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All the best quotes from My Name Is Bruce--Bruce Campbell

All the best quotes from My Name Is Bruce--Bruce Campbell

Tourettes Karaoke: Chris De Burgh - 'Lady in Red'

The Great Canadian 'Pliance Jump!

Playground Fail Compilation - Twisternederland

Boner Killers

Charlie Brooker on why The Wire is the best TV show ever

Ohhhhhh Sh*t

skinnydaddy1 says...

I did that with a rifle recently. Had an Aunt that was the most incredibly nice person you would of ever meet but could out cuss a sailor. (Is this saying even true anymore?) Spoke here mind on any and all subject and any and all people. Did not matter who or what. Of course in the last few years she became even more so and so got nick named the crazy aunt in the family. She enjoyed it. She died recently and of course we have to go down and handle all the funeral and effects and general clean up of the house. So while cleaning up I see a couple of old hunting rifles and pick one of them up to see what type of conduction its in and it goes off. Takes out the ceiling light and the kick knocks it out of my hand and through the sliding glass door. Stunned silence. No one moved for several seconds. Then my other Aunt and My mother both said at the exact some time. "Well, I guess thats her way of saying goodby." everyone just lost it and I swear it took a long time for the giggles and laughter to stop. Yep, I'm keeping the rifle.

Indiana State Fair stage collapses during storm, 4 dead.

Duckman33 says...

What I find funny is this. I was watching 'Total Recall' yesterday on Scifi. I noticed they took great pains to edit out the words "shit" and "ass" etc. from the dialog, and blur out Sharon Stone's partial nipple in the opening scene, but when Arnold uses a guy on the escalator as a human shield and he gets shot repeatedly causing big gaping bloody holes, that was shown in all it's glory no editing or blurring at all.

The message is quite clear. Cussing and sex is bad and unacceptable. But killing people and death is perfectly OK.

That said, I don't think this is so terrible it should be removed. Like Hybrid said, it's all over the news. And no one here is forcing you to click play.

25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Films

Racist Fuck BNP Leader Predicted the UK Riots 3 Years Ago

westy jokingly says...

were any on the street people with more than 25k of savings in the bank ?

were the vast majority of the people on the street uneducated and poor ?

were the bast majority of people on the streets people from shitty housing ?

The whole thing is cussed by lack of government addressing these areas of poverty and putting the right amount of money into it. this is 20+ years in the making .

The problem is most middle class and upper class people don't get it , they think these people are lazy worthless criminals ( which is true) and so they don't deserve any help.
as a result all that will happen is we will increase police rather than increasing social work improving council housing and education for the poor , and as a result the problem will persist until significant resources are put into to fix it.

Your Yard Is EVIL

Your Yard Is EVIL

Bill Maher ~ Why Liberals Don't Like Bachmann & Palin

heropsycho says...

LOL. No, you're a racist if you actually intend to put one race over another, etc. If I joke about a friend of mine who can't dance and call him 'white', that's not racist. I don't believe that all white people suck at dancing. I'm sorry that's hard for you to understand. Plus, you also just contradicted yourself. Since he makes jokes about men, women, blacks, whites, I like him because he makes fun of people that I dislike? I have nothing against men, women, blacks, whites, etc. He's funny, and he's often insightful, even though I fundamentally disagree with him frequently. Did you not catch that I criticized him for characterizing all religious people as sexist?

BTW, I've laughed my butt off at Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi jokes. It's what grown ups are capable of doing - cognitive dissonance. I can fundamentally disagree with the point of the joke and still find the humor in it.

About Christians treating women with respect, it's sexist if you believe that women are delicate little flowers who must be treated with respect at all times, because their dainty little ears can't take but so much. Even if you don't beat them, cuss at them, etc., that's still sexist! If a women is supposed to always do as the husband says, that's sexist. Period. End of story. If you expect the wife to clean the house, cook the meals, etc. simply because she's the female of the couple, that's sexist.

Finally, Maher only takes shots at those least likely to fire back?! So taking shots at organized religion doesn't get immediate responses?! Taking shots at Palin doesn't get immediate responses?! Do you not pay attention at all?! I fundamentally disagree with Maher about organized religion, but I definitely would not call him a coward. He speaks his mind even when he knows he's gonna get blasted for saying it.

Your post, sir, is an example of what ideologues of your ilk do - fundamentally alter reality to fit your beliefs.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

If you actually think he's a a sexist, you need your head examined. Does he make stereotypical jokes about women? Yes. Blacks? Yes. Men? Yes. Whites? Yes. He's not a racist, and he's not a sexist.
I see - so people who makes jokes about other races aren't racists. Unless - of course - you disagree with them politically. Then everything they say is racist, right? Maher is a racist. He is a sexist. He is a bigot. He openly mocks the disabled. He insults children. But since he confines his bigotry to people YOU dislike (such a Palin) then that cleanses him of his sin, doesn't it? What a bunch of typical liberal hypocrisy. If someone on the right 'joked' about Hillary Clinton deserving to be raped would that be funny? How about if they said that Nancy Pelosi's kids were a bunch of inbred retards?
The reason he's going after Palin and Bachmann is because they're up in the GOP polls, and they have TERRIBLE ideas.
You're half right. Up in polls, but not terrible ideas. That is a matter of personal opinion. I say Obama and the Democrats have terrible ideas, but I don't go around joking about how their children are inbred retards, or how they should be gay-raped like Maher and his supposedly 'progressive' guests do.
And I'm sorry, but those who take the bible that literally are sexists. "Make me a sandwich" is just as sexist as "Make me a sandwich, because god said so". Get mad all you want, but he's right on that.
I have never met this particular breed of mysoginist Christian cat that Maher and his ilk serve up as a strawman to represent all the religious world. Such a person may exist somewhere, but they are such an infinitesimally tiny fraction of Christianity that they really may as well not exist in the context that is being used here. The vast majority of the Christian world treats women with respect, and even reverance. There are other religions that are far more likely to treat women like dirt. And yet - strangely - Maher gives those kinds of religions a pass and continually harps on the one religion that is LEAST likely to manifest the behavior he supposedly purports to condemn.
But of course - he doesn't REALLY condemn that sort of mysoginy as long as it is applied to people he hates like Palin or Bachman. What a total wart of a man.
Nevermind historically what they did. They're doing it now. Period.
No they're not. Not so much in the Christian world anyway. The type of mysoginy you speak of is confined to a tiny minority of out there cults and branches on the fringe end of Judeo-Christianity. As I said - the real culprits are elsewhither. And yet I find it telling that Maher, his fans, and most other neolib don't care jack that women are mistreated all over the planet in non-Christian nations.
No - like most neolibs, Maher and his ilk dare not raise a critical voice where it is REALLY needed. Instead they will only take shots at the least offensive targets that they know are unlikely to shoot back. Hypocrites AND cowards. Typical of liberalism and leftism as a whole, really.

Chinese Grandma Learns To Swear In English

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'swearing, learning, english, chinese, cussing, ballshit, motherfather' to 'swearing, learning, english, chinese, cussing, ballshit, motherfather, grandmother' - edited by burdturgler

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