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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Isn't that exactly what Trump said, that the investigation of him was illegal because Democrats were involved, making it partisan? That since what he claimed was the impetus (or as he says, the oranges) for the investigation was an imperfect dossier the whole thing was illegal?
The impetus for his Biden witch hunt is unambiguously a made up story by corrupt Ukrainians that doesn't fit the documented facts in the slightest, which every professional involved told him clearly, a fake story furthered directly by Trump in public.

In fact, it is hands off for the president. Using the power of the office to direct investigations of political rivals is impeachable.
Using the office to blackmail foreign powers to interfere in our election by starting false investigations for political reasons is a crime.
Taking foreign money in exchange for illegal and corrupt policies that are against the national interests but personally beneficial is treason. He has done exactly that.

But in YOUR mind, Treasonous Trump can do no wrong, and things that were treason when you baselessly claimed Democrats did them are patriotism when Trump brags about them. You can't even understand that Trump openly committed the very crime he was convinced by foreign criminals Biden committed...using the power of his office and public funds to pressure foreign investigations for personal gain...the difference being Trump did it secretly for personal political gains and was caught, Biden didn't do anything besides join international and bipartisan efforts to remove a corrupt prosecutor who wouldn't prosecute corruption. Trump removed a top notch anti corruption diplomat because she wouldn't push for a corrupt and baseless politically motivated investigation of his political rival, exactly what the corrupt Ukrainians had paid him to do.

Trump couldn't come up with any other corruption he wants investigated besides the Biden fantasy he was sold, and when asked exactly what he expected from Ukraine, he said he specifically expected them to investigate Biden, not fight corruption. Same for China, which was not a joke or trolling of the public, his trade advisor admitted he brought it up in official trade talks before he said it publicly.

You keep chanting 'he'll drain the swamp' ignoring he is the swamp thing, and the swampiest administration ever with more corruption convictions than any two administrations combined (an educated guess, might be >2) and more scandals than any 10 combined.

If I weren't sure you were a Russian troll only trying to sew division with ridiculous republican regurgitation of baseless claims based on delusion and corruption, I would be seriously worried about your mental state.

Edit: remember these days in 15 months. When Democrats control congress and the executive, the same "see no evil" tactics will be more than fair play. No matter how unconstitutional their actions might be, no matter how unacceptable, we will see no wrong....just cleaning up the Trump mess. Nothing to worry about.

bobknight33 said:

So in you mind as long as Joe is running for an office he is hands off from investigating.

Trump is not trying to get dirt of a candidate but to continue his effort to drain the swamp, which Joe seems to be neck deep in it.

Trump Declares Himself Above the Constitution: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Sets a bad presidential precedent. Trump is a bad president without anyone's help. ;-)

The Democrats need to accept that and give Warren carte blanche to do anything at all, including a blanket repeal of all Treasonous Trump's legislation and agreements, and thumb their noses at Republican whining.

I say Democrats should, for one term only, use every trick, ploy, and scheme the Republicans have used for Trump to get us back on track, closing every loophole and making it a crime to support obstruction or "refusal to cooperate" as a public official after 3 years and 9 months.
Ignore them. Dismiss them. If they suggest any legislation, crush it, call it unAmerican and stupid, and laugh at their inability to do anything about it. Defund all their pet projects and corporate welfare programs and implement universal health care with the money saved.
Turnabout is fair play. I'm sick to death of Democrats turning the other cheek in the name of civility with an uncivil adversary.

Mystic95Z said:

Unfortunately Republicans of today are not what they once were, they are all just a bunch of hacks that want to cling to power at all costs damn the consequences....

If they don't support throwing the criminal in chief out that sets a very bad president for future POTUS's to push the envelope even farther.

GOP Says Trump Was Joking as Damning Ukraine Texts Emerge

newtboy says...

The next Democratic president is going to have carte Blanche to do anything he or she wants, laws be damned, and Republican complaints are all nothing but country hating sour grapes, to be ignored and ridiculed.
Republican subpoenas....toilet paper. Republican criminal charges....witch hunts. Republican legislation....compost. Republican complaints....sweet sweet music. Turnabout is fair play, and there's a big turnabout a'coming.

