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NicoleBee (Member Profile)

Bill Maher New Rules 5/6/11

rottenseed says...

Some people don't like "hispanic" because, essentially, it is referring to the Spaniards conquering a people, then raping their culture and their women. "Latino" or "Latina" is strange to me too, because I don't know where the reference to Latin is coming from other than the language.

The reason why it's harder to classify people than it is to classify animals is because we're all the same species. You can't call people of indigenous South American tribes "brownies" any more than you can call Jews "big noses" because people from the Middle East are also brown, just like Italians also have big noses. And Indians would really throw everybody off because they've got big noses like the Jews, dark skin like the Mexicans and hairy chests like Russian women.

The fact of the matter is, if it hasn't been conquered by the Spaniards or the British empire, it's probably a shit place to be. The French tried, but who the hell wants to go to Vietnam?

And that's how you offend a lot of people at once...>> ^bareboards2:

One pride movement that is starting, quietly, is the idea of Mexican Pride. I have only seen this a couple of places, and I am cheering it on.
Unfortunately, in America, the very word "Mexican" carries with it the echo of the phrase "dirty Mexican" -- one of the reasons we use back away to be "nice" and say Hispanic/Latino/Latina, when someone is clearly Mexican.
"Nice" becomes really ugly, when the word Mexican should be a descriptive word and not pejorative just by itself.
There are some Mexicans out there who are sick of it, and are starting to reclaim their national identity.
I had never thought of it this way, until I heard this famous actor interviewed (do wish I could remember who it was -- Salma Hayek? Someone smart and beautiful, I remember that.)
I have been trying to use the word Mexican ever since, and have screwed up, because it turns out I can't tell Guatamalen from Brazilian, so I end up insulting folks anyway. But I'm trying.
Mexican. Mexican. Mexican.

What Marijuana Leaves In Your Lungs

Seric (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Mmmm, brownie points.

In reply to this comment by Seric:
>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^Seric:
>> ^misslover:
Hello beloved,
kindly reply if your're interested in relationship with me with this email address( miss Gabriella seeking for my partner.

My my my, it's one of those....ladytypes.
I think I had better go an- DELETED

SAVED. Saved forever. Now you can treasure it for years and years, and show it to your kids. The ones you should be having with Ali and Ali's sister.

You - get brownie points.

BBC - Flying With The Fastest Birds On The Planet

Seric says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^Seric:
>> ^misslover:
Hello beloved,
kindly reply if your're interested in relationship with me with this email address( miss Gabriella seeking for my partner.

My my my, it's one of those....ladytypes.
I think I had better go an- DELETED

SAVED. Saved forever. Now you can treasure it for years and years, and show it to your kids. The ones you should be having with Ali and Ali's sister.

You - get brownie points.

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

Taxi - Jim Ignatowski's Driving Test

poolcleaner says...

This is the single most classic Christopher Lloyd scene from the entire series. Another good one was the flashback to the moment he first tried pot brownies. Hahaha! So good!

Obama to Republicans: You Can't Drive!

silvercord says...

>> ^gbfunk:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

I'm just curious here, but is there some place that I can go to get a legitimate conservative opinion? Is there a website out there where intelligent conservatives actually have valid points and constructive criticism on todays issues? I am honestly openly looking for that, but I don't think I've ever seen an intelligent conservative comment from anyone, anywhere (that I can remember). Surely this isn't all there is. Where do you go for your facts that have turned you so against this administration? I'm hoping that there is just some secret shining beacon of intelligent conservatism out there that puts everything into perspective and I just don't know about it yet. And please don't say it's Fox News.

I guess i'm actually assuming that your conservative based on the tone of the quote below. I suppose you could be libertarian or even an Anarchist for all I know, but the question still applies.

Article by Victor Davis Hanson

gbfunk (Member Profile)

silvercord says...

I read this article and am partially through the replies. I think that there are some people in this country on both sides of the debate that are actually thinking this through.

I don't know if that answers your question, but at least it isn't FOX news.


In reply to this comment by gbfunk:
>> ^quantumushroom:

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

I'm just curious here, but is there some place that I can go to get a legitimate conservative opinion? Is there a website out there where intelligent conservatives actually have valid points and constructive criticism on todays issues? I am honestly openly looking for that, but I don't think I've ever seen an intelligent conservative comment from anyone, anywhere (that I can remember). Surely this isn't all there is. Where do you go for your facts that have turned you so against this administration? I'm hoping that there is just some secret shining beacon of intelligent conservatism out there that puts everything into perspective and I just don't know about it yet. And please don't say it's Fox News.

I guess i'm actually assuming that your conservative based on the tone of the quote below. I suppose you could be libertarian or even an Anarchist for all I know, but the question still applies.

Obama to Republicans: You Can't Drive!

lampishthing says...

Obama is, at most, a right-centrist.

