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Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

lantern53 says...

What does that mean...turnabout is fair play?

As for the nutcase depicted, did the cops have information that he was trying to commit suicide-by-cop? Or did they just have information that he was the suspect in a crime spree including a home invasion, the theft of a gun and the discharge of same in a public place?

If he was walking toward some people with a gun and what the cops believe to be criminal intent or being out of control with the gun, then they are justified in using lethal force to stop him and protect innocent lives.

I don't know too many people who would be willing to just approach the guy and give him a pamphlet of mental health resources in the county.

On the other hand, we did have a dispatcher who would have offered to give him a hug.

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

newtboy says...

The cop has been cleared of all criminal charges, sending the message that if you're threatening to commit suicide, the cops will be glad to oblige and try to kill you and suffer no consequence for (attempted) homicide whatsoever.
Also sending the message that running down a human being at full throttle is an acceptable police tactic against a suspect that's already surrounded rather than trying ANY less lethal method.

New video shows that the man was holding the gun to his own chin, and newly released information shows that he didn't use the gun to commit crimes, he stole the gun at Walmart right before the video and only fired it into the air once (perhaps to unload it? More likely to prove it's loaded.).

It's getting really old, Mr. Po-po, and turnabout's considered fair play. You might think about that, and the fact that 10% of Americans are armed and have severe impulse control issues.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

newtboy says...

Someone needs to get 'Anonymous' on this issue. They could hack the lives of all the site owners and make their private business public. Turnabout's fair play, dickheads.

Pregnant Woman Blasts Antiabortion Protesters Outside Clinic

newtboy says...

I often feel like some group needs to go to the churches that are producing these groups and stand outside them filming the patrons, with giant posters showing the atrocities that church has perpetrated over the years in the worst possible way (it might be hard, how do you graphically show child rape without it being child porn?)
I would hope that, once they see how disgusting these tactics are, they would stop supporting those who do it and they would stop.
Turnabout's fair play, isn't it?

Cameron's Conference Rap

arghness says...

Fair enough, I should have expected to be laid in to for expressing a political opinion. Fair play to you -- It is the internet, after all

I spend quite a bit of time in the north and like it there, but most of my time is in the midlands so I'm not going to pretend to know what it's like to live there permanently. The only 2 Scots (only 1 of which could vote due to living there) that I'm in touch with regularly both supported staying unified but are looking forward to the greater powers that Scotland deserve and will get.

The difference between the parties, at least in England, seems pretty minimal to me. Blair didn't seem any better (or worse really, other than ditching the gold reserves all in one go at a rather low price) than Cameron.

dannym3141 said:

What sentiment? Cameron has hammered the poor and needy of this country, sold off the post office to his chummies at half price, raised tuition fees (thanks very much Clegg) and nearly ripped Great Britain apart. Fortunately he knew the right people to oil up and got major banks and businesses to pull out in the few days prior to the vote, scaring people into saying no.

Every single scot i've spoken to (and i speak to loads, my mum lives there) has said that they would let the north come with them if they could and they only want to leave because Westminster and the south are completely disconnected from the rest of the country. It's a different world, and the people running the system have absolutely no experience what life is like for the people that have to use it.

Even John Major came out and said that there are too many (something like 80%) rich background public schoolboys in government. Can you tell me with a straight face that you've been to places like Blackpool near where i live, had to use the buses or queue for unemployment, or had family members suffering with disabilities and/or cancer, and then tell me that you think people like Call-Me-Dave in any way represent their best interests or understand their problems, struggling day to day?

I don't want to sound aggressive, but i do have experience with things like that, and some people in this country are getting to the point of desperation but of course that kinda thing doesn't get on the national news and the majority remain oblivious. If we don't see significant democratic reform in this country, i predict a significant social uprising within a lifetime.

It is time for concrete mixer driver to replace underwear

Yazidi survivors rescued by helicopter

newtboy says...

Well, maybe that sentiment is 'popular' because turn about is fair play....or because most people believe in an eye for an eye (unless it's their enemy that lost the first eye, then suddenly that idea is bad).
These theories are popular because they excuse inexcusable retaliatory behavior as long as you convince yourself you were slighted first, and work great for those with no self examination skills.

daconic1 said:

Great justification for ISIS.

Or is it if no one is picking on the Israelies you feel left out? How come one groups violence can be justified by the other ?

Speaking Out On Street Harassment

bareboards2 says...

That self defense class I took? Where I learned some skills that are available to me to this day?

They didn't teach them to men. The class I was in was women only (except for the martial arts instructors, a mixed bag gender-wise.) But they consciously did not offer those same skills to men.

Precisely because of your advice here.Which is why they don't teach those self defense skills to men.