Sudafed pill popping Donny (see his taco bowl photo from May 5, 2016 and notice the open drawer that's chock full of European formula Sudafed) now has 20% of Republicans ready to impeach, that number growing steadily. An anonymous/sealed vote in the Senate today would see him expelled, so McConnell won't consider it.

Not sure how they think baiting and lying to the press isn't baiting and lying to the public....or how it doesn't make him a consummate liar in their eyes.

Cop tasers old woman for fleeing from an $80 ticket

newtboy says...

Oh...I was intentional.
She seems like the kind of elderly woman who thinks their age means their opinion supersedes everyone else's facts and dismisses them with "hun", "shug", "sweetie", "doll", "child"....'s. She clearly thought her opinion overrode the officer's lawful commands, there's no reason to think she's more thoughtful dealing with those with no authority.
Turnabout is always fair play.

BSR said:

Please Don’t Call Me “Hon”

Not judging. Just sayin'... It's a "thing."

Halloween prank backfires

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

newtboy says...

I think you people miss the point. She is in the wrong, disrespectful, and insulting from the get go. He's being a douche intentionally to get under the skin of people like her who believe they have no obligations to be decent human beings, people who leave their messes for others to clean up without qualms because somebody will take care of them. She was being a dumb bitch before he arrived, leaving her cart where it blocks both the parking spot and endangers the neighboring car, and could easily damage others by rolling, that's why cart return spots exist. Maybe his car has been repeatedly damaged by inappropriately abandoned carts, we don't know his motivation for demanding others not be irresponsible. He maybe should have just moved it and a few others to block her then sat back and recorded her outrage, and not engaged with the douchey nutjob....but that wouldn't have the desired effect.

Guaranteed she litters, despite her claims....she absolutely records him without permission, something she claimed was illegal when he did it. Rules don't apply to people like her. Civility isn't part of their makeup, neither is accepting social obligations...She must be a Trump supporter.

He was calm and polite at first until she went full superbitch on him immediately.

I fully support being a dick to dicks, and a douche to douches. I would have supported him knocking her phone out of her hand like she tried multiple times...turnabout is always fair play, and she was the disrespectful douchebag first and best....eventually blocking handicapped parking in her disrespectful rage after trying twice to break his camera/phone.

If you're doing something wrong that could harm others and someone calls you out, YOU are the asshole, not the upright citizen who saw something and said something. If you get outraged at being called out for ignoring your responsibility, you are the douchebag that deserves public shaming.

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

newtboy says...

Sadly, it's because these "good cops" all but never police their criminal brothers in blue, and the excessively few who have stood up are almost always threatened until they are run out of law enforcement.

Right now police departments are fighting tooth and nail against a new California law requiring them to disclose records of criminal misconduct committed by police and the investigations of that misconduct, and they are terrified that information is about to be public....only one reason for that.

When they catch a gang member who didn't pull any trigger but stood with those who did, alibiing them and hiding evidence for them, driving the getaway car and being a lookout, they gleefully call him a bad actor and charge him like the rest. Turnabout is fair play.

Don't get me wrong, I do not advocate murdering police, but I understand why many people would. They do not resemble the people who protect and serve all too often, and far worse imo the "good ones" ride or die with the worst ones. I only advocate avoiding them as much as possible, and if stopped, answering any question with "Am I suspected of committing a crime? Then kindly ask my attorney, I have nothing to say." as my brother's lawyer taught me, and trying to not be can always sue over the civil liberty violations later.

I also believe 1000 good deeds don't erase one criminal one as they often argue....especially when it's your job.

That's why....but hey man, it's just, like, my opinion, man.

BSR said:

You realize you're condemning the good cops for lack of a better answer, right? Why would you steer me or someone else that way?

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...

Yes, he gets between them, and the kids then close in and surround a group.....hi-ya-hi-ya-ing, woo-boo-boo-boo-boo-ing and tomahawk chopping.
He is also on multiple video interviews saying they did block his ceremony, which was permitted, and it's undeniable that the kids and black Israelites interrupted the ceremony that started at the reflecting pool and was supposed to end at the top of the steps the kids took over. That said, he didn't get between the other two groups to continue the closing ceremony, he did it to separate and distract them and instead became the target for both groups.

