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How to get a contempt of court charge as a lawyer

Seagull steals iPhone from beach and flies off

StukaFox says...

Y'know what? Seriously, fuck seagulls. I fucking hate seagulls. Y'know why? They're total cunts. You know why they're cunts? Because they're cunts. Seagulls are God's answer to "why do children get cancer?" God says, "Because fuck you, that's why! Here's a seagull, you asshole."
"Ohh, but they ate all the locusts and saved Salt Lake City!" people say. Fuck them, too. The only thing good that ever came outta SLC is Steve Young and he ended his career flat on his back and the Niners have sucked ever since. Except for Kap; we'll give 'em one for Kap. We totally woulda won that game if the other team hadn't been better. They can go fuck themselves, too.
Ok, check this out: I was walking on the beach near Pescadaro and eating this awesome fucking carne asada taco I got at the super-secret Mexican place in the gas station and it was fucking amazingly good. This is the kinda taco that if it was pussy, you'd marry it and not give a shit when it fucked your best friend and ran off to Vegas with all your money. Seriously, it was that good. And I'm eatin' this goddamn glorious taco and feeling like I'm on top of the world and all is right with the universe. Then a motherfucking seagull all Stuka-moves me and snatches my taco! I'm all, "DUDE!! That's hella my taco, BITCH!", but then I remembered that birds don't speak English so I was like "Fuck!"
Seriously, 'tho, that was totally a good taco and shit.
Fuck seagulls.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I guess you're ignorant of the fact that all three networks have said clearly and repeatedly that they have ZERO evidence of these bat shit crazy, false, stupid, verifiably wrong claims by Trump and his sycophants.
They've retracted their claims, but too late, and won't have these Trumptards on anymore because they have to spend the entire segment stopping them from speaking and talking over them with disclaimers stating they have no evidence at all to verify these claims.
We all await discovery, because this time NOT having proof, like every other case tossed out for lack of proof, will mean they're guilty.

You're right, there's still a .00000000001% chance Rudy is right and everyone else in the world is wrong....but it's more likely solid gold monkeys will fly out of people's assets and save the economy from the Trumpandemic economy.

Wait for the reply!? You've gotten the was a retraction by everyone but Rudy and Trump.

LMFAHS. Bob, you haven't made a claim in 5 years that wasn't a lie. Truth from the right is in extremely short supply, but you have a massive glut of lies. That happens when you follow a consummate and constant liar blindly. Well over 30000 lies from the oval office in one term is not just a record, it's a record by a factor of 100 or more.
He's the best at lying (which doesn't indicate his lies are good or believable, just that he's prolific), the best at crime (again, not the most successful, but more convictions than any three administrations combined), best at swamp cultivation (pardons for sale, ndas for all ex employees, loyalty tests, pardons for anyone who went to prison for him, totally allowed his cabinet members to be lobbyists for industries they regulated after swearing they couldn't ever, pardons for those who lied to the FBI, congress, courts, irs, charities...and he lied to all of them too.....and to you, daily.)

Thanks for the laugh. You're a good clown, Bob. Maybe take it up as a career.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing says intimidation like 2.7 Billion.
This will bring discovery.

Each side gets a say.Just because 1 bring a suit doesn't necessarily mean it 100%true.
It could include a PR wording, intimation wording. The other side gets a say. Lets wait for the reply.

Lies are from the left also in great supply.

Man goes viral for incredible long jumps over cups in China

newtboy says...

I don't want to do math, I'm just curious if he should take up long jump or stop sabotaging his running career for likes.

BSR said:

Measure the diameter of the cup circle and times it by 60. Of course you would probably have to go to a county fair to find that kind of cup anymore.

4 Biggest Takeaways from the Final Presidential Debate

bobknight33 says...

Biden has been a looser his whole career.

Biden is the last guy to pick and the Dem Party has placed their hope on controllable corrupt guy to get across the finish line, then the party will dump him with in 2 years and run the VP.

Trump made his $ before going into politics. Biden made his $ as a politician. He and his whole family are worth millions by Joe Selling out favors, just 98% of all the other politicians.

Trump stands for the people, Biden stands for himself.

MEGA Landslide 2020.

Biden team needs to cheat, and even says so.

newtboy said:

Trump lost before it started by being so incapable of civil or rational behavior they actually had to mute the president on live TV. Duh.

Slipping in polls, no money, failed pandemic response, failed trade wars, failed by sparking civil division, failed wall fraud, failed at race, failed economy, just failed all around.....but Biden lost by suggesting ending oil independence, the only rational option?!

Are you saying being dependent on foreign oil, or massively subsidized oil at all, is good?! You like that kind of socialism, right? The kind where billion dollar companies get handouts they don't need, but citizens who are in need get the bills?!
Fuck, Bob.
Irrational desperation isn't a good look.


Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

newtboy says...

Evidence? Like a secret recording? A near impossibility, and at best even if perfectly successful, a career suicide mission and lifelong threat for anyone who tries.

