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Synchronized Reversing Ends in Rear End Collision

luxintenebris jokingly says...

surprised this doesn't happen more often. especially in parking lots. have seen cars pull out across from each other, and parallel to each other.

'tho seen something even more intriguing than this. after h.s. let out, two cars were diagonal across and backed out, mirroring each other completely. both drivers saw one another, reacted precisely at the same time but still touched bumpers.

no real damage, other than both car's passengers spilled out, while play-acting, holding their backs and necks, yelling "OH! MY BACK!" or "MY NECK!" and threatening to sue each other.

no one (nor the cars) suffered anything but embarrassment, shock, or amusement.

Man In The Women's Locker Room Is Now The Norm

JiggaJonson says...

Yes the manner she's complaining is there to draw attention and hopefully embarrassed the person. As I said above this, she's not complaining about something happening, she's just complaining that the person exists.

On your second question, I was taking a pee when my kid was in and let me be brutally honest here. I thought she was still infantile enough to file things like this into 'I don't remember ' but she piped up very articulately "daddy, let me see your body" and I swear on my grandfather's grave it's the only time I've felt genuinely self conscious around my kid. I shut the curtain to the tub and explained to her that there are boys and girls, etc. But...and don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting to wander around just naked all the time, however, I see my wife on occasion interact with her like that and I wish I didn't have to feel like worried that my own kid is going to see me naked. If she does it's not the end of the world, but I guess when I'm not doing anything wrong - I wish I didn't have to worry about it. Yes.

I know different cultures have more nuanced views of nudity. Not all nudity is inherently sexual.

Moreover, the woman never even made it clear that they saw anything. She never says they saw it

Double checking

No, she says a lot of variations of "I see" or "he has" those verb forms fit with the other hypotheticals that she lays out to make them sound as close to something happening as possible.

Note - she doesn't say "I saw" or "(s)he showed" or "(s)he had" the way one would if an event happened in the past. She's talking in present tense.

But let's assume someone saw something in a flash of a towel to garment transition. For sayings sake. Yeah... I don't think it's too much to ask that parents sit their kids down and explain "well, you know Elton John? That guy is WAYYYY more manly than these people ever want to be. These people hate manly things so much they have decided they want to be women." Or something like that.

bcglorf said:

Honest question for everyone really angry at the lady in the video. Is the problem her manner and attitude alone? That is to ask a second question, do you think it is unreasonable for a parent to not want their young daughter seeing naked penises?

2020 Politics

BSR says...

I think you meant, Focusing on protecting the Constitution from traitors. Glad to help you get it right so as not to embarrass yourself.

bobknight33 said:

And what are Democrats doing about it?

They’re busy obsessing over President Trump.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now we know it was not just Democratic senators Trump had investigated to try to blackmail them, but multiple reporters were tapped to try to find their sources for embarrassing articles they published about Trump, and even "tapping" the phones and computers of his own council, who he had directed to lie to congress, in order to keep tabs on what he was really telling people about Trump's criminal activities.

The excuse they came up with was trying to find "leakers" who gave the press embarrassing facts about the administration....not even a crime. Better, what they found was nothing. No evidence against the democrats they were secretly surveilling or their families or employees or their families had done anything illegal.

Of course, Sessions and Barr deny any knowledge of these dozens of personal secret investigations their department was performing at Trump's direction, which is absolutely asinine. These liars knew from day one and had to personally authorize all these illegal fishing trip investigations of Trump's enemies list and their friends, families, and co workers at Trump's order.

