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Armed Oregon Militants Not Guilty, Dakota Activists Aressted

newtboy says...

Perhaps they have it wrong, and the difference isn't race, but being armed. Protest with rifles, seize federal property and destroy it, and threaten federal officials directly with death, and you'll be fine?
Nope, never mind. They're right, it's about racial privilege...if the natives were protesting while armed, we would be seeing another Waco instead of arrests.

It's still astonishing that the 7 terrorists were just set free, however. It sets a horrifically dangerous precedent, and proves that 'conservatives' have zero respect for the law or civilized behaviour. Someone needs to go squat on the Bundy ranch armed to the teeth until they own it. I wouldn't convict them if they just claim it's done in protest...turnabout's fair play, guys.

Man Arrested & Punched for Sitting on Mom's Front Porch

newtboy says...

Playing meek does not protect you from any abuse you've mentioned, including being shot to death. It doesn't keep one from being arrested, beaten, humiliated, having false charges levied, etc. It only perpetuates the idea that the police are 'just doing their job's' when they abuse citizens. Fight back. This guy played meek until an asshat illegally grabbed his phone, then attacked him, and remained meek afterwards. He could have destroyed that cop if he fought back....but would have probably been shot if he had exercised his right to self defense.

If you are black and armed and you get stopped, shoot first. Being armed is now considered a legitimate reason for police to kill you. You don't have to be threatening, pointing that gun, or doing anything wrong at all, just having it is 'reason' enough for them to shoot you dead today. Prison is better than dead, imo.

Cops have squandered the good will and trust granted them by the public. They no longer get the benefit of a doubt.

It's 25 times more likely a cop will murder you than the odds you might murder them, they are all armed and dangerous, and turnabout is fair play. In my opinion, citizens have more right to shoot cops in self defence than vice versa.

bareboards2 said:

I agree with just about everything you said. Except...

This isn't a perfect world. You described this imperfect world. This guy should wait until all the corrections are made? Or does it make more sense to seethe silently and await for the humiliation to end NOW?

The situation with police departments getting training (and support for mentally ill people BEFORE they flip out) does need to be fixed.

Until it is, play meek. Unless you want to be arrested. Hit in the eye. Humiliated on your front lawn. What do you gain from fighting a losing battle IN THIS MOMENT?

Police Murder Oklahoma Man Terence Crutcher *Graphic Death*

newtboy says...

Very few people want more dead cops, we want fewer dead citizens at the hands of the cops.....WAY fewer.
That said, turnabout is fair play, and in a citizen VS cop death, it's 25 times more likely that the cop kills the citizen than vice versa. Until that statistic is reversed, cops have no reasonable complaint to make.
If any armed citizen can be considered a threat that may be killed for no other reason, what makes cops any different? They are not only all armed, but also aggressive, confrontational, and have proven to be deadly. Any citizen should have the same rights to self defense against them, with a LOWER threshold of threat required, after all, citizens don't have training, backup, bulletproof vests, or prosecutors on their side.

TangledThorns said:

The anti-cop rhetoric will lead to more of them being assassinated like we saw earlier this Summer. BLM dont care about dead cops, do they?

Cops Chase Innocent 10-Year-Old With Guns Drawn

newtboy says...

Of course they went after him with guns drawn and aimed...he admitted he had just been shooting in the interview.

Gun safety says you never point your gun at anything you don't intend to shoot, and never shoot at anything you don't intend to kill. Fire every cop that pulled their gun, please, and not one day of paid leave first.

Good thing he ran home and others came to his rescue, or who knows what the outcome might have been. This is why people are sniping cops, because cops are being murderous. Turnabout is fair play, and protecting your community is reasonable, even if it's protecting it from those charged with protecting it.

It's time to force police to not only wear body cameras that can't be turned off or erased but also holsters that indicate every time they pull their weapons, and require evidence (video or physical evidence, not their word) that it was warranted or be charged with a felony like any other citizen would be. Tampering with or otherwise disabling the camera should also be felonious, punishable by mandatory prison time...imo.
Legislators, get to it.

With terrorism upon us, how do you get rid of a suspect car?

oblio70 says...