I disagree 100%. Sane people did this to stop the rapidly escalating anger between the kids and (disgusting) black Israelites before the kids attacked the Israelites, which seemed inevitable because no one was controlling the kids (or the small group of Black Israelites) and the kids were getting more and more rowdy. A few insane people say the kids weren't being racist or insulting, and that's absolutely asinine and completely divorced from reality. They were intentionally insultingly racist....and towards a different group than the group that insulted them.

Watched the long version from 1:11-3:11, no shoving into the kids, no Phillips, that's the black Israelites screaming their nonsense at natives, disrupting their ceremony.
So I checked 1:11:00-1:13:00....when he comes in.....and note smirk boy is not there, he gets into the stationary elders face later. It's bears mentioning that his tactics worked too, he instantly calmed the situation and diverted the hopping mad boy's attention from attacking the Israelites to deriding the natives. Even the Israelites are impressed. Not sure what point you thought that makes, but it's not yours.

He was absolutely not aggressive in the least, and did not push or even touch a single person that I saw, and stopped in front of the kids who quickly surround him. Why are you lying?

Smirk boy might have an argument if he was alone, but smirking in the man's face for nearly 10 minutes while hundreds of your friends dance around you shouting insults and laughing derisively is not an attempt to defuse, it's a clear and obvious power play he thought he won until the shit storm he's trying to claim he wasn't being disrespectful....I call bullshit. He knew exactly what he was doing, and expected to be big man on campus for it....probably is. Do you think he would find it respectful if a black kid smirked inches from his mother's face as she performed (or any time) while his friends taunted her incessantly? Doubt it.

The next March for life is probably going to end with thousands of blm activists, possibly claiming they were just insulted by white supremacists, so any disruptions, insults, or rudeness towards the anti choice March will be ignored. Turnabout is fair play, and rapid escalation is the MO of this century.

Too bad the adults in the church group decided to egg the kids on rather than turn the other cheek. No surprise, the school and republicans claim the kids did nothing at all wrong. 100% certain they would think it's wrong if aimed at them, or done by non white non Christians, or even white kids in Hillary hats.

Worst for these kids, they are now poster children FOR PRO abortion groups.....their new commercial could be any portion of these videos captioned "your unwanted kid could be one like these, with their public actions drawing death threats, property threats, and unending verbal assault to your family and communities".

So much for helping their cause by attending the march. All they've done is expose the utter disrespect Christians accept from their children towards others, even defend. My parents would have skinned me alive and offered the pelt as contrition if I acted that way towards an adult, and we don't believe in Jebus.

bcglorf said:

Did you check out the summary of the video evidence posted by eric3579? Or in the nearly 2 hr one I linked skip to 1:11 and check out the interaction between the drummer and the kids.

The kids stay in their group, and the drummer and his followers wade right into them, with lots of room to go around. Phillips is on audio recording declaring that he did NOT feel that he was blocked from any closing ceremony, but that he wanted to go in and separate the kids from the black Israelites to 'descalate' the situation. Eric3579's video again has Phillips audio statement about what he was doing, listen to that and then watch the longer video for a minute or two at 1:11 when Phillips wades in. He's clearly lying, he went in aggressively pushing into the middle of the crowd of kids, hardly what any sane person wanting to deescalate the situation would do.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Ok, I, and almost all non right wingers disagree. CNN and Faux are no where near the same level. CNN may have some bias against the man who actively encouraged right wing terrorists to attack them as enemies of America and continues to do so....that's perfectly reasonable and professional.
What they don't do is make up stories out of thin air like Faux, edit video to create false impressions that are diametrically opposed to reality, hire mostly frauds who have been caught falsifying reports, repeat obvious lies because their preferred candidate/politician said them, or go on the campaign trail with candidates not to report, but to speak on their behalf. Your conflation of the two is either disingenuous, outrageously ignorant, or insane, you choose.

I watch more than enough Faux to know what they are, pure propaganda. You can deny it all you like, that only makes you look ignorant or dishonest. I'm certain I watch more Faux than you watch CNN, yet you've made similar (but less honest) claims about them, you must not watch it enough to know of what of you speak, you just take a convicted frauds word that they're liars as gospel and never investigate it seems.

