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Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

newtboy says...

Oh yes it is.

His whining does not make a legal case for fraud. There's no evidence of fraud besides the numerous failed Republican attempts at defrauding the election.
Just like the last election when he falsely claimed 3 million fraudulent votes cast for Clinton, wasted millions investigating, and found NOTHING. Courts don't deal with whining little bitch's nonsense, and he has zero evidence of fraud. That's why his court cases are being tossed all over, they're nothing burgers.

The only doubt is in the weak minds of cultists who think Little Donny tells the truth. 4.25 million more legitimate votes for Biden even after the massive vote suppression campaign, even with 300000 missing mail in votes for Biden, even after Barr and others joined the foreign born smear campaign against Biden (that the Republican senate denounced as utter bullshit), even with Trump's armed suppression gangs threatening violence at the polls, Biden crushed him. Imagine if the Democrats had put up someone like Butigieg, might have been a >10 million difference.

Biden is on track to top 270 today. Trump has no path to 270. Disputed ballots aren't a thing. Sorry sunshine. Once the ballots are out of their envelopes and counted, it's over....and they are. Stop the count....Biden wins. Count all votes...Biden wins bigger.

The ONLY chance left is complete subversion by Republican governors, replacing electors with pro Trump electors and ignoring the vote....which will not work but will get them killed.

Duh....who do you think Pelosi is going to choose if it came to that, which it won't?


Bye Felecia...i hope you got that suicide insurance

bobknight33 said:

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

bobknight33 says...

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

Even Fake News (CNN) isn't buying Bidens answer

moonsammy says...

Technically correct: the Constitution does not provide specific details of how Supreme Court appointments are to be made. The fine details have been left up to the Senate and Executive (to a lesser degree, I believe). The executive branch has the right to nominate someone to the court, the Senate then has a duty to serve as a check on that. Technically there's nothing in the Constitution stating you're not allowed to advance a SC nominee weeks before an election.

It IS however, a naked partisan power grab. In 2016 one party argued, 8-9 months prior to the election, that their political opponents should not be able to have their SC nominee even get a hearing prior to the election. There was no actual precedent for this, but they insisted that the will of the electorate must be respected, and that we therefore must await the results of the election. So we did. Now 4 years later, the same party that insisted on respecting the will of the electorate in 2016 is taking precisely the opposite stance. Because last time they could potentially gain from the delay, and this time they almost certainly won't.

The CNN guy was correct: it is NOT unconstitutional to ram through a SC appointment. The authors of the Constitution didn't see fit to include that level of granularity in how the process would work. There is a process to clear this all up though: let's amend the Constitution! That's a super American thing to do! Let's establish, once and for all, the specific rules of the process. Then there won't be any back-and-forth like this about when a nominee can move ahead and when they can't. Nice and tidy.

The question then becomes: at what point in a President's term do they no longer get to nominate a replacement to the Supreme Court, when an election is pending? Should there in fact be no limit (like prior precedent, or lack thereof), and you believe that Merrick Garland should have been allowed hearings, and by extension the Amy Barrett hearings now are legit? Personally, I say we establish a cut-off to spare the political arguments in the future. Let's make it 100 days prior to the election: it's nice round number, bit over 3 months (so time for meaningful hearings and background checks), and should be after or at the end of primary season most cycles. That would of course invalidate both the 2016 and 2020 schemes by the Republicans, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

What's your take, Bob? How should this be handled? You posted the video, so I assume you have a stance on the issue?

Asimov on superstition, religion, and rationality

newtboy says...

I love the sideburns.

I'm pretty certain he would be happy to be in that group of deep thinkers instead of one with dumb ass Elvis, the anti drug-pill popper.

Religious people cannot be wholly logical, belief in the unseen unproven physically impossible and largely disproven and debunked supernatural is not logical or rational. (1) Putting your faith in the unproven is irrational and illogical, then using that misguided belief as a cudgel to berate others as +-99% of religious people do is just evil. Way worse than justifying military weapons in the name of science (which isn't reality, btw), it uses belief in the irrational and unprovable to justify USING those weapons on innocent populations, often for believing in the wrong irrational and unprovable supernatural ideas.
The worst atheist ape is more rational than the best believer, and on average around 10* more pleasant to talk with. They won't ever tell you all the ridiculous reasons you're going to hell, unless they're arguing directly from the theist's dogma and not reality....I often slam anti gay religious people for the much worse sin of mowing on Sunday, wearing cotton poly blends, or eating shellfish....but I don't believe it or even pretend to.