Ha Ha! I played this with my friends in Junior High for 2 semesters. All times on campus were fair play, and this was the reason we called all teachers the Gestapo throughout High School as well, so we would avoid getting caught. Most of our classmates not in-the-know thought we held some animosity toward "the Man".

Alas, no one was as clever enough to employ mercury switches in our games.

newtboy said:

Ha! In high school my brother played "gotcha", a spy game, and his best trick was an altoids box with a battery, a mercury switch, and a buzzer. Pick it up, it starts buzzing loudly with a note inside that said "boom, this was a bomb, you're dead". Not something to do now, but in the 80's, that was LARP. It was simple, easy, and worked every time. You're nuts if you think it's difficult to build, it's ridiculously simple.

Will Smith slams Trump

newtboy says...

Then I claim that they aren't actually Christians. The bible is clear on most of that, like stoning to death infidels. If they don't believe in that, what they believe is the word of god, then they are just selective fans of Christianity and not actual Christians.

That is exactly the argument given to paint all Muslims as death dealing fanatics, that their holy book demands it so they must be...turn about is fair play.

eric3579 said:

I can't speak to the majority of Muslims beliefs(as ive know only a handful in my life), but my experience with your average christian (someone who says they believe in a christian god) is that they are NOT okay with the things you have listed. This of course is just what i think based on limited real world interactions.

Gravity Payments Team Surprises CEO, Dan Price, With A Tesla

Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

newtboy says...

Average black men do not undergo racial sensitivity training to dissuade them from those subconscious and conscious biases....police do....and are PAID in part to not hold biases.

So lets get this admit there is a CLEAR, HUGE racism problem that permeates the police department, and all (or near enough to all to say "all") officers suffer from it, but you go on to say it's not acceptable to treat them like they're racists?!? I'll just say I disagree. They have consistently shown racist tendencies, and a willingness to stand behind those that act on them. Until that changes, I think it's acceptable to assume that, baring evidence to the contrary, they will not treat a black 'suspect' fairly...up to and including killing them for nothing.

Turnabout is fair play. I agree, it's not the best, most civil, or even productive way to see it, but when your option is 1)give each officer the benefit of a doubt that he/she might be that 2% completely non racist officer with the penalty of being wrong being possible death, or 2)assume the officer is racist and protect yourself as best as you're able, it's 100% understandable if people decide to protect themselves. I do not ADVOCATE people reacting that way, I do accept that some will, and don't judge them for that, in the same way you wish to not pre judge police for their past actions.

It's 100% on the police to rid themselves of this appearance that 98%+- of them ARE racist, as well as the organization as a whole. It's not it's worst members, it's nearly all it's members AND the system that monitors them. If it was 2% that was dealt with harshly when they surfaced, I would agree with you.

ChaosEngine said:

Let's get this straight. There's clearly a huge problem with racism in the police in the US. It's probably not even a conscious thing on the part of the officers. Study after study has shown that even other black people are more likely to fire on a black suspect than a white one.

The problem is larger than the police, it's cultural. I read a great quote the other day:

When a black man is killed, the media publishes his criminal record. When a white girl is raped, the media publishes her rapist's swim times.

The culture in the US needs to change. Unfortunately, it's heading in the wrong direction right now, as anyone who saw Trump's acceptance speech can attest to.

BUT ...

Treating all cops as killers and racists is no better than treating all black people as criminals. The cops that do this should face the full weight of the law, as should anyone within any ethnic group committing crime (particularly violent crime).

But tarring an entire group because of the actions of it's worst members is the exact same logic that racists use.

Hillary’s Paid Trolls Take Down Bernie Facebook Pages

newtboy says...

*promote spreading the news about MORE underhanded, dirty tricks directly from the Clinton campaign (although they deny it).
This has put me in the #NeverClinton camp. I now think she will be no better than Trump. They will both destroy this country with lies and underhanded behavior.

EDIT: I suppose it's time for Anonymous to start posting beastiality and kiddie porn videos on Clinton supporter's pages and get them all closed down. Turnabout's fair play.

Oregon Occupiers Rummage Through Paiute Artifacts

newtboy jokingly says...

