone. They should be running countries. But instead, we've got men with hardly any qualifications and hardly any life experience.

Instead of gathering in a room and listening to community representatives telling them exactly how we want our money spent, the top brass are actually sat in a cushty conference room with a buffet and champagne, copping backhanders and selling us down the river.

When did the general populace suddenly fall into this groove of 'civilisation' - this unspoken belief that The Government are all-seeing, all knowing, and always out for what's best in the long run. We, collectively, have just been taken for billions and billions of dollars or pounds or whatever you use by a collection of the world's richest people. They have not been held to account, and in fact they've somehow convinced us to pay them back what they've lost. Imagine if you lived in a wild west village and you'd paid the sheriff every week to protect a safe with everyone's money in it, and he'd been out at night gambling it away. You'd be fucking furious, an angry mob would be at his door. But for some reason we're all docile about the exact parallel of that situation happening in reality.

We really need a paradigm shift in public consciousness, because the metaphor has progressed, right now that wild west village is under martial law and being run through intimidation by a gang. We don't live in some fantasy world where some unseen force is ensuring fair-play. We are the people who have to strive to ensure fair play in everything otherwise we're just letting people rob us. Literally.

We can't progress like this. In charge of the UK's education system is a guy who has never had any experience teaching whatsoever, let alone teaching under the current system, let alone qualifications in teaching. There's a petition on to have him do a week of teaching so that he can understand just how badly he's ruining everything. This is a real person like you or me and he's in charge of running the education system. We're all standing by watching someone we know is incompetent do a complicated job. Half of us wouldn't even admit to being able to do that job if we were offered it, but this fucking bumbling posh moron takes the wheels with the manic grin of an idiot that feels no fear. Dashing the wheel left and right, we idly watch on as he plays around to see what will happen, crossings our fingers nothing bad happens.

Father Arrested for Picking Up His Children on Foot

Opposing Team Player Displays True Sportsmanship

CreamK says...

Happens more often than you know in football, takes certain kind to skip this kind of chance (could've made a goal but both sides would dislike him for that). But it's unwritten rule, opponent gets hurt, you kick the ball over the closest sideline. No rule forces you to do so. If the opponent is really hurt, the ref can stop the game to let medics come in to the field, the play then continues from that place after the player is carried off the field.. If that happens and the offending team has the ball and freekick, it's also customary to just kick the ball long to opponent goalie. I've seen it happen where both teams are trying to give the ball to the opponent, both sides think it's fair if the other one starts..

This kind of gentlemen behavior is one the biggest reasons i like the football,, something that all sports that are big in the USA don't have (basketball, "football" aka handball, hockey...) Baseball might be the only one that has similar attitude but then again, that's not really a contact sport.. There are exceptions, occasions where even in the bloodiest sports fair play happens, similar to this video but in football this happens in every game (in not so tempting situation..)

What a peculiar interpretation of sportsmanship...

radx says...

Player in red goes down injured without a foul, ref stops the game to check on him. Game is resumed with a drop-ball for the opposing team (white), who are then expected to return the ball to red team. Forward in white didn't pay attention, grabs the ball and scores.

Regular goal, but incredibly cheap. Happens every once in a while and normal procedure is to concede a goal in return, to even out the score. That, too, was screwed up by the lads in white.
>> ^Sagemind:

I don't get it, Someone want to explain this one a little further - Thanx.
First the red shirt, runs into the white shirt and plays fake injury - then the white shirt scores a goal and the red shirts get mad at him.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

quantumushroom says...

So far, there's nothing here said by anyone that justifies a second Obama term. The facts don't support his policies, nor do results. The idea that we need to give Ears "more time" is a joke. Are you going to say the same thing in 2016 when 4 more years of obamafail have brought us to the brink?

@VoodooV, you're right about a 2nd Civil War, which is imminent. All Romney can do is buy us a little more time. This tyrannical government won't be stopped and can wait out even 8 years of a Romney presidency. The borders are still open, the regulations are piling up and people are enraged by the lack of fair play, and by people I mean producers of any kind, not the parasites.

Sometimes blood in the streets is the only way to get rulers' attention, regardless of party.

An honest futbol player!? No way...

Stu says...

The player in maroon that was tackled thought it was a fair play by the other player so instead of the free kick he puts it out of bounds to give them the ball.

Mr Bean at the Olympics

dannym3141 says...

Yossarian i couldn't agree more.

Very british ceremony, and probably very much FOR the british people. I don't doubt that many of the reasons i enjoyed it will not be relevant to others. To take the stadium from fields of green to industrial towers was great, especially showing all of the people who were there (willing or not) to help the transition - boats arriving from the west indies and such, the suffragettes. To see the growth of britain and eventually the forging of the rings. I think the ring forging was one of the coolest things i've seen.