You don't know me, sir, or you wouldn't make such a spurious claim. I gather information from multiple opposing sources. How could I debunk the lies from Faux and OAN if I don't watch them spout those lies?

Then how about what Trump himself did?...turnabout is fair play, so in this instance two wrongs might make things more right, at least more balanced. The left playing fairly, honorably, and attempting to avoid even the appearance of impropriety got us Trump, who has no such qualms. I hope Democrats don't sit on their high horse and complain that Trump doesn't play fair while he destroys our democracy and's well past time to start tossing the steaming shit back at them.

Trump raped his pre-teen daughters on film and bragged about it, that's why he won't show us their long form medical and financial records.....that's far truer than his birther claims.
Also, his kids are all illegals, born to non citizens as anchor babies, (all his baby mommas are immigrants/invaders) when he tries to remove birthright citizenship they should be deported immediately. ;-)

No, none of those people are good at reporting news, not one can separate their rabid hyper biased opinions from fact, although Smith is doing better lately......but slightly better than god awful isn't good.
Fox is a joke, period. They don't have reporters, they have hosts. They're an opinion/entertainment/propaganda network, not a news network. It's really sad that you watch them but don't understand that basic fact, and you defend them as offering good reporting while also admitting they aren't even news...WTF, man?

The thing there is the news media is not being unprofessional, Trump is, but you're listening to him as if he wasn't an impudent infant and believing the nonsense that reporting on his constant vitriolic foibles is unprofessional. It's simply not.

Trump is the leader of the nation, not CNN, not his advisors, not Hannity. He is not being led to the right, he's dragging centrists far right or attacking them if they refuse to go along.
How about maybe he tries to lead towards civility and professionalism instead of impetuously attack any detractors like a spoiled brat, blaming them for his own actions?

Briguy1960 said:

I do place CNN and Fox in the same category.
That is how low CNN has sunk and how much better Fox has become in my experiences watching what amounts to garbage reporting on a whole.
Trump did this today blah blah blah but yes he still lusts after his daughter.
He is actually saying she is just a really hot looking young woman as he works in that business but lets go there anyway.
Fox is not pure propaganda.
You don't watch it enough to see the right people to know of what of you speak.
I don't simply watch what appeals to me or justifies my point of view which too many people like you are doing with the rise of the internet.
Relying on late night comedy shows who never show Fox News or Trump saying anything good is useless too.
Shep Smith, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are pretty decent at giving you the news.
Yes Fox is a joke at times and seems to be in Trumps pocket but there is good reporting on there and some good reporters.
You just have to skip the garbage like Hannity a lot of the time and the judge jeannie idiot all of the time.
Laura Ingram seems to be there just to act the asshole.
Tucker can be good sometimes looking at the current insane trends.
I watch several sources everyday to get an overall view on how things get reported and it is eye opening.
I never liked what the Republicans and Fox did to Obama but 2 wrongs don't make a right and after all Fox News is just entertainment right?
CNN has been around how long?
It was once very respected.
You don't seem to be grasping my point.
I don't like most of how Trump does things.
Even when he is doing something good he ruins it sometimes by the way he words it.
I think he is being led by people and could have been a lot more palpable to the left but they have pulled the strings and yanked him back most everytime.
The birther thing showed how low class he will always be despite his money and gross looking home with all the ugly so called appointments.
I am saying he is playing the media and it is suffering as a result and the media by acting unprofessionally is playing along.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

New Rule: I Didn't Reproduce Day

newtboy jokingly says...

That probably does get tiring fast....but not nearly as tiring or as fast as people's unrestrained, undisciplined children running amuck get tiring to those of us responsible enough to not make more unneeded people.

Turnabout's fair play.

CrushBug said:

Yes, and there is a level of arrogance to his viewpoint.

Married friends of ours, who don't intend to have kids, when they see some perceived problem with someone else's kids, blow kisses at each other and say "Thanks, honey!"

It gets pretty tiring, pretty fucking fast.

Rude Lady Fires a Long Time Janitor For Leaving 8 Min Early

newtboy says...

What a disgusting bitch. As if she isn't ugly enough physically, she has to display an even more sickeningly ugly personality publicly.