And he's not whining about The Job. He's whining about puerile lying frauds who fucked up The Job and have behaved like kids since they lost it.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

Obama to Republicans: You Can't Drive!

Mi1ler says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

Now I am from Canada so I dont really understand most of your mentatlity. But from my persepcitive, above you (geographically), it seems like republican reduction of restictions and regulations on various industries as well as commiting to two wars seems to have put your country into somthing of a hole. Then when people try to restore things to a state where they worked one side(the right, ironically in my opinion the wrong) fights tooth and nail to pass the buck. Now it may be some super long term strategy to mess things up so badly that when a dem comes to power you can shift all the blame onto them focusing everything negative onto them then when the term is up the right wing can blame the lousy past 4 years under dem rule as the fault of the democrats and take back power with a surge of public support.

Your country has a lot of problems and fighting people who are trying to stablize them doesnt help.

Obama to Republicans: You Can't Drive!

gbfunk says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

I'm just curious here, but is there some place that I can go to get a legitimate conservative opinion? Is there a website out there where intelligent conservatives actually have valid points and constructive criticism on todays issues? I am honestly openly looking for that, but I don't think I've ever seen an intelligent conservative comment from anyone, anywhere (that I can remember). Surely this isn't all there is. Where do you go for your facts that have turned you so against this administration? I'm hoping that there is just some secret shining beacon of intelligent conservatism out there that puts everything into perspective and I just don't know about it yet. And please don't say it's Fox News.

I guess i'm actually assuming that your conservative based on the tone of the quote below. I suppose you could be libertarian or even an Anarchist for all I know, but the question still applies.

Obama to Republicans: You Can't Drive!

quantumushroom says...

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

enoch (Member Profile)

Playinwithfire says...

Not my business I know, but ya know me, Im gonna say it anyhow sooo here it goes If changed, like this, its like your speaking in someone elses voice, this is not your voice... It may not be "correct" it is however you, your manner of speaking/communicating in writing. To me its like a vocalist using one of those stupid auto-tune things to change their voice, or syncing to another singers sound. Do not change what there is nothing wrong with, when your lips move, when your fingers touch a keyboard or a pen and paper, THAT is the only voice that should come out, Yours..
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Here you go, you owe me a pot brownie. It's still a little foreboding. I still think you could pare this down quite a bit. When is the deadline for this comment?
enoch said:

I'll take "I didn't mean to offend you" as an apology for calling schmawy, rasch and myself passive aggressive cowards who dare not say something to your face. You really don't understand, do you? sighs I say this with all sincerity and in the most human way.
What was between you and choggie was only between you and choggie.
Same as with kronos and others. It is not only unfair to lump schmawy, rasch and I into that polemic, but also dishonest. You have even stated, yourself, that we don't have issues with each other - well at least i know i didn't until you called me a pussy - yet you continue to miss the point; a point i grow weary of having to make over and over and over and over and over and over and over due to your prejudices concerning choggie.
I TOTALLY get he was a cock to you and others. I am not dismissing that, nor am I condoning choggie's actions in that regard. I never have, and neither has schmawy or rasch (as far as I know). What you failed to realize in my multitude of posts, is the truth of what I was speaking and that it had only a fraction to do with choggie. Maybe you don't think I am smart enough to make these observations? Maybe the mere mention of the word "choggie" blinds you to them because of your adversarial past with him. I do not know Netrunner, but that is your path to walk. What i DO know, is that what I was trying to say to everyone -which apparently wasn't clear enough based on the responses- is that there is a danger in like-mindedness.
Now we could talk for days about the intricacies of choggie, good and ill, but we are beyond that now. The thing that choggie fought for, though misguided and rudely most of the time, was, and is STILL, a noble thing to fight for.
I see so many people on this site berate (myself included) fundamentalist Christians...
Why? Why do we berate them? Is it ONLY because they seem so close minded? Or that they refuse to recognize facts which may disagree with their dogma? Well of course!.... or at least partially, but the real danger with a fundamentalist is the STAGNATION. The stagnation of mind and spirit. It is death. A very slow and drawn out death.
Would you like to now one of my favorite tactics? (which of course now I am going to have to change since I am posting it here.) I will put out an opposing argument - not because I actually believe that argument, because many times i don't. No..the reason I do that is force someone to challenge my argument, and in doing so, having to defend their own. It also forces them to THINK about how they came to that conclusion, and, in turn, reveals their own thought processes. If they didn't come up with the argument in the first place, then I can easily dismantle it because knowing WHAT means little without the WHY. I vote for every one of blankfists libertarian videos. Does this mean I am libertarian?
No. But, because the sift has become a place where votes are more for "agreement" than for quality or value, many times an unpopular political video needs to be heard, even if I disagree with it. I give away votes like beads to busty co-eds at Mardi Gras. Does this mean I "agree" with every video's content?
Hell. Fucking. No.
There is nothing more satisfying than poppin a vid with 9 votes, or helping a new sifter get a star, or doing a pq dive and finding a gem I can promote; or having a heated argument over something I care about with people I respect. These are good things. Things that make this place special.
You felt that choggie tried to silence you, and that had to have been a crappy feeling, and one that would have pissed me off too. Now imagine being new here and posting a video that gets laughed at and mocked with snide remarks. You are new, and you thought people would love your new christian rock video. I have often seen people shunned and berated for posting things that others either disagree or find laughable, and all it takes is the ONE comment..just one to get the ball rolling and then it's like, "hey whatever happened to so and so?" Am I accusing you of this? No, I've not seen you behave in that manner, but others do. Who are we to judge the value of another's passions, joys or interests as being worthy or unworthy? We should be voting on quality, not to ostracize.
I hope I have made myself clear. If i haven't? Well then kiss my rebel minister ass, cuz I is done with this topic, bitchez.
We cool NetRunner?
Go in peace brother.
This comment may not represent the views of dft comment editing services, Inc.