There's a logical explanation for Trump....think about how intollerably stupid, self centered, and irrational the average person realize the truth that 1/2 are stupider, more self centered, and more irrational than that....add in the fact Trump lost by >3000000 votes but won the electoral college anyway, and boom, it makes sense. Maddening, soul crushing sense.

X-Secret devil sign on my forehead and spit twice, like Dio's mother taught him.

(1) That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

noseeem said:

so what the logic behind those sideburns?

just let it all grow. save on shaving gear. as a writer, he'd fit in more with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, or Whitman* than Elvis.

on a different angle, the atheist apes can be worse than J.W., Mormons, and Evangelist badgers. if a person wants to believe in a higher power - so what? they can get through their days as serenely as the true science maven. religious people can be logical, brilliant, and still put faith in the unproven. no worse than justifying military weapons in the name of science.

after all, having experienced this president, am pushed to believe in True Evil yet simultaneously believing there is no GOD.

no logic or reason to it other than he is a magical troll, and has cast a spell on the townspeople.

X-- (cross and spit twice)

*or perhaps, Darwin as a science writer

Biden waves to missing crowd.

newtboy says...

Intentional infections and deaths vs adult responsibility.

Trump cultists happily put their lives at risk because Trump told them to.
Biden asked people to stay home and safe.

Hate to tell you, not Trump is ALL he has to be unless one of Trump's plots to subvert democracy is successful, his latest being calling on republican governors to claim they don't think the vote total matches their state, so they should toss the vote and just send all pro Trump electors, making us a dictatorship, not even a democratic republic.

bobknight33 said:

Donald Trump Rallies Vs Joe Biden Rallies.

Trump shows up and there are 5,000 to 15,000 to great him.

How on earth do Democrats believe Biden will win?

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Yes they are, and that's why Biden is ahead by double digits.

Only if he cheats and gets republican governors to replace the vote with pro Trump electors.

Elitist? Lol. Bobby, my wife and I together make under $35000 a year, and live in a county with zero cities.... pretty damn far from elitist territory. Derp. So delusional.

No they aren't. 7 votes almost accidentally lost by one new poll worker who was instantly fired is hardly proof of cheating. What Trump said in the debate was 100% more lies and bullshit. Look it up.


bobknight33 said:

The American people are watching and listening, not the the fake news but to what really is going all.

Trump will win in a land slide.

Keep pushing you elitist propaganda, no on is buying it except you blue cities.
Dems are cheating via mail in votes.

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

newtboy says...

65,844,610 votes compared to Donald Trump’s 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974. That was the mandate by the people to stop bat shit crazy conspiracy theorists from power. The electoral college overrode the people.

Trump got a mandate from 306 people, not the American people.

bobknight33 said:

306 VS 232 electoral votes... This was a Mandate by the people to stop run away liberal ideals.

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

Doc Rivers

SFOGuy says...

So I got curious: Could only find one quick data point --the Gallup Polls (since the early 2000s) asking: what do you identify yourself as? Republican, Independent, or Democrat? (respondents in percentages)

Feb 2017---31---37---31
July 2020---26---41---31

To win in 2016, Trump needed all his core and then a majority of the electorally important independents (only 6 states matter).

But--he's been bleeding his core; and maybe independents are less in love with him.

I guess, we'll see.

newtboy said:

That's people who are still willing to call themselves Republicans. That number has dropped sharply in the last 45 months.

My take is it's for people who were Republicans before the party lost it's mind. I know many who say they didn't leave the Republican party, it left them. They need to be reminded of how God awful Trump is on every topic so they can palate voting for a Democrat, even a middle of the road Democrat like Biden is hard for them to swallow, but better than Trump.

Trump and the GOP Rocked by Bombshell Woodward Tapes

WmGn says...

re: the wanted-to-play-it-down-so-not-to-create-a-panic story, Churchill's "nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat" speech comes to mind in contrast: Churchill instilled confidence by leveling with his electorate, and the country hauled together to defeat a greater, more serious threat.

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

newtboy says...

Ok, @bobknight33, you saw it. Now what's your excuse?

He likes heroes that don't get hurt or captured....and aren't so stupid and gullible they actually put themselves in danger of being hurt or captured for their nation....or the world.

Americans like presidents who actually win elections, not just electoral colleges. One more reason to vote blue, republicans will never remove their best bet for winning the presidency.
Remember, Trump was an election loser repeatedly (including in 2016 by over 3 million votes) and a maybe I'll run 3 times but chickened out.