"They tapped my phone! They tapped my phone! This is just like Watergate!" Insisting that anyone involved should be in prison long term. All bullshit. Trump's phones weren't tapped, only payments coming from Russia's government were being looked at as part of an investigation of Russian election interference. Tellingly, this outraged and terrified Trump.
This Trump enemies list investigation, however, was a purely personal vendetta by the president abusing the power of government agencies to embarrass and influence his political rivals by directly investigating them over non crimes in a fishing expedition that extended to family and co-workers looking for dirt, not crimes, and not as part of any legitimate investigation. Anyone involved should go to prison long term. Just one more criminal case for Trump to defend against. He'll be dead long before he's done defending himself against serious charges...let's hope his family was involved personally so maybe some of the criminals won't escape responsibility.

newtboy said:

Remember how outraged Trump was that "Obama tapped my phone!", which was actually not true, but he never stopped claiming it happened and that Obama himself should go to prison for it?

Well, no surprise, like everything Trump gets outraged over, he was actually directing his heads of the DOJ to secretly tap Democratic senators phones and computers....

"The Justice Department in 2018 secretly subpoenaed Apple for the data of two Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.) and Rep. Eric Swalwell (Calif.), as well as the data of their current and former staffers and family members." This included minor family members.

This was a pure political fishing trip, hunting for something to accuse the senators of to bring up before the midterm election.

Once again, Trump is guilty of what he complains about. It's so consistent that it's a great indicator that he personally defrauded the election because he keeps claiming others did....and what do you know, all evidence of fraud found was Republican frauds, all designed to help diaper Don, the biggest loser....your hero.

The Watermelon Joke That Saved Me After I Got Pulled Over

luxintenebris jokingly says...

moonsammy: great take. thumbs-up! crystalized my thoughts exactly!*

a couple of rules of comedy are 'know your audience' and [the joke] 'it has to be funny'. if there is no laugh, either you told it wrong, told it to the wrong person, or your wrong about it being funny. your audience is the final judge. not their duty to laff at your doody joke.

stukafox: okay [btw: the watermelon joke is very old] but not going w/the worst or nastiest, just with a few of old risqué ones.

novice is riding back to the convent w/the mother superior on their bicycles through the medieval section of the town. mother superior tells the novice "let's cut through this alleyway". the alley is long, rough and bumpy but the novice agrees. when they get back on the regular route the novice says, "that was new! I've never come that way before!" mother superior says, "it's the cobblestones."

a woman notices her neighbor's tomatoes are fully ripening while her's are still green. she asks him "how do you get your tomatoes to ripen so quickly?" he tells her, "I get up around dawn while I'm still in my bathrobe and open it and flash them. they get so embarrassed they turn red." women tells him she's going to try it but later in the evening. the next day, the neighbor sees the woman and asks "so? did it work?" the woman turns to tell him, "no. it didn't - but YOU SHOULD SEE MY CUCUMBERS!

an old woman was talking w/her younger friend. old woman tells her about some of the older woman in town. "oh! don't let them fool you! they were pretty wild in their day! " then she went on and listed all the men a trio of sisters went through and each tête à tête they had. the list was shockingly impressive enough that the younger woman said, "gee...maybe they couldn't help themselves...maybe they suffered from a hereditary disease?" the old woman cocks her head back and eyes the younger woman then says, "hereditary? hell! yes! it was! it was IN THEIR JEANS!!!"

*david letterman

Swiss hockey coach tells it like it is

cloudballoon says...

As a Canadian, I'm not going to gloat, eh? Rather, I admire the coach for speaking the truth and he need not be embarrassed by this cold, hard fact: ALL NHL teams bribe European players to play in the league. It's just "money talks" that American & Canadian teams dominate at the very top tiers of international matches.

Just like the reverse is true for FIFA.

Swiss hockey coach tells it like it is

Big Red - 1964

StukaFox says...

They got so much right on that one! Today, we actually have trucks and they use engines -- who could have possibly foreseen such wonders in the darkest ages of the late 1960s?! Surely, this is the result of witchcraft combined with technology and just a wee pinch of leaded gasoline and DDT.

Next week on "Our Amazing Future": an astounding device will wait until your wife is asleep and then deliver an unstoppable deluge of pornography directly to you from all over the world -- in COLOR!!