Anonymous sources are the best you'll get in today's political world where turning on Trump always leads to credible death threats and often attempts, but they're good enough for Trump to quote when making policy, so fair game to use against him.

The evidentiary rules in the court of public opinion are not the same as criminal court.

Lutonant said:

Hearsay, please give the evidence knob head.

Trump Holds Indoor Rally as Wildfires and Pandemic Rage

newtboy says...

Trump has blamed State governors for fires on federal land for 3 1/2 years+ but has done nothing to solve the problems on land he controls.

The failure has been in the making longer than that, try since the industrial revolution. I live in a rain forest starting it's third decade of drought. It's a major climate shift. The science is settled, not in question for decades.

No, he needs to listen to the professional forest managers already there instead of ignoring them because he knows more about everything than anyone. See his recent meeting with California's forest managers for examples of his stupidity, his plan is just like for Covid, do nothing, blame others, deny there's a problem, claim it will just go away, blame others again, pat himself on the back for a job perfectly done.

His idea, rake the forests, is just dumb and impossible. Only a complete moron believes you can rake up 33 million acres of mountainous forests, including removing all forest litter which is necessary habitat for many forest creatures and downed trees like redwoods that are useless as lumber. Only a stupid ignoramus believes that's a solution.

Let's say it costs about $1000 per acre, a vast underestimation, that's an extra $330 billion per year for raking California's forests alone. Is Trump offering to fund that, or is he cutting funding instead? (Hint, he cut funding)

Much of the mismanagement is from fighting fires. For decades the plan was don't let any fire burn, that's left forests with 2-5 times the fuel it would naturally have. The last decade that's been realised and when possible fires are allowed to burn. It's too little too late.

Trump's idea of draining the swamp has been plugging the outlets and pumping millions of gallons of sewage into it. That means removing career civil servants and selling positions to friends and contributors with no experience and massive conflicts of interests. Trump's is the most criminal administration ever, with more convictions than any other including Nixon. Politics are incredibly more swampy than before Trump, and the state of the union is crumbling and poised to dissolve into another civil war.


bobknight33 said:

Trump been in office 3+ years
This failure has been long in the making 30+ years.

Sound like he need to fire land management team and put in place some people who know what to do. More swamp draining?

The Most Popular Programming Languages - 1965/2020

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

newtboy says...

Here, since you're incapable of even looking....

Wouldn't it be nice if you supported someone who wasn't so despised by all news media and only supported by sycophantic opinion?
Wouldn't it be great if you had someone who, when they denied the disgusting, disrespectful, anti American statements was at least minimally believable?
Because Fox won't post the clip doesn't mean it doesn't exist, they often hide their own reporting and replace it with opinion because they fear Trump sending his crazy murderers and stalkers after their personnel?
Fortunately it went out and others recorded it, not hard to find took me 4 seconds...

You won't get whistleblowers against Trump coming out publicly, consider the threats the last whistleblower endured, any Trump whistleblower, it's a career ender even though retaliation is illegal, and the start of a life of fear because anyone anywhere might be the next right wing assassin attempting to murder your wife because you spoke up against the moronic messiah.

Wouldn't it be great if there weren't direct evidence of nearly everything he's accused of, (not the shit you made up)?

Trump hates blacks-definitely, undeniably, historically, on tape, video, and in business and investigatory documents going back at least 50 years without pause. Only the blind won't see it.
Trump hates women-if they don't serve his ego, definitely
Trump hates Gays-yep, as long as it makes him palatable to his base for certain
Trump hates military- definitely, thinks they're dumb because he doesn't understand service to anyone but himself
Trump hates poor people- absolutely unless they're stroking his ego and handing over their cash for his frauds
Trump hates everyone.- everyone who won't stroke his insecure ego, yes he does
Trump raped more woman- 24 is a lot, more than who?
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.- You made that claim up, that was Falwell
Trump raped little boys- you made that up, but maybe
Trump raped little girls- almost a certainty, his best friend did on Trump's properties for years and years after being prosecuted and convicted, with Trump's knowledge
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.- infinitely more likely than the one your ilk claim Clinton had. Trump's bestie could have given him pointers on the dungeon
Trump and Putin lies- yes, Trump and Putin lie constantly, often coordinated lies. I guess you don't believe the Republican created intelligence report that said clearly most of the impeachment charges were correct and every Trump administration witness lied under oath, eh?
Trump and China lies- Trump has certainly lied about China, but not really in collusion with them, but not for lack of trying both privately and on tv. The Chinese simply don't trust him, so aren't hitching their wagons to him.
Another investigation by Adam Schiff- if he waits until the facilitating republicans are out of the Senate and there's a chance of prosecution, not the prosecution working directly with the defendant like the first impeachment, then it's time to get Schiffty

Fake news like Fox. Funny, they went from the onlytrusted source to fake news the instant they actually investigated a Trump story instead of just repeating Trump's denial.

Trump picked a fight with the media before being elected so he could convince dunces that they're just all mad at him and willing to throw away their career by outright lying about him for no reason. Only a true idiot falls for that. Sadly that's at least 1/4 of Americans....definitely you believe it.

