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Stand By For An Important Announcement

newtboy says...

Yes, Missouri. The unhinged ignorant governor wants to prosecute reporters for viewing source data, but there’s no law about this, no hacking required, just a left click, and despite the governor’s politically motivated attempts to force a case, the prosecutor has declined to file any charges against the reporter who noticed and reported that the government website had publicly posted the social security numbers of every teacher in the state….likely because the only crime was on the government’s part….including the continuing politically motivated retaliatory investigations against the reporter who discovered this inexcusable lapse in security under the governor’s nose.

He (the prosecutor) should file charges against the website administrator for exposing 100000 teachers to identity theft, and the governor for abuse of power for trying to prosecute the whistleblower for reporting the non existent security to the government, he even held off publishing his report to give the school system time to fix the issue before it became public knowledge.

Anyone surprised the governor is a Republican, a moron, is more than willing to abuse his power to try to avoid embarrassment for his administrations incompetence, and has absolutely zero idea of how websites, the internet, meta data, or hacking work, or in many cases what they even are (probably thinks the internet is a bunch of tubes, hackers use hatchets, and that meta data is secret proprietary data)?

Sweet zombie Jesus, these morons get worse daily….I think Trump secretly requires them to eat >1gram of pure lead per day. Stupider by the minute.

noims said:

Worse that this. If you go to a publicly available page with no authentication, and just look at all the data being sent down to your browser (rather than just the data that the browser displays) you can get investigated. IIRC this is what that nutjob governor in Missouri(?) recently went full-on attack dog about.

The_Boss (Member Profile)

Spelling bee word gets this kid cracking up,Sardoodledom

noims says...

To save everyone the click...

Definition of Sardoodledom
Mechanically contrived plot structure and stereotyped or unrealistic characterization in drama : STAGINESS, MELODRAMA

The authors of the world's great plays are not mere tricksters in Sardoodledom
— John Mason Brown

Named for Victorien Sardou, a 1908 French playwright criticized by G. B. Shaw for the supposed staginess of his plays.

Next word: Haboob.

"Z2" - Upgraded Homemade Silicon Chips

noims says...

That's fantastic. I got a reasonable understanding of semiconductor physics and chip layout in college, but seeing it actually physically happen just made a lot of it click together... 30 years later!

Maybe it's just me, but I think this deserves a *promote.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You need to dead the video first before replacing the embed/adding backup for it to be automatic, otherwise you have to click the “replace embed…” at the bottom of the video after adding the backup I think.

ant said:

Eh? Did I miss a feature?

All of Mike Tyson's knockouts

Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech)

newtboy says...

There is no such thing as internet privacy. It’s a total myth. You are tracked anywhere you surf, and there’s no publicly available encryption the government can’t crack, usually they have back doors so they don’t even have to.

Of course, all social media sites are funded by selling your information. What, you thought they’re free?!

Do people not remember Carnivore? It collected and read EVERY email and text sent in the US in secret in the 90’s. Are people so dumb they think this stopped post 9/11?

I have no cell phone, no social media, and I always click “do not share my personal information “, required on any commercial site operating in California….and I still have no illusions that my data is private. Want to stay private, don’t give out your information to anyone.

So this float showed up at the Popcorn festival/ parade

noims says...

This comment is only for people with a dark sense of humour. I apologise in advance.

For a popcorn theme they could probably have put in a popcorn maker and holes in the sides of the buildings. That way as the corn pops, the little popcorn people jump out.

It took me an hour to click 'submit' on this.

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I really didn't bother clicking it, what does the link claim?

Yep...who would have guessed that when you abandon reason, logic, fact, truth, and civility you end up being wrong most of the time!?

surfingyt said:

2 things... #1 if this were true this would make him AWOL and he'd end up in a brig (aka military prison) then eventually dishonorably discharged. #2 its not true. already been thoroughly debunked.

Take another L trumptards hahahaha
yall some of the stupidest gullible morons out there

Divide by Zero on the Friden STW10 Mechanical Calculator

Ginrummy33 says...

My grandfather had one of these, or a very similar model, when I was a kid. Division of big numbers could take several minutes of entertaining clicking and things moving around a lot.

Funny Wedding Moments - The Huddle

cloudballoon says...

While I was grade 9, I tackled a fellow 2 years my senior (G11), he must be 5~6 inches taller than me (me being 5'6" in my adulthood, while he was one of the tallest in school, though not muscular), I dislocated his shoulder TWICE, during practices. First time he was hospitalized for 4 days, the second time was kind of funny. When I dislocated his shoulder again (with an audible "pop"), the guy next to me floored him and put his shoulder back in place (with an audible "click/sploosh"-y sound, hard to describe). Obviously he was in pain, and was twisting and tossing himself, but when the pain subsided a little bit and opened his eyes and saw me just standing there, he screamed "you again!?" All I could do was thinking of those Mel Gibson "dislocating shoulder" scenes in the Lethal Weapons movies.

So, it's not about size, really, it's to know where & how to tackle a big boi.

Fox Lies About the Texas Blackouts; GOP About the Election

77 Photos You Must See Before You Die

Jack Black has rare side effect from the vaccine

Happy 15th Birthday, VideoSift! (Sift Talk Post)

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