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

newtboy says...

He was elected, but not democratically. The electoral college is not democratic. (Edit: my understanding is it was seen as a safeguard against democracy, because the founders didn't trust the uneducated masses to resist voting for a snake oil salesman that only serves his own interests instead of the national interest. Unfortunately it has served to put at least one in power without even winning the vote instead of stopping one who had.)

Trump is both a symptom and a cause. There are many, but bombastic, vitriolic, divisive, prejudiced people in public life and even leadership positions are a cause....just not THE cause.

Drachen_Jager said:

The political system is what it is, and technically it is still a democracy, so yes, he was elected.

The system is broken.

America is broken.

Trump is a symptom and ultimately not the cause of America's problems. Like many symptoms, he is problematic, but to assume he is the disease is a huge mistake.

Corporations and the ultra-wealthy now run the country. Wealth disparity is at an all-time high. Employers weaponize the medical system to force fealty from employees.

The truth is, America has long been an Oligarchy and is rapidly slipping into Fascism. Trump may have accelerated the process, but it was there all along.

What are you going to do about it?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What?!? How is that possible? You said he's lost it, rambles incoherently, and has no plan. Don't tell me you were W-w-w-w....w-w-w-w....wrong.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Exactly what people need. FTFY

It took Trump 3 to erase those gains and then some. Too fast.
Cut taxes and removed regulations and billionaires did great, but not average citizens who lost purchasing power and didn't see a tax cut they can notice but now owes $88000 and rising fast thanks to the exploded debt and deficit, and has seen insane cost of living increases and decreases in public services in that time....and now thanks to his failure handing the pandemic, we're teetering on great depression.

Just look at over 50000000 jobs lost, and how many businesses lost, and GDP the worst drop ever exponentially, and no investment in America but massive leveraging our assets....that's jobs lost and wages dropping.

Um...I don't want sniffy poo Trump. I guess you forget he does far more than sniff little girls with his best friend Epstein, including his underage daughter, pageant contestants, even random ten year olds he sees in public and dreams out loud of dating soon.

Every day you get more deluded, it's almost impressive you keep bringing up Trump's disgusting habits by accident....maybe it's not an accident?

He might, the fix is overwhelmingly in on uncountable fronts and I won't underestimate the stupidity of the American voter again. If he manages to steal enough votes through his many schemes, he just might win the electoral college again....he's never won an election in 4 tries.

bobknight33 said:

yep I did, Joe was alert and presented himself well.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Not exactly what people need.

it took 8 years for Biden/Obama to bring America back. Too slow. Trump came in cut taxes and slashed regulations and America took off.
Just look at the DOW Up some 12000 points. That growth, That Jobs Thats better wages in the making.

You can have the little girl sniffer. Americans will pick Trump.

Trump will whoop Ass Nov 3rd.

Trump Publicly Suggests Postponing The Election

newtboy says...

No moron, Republicans couldn't accept the election results, Democrats were upset about the electoral college results, which were different from the election results, but they accepted them.

Um....what? Republicans were in TOTAL control for 2/3.5 of the last years, and in >2/3 control the other 1.5 years. No surprise the party in power accepts zero responsibility and blames the party they rudely ignored, stymied, and demonized for 3.5 years. Brain numbing stupidity Bob. Republicans are that feckless even to you that democrats have been running the country from the passenger seat?! Lol.

Daughter Banging Donny is going to prison 2021. Enjoy.
Bye Don 2020

Democrats will be sure to blame any issues they cause on Republicans for the next 4-8 years while enjoying full control of congress and the executive. Go ahead and whine, the answer to any whataboutisms is "Trump", we won't bother listening to your complaints, the answer is always going to be the same...."Trump".

bobknight33 said:

Democrats could not accept the election results in 2016 . Sore Looser.

Democrats have been F in things up last 3 1/2 years.

Finger Banging Joe 2020


newtboy says...

MAGA 2020 by getting rid of Chump and his chumpets.

You need a new line, Bobby. Your team's got no maga after taking America in the wrong direction for 4 years, leaving us bankrupt, with a multi trillion dollar deficit, an exploded debt, insane unemployment, biggest GDP drop in history, no trade agreements just trade wars, worst pandemic response on the planet, horrific racist response to anti racist police abuse protests, and multiple attempts to toss the constitution.

America was great before Trump won the electoral college after losing the vote by >3 million votes, we need someone who can make it great again.
Trump's MAGA- Moscow's Agents Govern America

TangledThorns said:


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