OK...I can make a semi-serious argument for capital punishment for these morons (except they would have to be tried in Texas, the only state that executes the mentally challenged).

They are terrorists.

They themselves are likely exactly the people who would say we should just hang those in Guantanamo (and any other Muslim terrorists we find) because...terrorist! If THEY advocate for the execution of terrorists, it's only fair to use their own 'reasoning' on them....which would really mean executing their families too, right? Just because they're too dumb to understand they ARE terrorists doesn't excuse them, and if THEY can advocate for executing terrorists, I can agree with them on a case by case basis, right? Turnabout's fair play, guys. ;-)

enoch said:

capital punishment? like actually hanging these people?
for what exactly?

look,i think their whole protest is mired in ignorance and hyper-patriotism with little or no basis in reality.

i find them to be a bunch of hypocritical right wing zealots,who should be called what they actually are:terrorists.

i find their circular logic and lack of integrity infuriating,and those who support them to be equally frustrating.that when they stated they would leave if the community asked them to leave,and when the community ASKED them to leave..they refused.

i also find the federal governments response to be a brilliant tactic:hang back and allow this gaggle of retards to self-implode.which is EXACTLY what is happening.their support is dwindling incredibly fast,because they are being exposed for the hypocritical radical fascists they are,bunch of assholes with guns.

but to actually hang them? to end their existence?
or am i just missing the sarcasm in your comment?

because the way things are going,and the exposure they are receiving,which was fairly positive at one time in some circles,is creating an atmosphere where these nimrods will never been taken seriously again...ever.

so no need to end their lives.they have effectively destroyed their own credibility as some kind of arbiter of freedom and justice.they are quickly becoming a joke.

that is a form of death isn't it?
and far more satisfying in my opinion.

if i misunderstood your comment,please forgive.

confrontation at trump rally

newtboy says...

Making America Hate Again-CHUMP! mean TRUMP!

No surprise these people can't stand any whit of dissent, no matter how respectful or calm it might be, and instantly move from anger to battery and destruction of property while being egged on to go farther. Fascists can never stand disagreement, because it tends to point out how wrong or dumb they are.

Also no surprise, but sad that the rent a cop (at least I hope that cop was off duty and being paid by the Trump campaign) ignored the actual crime and opted to eject the victims.

Why aren't Trump supporters ejected this fast and mobbed when they actually interrupt other candidates and assault and batter people at, for instance, Clinton rallies? It seems to me they have decided in their wisdom that the rules are now that it's OK to beat up and threaten to burn alive 'interlopers' at a rally (as if it's a secret meeting and Trump's secret master plan to win might get out and be ruined), so that should mean they think it's the proper response when they go to other's rallies to interrupt others, right? Turnabout's fair play, after all, right?
(To be clear, I'm not advocating beating and/or burning them, I'm saying they should see that since it's not OK to do to them, it's not OK to do to others...but they don't see that)

secondclancy-the new face of social justice warriors

Jinx says...

Hi. I'm a social justice warrior. Well, I prefer social justice rogue, cos you know, dexterity is sexier than strength.

Anywaaaaaay. I think I whine less than all you mofos in the comments whining about all the whiners

The "snap" clapping did make me snort out a bit of my drink though. Fair play.

Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

newtboy says...

Yes. If you grab a person 1/2 or less your size by the neck, hurl them to the ground while flipping them over backwards, still arm baring them by the neck, then you toss them across the room and jump on them, throwing them as hard as possible across the room into the wall head first, severe injury and/or death are totally foreseeable consequences. (If you look, her head nearly hits the desk behind her, and does hit the ground HARD).
As I clearly said, I 100% believe they would absolutely have charged any person doing this to an officer with attempted murder, and turnabout's fair play. It would have been wholly unsurprising if her neck had broken from that treatment.