There's no way she would have paid him overtime for being there 15 min longer, and the fire dept might have fined them if he hadn't given them access, or just left and not inspected, closing the school and definitely costing the janitor his job for not letting them in.
Do they not have a punch clock? That should back him up completely with HR. I can only hope they're addressing Susan's inappropriate behavior and reprimanding her strongly.

He's better off. He'll get another job thanks to this video, a better one with a boss who's not using a pineapple for a butt plug.

I think you are going to be sorry....Mrs Susan Opferman of Alpharetta Georga, for this behavior. Someone's going to be offended and find you and/or use these overhanded, insulting, unfair and dehumanizing tactics against you and your children. I expect Webb Bridge middle school will be getting a large number of complaints about this woman working with children, maybe costing her job. Turn about is fair play...get ready for a shit storm.

A good question I have, why would a custodian's hours end at the same time school gets out? Do they leave the daily messes to dry and harden overnight until 6:30 am? It would make far more sense if he got off at 4.

Edit: oops. I made a mistake. I just realized this is normal and accepted behavior for a beachmaster. Carry on.

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

newtboy says...

No, IMO it was his lip service to the undereducated masses and downtrodden who didn't know any better than to believe him because they never actually looked into who he is. Had they just read his book, they would know his MO is promise the moon and deliver contaminated dirt, and lie, lie, lie until the lie is as prevalent as reality, never accept responsibility for any flaw, and take credit for any success, and always remember the little guy has no power, and treat them that way. His words (paraphrased), not mine.

Your suggestion then? Just shut up and wait 4 years, and in the mean time ignore his many disqualifying flaws, illegal actions, and completely thorough hypocrisy?
No thanks.
Let him prove he can read at an adult level...with the long form reading and comprehension test. Until then, he deserves to be labeled illiterate just like he labeled Obama an immigrant. Turn about is fair play. Once he proves that, we can move on to the next insulting accusations, like incest or urine fetishes. Trump himself created this game, now he has to play it.

Anom212325 said:

Mabe, but all this ranting and screaming is what got him elected in the first place. Your just doing the exact same thing 10x more expecting a different result this time. Only this time he's already president and instead of shooting yourself in the foot your shooting your whole leg off.

Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

worm says...

Oh, I'm glad you cleared that up. I had completely forgotten liberals don't use violent imagery, like calling pretty much everyone they disagree with some form of Hitler... or a nazi if Hitler gets old.

In any case, my point is still the same. Use "the shoe is on the other foot" or "turn-about is fair play" or even "what comes around goes around" if it makes you FEEEEEEEEL better.

Whine on! I'm loving it!

dannym3141 said:

I love how nazis use violent imagery and talk up the brutality all the time, but when they get punched in the face it's less boots on necks and more piss in pants.

Honestly, richard spencer helped dispel the illusion that these new nazis are anything to worry about when he bitched out after tasting some of the violence he enables. Reminds me of the Big Lebowski.

Donny: "Are they gonna hurt us Walter?"
Walter: "No Donny, these men are cowards."

1000 degree Red Hot Rocket Knife

Sagemind says...

Man, do I hate TLAs
(AKA: Three Letter Acronyms)

A). Frames Per Second
B). First Person Shooter
C). Food Process Solution
D). Fires Per Second
E). Federal Protective Service
F). Forest Products Society
G). Financial Processing Solutions
H). Fire Protection Systems
I). Food Pharma Systems
J). Foundation Plant Services
K). Federation of Petroleum Suppliers
L). Foundation Public School
M). Fancy Play Syndrome
N). Feet Per Second
O). Fair Play System
P). French Parts Service
Q). Fedorki Performance Systems
R). Fluid Property Sensor
S). Farmington Public Schools
T). Foot-Pound-Second
U). FairPlay Streaming
V). Family Pairwise Search
W). Forum on Physics and Society
X). Forensic Psychological Services
Y). Future Problem Solving

*Hint: the answer is Z.
(And yes, every one of these are real things that use this TLA.)

00Scud00 said:

I'm going to be disappointed if the 1000 degree Red Hot Rocket Knife Gun doesn't show up in a FPS sometime in the near future.

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