A little guy pushing his erect penis into my ass on a sunny day is not a physical threat to me. Hell, I could have just pushed him and sat on him, and the fight is over.

Crushing someone's genitals is not something you do unless it is NECESSARY.

It is not "either/or." It is appropriate response to the threat. It was inappropriate in that situation to physically assault that man.

Turnabout IS fair play. He did not hurt me physically. He hurt me psychically.

The appropriate response is a psychic blow back.

And if every girl was taught to stand their ground (take that, Florida!!!) with their voice, this shit would end.

newtboy said:

I'm confused why it seems you think it's an either or situation. You turn around, knee him in the balls, hard, then as he crumples to the ground you repeat, loudly, 'THIS GUY RIGHT HERE IS AGRESSIVELY SEXUALLY TOUCHING ME, INTENTIONALLY, INAPROPRIATELY, WITHOUT MY CONSCENT.'
Take them down physically AND emotionally, it's what they were doing to you, no? Turnabout's fair play.

Speaking Out On Street Harassment

newtboy says...

I'm confused why it seems you think it's an either or situation. You turn around, knee him in the balls, hard, then as he crumples to the ground you repeat, loudly, 'THIS GUY RIGHT HERE IS AGRESSIVELY SEXUALLY TOUCHING ME, INTENTIONALLY, INAPROPRIATELY, WITHOUT MY CONSCENT.'
Take them down physically AND emotionally, it's what they were doing to you, no? Turnabout's fair play.

bareboards2 said:

That is just the point.

I had the physical skills to take this guy down.

It is the silence that is the problem for women.

I heard another story in that self defense class, which I think will illustrate what I mean even better.

A young woman at college was on a date. She went back to the young man's dorm room. He trapped her there for three days, continually raping her. She could hear people walking down the hall, she could hear people next door, and she never called out. She said later -- she didn't want to make a scene.

Women need to make a scene. We need to teach our girls to make a scene, and they will grow up to be women who make scenes. With clear, true voices.

It is the verbal equivalent of "the pen is mightier than the sword." Kneeing some guy in the balls, in the long run, is not nearly as effective as teaching our girls and women to speak up.

Sci-Fi Representaion Of Germany's Victories at The World Cup

eric3579 says...

And for the individual awards for those that are interested.

Golden Ball: Lionel Messi (Argentina)
Golden Glove: Manuel Neuer (Germany)
Golden Boot: James Rodriguez (Colombia)
Young Player Award: Paul Pogba (France)
FIFA Fair Play Award: Colombia

Park Ranger Fired for Dancing

newtboy says...

Really, I need to explain?
What did HIS appearance dancing have to do with doing his job? Answer:nothing

It's the ugliness of her personality that is the most offensive, but her appearance is also quite offensive to me (I HATE facial piercings), far more offensive than a man dancing, especially since she's a roll model for at least one child. If it's OK for her to get a man fired for appearing inappropriate in her mind, why can't I return the favor? Seemed perfectly reasonable to me, turnabout is fair play.

EDIT: ...and where's the 'fuck you' to Esoog, who seems to have made the exact same point, before I did?

Ickster said:

I didn't much like her either, but fuck you. What the hell does her weight or appearance have to do with anything?

Yogi (Member Profile)

Fair Play Hero Hunt Rejects Penalty

hermannthegerman says...

I know I am probably too cynical, but it should be noted that this happened in the last 15 Minutes of the game with his team up 2-0. But yes, it definitely is a start to more fair play in sports.

Don't know if this is mentioned in the vid, since it is *blocked

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

newtboy says...

Please what? You made a jump back to an argument that had been solved because you had no response to the argument I had made on the new topic we were discussing. Either you did it from lack of comprehension, or simply as a ridiculous attempt to cloud your failing argument. Either calls for derision.
You stopped making arguments and moved onto derision without arguement. That means I no longer have an argument from you to correct or debate.
You started the "get it?" questioning, so don't whine about it coming back on you. Turnabout's fair play. Get it?
I hate to tell you, but some of those are arguments. Others were explanations of position, made for your benefit because you seemed to have difficulty comprehending.
I've made numerous relevant arguments, all of which you've conceded. What more do you need to know?

Trancecoach said:

"your comprehension is apparently even lower that I thought"


"this was clearly wrong"

"I classify your lack of response to my answer to your ridiculous question"

"that means you conceded that you had no response and you 'lost'"

"That sentiment is incorrect"

"You seem to want to ignore those facts and the implications that logically follow them"

I hope you realize that none of these are "arguments."

Get it? Is that the best you can do? Get it?

These are irrelevant to the Jon Stewart video.

Let me know if you have any factually relevant arguments to make.

EDIT: And we can probably move beyond all the question begging, hmmk?

Obama scolds O'Reilly. Good for him.

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