It is a Trump story, and he is lying as usual. Otherwise your tag would be erased.

bobknight33 said:

Sound like he has the smoking gun. Lets see it.

Yet not 1 FOX new clip confirming YTY.

Yet not 1 clip from any news source.


2 more months of lies from secrete source or Anti Trumpers,"close aids" etc etc etc.

Trump hates blacks
Trump hates women
Trump hates Gays
Trump hates military
Trump hates poor people
Trump hates everyone.
Trump raped more woman
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.
Trump raped little boys
Trump raped little girls
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.
Trump and Putin lies
Trump and China lies
Another investigation by Adam Schiff

Fake news has no choice but to super dump on Trump next 2 months because they know he will win by a land slide and they need to stop it by all means necessary.

ThunderCats Opening Remade with CGI

I don't the soccer - is this a striker?

Fake DJs Compilation

kir_mokum says...

1. people who like this kind of trash music and pay for these trash festivals do not give a fuck about how it's done, unfortunately. this does NOT fly in most scenes and you'll get laughed out of a career if you get caught. mistabishi being a fine example (being racist didn't help either though).

2. i have no idea why these people fake this stuff anyway. it would be SO BORING to stand there doing nothing for an hr or 2. plus it is not that hard to DJ on those CDJs. PLUS THEY HAVE A SYNC BUTTON.

3. some of these are false positives. the guy at the 4 min. mark is doing shit. and aoki is searching for the next tune. the dudes with him are faking doing anything though. there's only one tune playing.

Florsheim - One Of The Most Expensive Restorations

eric3579 says...

From yt comment thread..

I'm the owner of these shoes and wanted to add to the overwhelming positive response to the video and restoration. First tho, thank you Steve for dedicating yourself to your craft and being able to make this service available for folks like us. Steve knows my history on these but thought i would share some bits of it as a testament to his skills.

I bought these shoes new in the mid 90's after graduating from college being told from a friend's dad at the time that these would last a career, 25 years later, Steve completed the first resole of them. Ive worn these shoes initially every day to work and eventually reducing the wear to only special occasions knowing that Florsheim didnt make the shoe nor no longer refurbished the V-cleat soles. These shoes have seen every significant event in my career from first days of every new job, job interviews, friends weddings, my own, important meetings, anything that was important these shoes have witnessed it. ive tried to keep the best care of them only hand polishing them myself and having used shoe trees its entire life. i love the finish which is unique to this shoe and can only be had with decades of hand-polishing.

ive kept an eye out for someone that could restore the soles in the way the originals were made for the last 10 years and just recently stumbled across one of Steve's videos and the one that showed his award winning restoration of these shell cordovans down to the nail. from there i watched most of his videos almost like an interview to ensure i was comfortable with letting these shoes be worked on as they are only original from the factory once. we talked over every tiny detail and some months they are. i honestly didnt think i would find anyone that could restore these to original condition.

thank you again Steve...incredible job...and it really didn't matter to me how much it would have cost to restore these. they are priceless....including all the near falls ive had with those nails on slick floors ! i wouldn't have it any other way.

Covid 19-A Fireside Chat

newtboy says...

Why? I doubt you want an honest answer, but here's one anyway.

Because the Fed refused to help states in crisis and, to free up desperately needed hospital beds for those in immediate dire need of hospitalization, some infected patients who were not showing symptoms or in need of hospitalization were discharged to facilities where they could receive routine care outside the hospital.
Had this not been done, there would have been a massive shortage in hospital beds, and a corresponding jump in deaths across the board. It would have been smart to quarantine them separately like California did in many cases, at least until we were sure they were no longer infectious, but since American testing still gives 50% false negatives, that's impossible.
Because most nursing homes utterly failed to follow guidelines for properly quarantining these patients, and because the virus targets exactly the same people who live in nursing homes, elderly with health issues, and because the outbreak began in nursing homes and spread among them while Trump insisted there was no danger, it's less dangerous than the flu, there's no need to change behavior and we won't ever have over 15 cases, they were going to be a major problem.

Those were their only options given the federal government's near total lack of action, keep them in the hospital and deny other patients or send them "home" to be quarantined. Neither was a good option, both were certain to end in increased deaths.

If, as I and others suggested in January, we used the military to build temporary hospitals for covid only like China had already done and instituted social distancing, we would have <10% of the cases we've had and might be safe to relax. Instead we did nothing for months based on Trump's ignorant stupidity and his narcissistic insistence that he knows more about everything than educated career professionals, this cost at least 90000 American lives and rising, along with the decimation of the economy, the explosion of the deficit and debt, and at best a recession if not depression that could have been avoided.

bobknight33 said:

42% of all COVID-19 deaths are taking place in nursing homes that house 0.62% of the U.S. population.


Roger Stone Unhinged In New Deposition Footage | NowThis

kir_mokum says...

it's fascinating that he has put in so much time and effort to build his entire identity, self image, and career around being a lying, manipulative asshole.

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