It is totally proper to expect that, if one officer can't remove a child (or adult, for that matter) without resorting to violence (and god damn it, a high school girl is a child, so that attempted excusing of the attack falls completely flat), they call a second officer. If 2 officers can't remove a child without injury, call 3. Much better idea, call mom.
Perhaps we've failed as a society when we put actual cops (who have a serious issue with self control and violence lately) rather than trained security guards (EDIT: who don't have immunity or a blue wall to protect them from their own bad action) in schools, or when we resort to the most violent way of dealing with every issue rather than having a little common sense and calling a calm and quiet child's parent.
The reason teacher's can't touch them is to prevent the kind of actions the cop took. It's a protection system for the school and the teacher, to prevent them from being closed/fired by a lawsuit. In fact, it's illegal for a private citizen to touch another person without permission, so why would you want them to take the chance of losing their career and the school?

The fact that both the school system and the police force agree with me give me hope....but not much. The fact that so many people want to either blame the victim or excuse the outrageous, clearly over the top actions of the cop erases that hope.

bcglorf said:

I've gotta say I'm disappointed with the extremity of your response.

To actually quote you, this may have been "Attempted murder" of a "Child"?

From the video this looks like a HS room, and the student looks not much different in size from many adults., so the child part seems a bit much, no? From the video, it sure doesn't look fatal. Heck, a typical fail video has more severe injuries in it.

My entire post though was asking what do we expect as a better response as a society? Is it really a good function of our school system that a student that refuses to go to the principals office requires not one, but two uniformed police officers to handle the situation correctly? I personally believe we've failed as a society a few steps before this.

Is it really best that we mandate that all school staff are absolutely forbidden to come into physical contact with the students? No taking a kid by the ear, certainly, as that could hurt them. Not even grabbing by the arm and dragging them to the office? Are we really wanting the only acceptable use of any physical force to require a pair of police officers called in?

Just Another Black Man Almost KIlled By Cops

newtboy says...

You took my comment wrong. I'm not ADVOCATING shooting cops, but I'm pointing out that some people DO paint entire groups with one brush (like the cops do, and turnabout IS fair play...but not always smart), and to many of those people ALL cops look like criminal thugs you should defend yourself against. Those people just might have firearms, and a small percentage of them may actually go out and use them. It IS the same mentality that cops use, and is not proper civil behavior, but it is absolutely foreseeable. That's what I meant.

That said, people CAN reasonably assume cops are racist assholes because they're cops because study after study shows that the job apparently MAKES them racist assholes, even the minority ones. It also seems to attract them, and absolutely doesn't exclude them. It seems likely to me that the prevalence of racist behavior among cops is based in the overwhelming negative contact they have with people, and a lack of positive contact. It's also obvious to me that it's getting worse, more prevalent, more institutionally accepted, and at least seems to be getting more deadly (but that could just be reporting trends).

I wish the police would re-instate the 'community policing' methods they used to try, where officers live in the community they police and are incentivized to participate in positive community activities...that would be better for everyone. Unfortunately I think those programs have all but halted.

ChaosEngine said:

Don't get me wrong, the cops who do this kind of thing should be sanctioned, and severely so, but surely tarring a whole group of people with one brush is the problem here?

Cops shouldn't assume people are criminals because of the colour of their skin.

People shouldn't assume cops are racist assholes because they're cops.

You're participating in the very behaviour you're complaining about.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup

dannym3141 says...

I don't know what dirt Blatter has on what politician, but how did he not get arrested?

The business around the Qatar world cup demonstrates perfectly how this horrible world works. Football is loved around the world, for the most part by peace loving individuals who believe in fair play and good sportsmanship.

Yet somehow, the money that we pay to watch football (and the money that the advertisers pay for the privilege selling us things while we watch) was used to set up a football competition in a country at a time when football is not playable. To ensure this impossible spectacle takes place, tens of thousands of low paid (and many unpaid for years at a time) migrants were moved into desolate infested squats in order to provide the slave labour to build the beautifully designed and wonderfully engineered, air conditioned stadia that we will all sit in or otherwise experience, in comfort, at the expense of all of those poor people.

And yet almost every one of us would be outraged and moved to action at the possibility of a person being exploited in our name.

They investigated themselves, they found themselves to be acting in an exemplary fashion. If anyone is punished for corruption, they will eventually return to their normal life of luxury after a brief stint out in the cold, and possibly be rehired under an umbrella company or to a lower-profile position of equal importance.

The same happened with the banks, the same happens with our politicians and their spiderweb of connections in big business and finance. Fuck capitalism. We need something new.

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