Military scientists are already hard at work on the "inter-net", by which the conveyance of rank smut into your bedroom will forever put to rest that embarrassing walk over to BIG TONY'S TIT-A-TORIUM for your weekly purchases of "Giant Goddamn Asses" and "Judy Hopps Confidential." Apparently you'll also be able to get news and culture and all that other who-cares bullshit, like anyone gives a fuck since there's gonna be way hella titties! And grey fur.

Can someone please recommend a good mental health specialist?

Dad embarrasses daughter using teen slang

newtboy says...

Show up at his work dressed in your absolute sluttiest outfit and makeup looking for Daddy...tell every co worker who you mean, and give him a big sloppy kiss when you find him. Bring the taser, spark it over and over saying you've got a fun toy for later tonight. See who's embarrassed then. Turnabout is absolutely fair play.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ahhh.....the thing this qanon conspiracy nut was caught on hot mike saying that he's embarrassed of was saying that the far right Trump militia that tried to kidnap and murder the governor, even after some plead guilty, were getting a "bad rap"...meaning they shouldn't be prosecuted because they only tried to kidnap and murder a Democrat.

He’s not embarrassed of this stupid lie about Republicans “staging” a fake coup for Pelosi and Schumer to use to convict Trump, when asked he stood by it and refuses to retract or apologize for it.

This is your source for unbiased information?! No wonder you believe such idiotic nonsense.

I guess it's fine if leftists kidnap and murder republican governors and Senate majorities then? Green light.


bobknight33 said:

.....what about this..
Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer.

Trumps Impeachment Lawyers Are Very Bad: A Closer Look

BSR says...

Listen Snowshoes, the impeachment was legit. A child could see what happened here.

Get edumacated.

The Emperor Has No Clothes

"When a leader surrounds himself with “yes” men, it often leads to absurd and embarrassing results. It is far better to surround oneself with honest people who are unafraid to ask questions or to point out deficiencies as they see them."

TangledThorns said:

If the Democrat's impeachment ain't legit then you must acquit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Michigan State Senator, Deluded boy....

What nonsensical twaddle. You grasp onto the stupidest lies but this one takes the cake...McConnell was working AGAINST Trump!? Too funny, LMFAHS. It's telling that you think your best arguments are pure whataboutism comparing and excusing serious and actual crimes with just dumb fantasy created out of thin air. "Telling the truth"!?! ROTFL.

I guess you forgot you are claiming Antifa caused it, because now you're saying McConnell caused it. Are you supportive of removing him now, impeaching McConnell, since you now suddenly think McConnell is against Trump, a leader of Antifa, and the architect of the Trump coup, despite all evidence to the contrary? Your lies are flailing contradictions.....if you had an iq above 80 you might notice you just claimed Trumptards followed instructions from Antifa who was really working for high ranking Republicans in an effort to disqualify effort the same high ranking Republicans thwarted by delaying a trial until they wrongly claimed it was too late to try one and used that lie to excuse their not guilty votes, even though they freely admit Trump committed treason by instigating the coup attempt.


As usual, Fuck your unknown far right wing propaganda/virus hosting site. Creativedestructionmedia....sounds really professional and exactly the kind of deep investigative journalism that would uncover such a brilliant bipartisan scheme to defraud you......oh, sorry, I meant to say it sounds like another propaganda site spreading stupid lies based in pure partisan fantasy, bearing no semblance to reality, blatant lies that only total brain dead morons can't see through from the title alone. You just beg to be lied's so dumb're being so dumb it's impressive you haven't drowned looking up at a rain storm mouth agape.

This time i won't bother looking up this new lie, it's just so incredibly fucking stupid. Because a stupid Trumptard Michigan state senator said it indicates it's made up stupid bullshit, not that it's true. Duh. This one is particularly brainless even for you. Holy shit. Caught on camera!? He's said it in interviews, the guy's a total trumpcuck and nutjob liar willing to come up with any dumb lie to save Donny....just like you.