It was different, and at times anti-political, anti british. Because being anti british is a british trait. Thank you boyle for showing what pride in our country looks like. The NHS and great ormond street, these are things to be proud of. Our humour, our invention, our quirkyness, our gifts to the arts. If only this would inspire more pride in our health sector. We used to lead the world with our NHS till the tories got their hands on it, maybe we can once again if we take PRIDE in its quality; show the world what a free health system can be. Come on, britain. Where's all the pride gone?

Even though i wasn't such a fan of the singing and dancing and texting, i understand why it was there (a tribute to what we've given the world in the technology and arts departments) and i think choosing Danny Boyle was a masterstroke. I haven't seen anything like it in my life before, and thank god it was finally something to come out of britain to be proud of. At least the british public knows how to represent britain on the world stage. If you want to know how great "great britain" really is, watch our HUMBLE ceremony.

We could lead the world again by showing them what humility, cooperation and pride can do; no more money in politics, no corrupt bankers. Civilised society and fair play were once our specialities.

Btw interrupting a tribute to one of the major bombings of the "anti terrism era" led by bush no less is if you ask me outright insulting to the memory of the dead. To cut to a worthless talking head like ryan seacrest as well? I'm sorry that britain couldn't hold people's attention for longer than 3 minutes whilst we mourn the loss of our loved ones. I hope the silence for the wars didn't bore anyone either. We all payed dearly to defend this island, this link to the theatre of war that eventually inspired the world to fight with us against wrongdoing and against the odds; the least we might expect from the rest of the world is their attention span for a bit.

It was deemed good enough that china commissioned a stage version to be shown in beijing. I bet seacrest won't be getting a call up. Anyone who didn't like it - switch over to Big Brother, Celebrity Love Island, X's Got Talent, Geordie/Jersey Shore or E! now. I'm sure you'll be mesmerised. You might even find ryan seacrest presenting one of them!!

All Sounds Created By This Guy's Voice/Mouth - Incredible!!!

TheSluiceGate says...

Still gets my upvote.... but...

I think there may be a slight dishonesty in the way he presents his videos. Listening to his admittedly great cover of Michael Jackson's PYT the beat boxing is far too consistent, and sounds like single "one-shot" samples of a kick and snare rather than a full track-long performance of each drum part - which is how he presents it in the video. I could be wrong though. He also traditionally uses an insane amount of autotune.

That said, I think the use of pitch-shifters/octavers and distortion or whatever is fair play.

The Ultimate Troll - Son shocks Dad while fixing the car

Reefie says...

Fair play to the dad for keeping his cool. I'd have grabbed a roll of duct tape, secured the kid's hands to the battery and turned the ignition over myself! Both kids, including the one behind the camera!

Will Scott Walker Buy The Wisconsin Election? -- TYT

TheDreamingDragon says...

Considering the outcome,I'd say that the election needs serious investigating:900,000 signitures demanding the chance to vote him out means there should have been at least that many votes against Walker.I cannot believe the people of Wisconsin are so quick to forget the protests a handful of months ago...and Republicans are not known for fair play when it comes to protecting their powerbase..

Might as well vote for the Koch brothers...

Heart warming Police Brutality tale: the people fight back

vaire2ube says...

This is an example of what Ron Paul is talking about. Watch as the US no longer has the sanctions of the world and is scattered by those who have new ideas about justice.

When you make the rules, make them fair and play by them -- or else turnaround is the most fair play, with dire consequences.

Thats right, a Ron Paul reference in the comments of a video destined to die.

How to wake up a child! Level: Awesome!

RhesusMonk (Member Profile)

Barseps says...

If the guy's got expertise in that department, then fair play to him..... I just posted the video 'cos I liked the video.

Once again HUGE thanks for the promote
In reply to this comment by RhesusMonk:
Welcome. I just love that voice. I stepped in it when I tried to set max straight, tho. What a troll!

In reply to this comment by Barseps:
Thanks for the promote bud :

In reply to this comment by RhesusMonk:
I hate to call you out, but the unlikeliness of this guy's voice is what makes this so incredibly *promote-able.

Teen Shot Dead for Being Black -- White Shooter Not Arrested

ForgedReality says...

>> ^budzos:

>> ^ForgedReality:
Fucking shit.
It should be legal for the family to go gun down this asshole's entire family now.

That is wrong thinking.
Run down the guy = fair play.
Run down his family = new, innocent victims. (plus you open yourself up to having your own family run down by "rights" of your own logic).

True. Perhaps it's not legally justified or morally right, but at least you cut the plant down at the root and keep that bad seed from spreading.

Does anybody have any updates to this story? I think it's absolutely absurd that the guy wasn't arrested IMMEDIATELY. Just discharging a weapon within city limits gets you arrested, even if there's no evidence of a crime. How the fuck does this dude get away with murder? Is this a small town where he is buds with the chief of police or something?

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