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Zero Punctuation: Rage

elrondhubbard says...

RAGE is the first game I've played through to the end (single-player) since Red Dead Redemption, and frankly I thought RDR went on for too long. My one real beef with RAGE is not how soon the ending came, but how abrupt it was. I felt like I had no warning that the game was about to be really, sincerely OVER when I flipped that last switch. Also, once the storyline is over, you can't continue playing. If I want to see if I can 100% the game without replaying everything, I *might* be able to reload my last save and backtrack through the enemy citadel so I can do the remaining races I never got to... but then, I probably overlooked at least one of those collectible playing cards for the card game (which I have yet to try).

Still, my overall impression of RAGE was positive -- I really enjoyed it while I was playing, and I expect to play it some more. I got my money's worth.

Googlism: How well does Google know YOU? (Sift Talk Post)

D.C. Universe Online - Gotham City fly-through.

westy says...

some nice enviroment moalling there especially given what looks like some prity tight texture and polygon budgets.

I feel sorry for the artists that work on games like this. Its pretty much a given that the end product as a whole will be a pile of shit. ( even a company like blizzard churns out core game play in its MMO's that when compared to single player games is a buggy shit feast. (and even then they are doing a huge achievement keeping things even mildly working and ballenced).

I bet that the actual game play in this DC universe game bares absaluty nothing to the verbs that would be found within the comics this is about as analgouse to being immersed in the world as playing a DC Card game.

In fact I would prefer a card game over some shitty MMO as a card game allows the players mind to fill in the blanks where as a MMO like this will likely be crammed full of utterly shit grind game play ,generic combat shoe horned together to work with latency issues ,pore animation and terrible story deliverd in the most artificial and detrimental way possible for commic book style narrative.

Im sure enoughf people will buy this purely because of the visual context that it will justify them to keep doing this sort of shit.

On the other hand if in the 1 in a million chance it works and works well then that would be really cool. I would rather have a decent MMO around a differnt IP though ( Stargate ,StarWars, StarTreck, ) Ips that actual benefit and probably could only ever realy work properly from MMO game play.

Stop with the Minecraft (Videogames Talk Post)

Issykitty says...

I actually know nothing about the Minecraft thingy goings-on. I was just agreeing with RS just because I thought it would be funny. Even though I don't know about that particular game, I do know that I relate in terms of other games... like I HAAATE it soooo much when anyone is playing MAGIC (freakin' dorky as shit card game) on XBOX.) I don't get that at all, and I want to destroy when I witness too much of it.

Anyhow... Happy Halloween all!

Salbuchi - The Well From Hell - Part 1 of 2

geo321 says...

Never heard of the illuminati card game. What is it? This guy totally lost me in trying to think of what he's trying to say is rational. Then again I haven't seen the cards.>> ^GuyFawkes:

Im a newb dude, dont have the patience to load his other stuff. Pretty scary days we are living in folks!
Anybody know about the Illuminati card game? Check it out for yourself

Salbuchi - The Well From Hell - Part 1 of 2

The Best of Bandit Keith...IN AMERICA!

2009 Pokemon Masters World Champion - State of Pokemon

JAPR says...

There is no phase 3.

I enjoy playing the video game, but I don't think the card game has as much depth of strategy and is entirely too luck-based.

2009 Pokemon Masters World Champion - State of Pokemon

Muslim Cleric Makes Sense

chilaxe says...

Wiki on his fatwa banning Pokemon:
Not only do Pokemon evolve, they do so "in battles where the survivors are those who adapt better to the environment; another of Darwin's dogmas." In addition, both depiction of imaginary animals and card-games are contrary to the Quran.

Conservatives in these countries might find it difficult to modernize their economies without "adapting."

An 11-year old plays Contra for the first time

rychan says...

>> ^Shpydir:
>> ^Shepppard:
I don't like the concept of "Project D"
My generation is basically one of the last to realize the gap between where we've come from, and where we're going. Being born in 89, I grew up with PSX, N64, genesis, ect. but we all knew about the previous consoles, and knew about where it came from.

Kid, I don't mean to sound like a cranky old fart and I kinda see what you're saying, but if you missed the 80's, you don't even know. There were these places called Ar-cades that we used to go to. They were just these whole rooms full of games. You put a token in and then you got to play the game for a bit.
It was nuts.

Well, to be fair, the arcade scene persisted very much into the 90's. Street Fighter 2 was not released until 1991, for instance. In Japan video arcades are still popular. But if you were born in 1989 in the US then you definitely missed a big part of gaming history. I was born in 1981 and I still too young to experience the real start of a gaming culture. I don't know when exactly that was, but Pac Man was released in 1980. Pong was back in 1972 so some old farts could claim that to understand the history of gaming you would need to be alive back then, but I'm skeptical of that.

I played the Atari but I never really liked it. It wasn't until the Nintendo with games like Final Fantasy (1990) that I was drawn into gaming. PC games like King's Quest, Hero's Quest, Sim City (1990), Civilization (1991), and Doom (1993) played just as big a role.

Having spent a fair amount of time hanging out in arcades, I can safely say that I don't miss it at all. I find the idea kind of sleazy, actually -- make children give up their money as fast and reliably as possible, in an environment with minimal parental supervision. PC or console games are so much better because they're not trying to quickly kill you so that you need to put in another quarter. They also have persistence, so you can build your character over many sessions. I've seen some clever Japanese arcade games that accomplish this by synergizing with RFID enabled collectible card games, though.

40 Year Old Virgin - "Are You a Virgin!?!"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'steve carrell, seth rogan, paul rudd, sex, boobs, sandbags, card game' to 'steve carrell, seth rogan, paul rudd, sex, boobs, bewbs, bag o sand, card game' - edited by calvados

BOO! GAAAH! (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

blankfist says...

^Teddy was a gregarious prick. I like how the painter left Taft out of the picture. You know, Teddy made Taft cry publicly. That's probably the reason he didn't show up for the card game.

And, I love how the first party members are placed with their backs to us in the same position on the paintings: Lincoln(R) and Jackson(D). What a bunch of assholes.

Worst Game voice acting

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