Trumptard senators and representatives believe Trump won the election, false, he's NEVER won an election.
They believe in baby eating cabals of hundreds of thousands of magically young baby eaters and rapists despite zero evidence of that nutty claim that requires belief in actual magic and has plenty of evidence and reality itself against it.
They believe Jewish space lasers are creating all that evidence of global warming they said was all made up, but now they suddenly admit the evidence is real, they just switched the argument to claim those temperatures, melting glaciers, droughts, wildfires, etc are created by Jews with space lasers.....but they aren't antisemitic, noooooo.
They believe in a multi-million person international conspiracy to defraud the election that went 100% perfectly leaving absolutely no trace of the biggest crime syndicate of all time by a factor of 1000. Not one email, text, letter, carrier pigeon message coordinating this convoluted, international scheme created by someone long dead and a group they say are dumb and incompetent. You people should all be committed for your own safety. You are clinically insane.

McConnell voted not guilty, and told other republicans to use the debunked and legally wrong claim that the trial was unconstitutional (a legal argument with no basis in fact, history, precedent, or which was legally decided before the "trial" started when the full Senate declared it constitutional, and no court has ever ruled otherwise) kinda proves this new stupid and bat shit crazy desperate claim is utter bullshit....and only believed by hyper partisan idiots that don't care if they believe lies as long as those lies help their Messiah.

You are such a stupid brain dead tool for Trump. How does that mushroom tip taste? Better get a syphilis test. It rots your it's probably too late for you.

I don't think you could come up with a stupider more ridiculous self contradictory lie if you hired Mensa to create one. Jesus fucking Christ, this is some hard core dumb insanity Bobby. You MUST be joking trying to sell that stupidity.

This crap is why people think you, and most Trumptards, are all ignorant morons that can barely spell their own names. Even people with below average intelligence are insulted by the implication that they might be convinced of this kind of idiocy. I'm flabbergasted you aren't embarrassed to try it.

...and I'm not your son, guy.

bobknight33 said:

Dreaming my son.

what about this..
Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer.

Let's talk about Trump's accomplishments...

newtboy says...

Oh fuck, Bobby...20 lies to debunk? You suck.

1) and how many lost?...tens of millions
2) citation needed, and even if true, there are many more unemployed too, there are more of us. What you neglect is that there are more trying to work because it’s impossible to live on one average income and even children have to work to pay the family bills
3) citation needed, and lost how many millions? The net has been a loss of manufacturing, most of his gains never materialized
4) for one quarter after declining at the fastest rate in history for two. If I drop you off a 100’ cliff yesterday, then lift you up by 6’ today, I still made your position much worse even though it’s incredibly better than yesterday when you were falling...I don't get kudos for picking you up after stomping you into the dirt.
5) economic growth the quarter before reduced by what was it, >30%? That’s still a loss, dummy. See #4
6) new unemployment claims hit 50year highs for 3 quarters before, and new rules take many unemployed off the list so it looks better for Donny. The unemployment rate is still historically high
7)average household income has decreased. Rich became much richer, poor became poorer. Average Americans saw a loss in income
8 ) already discussed unemployment, you’re misstating or obfuscating the whole picture
9) anyone suspected of being undocumented is removed from the list....not an honest number by far
10) more fake numbers
11) more fake numbers
12) more fake numbers
13) more fake numbers
14) more fake numbers