enoch (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Here you go, you owe me a pot brownie.* It's still a little foreboding. I still think you could pare this down quite a bit. When is the deadline for this comment?

enoch said:

I'll take "I didn't mean to offend you" as an apology for calling schmawy, rasch and myself passive aggressive cowards who dare not say something to your face. You really don't understand, do you? *sighs* I say this with all sincerity and in the most human way.

What was between you and choggie was only between you and choggie.

Same as with kronos and others. It is not only unfair to lump schmawy, rasch and I into that polemic, but also dishonest. You have even stated, yourself, that we don't have issues with each other - well at least i know i didn't until you called me a pussy - yet you continue to miss the point; a point i grow weary of having to make over and over and over and over and over and over and over due to your prejudices concerning choggie.

I TOTALLY get he was a cock to you and others. I am not dismissing that, nor am I condoning choggie's actions in that regard. I never have, and neither has schmawy or rasch (as far as I know). What you failed to realize in my multitude of posts, is the truth of what I was speaking and that it had only a fraction to do with choggie. Maybe you don't think I am smart enough to make these observations? Maybe the mere mention of the word "choggie" blinds you to them because of your adversarial past with him. I do not know Netrunner, but that is your path to walk. What i DO know, is that what I was trying to say to everyone -which apparently wasn't clear enough based on the responses- is that there is a danger in like-mindedness.

Now we could talk for days about the intricacies of choggie, good and ill, but we are beyond that now. The thing that choggie fought for, though misguided and rudely most of the time, was, and is STILL, a noble thing to fight for.

I see so many people on this site berate (myself included) fundamentalist Christians...

Why? Why do we berate them? Is it ONLY because they seem so close minded? Or that they refuse to recognize facts which may disagree with their dogma? Well of course!.... or at least partially, but the real danger with a fundamentalist is the STAGNATION. The stagnation of mind and spirit. It is death. A very slow and drawn out death.

Would you like to now one of my favorite tactics? (which of course now I am going to have to change since I am posting it here.) I will put out an opposing argument - not because I actually believe that argument, because many times i don't. No..the reason I do that is force someone to challenge my argument, and in doing so, having to defend their own. It also forces them to THINK about how they came to that conclusion, and, in turn, reveals their own thought processes. If they didn't come up with the argument in the first place, then I can easily dismantle it because knowing WHAT means little without the WHY. I vote for every one of blankfists libertarian videos. Does this mean I am libertarian?
No. But, because the sift has become a place where votes are more for "agreement" than for quality or value, many times an unpopular political video needs to be heard, even if I disagree with it. I give away votes like beads to busty co-eds at Mardi Gras. Does this mean I "agree" with every video's content?

Hell. Fucking. No.

There is nothing more satisfying than poppin a vid with 9 votes, or helping a new sifter get a star, or doing a pq dive and finding a gem I can promote; or having a heated argument over something I care about with people I respect. These are good things. Things that make this place special.

You felt that choggie tried to silence you, and that had to have been a crappy feeling, and one that would have pissed me off too. Now imagine being new here and posting a video that gets laughed at and mocked with snide remarks. You are new, and you thought people would love your new christian rock video. I have often seen people shunned and berated for posting things that others either disagree or find laughable, and all it takes is the ONE comment..just one to get the ball rolling and then it's like, "hey whatever happened to so and so?" Am I accusing you of this? No, I've not seen you behave in that manner, but others do. Who are we to judge the value of another's passions, joys or interests as being worthy or unworthy? We should be voting on quality, not to ostracize.

I hope I have made myself clear. If i haven't? Well then kiss my rebel minister ass, cuz I is done with this topic, bitchez.

We cool NetRunner?

Go in peace brother.


*This comment may not represent the views of dft comment editing services, Inc.

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