Here’s the real data, notice only three states weren’t in the worst unemployment position ever last year....
Also note not a single one is at it’s historic low unemployment, and most saw record high unemployment rates for most of 2020.
I give him credit, at the beginning of 2020, before he screwed it all up with his failures over the Trump pandemic, about 1/3 of states were near record unemployment by the newer standards. I have to wonder how much of those gains were due to changing g the criteria for counting the unemployed.
When you drop your victim in a 100’ hole you don’t get kudos for throwing them a 6’ ladder
15) you mean thrown out of the programs, there’s more need than anytime since the Great Depression. It's incredibly dishonest to make qualifying for assistance far more difficult, then use the lower numbers of people who qualify as proof you improved conditions. Utter bullshit.
16) they’ve pledged that before. Call me when they graduate, until then it’s another empty promise
17) citation? Probably a Trump speech talking point
18) it was Christmas...they ALWAYS surge in Dec, usually by a ton more than this year. Let’s see the yearly number for 2020. I don’t believe for a second it was better than 2019...citation? Oops, looked it up, declined, didn’t go up. I think you’re looking at predictions for December, they were WAY below predictions.

US Retail Sales Unexpectedly Drop in December
US retail trade fell 0.7 percent from a month earlier in December 2020, following a revised 1.4 percent decline in November and compared with market expectations of a flat reading. That was also the third consecutive month of decline in consumption, amid record COVID-19 infections, high unemployment levels and lack of government's support. Receipts declined at electronics & appliance stores (-4.9 percent vs -8.3 percent in November), restaurants and bars (-4.5 percent vs -3.6 percent), food & beverage stores (-1.4 percent vs 1.5 percent), general merchandise stores (-1.2 percent vs -1.3 percent), sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument & books stores (-0.8 percent vs -1.7 percent), and furniture stores (-0.6 percent vs -2.1 percent). In addition, online trade slumped 5.8 percent, accelerating from a 1.6 percent decrease in the previous month.

19) not for people making less than millions a year, our tax cuts were minimal, temporary, and unnoticeable. What’s the debt now? He cut revenue and increased spending....thanks to failing to deal with COVID, it’s likely he doubled the debt. What was the low estimate, >$6trillion in unplanned off the budget socialist handouts to fix his lack of a public pandemic plan. This year the debt is going to outpace gdp....the deficit was up by 35% BEFORE the Trump recession.
$300 billion didn't leave...that number was the total high estimate of businesses that said they were moving off shore because they didn't want to pay taxes or said they would move back...if you believe him...and it was only for one quarter, a one time gain at a cost of >$1.2 trillion per year In lost tax revenue. Great plan. It was a one time thing, and much of that business left anyway within the year. GM plant? Foxconn? Harley Davidson? How much of that claimed $300 Billion was based on promises that never materialized?

20) not most small businesses, only those making what was it, >$500000 a year? That’s not most “small businesses “....and that tax rate is temporary, phased out completely after 10 years, corporate tax rates and rates for billionaires is permanent.

You must ignore or fake all economic data from 2020 to make these claims, and even then they would be dishonest exaggeration based on baseless claims from a constant liar.

Not one point you made is honest...that’s why you can’t provide references or citations, you would be embarrassed to admit it all came straight from Don the con’s lying mouth and not organizations that professionally study these claims.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy ...LEARN

(20 Dishonest claims)

simonm (Member Profile)

Trump & Election Results: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

noseeem jokingly says...

The official flower of the President-reject's administration: a pansy.

A yellow pansy.

Never accepted the last election? No. Never believed that the moron was acceptable. They knew he was president, but not a competent president. One can acknowledge a person's placement but not have to believe they deserve it.

If this is otherwise, then Fox News is going to have to be very, very, silent for the next four years. That's happening?

It was Mitch et al that never accepted that DJ was an abomination.

Just like W and the GOP's, "Why do you hate America?" when anyone called them out on their buggery.

Get hemmed in on an issue? Losing the debate? Being embarrassed by a logical penetrating question? Then go to the new standard deflection, "...never accepted the election".

Pansies. Yellow pansies.

So, yeah, the Dems can rightfully lecture DJ and the GOP on recognizing and ACCEPTING Americans' choice of a new president. Moscow Mitch will dutifully be quiet and kind, right?

2016 vs 2020 'Acceptance Rates'

& this is better than Wiggy and his stooges

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